Authors: Kat Green
Debbie took a few deep breaths, before walking over to stand right next to the poor boy on the bed, with her husband at her side. A selfish thought ran through her mind that although she wouldn’t wish losing a child on any parent, right now she hoped this boy was another mother’s son, and not hers.
‘I’m not ready to say goodbye,’ she whispered and felt the grip from her husband’s hand tighten as he sensed her urge to run. He could feel it too.
‘He has so much more to give, he can’t be gone,’ Stuart whispered back. It was then he realised how proud he was to have a son like Luke. He hadn’t thought much about it before, but now all he could think about was how many people would be devastated if this was him. His son was a hero and a role model to a lot of people, and he had earned that status with hard work and sheer determination. Stuart wished he had been to see him play more. They had been to a few shows but not as many as they should have, at the time not wanting to cramp Luke’s style. He realised he would give anything right now to watch his son on stage doing what he was born to do, and he felt empty at the thought it might be too late.
They both nodded to indicate they were ready, and the man stepped forward and lifted the sheet. They both stared for a few seconds, taking in the sight of the poor boy who lay lifeless in front of them. They were unable to make out the boy’s face.
Debbie looked the body up and down, before her legs gave way. She steadied herself against a wall, and then doubled over as she threw up.
‘Dale, please talk to me, don't bottle things up,’ Beth said. She was supposed to be resting but she couldn't. Dale was taking care of everyone, but nobody was taking care of him because he wouldn't let them.
‘I'm fine.’ He picked up his acoustic guitar and started to play.
Beth sighed. This was what he did when he didn't want to talk about things. But she wasn't having it.
‘Dale, stop playing, please just stop
.’ She wrapped her hands around the neck and held the strings down. ‘You are not fine.’
‘Let go, B.’ He really didn't want to talk.
‘Please, Dale, he’s your best friend. I know how important that is.’ She could see the sadness in his eyes. Luke and Dale were so close, having spent half their lives together. She didn't know what he was thinking, and she was hurting for him.
Dale touched her face and shook his head.
‘I can't.’ He told her that if he started talking about it
, then he had to accept it was really happening. And at the moment, they didn’t know if it was true. It was helping him having Beth to think about. He could just focus on her and keeping her and the baby safe.
‘I miss him too,’ Beth said, and burst into tears. In truth it was she who wanted to talk about it. But she couldn’t speak honestly to Melissa because they had to focus on keeping her positive. But everyone was slowly losing hope.
Dale removed her hands from his guitar and placed it on the floor. She rested her head on his shoulder and sobbed. It took only a few seconds before he gave in and his tears fell too. He mourned the loss of his friend and his career - he didn't want to work with another band. Luke could never be replaced as their front man. But more importantly, his best friend could never be replaced.
‘I love you, Beth. You
and the baby are keeping me sane.’ He lifted her up and held her. She might be loud and feisty, but he was one of the few people who truly knew the real Bethany Watkins – the girl who just wanted someone to love her. Dale loved her, and he couldn't wait for their child to be born. But it should be a happy time and instead it was nightmare.
‘I wanted to give you everything, but it's all over,’ he said.
Beth looked up and kissed him. His hair tickled her face but she didn’t giggle as she normally would. ‘Don't worry about any of that. I just want us to be a family. I love you so much. Just promise me you’ll never leave us,’ she said, patting her stomach.
He kissed her and whispered, ‘Never.’
They talked and cried together and Dale finally opened up about how he was terrified Luke was dead and about something happening to Beth or the baby. Beth assured him that if anyone tried to hurt any of her family, she would knock them the fuck out.
Dale laughed – he loved her kick - ass attitude.
‘I don't know what to say, or do, sweetheart,’ Jo-Jo said. She stroked Tom's face as he blew smoke rings into the air.
He shrugged. ‘There’s nothing you can do.’ He took her hand and kissed it. ‘People think I don't care, but I do.’ He had always been the same when it came to his emotions – he found it hard to express how he was feeling.
‘I know you care – it’s just the way you are,’ Jo-Jo said. It had taken a long time to get with Tom but that was down to his quiet nature. He was a nice guy, but he just didn't like being the centre of attention. People called him the moody Eagle who never smiled, and he’d been accused of being ungrateful of their success. But that wasn’t true. He just didn’t show it all the time. He wasn't shy - he could be quite the wild one at times. But he was more comfortable with people he knew and trusted.
Tom was just as worried about Luke as everyone else, but he didn't really know what to do. Screaming and shouting wouldn’t help, and crying about it wouldn’t change things either.
Jo-Jo opened his jacket and wrapped her arms around him
. He covered her with the rest so they warmed each other. They were still on the balcony, giving Toby and Megan a bit of time alone after Megan’s revelation. Jo-Jo was supposed to be in the studio next day, but she really wasn't in the mood, and Cassie and Allie were also worried sick. But their manager reminded them that time was money, and they should be keeping busy to take their minds off things.
‘I’ll come with you,’ Tom said. He didn't want her out of his sight until this was sorted. He had a weird feeling that it wasn't over. Amber had gone too quiet, and he just knew she was lurking somewhere.
‘I’ll be fine,’ Jo-Jo assured him.
‘I don't care. I’m not leaving you alone until that freak is off the streets and locked up,’ he said firmly.
Tom had known Amber was trouble as soon as she walked in that night. It was the creepy way she watched Luke. There was a dark aura surrounding her, and Tom didn’t think she was normal.
It was heartbreaking for all involved and the void was already being felt. The future looked bleak for them
, but Tom knew it was Melissa who would suffer most. She had already lost him once, and now this could be permanent. He worried how she would cope.
‘She’s already been through so much,’ Tom said.
‘You care about her, don’t you?’ Jo-Jo had never heard him talk so gently about his friends.
‘I care about all of you. But yes, I do care about her, she’s like a sister.’
Jo-Jo nodded. The girls looked up to Melissa, even if they didn't say it, because she just handled everything that life threw at her. She didn't walk around like a diva who could have it all, demanding whatever she wanted. She just wanted Luke to live his dream and anything else that came with it was a bonus. Or maybe not, as it seemed right now.
Sleeping with random women got boring very quickly, and Tom was happy he had his own girlfriend now. He knew J0-Jo liked him because he was Tom, not because of what he did. They were in the same business, so she understood what life was like for him.
‘OK, you can come along to the studio watch me in action – you might learn something,’ she giggled, trying to lighten the mood.
‘I look forward to it.’
Tom thought Jo-Jo and a bass guitar were the sexiest thing on the planet. He was very proud of her and loved to watch her play. But he’d almost lost his chance with her by playing hard to get, until Luke had told him to stop being a twat and just call her.
‘I’m still better than you,’ he joked.
‘In your dreams, loser,’ she shot back and pinched him. He
the better player, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of agreeing with him.
He was still worried about her being out of his sight.
She leaned in and kissed him softly. ‘So ... don’t leave me then.’
‘What do we do if it is him?’ Jean whispered to her husband. He tried to reassure her, but in truth he didn't know the answer to that question.
How could one
mad girl cause so much trouble? Mick thought to himself. Luke had become a massive part of so many lives, and if he didn't return, the effect would be felt not only in their lives but worldwide.
Mick was more concerned about the damage this would do to Melissa. She had been through so much and he wondered how much more she could take. He was very proud of her for the strength she always seemed to find when it was needed most, but he feared this would be a bridge too far for her.
Jean lay down on the bed and closed her eyes to try and rest
, but too much was going on in her head and she found it hard to switch off. She had only just dozed off when she heard the door open and assuming it would be a nurse to check on Melissa she ignored it at first.
‘Jean,’ a voice broke through her sleepiness and she was immediately alert. She sat bolt upright as Debbie and Stuart Black walked into the room, looking shell-shocked and dazed. Jean felt a stab of panic. It wasn't good news, she just knew it. They had come to break it to them in person.
Debbie sat down on the bed next to Jean. Mick could feel the sweat on the back of his neck as he waited for them to speak. Debbie broke down, sobbing as Stuart stood next to her, looking equally lost.
‘Oh no, I am so sorry,’ Jean said, sensing from their expression that it must be bad news. It couldn't be anything else.
Debbie waved her hands in front of her as she caught her breath and realised that Jean had jumped to conclusions.
‘Sorry … god no, it wasn't him.’
‘Oh thank god!’ Jean said, and embraced them both.
Debbie explained how awful it had been, and that the dead boy belonged to some other poor mother. But it wasn't Luke. It was a relief, but she still didn't know where her son was, so her torture was still going on. It didn't make her feel much better.
In a way,
it made it worse because they might have to go through that all over again. Debbie explained about the boy, and how although the face was badly injured, she knew it wasn't Luke because the tattoos were all wrong. Also there was a small birthmark on the boy’s left hand and Luke didn’t have any birthmarks. A mother knows her child.
Debbie stopped talking and leaned over Melissa and kissed her forehead.
‘Hi, Lissa.’
Jean explained that she had been sedated. ‘She just screamed for him and they feared she’d hurt herself. This is such a mess. Dale’s trying his best to stay calm but I can tell he’s struggling too,’ Jean said.
Debbie threw her hands in the air. ‘Oh shit,’ she cried out. They had come straight to the hospital and she hadn't even called the boys. She scrabbled frantically around in her bag looking for her phone and dropping everything all over the floor.
‘Debbie, I’ll do it. You just have some tea and relax,’ Jean was already calling Dale’s number because he was the first person who should be told.
‘Thank fuck for that. So where is the little bastard?’ There was huge relief in Toby’s voice, but now they were back to knowing nothing. Dale and Beth had raced round to tell everyone in person, and deep down Beth wanted to have everyone together. Jean had given them the keys to set up base at Melissa’s. It was more private and would stop her from worrying about her home. Dale spent some time in Luke’s studio checking over his guitars and equipment. It wasn’t really needed but it made him feel like he was doing something for his best friend.