Strings (43 page)

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Authors: Kat Green

BOOK: Strings
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Toby woke up as his mum shook him.

Megan became calmer as she saw his face. ‘What happened?’ she asked, then she realised she was in pain, and this began to jog her memory. ‘Is everyone OK?’ She was worried that she wasn’t the only one who had been attacked, but Toby assured her that everyone was fine.

‘You’re not hurt?’ she asked him and he shook his head

‘Don’t worry about me … I’m sorry, I should have gone with you,’ he said as he leaned down and kissed her dry lips.

‘It’s not your fault.’ She winced at the pain as she tried to move. 

Jayne leaned over and introduced herself and Megan smiled up at her. It wasn’t the best way to meet your boyfriend’s mother, but then being stabbed wasn’t a welcome experience either.

Toby called Doctor Howard, who was also in charge of Megan’s care, and Liz. They wanted to keep the level of interaction to a minimum and they already had gained the trust of these famous people. It was not a case of giving them special treatment, but more about ensuring they prevented intrusions from the press and leaks of information – there was a criminal investigation going on, after all. They checked Megan over and were pleased at her recovery so far. Then Toby told her the bad news that after her attack they’d discovered that her womb had been so badly damaged it had to be removed, meaning she would never be able to have children. It was the worst thing he had ever had to do. Megan took it better than he thought she would. She didn’t say much, just nodded her head and then asked if Luke had been found yet. She cried when he told her he was still missing.

Toby called Tom to tell him that Megan was awake and was doing well. It was some good news at least.




‘She’s physically and emotionally drained, but she’s stronger than you think. She’ll get through this,’ Beth said about Melissa, who had now been discharged from hospital and had arrived home. Tom and Jo-Jo had been at the flat just seconds before Melissa arrived home. Beth had called Tom on her way back because she wanted to see them both. She was worried about everyone and didn’t really want her friends too far away. They had both been concerned by how Melissa looked. She was so thin, her tiny body was covered in bruises and she’d hardly said a word.

Melissa had showered and almost been force-fed by her mum who wasn't having her daughter starving to death along with everything else. Melissa didn't have the energy to argue as Jean then put her to bed. Luke’s aftershave smell was there again and after tossing and turning for a while, she eventually drifted off.

Beth was struggling to keep her secret to herself. She felt dreadful and she’d had to run to the bathroom to be sick three times since getting back from the hospital. Jean had already worked it out. Beth was just coming out of the bathroom for the third time when Jean appeared and gently ushered her back inside.

‘Bethany Watkins, how far gone are you?’ Beth tried to deny it but Jean wasn't having it. ‘Darling, I am not stupid. Throwing up, tired, no cigarettes or alcohol?’ Jean smiled and told Beth she was delighted for her and just wanted to help.

Tears flowed down Beth’s face and she frantically wiped them away. ‘Stupid hormones. I’m so scared.’ Her knees buckled under her and Jean caught her and sat her carefully on the floor. Beth thought she was five weeks but she hadn't seen a doctor yet. She told Jean that they’d found out the day after Luke went missing and she hadn't really had time to think about it. Then she’d been booked to attend a wedding the next day as the photographer, and she felt that she couldn't let the couple down. Jean agreed she would go with her for moral support. Dale wanted to go, but it was decided that he should stay away because it would just cause a stir if he was spotted. Mick would stay with Melissa so she didn't have to worry about anything.

Beth admitted it wasn't planned, and they were scared. She knew it wasn't an ideal situation but she wouldn't have an abortion, no way. ‘My baby will have everything I never had. I’ll cherish it and protect it and be everything my parents weren’t.’

Jean had no doubt she meant it. ‘You’ll be a great Mum and Dale will be a fantastic dad.’ She reminded Beth that she would always have her and Mick for support and she didn’t have to make up for the shortcomings of her parents. ‘You may not be biologically my daughter, but I love you just the same,’ she said, wiping Beth's eyes again. She was effectively going to be a grandparent and despite everything else, she was very excited about it.

‘I’m so worried about Luke. Please don't let him be dead.’ Beth buried her head in her hands, the hormones taking over again. She had never really thought about her feelings for Luke until now. He was just Luke, who was always there. But now he was gone she realised how much she cared for him. She loved him like a brother, and just like Dale, she wanted their child's uncle to come home. Beth had cried more in the last week than she had in years, and she hated it. Jean held her and comforted her, telling her that it was healthier to cry and let her feelings out, rather than trying to be brave and bottling things up. 

‘Thank you, Mum, for everything,’ Beth said, before getting up and going to the bedroom. She curled up next to her sleeping friend, and immediately she was asleep too.

‘Look at them, Mick.’ Jean and Mick stood in the doorway looking at the sleeping girls. ‘They’re just kids. The world thinks they know them but they don't. No amount of money or fame can erase loss and pain,’ Jean continued, a tear escaping down her cheek. They looked just like they had done when they were little, sharing a bed when one was scared or upset.

‘Everything’s going to be OK. I’ll give that boy a piece of my mind when he finally rolls home.’ Mick tried to make a joke of it. Jean smiled and patted his arm before going to check on the others. She found Dale in Luke’s studio. He was sitting and staring at Chloe, with sadness in his eyes. He was missing his best friend. He turned as she entered the room, but there was no hint of the smile he would usually greet her with. Jean explained that Beth was fine but sleeping, and that she knew about the baby.

e, I know you want to be strong, and you feel that you need to be the leader while Luke isn’t here, but you don’t have to pretend with me. You know you can talk to me in confidence, if you need to.’

Dale looked up a
t her and just for a moment, he looked like a little boy. ‘I’m terrified,’ he admitted. He was twenty three, and hadn’t even thought about having children for a long time yet. That was something grownups did, not him. He still felt exactly the same as he did when he was 17, and although legally he was an adult, he often didn’t feel like one.

To be honest, I’m freaking out.’ Jean patted his shoulder and took a seat opposite him, taking his hand. ‘I’m not sure I’m ready for this. There’s too much going on in my head. I need my best mate to talk to. Where the hell is he?’ He began to panic.

Everything you’re feeling is normal. It’s a huge commitment, and nothing can prepare you for it. You have to be completely honest. Do you want this baby – can you get past your initial shock and rise to the challenge? I’m asking because that girl is like another daughter to me, and I don’t want her left alone in this..’ Dale’s expression answered the question.

‘I wouldn’t do that to her. She’s my Beth, and as scared as I am at the moment, that’s my child. Of course I want it. I’m just scared and confused, and I need to get my head around it all which is not easy with everything else going on. I thought you knew me better than that?’ He snapped, and immediately felt bad. This was Jean after all. There was a smile on Jean’s face as he apologised.

      ‘No need to
apologise that was the answer I was hoping to hear.’  It had reassured her that his response had been so fierce. He loved her and the baby, no question about that. Jean still held his hand. ‘I’m here, whenever you need me, and I think you should consider telling people about it. It will make it easier to be able to talk openly about the things that worry you.’ Jean also suggested his own parents might appreciate the good news at this awful time. Talking to Jean had taken a weight off his shoulders and helped him put it all into perspective.

        ‘Thanks Mrs Webb, I’ll speak to
Beth when she’s awake. She worries that telling people early will jinx it, but perhaps you’re right. It will only be leaked to the papers somehow soon anyway.’ He paused, and looked up at her before saying ‘And, I just wanted to say that Melissa means a lot to all of us, and no matter what happens, the boys and I will always be there for her.’ Jean smiled again, this time with a tear in her eye, and patted his hand.

k you, let’s just hope Luke comes home soon. I’m really not sure what Melissa will do if he doesn’t.’

Dale didn’t even want to think about
the possibility of Luke not coming back. He couldn’t imagine life without his oldest friend, especially since he was now going to be a father.






‘Jay-Den and Stan are taking care of everything. They’re working with the PR team to get a statement out, so you don't need to worry. But for god’s sake keep your mouth shut, Beth. Don’t go anywhere near Twitter!’ Ray was pacing around his lead singer’s living room. To his surprise, she didn’t argue. Tom and Jo-Jo sat on one sofa, Beth and Dale on the other and Melissa’s parents hovered behind them. Melissa was still sleeping, and they were happy to leave her that way.

‘I think they’re going to keep it simple. Melissa fell and hurt herself, and Luke is away for a few days, taking a break.’ Ray said he knew nobody would believe it, particularly because of the police presence at the hospital, but they couldn’t say too much until they themselves knew more about what was going on.

‘No!’ A voice boomed, making everyone jump. Melissa had woken up and come to find out what was going on. ‘Luke isn’t away taking a break; he’s been kidnapped and he might be dead!’ Her voice was firm and the room went silent at her unexpected appearance. Melissa never usually spoke to anyone like that, but she had to make herself heard this time. This was
life and Luke's life. She didn't care about PR or publicity – they weren’t important right now.

Ray tried to explain that telling the full truth would open up a ‘shit storm’ but Melissa yelled this time. ‘I’m already in a shit storm!’

She turned to leave the room, but as she did,
the next thing Ray said almost sent her over the edge. He started talking about the boys spending some time in the studio to keep things ticking over, maybe doing some mixing. They could work on the things that didn’t need Luke immediately and if there was material here then he could take it and make a start on it. Dale looked up and saw the fury on Melissa’s face. ‘Are you kidding me?’ Melissa seethed as she stormed across the room and glaring at Ray, who backed away.

Dale stood up and moved between them. Ray would never offend her intentionally. ‘Melissa, he meant nothing by it, calm down.’ Dale held his hands out towards her.

Melissa jabbed a finger in Ray's direction. ‘You and that fucking label don't give a shit about him, only the money he makes you. Nobody touches his stuff, right? It goes nowhere until he comes home. Get out!’ she screamed, shaking with anger and emotion as Dale held her. For the first time, she regretted ever seeing that flyer. It had changed everything and right now it hadn’t been for the better.

‘Melissa, I do care about him, of course I do. I’m sorry.’ Ray said he hadn’t meant to upset her, and he cursed himself for not thinking before he spoke. He immediately realised how insensitive it sounded. Melissa said nothing as she removed herself from Dale’s embrace and left the room, shutting herself in Luke's studio. She sat behind the door so that no one could come in, and ignored every attempt to coax her out. She was seething and although she knew she was overreacting to what Ray said, at that moment she felt she had every right. This was her home, so people could just back off.

But Beth wouldn't give up and eventually Melissa let her in. Beth sat down next to her, against the door. ‘Are we holding a protest? We’ll need food if we’re in for the long haul. Peaceful or rowdy?’ Beth asked, smiling.

To Beth’s surprise Melissa laughed loudly. ‘Rowdy, if anyone sets foot in here. I don't care about the album or the damn record label’s time or money. They can bloody well wait.’ Without Luke, they had no album anyway so they could shove it. She was ranting, which was good because she was able to let off steam. Her head banged against the door as she gesticulated.

‘You just threw a proper diva fit. I’m very proud,’ Beth said and laughed. Then she noticed Melissa was now rubbing her bandaged face, deep in thought. ‘Do you want to look at it?’ She asked. Melissa knew she had to face it one day, but she shook her head, saying she wasn't ready. Beth reminded her that there would never be a good time, and the sooner she could accept what had happened, the sooner she could start to heal. She pulled her up, and into her bathroom where they stood in front of the large oval mirror.

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