Strings (39 page)

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Authors: Kat Green

BOOK: Strings
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‘Is that really me?’ Megan gasped as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Melissa had shown up at her office unannounced earlier in the week, and taken her for lunch. She’d convinced her to come to Luke's birthday and get to know everyone properly outside of work. It wasn't a date, she assured her, so there was no need to worry. She had eventually said yes after Melissa had promised her it would be fun, and that she and Beth would look after her.

Melissa had
agreed to help Megan get ready at her flat, and had pulled out all the stops to make her look like a film star for the night.

‘Yes, that is you,’ Melissa laughed.

‘But I look—’ Megan began to say.

‘Hot,’ Melissa finished her sentence for her. She had curled Megan’s copper hair and done her make-up beautifully, but kept it natural. Melissa thought too much make-up looked tacky, and it was one of her pet hates. She had rooted through Megan's wardrobe and found dresses with tags still on them, hidden away at the back. Amongst them was a beautiful black pencil dress with silver sequins along the shoulders, which was perfect for a special occasion like this.

Megan explained that
she often went shopping and bought nice clothes, but she never had anywhere to go where she could wear them. Melissa also found boxes and boxes of shoes too, and she quickly picked out some beautiful black kitten heels.

‘Thank you, Melissa. It's been so long since I’ve been out or felt this good.’ It was so nice for her to feel pretty for once, even though she knew she was nowhere near as stunning as the girl standing behind her, who was effortlessly wearing a black silk skater dress and black lace Jimmy Choo heels. Melissa’s hair, not one strand out of place, hung loosely to her waist, and her outfit was completed by the pretty locket that Megan had noticed she always seemed to wear.

‘You always look so perfect, Melissa. How do you do it?’ 

              The comment took Melissa by surprise. ‘I don't. You should see me first thing in the morning.’

Megan laughed. Melissa really was nuts if she thought she could ever look a mess, and she told her so.

‘If you’d seen me a few months back, you wouldn’t say that. I was a mess behind those doors.’ 

‘I'm sorry. I suppose things aren’t always as they seem.’ Megan saw a flash of sadness in Melissa’s eyes and felt sorry for her. She also felt awkward for putting her foot in it.

‘Stay away from the gossip, Megan. They talk utter crap. I sometimes wonder who they’re writing about, because it certainly isn't me or Luke.’ Melissa could feel her temperature rise, just thinking about it all.

Megan wondered if she would suffer the same treatment if she even considered anything with Toby, and she asked Melissa what she thought.

‘I won't lie. They will gossip, darling, they always do. Don't worry, they aim their guns at me and Luke most of the time so you’re almost safe. You’re not famous, so if you’re lucky, they’ll leave you alone. But if you ever need anything, you just call me.’ They were both looking at the mirror as Melissa was putting the finishing touches to Megan’s hair, making sure it was just right.

Megan often wondered how Melissa stayed sane with everything that went on around her. She could have anything she wanted, but she was just a normal girl with no diva tendencies whatsoever. She was so grounded. Melissa and Luke were just like any other couple trying to make it work. In the middle of a storm, they always managed to keep themselves calm. Megan asked her how she did it, how she handled being part of a circus the whole time.

‘We just have to trust each other and protect each other as much as possible. I made a huge mistake over Kelsey...I’ll never do that again. I love him, Megan. That’s what it comes down to. It’s who he is, so I have to take the rough with the smooth. Although there are many things that annoy the hell out of us in our lives, we don’t lose sight of the fact that we are extremely lucky, and our ‘problems’ with people taking pictures of us or writing stories we don’t like are really not that bad in the grand scheme of things, and there are a lot of people who have real problems. Like Kelsey and those other girls had, for example.’

Megan marvelled at her wisdom, for such a young woman.

‘Listen, i
f you like Toby, don’t be afraid to try getting to know him better. He really is a lovely bloke. I always say that you should regret the things you do in life, not the things you don't.’

Melissa stood back and admired her work
– the makeover was complete.

They drank a glass of champagne together, cementing their new friendship, then left to join the party. Melissa told her again before they left that if she liked Toby, she should go for it. Megan admitted her fear that she would be just another notch on his bedpost, and she wasn't that type of girl.

‘You’re not just another girl. He
likes you. And that's not how I roll. If he was just going to mess you around I wouldn't be saying this. I know Toby, and I know you’ve got nothing to be scared of.’

Megan shook her head and told Melissa it wasn't him she was afraid of, it was men in general. But that was something she would have to get over, and she felt a bit more comfortable because Melissa seemed genuine about what she was saying, so maybe it wasn't as bad as she thought.

‘You really think I look nice?’

              ‘If you mean will Toby like it? ... then yes he will, he’ll be blown away.’

‘I hope so,’ Megan said as she stepped into the car, smiling at her reflection in the window.




‘Damn!’ Toby yelled across the table as he stared at the two girls walking in. One was his friend Melissa, looking lovely as ever, and the other was the girl he was definitely going to marry.

‘Is that her? The one you’re always talking about? The geeky one?’ Adam, his brother, asked. He was the same size as Toby, and they would be identical if Adam had the piercings that Toby had. Being in the Army he didn't, but he did have a tattoo on his back similar to Toby’s. He wolf whistled, and commented that she didn't look very geeky tonight.

‘No, she doesn't,’ Toby agreed, smiling as he watched her walk towards the table. She looked nervous as she waited patiently for Melissa, who chatted to guests as she crossed the room. Luke greeted Megan and hugged her as she wished him a happy birthday. He made her go and sit with them while Melissa finished her conversation with Sonny Lee. He had shown up uninvited, but Luke was thrilled. Then Echo arrived, closely followed by Silver Daggers with their girlfriends in tow, and at that point, the party really got started.

Melissa had hired the top floor of a Soho club, who had put on extra security to head off gatecrashers. She had invited all their parents, and they were all sitting together, enjoying themselves but feeling rather out of place. They were all very proud of their kids and got on like a house on fire, so they were quite happy to spend the night chatting about their kids’ success.

Toby had told his mum about Megan, and his brother pointed her out. Jayne Maxwell thought she looked like a nice girl and gave her son the thumbs up.

‘I don't want you marrying a trollop,’ she had said on many occasions. Jayne
was plump, but considering that she wasn’t a tall woman and Mr Maxwell wasn't a huge man either, it was a mystery where Toby and Adam got their size from.

Tom had finally called Jo-Jo the previous week, and they had finally gone on a date. Now, it was like the dam had burst, and they were draped all over each other in their own little bubble, confirming a new couple in the group. Beth and Dale were already on the dance floor and everyone else soon followed.

Cassie hugged her friends and told them all how much she loved them as she did a little dance around them, and falling over. Luke attempted to helped her up, but she was laughing so much they both ended up in a heap on the floor, giggling like schoolgirls.

‘I love you guys!’ she said again
, hugging Luke and kissing him on the cheek. He picked himself up and then helped Cassie to her feet. She grabbed Melissa, pulling them both in for a hug.

‘I’m so glad you two sorted things out. And I’m sorry that I wasn't around much
.’ No need to apologise, Melissa told her. Her phone calls and support were enough, and they knew she cared – the feeling was mutual.

They had left Toby alone with Megan, and it looked like things were going well. They had been deep in conversation for the last hour and she’d laughed a number of times. She seemed to be relaxing, and to everyone's surprise she allowed Toby to take her onto the dance floor. Her nerves were slowly slipping away, and she seemed to be really having fun. Hopefully she’d be going home with a smile tonight, and not tears. Toby winked at Melissa and mouthed, ‘Thank you.’ She smiled and blew a kiss back to him.

‘My work is done. The rest is down to him,’ Melissa whispered to Luke.

‘I think it's in the bag,’ he replied. His arms were round her waist and he rested his chin on her shoulder as they swayed to the music.

‘I’m so proud of you,’ Melissa said.

Luke had done so well since LA and hadn't touched drugs of any kind. And although he was still drinking and smoking he had cut down and he felt much better for it. Melissa had been his rock. She had been very vocal on the two occasions he had come close to slipping after LA, but she reminded him why he had stopped, and how he felt when he had the problem. He didn't like to think about where he might be now without her.

‘It’s getting easier because of you.’

              ‘Whenever you feel that urge again, just look at me or think about me. You made me a promise to stay off it, so when you need a distraction, I will be that distraction for you.’

‘You’re my angel – you know that, right? You look so pretty tonight ... can we go home soon?’ He had really enjoyed himself and it was nice to have fun again. But he really wanted to pick his girlfriend up and take her home.

Eventually, the night began to wind down. Jay-Den came over to say goodbye, along with Ray and his wife, and Sonny Lee. Luke's old school friends staggered over to say farewell shortly after.

‘It’s been an awesome party, Luke ... happy birthday, man, love you’ Tim slurred as he hugged him, before heading off to see Dale and Beth before he left. Tom and Jo-Jo had already gone, soon followed by Allie. She could barely remember her name thanks to the amount of tequila she’d put away. Cassie had taken her home.

‘Melissa, it was really nice to meet you finally. Take care of him.’ This came from a girl she didn’t know. Tim’s wife, Lisa, had known Luke and Dale since their school days. Melissa promised her that she would, and Lisa gave Melissa her number and suggested they keep in touch.

‘I’ll take you home,’ Toby told Megan. It wasn’t a question, and she didn’t argue. It wasn’t for any other reason than to make sure she was safe, and Megan had come to realise during the evening that he was a gentleman. Toby wouldn’t rush things with her. She was too important to him, and he wanted to get to know her first, sensing that she wasn’t very experienced.

They made their way over to say goodbye, and Megan hugged Melissa and whispered in her ear, ‘Thank you for convincing me to come.’

‘You had a good time then?’

‘The best.’

Luke and Melissa watched them leave, smiling as Toby put his arm protectively around Megan. She giggled, looking happy and relaxed for once.

‘Do you want your presents when we get home?’ Melissa asked once they were in their car and Luke laughed.

‘That is not what I meant. Don't you men ever think of anything else, but sex?’ She playfully slapped his arm.

‘No, not usually.’

‘OK ... I want to know what you’ve been whispering about,’ he said when the car had dropped them off. Melissa couldn't wait to finally show him.

down, and I’ll go and get them,’ Melissa ordered. Luke sat patiently on the sofa and a few minutes later Melissa reappeared. She had changed out of her dress and into shorts and a vest top, and was holding five parcels, all beautifully wrapped in black and a huge envelope that was almost as tall as she was. She passed him the four packages that contained clothes, and the card. The card was black, with just a simple heart on the front. The message read: ‘To My Brilliant Boyfriend, Happy Birthday.’ Inside she had written him a message.

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