Strings (45 page)

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Authors: Kat Green

BOOK: Strings
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Vital Signs

October 18th 2014



‘Thank you, but you don't have to keep checking on me,’ Melissa said as she stomped around the living room, her cigarette smoke filling the air.

‘Yes I do. When Luke gets home he’ll want to know you were properly looked after. We’ll all be in the shit if we don’t.’ Ray laughed and tried to lighten the mood. Melissa felt sick at the change in tactics that had been agreed upon after she'd spotted Amber in the photograph. It had made everyone realise just how determined and dangerous Amber was. They didn't know for certain that her comment had anything to do with the death of Chloe James all those years ago, but they couldn't rule it out either.

Stan, Jay-Den and Ray
had agreed with the police to hold a press conference, hoping to draw Amber out of hiding. It might not work, but nothing else was happening and they were at a loss as to what else to try. The police had scoured London and the surrounding areas endlessly, and had even carried out searches in Luke’s home town of Portsmouth, all to no avail.

Melissa and his parents had agreed to take part in the press conference, along with Inspector Fox
. Dale and Tom would be there for support, but not part of the conference itself. Everyone had agreed that it wouldn't be helpful if they lost their tempers and said the wrong thing.

‘You need to eat before we go.’ Ray hadn't seen her eat anything in days and was concerned about her weight loss. She was looking very pale, and her clothes hung off her. The constant nagging about food irritated Melissa. She’d never been a big eater and she wasn't hungry now. ‘Please, love,’ he begged. ‘What would Luke say, if he was here?’ Those last few words worked because they reminded her that Luke wouldn't let her do this to herself. ‘He’d want you to stay strong, and you know it. He needs you. Starving yourself won't help him,’ he lectured.               

‘Ray, I’m lost ... I can’t eat. I’ve barely slept in a week and when I do I have nightmares that he isn’t coming back, or Amber coming at me with a knife. Or both.’ She hadn’t told anyone that until now.

Ray put down his phone, crossed the room and hugged her. ‘I know. Everything will be fine, I promise.’ He made her sit and relax while he cooked her a huge fry-up. She played about with it at first but then she realised that she really was hungry. She finished the lot.

‘Better?’ Ray asked, and she nodded and smiled.

‘Thank you for everything, Ray. You’re a fantastic manager.’ He shrugged – it was what he was paid to do. ‘I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you.’

‘You’ve certainly kept me busy.’


‘Melissa, you’re a rock star’s girlfriend. You’re meant to run a little wild now and again,’ he said and winked.

Feeling better after getting some food inside her, she got dressed, settling on black cords, a white lace fitted blouse and black heels. She didn’t put any make-up on and let her hair hang loosely so it covered her left cheek, which made her feel more comfortable.

‘How do I look?’ she asked Ray who was waiting for her in the living room.

He was impressed by how she had pulled herself together and right now it was perfect timing. ‘You look great.’ He really wanted to say that she looked beautiful, but he didn't want her to take it the wrong way. She did look beautiful, even with the damage to her face. Melissa just had a way of lighting up a room – she had a natural inner beauty that a scarred face couldn't change, and Ray wished she could see it herself. He could see why Luke was in love with this girl. Ray didn’t fancy her - he’d been happily married for twenty years - but he had become close to these kids, and was fond of them all.

‘Ready? It’s time to go.’ He held his hand out to her and promised he wouldn't leave her side if she didn't want him to.

She took some deep breaths and clutched his hand. ‘For Luke,’ she said as he guided her through the door, into the chaos outside, and onwards to the waiting car.




‘Amber ... I’m begging you, if you have Luke then please let him go. This has gone on too long. He needs to come home. You say that you love him, but you don’t do this to the people you love. I am not asking you do it for me, but for Luke. Let him come home. We love him more than you could ever love him. Please ... I want him back! Plea ...’ her voice broke and tears took over.

Ray waved his hand, calling time on Melissa. She had done enough. This was just too much. The world had what they wanted, the full story. The pleas from Luke’s family and girlfriend filled news stations across the world. Stuart Black cuddled his distraught wife and Ray held Melissa in the same way he would hold his daughter when she was upset or scared.

Jean and Mick were watching at home. Mel
issa had asked them not to come because it would be upsetting enough for her without having them there too.

Fox ended the session by asking the public to come forward if they had any information, no matter how insignificant it may seem. He also warned against approaching Amber because she was considered dangerous. He also asked for anyone who knew her or any family members to come forward, to help find her. But apart from Jenny, the girl from Ruby's, there was no response. And she insisted that she hadn't seen Amber for months.

Jenny told the police that they’d fallen out just before Amplified because she refused to go with Amber. She had grown tired of her odd ways and had been relieved when she didn't hear from her again. Jenny didn't know much about Amber’s family life. She had met her in a club a few years before. Amber never spoke about her family, just said they weren’t important. Jenny had been concerned about her obsession with Luke, but never imagined she would go so far. She promised she would get in touch straight away if she heard from her.

‘You did so well, but it's over now,’ Ray said as he guided Melissa and Luke's parents into a private room. Dale and Tom were waiting for them and they hugged Melissa, telling her that Luke would be proud of her. Jay-Den was also there.

Stuart hugged Melissa too. ‘You did good, kid. I’m so proud of you.’ He kissed the top of her head.

‘Do you think it’ll help? Will it bring him home?’ Melissa asked. Stuart assured her that his son was coming home soon, and she had done him proud. 

Fox looked round the room, watching them all as they supported each other. Something suddenly caught his eye.

Fox had been in the force for thirty years and
in that time had developed a sixth sense, which enabled him to pick up on things that others might not. There was somebody in that room who knew more than they were letting on. It was all in the eyes. He knew for certain it wasn't the girlfriend – she was too upset to be involved, and nobody was that good an actor.

‘I messed it up, I said the wrong things,’ Melissa was saying. Debbie patted her arm and told her not to be so silly. She had done just fine.

Jay-Den asked Melissa if she would like him to take her home. Ray could do with a break, to go and see his own family. She wasn't sure but he insisted. ‘Please, I just want to help ... that's all.’ Ray had done so much and had barely seen his wife since all this started so she agreed, telling him to go home and have the rest of the day off.

‘Jay-Den, take her home and keep your hands off her,’ Dale warned him. She was vulnerable and he would break his legs if he made a move on her again. Jay-Den assured him that was not his intention. He just wanted to help, nothing more. He needed them to believe him so he didn’t have to walk on eggshells around her all the time. What had happened was in the past, and he wanted it left there. Dale accepted that he meant it – he seemed genuinely sorry. Dale was anxious to get back to Beth, who was really suffering with her morning sickness, and hadn’t been able to be at the news conference.




Melissa and Jay-Den didn't speak much on the way home, apart from a little small talk, and it all felt slightly awkward. Another press ambush was waiting outside the building, and Melissa knew she wouldn't get to the door on her own. Swallowing her pride she asked, ‘Jay-Den, will you help me get inside, please.’ He nodded and ushered her past the reporters, telling them that they’d been given all the information they were getting, and Miss Webb would not be making any further comments.

‘Thanks,’ she said once they got to the door. Jay-Den shrugged saying it was
all in a day’s work then turned to leave. Melissa stared at his back, feeling guilty that things were still so tense between them, after he had shown how sorry he was for what he’d done. Maybe he isn’t so bad, she thought. ‘Jay-Den,’ she called out to him and he turned, expecting her to ask him for another favour, or tell him to keep away from her. But to his surprise she opened the door and asked if he wanted to have coffee and stay until her parents arrived later in the afternoon.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked, looking doubtful. Melissa laughed and said it was about time they put things behind them and moved on. His smile cheered her up and he seemed genuinely pleased by her offer.

‘Just friends,’ he promised as he followed her inside, where she made coffee and they chatted. He kept his distance as promised, keeping the conversation purely friendly and Melissa began to relax as he talked about how all the girls in PR were doing a great job. Also, Russ was doing all he could to ensure the guys had what they needed and he had a temp to cover for Megan. ‘She isn’t as good, but she’ll do for now.’

‘Yeah, Megan is pretty special,’ Melissa commented.

Jay-Den looked sad about his PA’s injury and Melissa thought maybe he did have a heart after all. ‘I’m sorry that you’ve both been put through this. It wasn't meant to happen like this,’ he said. 

‘It isn't your fault. Nobody saw this coming,’ she assured him and patted his shoulder. ‘Who would have thought we’d end up in this mess?’

‘You’re amazing,’ Jay-Den said. ‘Most people older and wiser than you wouldn’t have handled it so well.’ It was as if he had watched this young girl grow and become such an inspiration in so short a time.

‘I have to ... but I do feel older these days.’ She felt like she’d aged twenty years in just one week.

‘I never meant to cause trouble, I really didn’t. But you make things so difficult.’

Melissa still had her hand on his shoulder and his comment made her feel uneasy. ‘What do you mean?’ He grabbed her hand and held it tightly. Melissa saw his expression change as he looked at her, and he kept hold of her hand.

‘Jay-Den, don’t.’ She tried to pull her hand away, but he held on to it, bringing it to his lips and kissing it. She jerked her hand backwards, but couldn’t free it from his hold.

‘Let me help you,’ he whispered. ‘I love you, Melissa. Please.’ He didn’t care any more, he just needed her to know how he felt, even though he knew in his heart that she would reject him. ‘I know you’re hurting ... that you love him.’

Melissa shuddered. This was not the first time he had said that to her. He had left her a message during their split saying it. She knew that inviting him in had been another mistake. She couldn’t believe she had been so stupid again. ‘Just friends, you said. You know it’s never going to happen. And Luke is missing!’ she yelled, yanking her hand away again. This time he let go, shaking his head.

‘But we would be good together.’ Melissa almost leapt off the sofa and backed away from him, putting as much distance between them as she could. She felt her blood boil. ‘I could give you everything, and I wouldn’t be away from you for months on end like him!’

‘Jay-Den, it’s you who sends him away for months – he’s in a band! That’s what they do.’ Jay-Den’s face flushed red. Embarrassed, Melissa thought, and so he should be. ‘I’ve got enough to deal with. I can't deal with your pathetic crush on me.’

Jay-Den looked up, and to Melissa’s horror she realised that the redness in his face wasn't embarrassment, it was anger. ‘Pathetic crush!’ he yelled, as he stormed towards her and knocked her phone from her hand. ‘Melissa, I can't stop thinking about you. You’re driving me crazy. I’ve never wanted anyone as much I want you and I hate seeing you like this …’

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