Authors: Kat Green
‘I can't,’ Melissa said, terrified.
‘Yes, you can,’ Beth assured her.
They stood for a few minutes as Melissa tried to pluck up courage, before finally indicating that she was ready. Beth gently pulled off the dressing, and Melissa closed her eyes as Beth turned her to face the mirror. Feeling sick with dread, Melissa counted to ten and took a deep breath as she opened her eyes. The face that looked back at her was not her face, and her heart thudded in her chest as she tried desperately to stop herself from screaming. The left side had two deep slashes, both only centimetres from her eye, and ending just above her lips. Through the middle of the two cuts were six lines made by Luke's guitar strings. There was a dip just under her eye where the bridge of the guitar had pushed into it, and stitches were all that held her cheek together. Her skin was purple and black and her eye was swollen and bloodshot.
‘Look at me,’ Melissa cried. She was mutilated and she knew she looked hideous.
‘I think it’s healing fine. It looks better than it did two days ago, and in another two days it will look even better. Give it a month, and you’ll be good as new.’ Beth tried to make her feel better, but it didn't work and Melissa begged for it to be covered up. Beth reminded her that the doctors were confident it would heal fully and leave very little scarring, if any.
Unfortunately, Melissa saw a different image looking back at her. She touched her cheek, her hand shaking as she traced the lines held together by stitches. ‘What will he think of me now,’ she whispered. Beth hugged her and told her not to worry. Luke would still love her whatever she looked like. Melissa leaned forward and placed her hand on Beth's stomach, taking her by surprise. ‘I can't wait to meet my niece or nephew,’ she said.
Beth looked at her wide-eyed. ‘How did you know?’ Melissa laughed and said the first time she had refused a cigarette it could mean only one thing. ‘Dammit, am I that obvious? Your Mum said the same thing!’ Beth said, laughing. She realised that it was going to be impossible to keep this a secret for long.
‘It’s so exciting. A baby, wow!’ Melissa’s emotions were a mixture of happiness and sadness. Kids might not be part of her plans right now but they would be one day, and she could only imagine having babies with one person. She was pleased for Beth and Dale, and she knew they would make great parents.
Beth knew it wasn't going to stay a secret much longer, so she decided that all of their close friends and family should be told. At least she would have more support during this nightmare situation. When they were told, everyone in the house was thrilled, and the guys christened the baby their ‘little fledgling’.
They felt bad about telling Toby after what had happened to Megan. But Toby couldn’t have been happier for them. ‘Congrats mate. We’re all already trained in sleepless nights, so you’ll be a pro. But nappy changing? You’re on you own son,’ he’d said to Dale when they’d phoned him at the hospital.
Melissa told Dale and Tom to go and be with Toby. He needed support as well. Toby had been pleased to see his bandmates, and Megan asked them if they were OK. Tom was still quite shaken up over the stabbing and couldn’t get the image out of his mind. But as usual he said very little, preferring to keep his feelings to himself. Megan had thanked Tom as he hugged her - she remembered him with Toby as they desperately tried to keep her alive. It was an image she would never forget.
The Black Eagles’ official statement to their fans read as follows.
To all our fans, from Dale, Tom and Toby. We are very sorry to say that at this present time our dear friend and front man Luke has now been missing for five days. His girlfriend Melissa has been released from hospital after being subjected to a serious attack, but thankfully she is making a good recovery. Unfortunately, our friend, and Toby Maxwell’s girlfriend, Megan May is still in hospital also having been seriously injured in a separate attack. There is no further information we can give you until we know more but they are both being taken care of and have all of our love and support. The police are now investigating, and are using all available resources to find Luke. These have been dark times for our Eagle family over the past few days and we ask for some peace and privacy while we come to terms with what has happened. We would like to thank you all for your support and kind words, which have been overwhelming. Please stay calm, and pray that we find our friend safe and well. As a band, we have stopped all work and cancelled all engagements until this situation is over.’
Stan had listened to Melissa after she had called and begged him to do as she asked, and to her surprise he wasn’t hard to convince. Even
knew the world was catching on quickly to what was really happening. The fact that two of their girlfriends had almost been murdered was something that could never be contained. Luke was never out of the public eye for five days, so it was obvious that something was wrong. The internet went crazy after the statement was released, and within two hours, the entrance of their building was covered with bunches of flowers and letters of support. Tess and her fan group sent a beautiful bunch of flowers for Megan too.
Melissa activated her accounts again to say, ‘The Black Eagles have the best fans, thank you all. At times like this, you don’t know how much your support brightens these dark days. #FindLuke’
Later that evening, Melissa finally persuaded them all to let her have some time alone. She was so grateful for all the support but she needed space to think. She stood in front of the mirror again, staring at her reflection, and turning her head to different angles. But it was no use, she thought, her face was destroyed. There was nothing she could do but hope it would calm down and heal as time went on, as the doctors seemed to think it would. As the tears fell, she pulled the mirror off the wall and threw it to the floor, sending shards scattering everywhere. Melissa stood barefoot in the middle of the sea of glass looking down at her now fragmented reflection. Her emotions getting the better of her, she did the same with every mirror in the house.
She finished off the bottle of wine in the fridge along with Luke's half bottle of whisky and a whole pack of cigarettes. Then she found Luke’s stash of weed and smoked that too, as she called his number over and over, just to hear his voice. Listening to their album only added to the torture, and at four in the morning Melissa was violently sick. By late morning, feeling like death warmed up, she had given in and called Beth. The hangover was the worst she had ever experienced. Beth came over and helped Melissa shower, sobbing as she whimpered about ending it all. She’d had enough, and she felt as though she couldn’t fight any more.
‘Don't you dare say that again,’ Beth yelled, shaking her by the shoulders. ‘You get dressed. Don't you dare give up, not now. Luke needs you, my child needs its aunty and I need my best friend.’ Beth’s voice was full of hurt. ‘Don't you dare leave me too,’ she begged.
Melissa sucked in her breath, realising suddenly how selfish she was being and how much hurt just that one sentence would have caused her best friend. She got dressed properly for the first time in what seemed like weeks and Beth brushed her hair until it was perfect.
Beth had borrowed Dale’s car for the day so they went for a drive. It felt good to get out even if they had been ambushed as soon as they left the building. But they kept their heads downs and their mouths shut. Melissa’s hangover headache was still raging. They called in to see Megan, who was putting on a brave face and insisting she was fine and didn’t want any fuss. Melissa was furious – enough was enough - this had to end, and soon. Amber wasn't this clever, surely, Melissa thought. She was starting to think that maybe she was receiving help in some way.
Toby’s mum was there, in full mothering mode, fussing around Toby and Megan and then the rest of them, treating them all like her own kids. They were important to her son, so they were important to her too.
Like Lightening
October 16
‘They’ve found nothing! This is ridiculous
, what are they playing at?’ Debbie ranted as she stomped around her son’s kitchen. She needed to feel like she was doing something, so caring for Melissa was helping her, but nothing could keep her thoughts from her missing son. Luke's dad wasn't coping very well and wouldn't leave the house in case Luke called or turned up. He’d been pulled away from the photographers quite a few times and had almost been arrested for assault. He was frantic with worry, and the lies about his son had finally got too much for him to cope with. He knew his son better than anyone, and the most recent rumour, that Luke had attacked Melissa and caused her injury was the straw that broke the camel’s back. People were calling Luke a woman beater solely on the basis of one ridiculous article suggesting the possibility. But that was enough to start the story spreading like wildfire, and being repeated as though it were fact. Stuart was so proud of his son, and these people were tainting his name when he wasn't around to defend himself. Luke despised men who hurt women, and he would never raise his hand to Melissa, no matter how bad things got. Showing his emotions with words and music was the way he coped when things got tough. That was why he was so good – people could relate to his music because it was so honest and personal. He turned bad things into good, and he shared it with the world. So many fans had said his words had saved them when they were low, and that was something money couldn’t buy.
It had been six days now, and there had been no news. The investigation was still ongoing but it was as though Luke had been erased from the world, and Amber too. The trace on both phones had drawn a blank. They’d been dumped in a bin in Camden Town, completely wiped of all data, definitely making it start to look like Amber was receiving some help. From what they knew about her state of mind, they didn't think she would think of little details like that. And Luke's car was still missing despite a national alert, including all ports and airports.
Melissa heard the smash as Debbie dropped a mug. She was on her knees in the kitchen clearing it up, apologising and promising to buy another one. Her hands were shaking. ‘Don't be daft. Leave it, Debs.’ Melissa led her up to her feet.
‘No, I made the mess, I’ll clean it up,’ she insisted, so Melissa let her carry on. It wasn't worth arguing.
‘I just want my baby back’, Debbie
suddenly began sobbing. ‘Sorry.’
‘Don't apologise for being upset, we all are. You’re his mum, so you’re closer to him than any of us.’
Debbie hugged Melissa tightly, scared she might lose her too. ‘I’m glad he has you.’ She knew Melissa loved Luke the man, not Luke the rock star. They sat on the sofa and she picked up a carrier bag she’d brought with her. She pulled out an old grey photo album.
‘What's this?’ Melissa asked.
‘It's our family album. I started it when Luke was born and kept it going up until ...’ Debbie trailed off. She explained that she couldn't have any more children after Luke. She could conceive, but she always miscarried before twelve weeks, and eventually she and Stuart had agreed to stop trying. ‘He was meant to be,’ Debbie said quietly. It explained how she was with him. Nagging, Luke called it, but he loved her all the same.
Melissa opened the album. It started the day he was born and the last photo was just a few weeks ago. There were articles and interviews, just like any other proud mother would have as memories. They laughed at the pictures, and for a while forgot he was gone. Melissa loved seeing this part of him and Debbie told her she had never shown the album to anyone outside family. Melissa asked her why not.
‘Because they’re my private memories and only people I trust completely get to share them,’ Debbie replied. Melissa smiled, knowing for certain she had been accepted.
‘That's a nice picture.’ Melissa pointed at one of Luke holding Chloe. Debbie explained that it was his twelfth birthday and his first guitar. His smile hadn't changed and he looked so pleased with it. Melissa asked if they had ever thought Luke would become a rock star. Debbie smiled and said she always knew he had a gift. He’d written his first song at thirteen and she knew then he was talented. He never had a guitar lesson in his life, he just watched his idols and mimicked them. When he turned sixteen he suddenly found his own style, saying he didn’t want to be a copycat. He wanted to be himself.
Debbie was also very proud of Dale. He was a bit older before he started playing the guitar, and he wasn’t as naturally talented as Luke. But with a few lessons and a lot of practice, he was soon jamming away with Luke and dreaming about one day being a rock star as well.
What’s amazing is that they actually did it. And you are his angel, my love’ Debbie said. She wasn’t sure if she was happier about Luke having achieved his childhood dream, or finding the perfect girl in Melissa. She did know that it was important for Luke to have someone other than his mum and his best friend believe in him. He’d needed a very special girl to understand him and accept his commitment to his music, which was at times all-consuming.
‘I don’t understand,’ Melissa wasn’t sure exactly what Debbie meant when she said that she was his angel.
She took Melissa’s hand. ‘Tina, his ex, was a bitch. She didn’t even try to understand him. She always wanted his attention and complained when he just wanted to write or play. She would put him down, just to cause an argument and get his attention. She only ever watched him play twice, and never said anything positive - she just made jokes.’ It was obvious that Debbie really didn’t like her. ‘Then you came into his life and changed everything. I knew you were good for him before I met you, just seeing the change in him.’ Melissa blushed and asked why that was. ‘He smiles much more now. He couldn’t stop talking about you the weekend you met, and he must have told me the story about Amber, the guitar and the slap at least twenty times!’ She laughed, and Melissa noticed Luke had his mum’s blue eyes. Her jet-black hair hung to just below her shoulders with no hint of grey. She didn’t look fifty-one, although lately the stress lines were more evident. Debbie Black was a very attractive woman. Luke got his intense look from her, and his cheeky smile from his dad. You could never doubt they were his parents. When you looked at each one it was like Luke staring back at you. They were a beautiful family.
‘I love watching him write and perform. It’s the most amazing thing. Tina must be an idiot,’ Melissa said. She hadn’t known that about her. Luke just said that it hadn’t worked so he ended it. He didn’t really talk about his exes much and would just say, ‘They’re not my problem any more.’
Debbie wiped away a tear. ‘Where is he?’ She cried again, and they shared another hug, before Debbie went to make yet more coffee.
Melissa was flicking through the photos when one in particular caught her eye. ‘Is this Chloe?’ she asked.
Debbie put down her coffee and looked at it. She nodded. ‘Such a shame. Luke was heartbroken when she was killed in the fire.’ Debbie looked at the photo for a few seconds then looked away. It had been such a horrible tragedy. Chloe was always at their house having dinner and watching TV. ‘She was such a sweet girl.’ Debbie shook her head. The photo showed Luke and a small girl who had light-brown hair in two pigtails, tied with pink ribbons. Both children were six years old and Luke’s eyes were just as blue and mesmerising back then. They were both sitting on a blanket in what looked like a playground. Chloe was smiling with her arm round Luke's shoulder, and he was laughing and holding his hand up in a peace sign. There were children playing in the background.
‘That's a nice memory to have,’ Melissa said, feeling sad for the girl in the photo. As she was about to close the album something caught her eye. Melissa went cold and stared at the photo, thinking that she must be seeing things. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief and looked again, closely. There was no mistake.
‘Melissa, what's wrong?’ Debbie asked her.
Melissa checked the photo again. It was still the same, she wasn't going mad. ‘Debbie, where was this taken?’
‘Rosewood Primary School.’ Debbie had been a dinner lady for a few months, and had taken the picture.
Melissa pointed at the photo, not at Luke or Chloe, but at the child in the background, looking at Chloe with a familiar and unmistakable cold stare. The same stare that she’d seen all too often over the last few months, and most recently when the guitar strings were cutting her flesh just a few days ago.
It was Amber!
Amber had been a pupil at his school, and this photo proved that she was just as obsessed with him back then. Then a thought struck her like a bolt of lightning. ‘Oh no, Chloe…’ Her blood ran cold. The photo album fell from her hands as she remembered the words Amber had said during the attack:
‘Say hello to that other little bitch that got in my way
‘Don't bottle it up, you can talk to me,’ Toby said, taking hold of Megan’s hand.
She smiled and said again that she was fine. ‘Talking about it won't change things. I’m more concerned about you.’ That was typical of Megan, always putting others first. Toby assured her that she didn't have to worry about him, but the person who had done this to her had plenty to worry about. ‘Stay out of trouble,’ she warned him, but he told her that he couldn't promise that. One of the things she liked about him was that he never made promises he couldn't keep. But on this occasion, she would have preferred a different answer.
‘Do you remember that you were trying to tell me something after the attack? What was it?’ Toby asked. Megan pretended to think about it, but played dumb, saying it must have been the shock. In reality, there was something, but she still wasn't sure she was right. She needed to be in the office to look into it. But that wasn't going to happen any time soon.
Toby told her that he had tried to find her parents but hadn't had any luck. They’d been travelling for eight months and had hardly been in touch. ‘They’ll be in some remote place. But thanks for trying.’ She leaned over and kissed his cheek. ‘Could you get my phone? I just want to text Melissa. And I could really do with a hot drink please.’
Toby found her phone then went to get her a drink. ‘I’ll just be a few minutes, but I don't want anyone in there unless I’m with her,’ he told the policeman outside her room. The officer nodded, although those were his orders anyway.
Megan switched on her phone and called the one person she thought might be able to help her. Jack, her colleague and friend, answered immediately. He was relieved to hear from her. He’d been so worried, and nobody would tell him anything.
‘Jack, I’m fine. I could do without the hole in my stomach, but that's not my main concern right now.’ She didn't have time for small talk, so she quickly explained what she needed him to do.
‘You want me to do what?!’ Jack yelled down the phone. ‘Are you insane? I could lose my job, and so could you. Are you even sure?’
Jack was the
only proper friend she’d had until she had met Toby and the rest of his group. He had always been nice to her, unlike a lot of men she’d encountered in the past. Megan explained that she wasn't sure about anything, but there was definitely something odd going on. She needed proof before she even attempted to tell Toby. He was already on the edge and if she was right, this would send him right over. Jack was torn between his friend who desperately needed his help, and the job that he loved. She assured him that nobody would know it was him. She would give him all her log in details so all traces would come back to her. If she was wrong, she would take the fall, but if she was right then the risk was worth it.
‘You really like him, don't you?’
‘Yes, I do ... please, Jack.’ She was risking everything for Toby.
‘Fine ... I’ll see what I can do.’
‘Thank you.’ She hung up just as Toby came back in with tea and some biscuits for her. She held her arms out to him, asking for one of his giant hugs that were so comforting. He held her gently, and she kissed his cheek, still thinking about Jack’s mission, and hoping she was wrong. Because if she was right, it meant that the man she was falling in love with was being lied to.