Strings (23 page)

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Authors: Kat Green

BOOK: Strings
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‘You, lady, are one lucky bitch,’ Jack said.

Megan looked smug. ‘I know. Check me out, rolling with rock stars.’

‘So ... you and Toby Maxwell … spill,’ Jack whispered. He’d caught her off guard, and she blushed. Jack noticed and took it to mean that something really was going on. She tried to change the subject but it didn't work.

‘Megan, it's about time you had some fun. Go for it.
’ He sensed that her lack of confidence was getting in the way as usual, although everyone in the building had seen how he would watch her when the band came in. 

‘I’d better take this to His Majesty,’ she said, before hurrying out. It was not a conversation she wanted to be having.

‘Damn you, Toby Maxwell.’ She didn't want to, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him. As if to rub it in, she’d got back to her desk to find an email from him saying:

‘Hi Miss May, Just so you know, I’m having fun on tour,
wish you were here with us though. Toby X’.

It made her smile and
lifted her spirits even more. She didn’t want it to, but it made her heart flutter a little too.

Megan May,

she told herself. But it had made her feel good, and she wondered if Toby Maxwell was different to the others.

She replied to the email in a professional way but after much deliberation, decided to add a kiss at the end. She decided that she could easily explain it away as just friendly, if she needed to. She hadn’t realised she was staring at her screen reading his email again and again until Jay-Den, still in a bad mood, hollered at her from his office, and she came back to reality with a thud before going in to see what he wanted.

Annoyingly, he wanted her to rearrange studio time for Death Wishes because as he put it, ‘They’re being fucking idiots again, don’t ask.’

Megan didn’t ask because she really couldn’t care less about that band or their problems. They were vile, jumped-up, talentless assholes, and that was a generous description as far as Megan was concerned. She did everything for The Black Eagles gladly - they deserved her respect. She looked after Death Wishes only because her job required it.

The day passed quickly as Megan joked with studio staff and producers who all knew her well. Luke was his usual lovely self when she called to confirm details of Melissa and Beth’s visit, despite what had happened. He made her blush by asking if she was single, saying his drummer wanted to know, but she dodged the question like a pro. When she told him she needed to check something with Jay-Den, his response confirmed that there were issues.

‘No need, Jay-Den won’t argue.’ He sounded agitated at even saying Jay-Den’s name and she laughed to herself again at the hot water her boss had got himself into.






Flapping their lips

March 2014


‘Move out of the way,’ yelled one of the security guys who had been hired just to get the girls from the airport to the hotel. There was a swarm of paparazzi following them as they were ushered through Milan airport into a waiting car. Both girls wore sunglasses and the four big security guys formed a circle
around them as the swarm closed in.

‘Melissa ... Melissa … Luke’s been seen out with a fan. Did you know that?’

‘Are you and Luke fighting? Are you here to patch things up?’

‘Beth. Beth. Give us a smile!’

‘I hear Dale was out with a model last night!’ 

Melissa could feel her friend tense up next to her, so she shot her hand out and grabbed her.

‘Don't react,’
she instructed. They didn't need any more drama, not now.




              Luke had finally called her back, after ranting and stewing for hours. He still wasn't completely happy with her, but had accepted that nothing had been going on with Jay-Den. They would talk about it when she got to Milan. Luke had yelled at Jay-Den, asking him what had been going on. Jay-Den had backed Melissa up, and took full responsibility for it.

‘Luke, I'm sorry. It was my fault,’ he’d
said. He explained how she’d been worried that telling him about the stalker would jeopardise the tour, and they all thought they were doing what was best for him and the band.

‘Kissing my girl isn't best for me. You stay the fuck away from her.’ 

Jay-Den had assured him it was just a moment of madness and would never happen again. Luke told him he’d kill him if it did. He was too pissed off to carry on dealing with him, and wanted Megan to look after them.

It was clear
now that Melissa hadn't cheated, but he couldn't help still being angry with her. She had kept a secret from him – something he had never expected from her. The Jay-Den situation was awkward. He wanted to cause him some damage but being stuck in a contract with the man was making things tricky. When he calmed down, he realised that he had others to think about, not just himself.




                            ‘Losers,’ Beth said when they were finally safe in the car. She was cursing one of the mob for scuffing her new black and white Vans shoes. ‘I only got these yesterday. Fat idiot,’ she cursed, then gave him the middle finger as the car pulled away. She didn’t realise that the car had tinted windows, so he was none the wiser.

Melissa took off her leather jacket, realising how hot it was. She was both excited and nervous about seeing Luke.

‘I never learn to wear sensible shoes,’
she moaned as she kicked off the purple heels Beth had given her for her birthday. She tried to stop thinking about the conversation she’d be having shortly.

‘They’re cute though. I should have got myself a pair,’ Beth said, picking one up and admiring it. ‘Why do you have to have such small feet? If you were normal I could borrow them and we could save money and luggage space. Size threes aren’t feet – they’re more like stumps.’

‘Better than walking around on those massive clown feet of yours,’ Melissa shot back.

‘Size six isn’t that big, you cheeky bitch,’ Beth retorted and flicked Melissa on the arm playfully.

The journey took twenty minutes, and before they knew it they were checked in and heading for their rooms. Luke's room was wrecked after he had, as Dale put it, ‘Gone into full-on rock star mode.’ The chairs were all in one corner where he had just dumped his clothes. Bottles littered the floor, and several had been smashed against the wall it seemed. She tried to tidy the room, putting his clothes in order as well as clearing up the bottles to make the place at least half decent.

The bed was unmade, and laying in the middle were Chloe and his notebook. Melissa poured herself a whisky and lay on the bed flicking through his book. There was enough material for two albums, she thought as she made the bed so she could sit on it more comfortably.

‘Do you ever stop writing?’ she whispered to herself as she read.

The band were doing another interview so she had a few hours to kill before he arrived back. Beth was in the next room catching up on some rest because she claimed she always got sleepy after a flight. Melissa thought that was probably because she had put away enough wine to send most people into a coma. But she was on holiday so why not? Melissa was hungry so she called room service. And thinking about wine made her fancy a glass. She took a shower while she waited then put on a summer dress and sat on the balcony, looking out over Milan. She needed the wine for a bit of courage as she was certain Luke was going to shout at her, and she was dreading it. To make her feel even worse she checked her Twitter account and found the rumour that her and Luke had split was already circulating. This was what bothered her – how had this got out? Someone somewhere had heard there was an issue and had started flapping their lips. She knew that people didn’t care about the facts, just the gossip. Yes, they’d had a fight but they hadn’t split up – at least she hoped not. Melissa thought she would send her own little message out, her tweet simply said,
‘Finally in Milan and looking forward to watching my lovely boys in action tonight!’

She had over ten thousand followers herself so, as expected, it only took seconds for it to be retweeted hundreds of times. People tweeted back, most leaving positive messages saying they hoped she had a good time. It made her smile that at least some people liked to see them happy, even if others didn't. She didn't spend too much time looking at Twitter if she could help it, and she knew she shouldn't draw too much attention to herself. But sometimes the ridiculous gossip needed to be shut down.

She dozed on the sun lounger, tired from her flight, but it felt like only seconds before she was woken by warm lips on hers. Opening her eyes, she saw Luke looking back at her. ‘Hey,’ he said, frowning at her.

He was still annoyed with her, but at least she’d got a kiss so maybe it wasn't all bad. She stood up and threw her arms round him. ‘I'm so sorry. I will never keep anything from you again.’

He pulled her inside shutting the doors and closing the curtains blocking out the world. Melissa told him everything, even down to Jay-Den trying to hold her hand in Starbucks, making him explode all over again.

‘Why keep it from me?’ he shouted at her. ‘Why was he in our home?’ The anger still bubbled inside him and he couldn’t help but let it pour out even though he could see Melissa almost jump and then quiver under his verbal assault. Beth and Dale were in the next room and Dale had to stop Beth from getting involved as she was getting upset at how bad it was. She could hear Luke shouting and Melissa crying, begging him to listen.

‘Have you been shagging Jay-Den?’ he bellowed at her. There was real anger in his tone.




In the room next door even Beth flinched at the shouting and she looked at Dale with a worried expression.

‘He won’t hurt her, will he?’

              ‘Of course he won’t hurt her,’ Dale assured her, feeling a little annoyed that she would even think that about their friend. ‘He’s just angry. But please, just for once, wind your neck in and leave them to sort it out,’ he warned, knowing her urge to defend her friend would be in full force.

Beth eyed him for a few seconds as she thought about his request. She wanted to charge next door to stop Melissa crying.

‘Please, Beth,’ Dale begged. ‘Let them deal with it.’

‘OK,’ she huffed and stepped onto their balcony to light a cigarette. The noise from next door wasn’t so loud outside.




The crew were under instructions to keep well away while all this was going on. Only Dale, Beth and Ray stayed close by, just in case they were needed. The scene inside the room wasn’t a happy one. Melissa, head in hands, sat shaking on the bed, while Luke paced round the room. She’d hurt him so badly, and she feared he would tell her to go home and that he never wanted to see her again. That thought ripped at Melissa’s heart. Losing him was her ultimate fear.

She jumped up from the bed and grabbed him frantically as her sobs broke through, causing him to stop mid rant.

‘I was so confused – I didn't want to ruin your first tour.’ She almost screamed the words in panic. ‘I didn’t know what to do. I thought if I told you it would complicate things.’

              ‘I could have made sure you were safe before I left.’ Luke seemed to calm down a little as he stroked her cheek. ‘You could have been seriously hurt and I didn’t have a clue it was happening. But
did, and it makes me feel like a fucking idiot.’ Luke felt he should be the one to take care of her, nobody else.

‘I’m the idiot, not you,’ she admitted, happy to take full blame for all of it. She almost choked on another sob.

‘Don’t cry,’ he begged. ‘I hate seeing you cry.’

‘So stop shouting at me,’ she begged, hoping he was beginning to believe her.

‘Promise me you haven’t been sleeping with him ...’

‘I promise you! God no!’ Her tone was strong as she looked him fully in the eyes. Her gaze didn’t falter as a liar’s would. ‘Listen to me – I would never cheat on you. I love you. I was scared and confused and he took advantage. I slapped him and threw him out.’

Luke knew she was telling the truth. It was just something in his heart that told him to trust her. He tugged at her dress, winding the white cotton in his fingers, pulling her to him and feeling relief. But then the realisation of her scary ordeal finally began to sink in and he started to realise that she should have his support and protection, not anger.

‘I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you, or anyone took you away from me. He could give you so much more than I can ...’ He admitted his concerns about Jay-Den, who was a very wealthy and powerful man. He also wouldn’t be forced to leave her alone for months on end, as Luke had been.

‘Luke, shut up. Yes, he could give me everything material,’ - she rested her hand over his heart – ‘but he couldn’t give me this.’ She smiled at him, yet she was still tearful. ‘It wouldn’t matter if you don’t make another penny from music. We could be living in a cardboard box and begging, I don’t care. I just want you, nothing else.’

‘I love you so much it hurts,’ Luke whispered, as he pushed her against the wall. He didn’t want to argue any more. He wanted to stop her tears and make her feel safe again.

‘I know the feeling. I’ve missed you so much.’ She was breathless as they kissed, desperately tugging at each other’s clothes.

‘If he ever touches you again – I swear I will break his legs.’ He picked her up, carried her to the bed and threw her down much more roughly than he would normally. But the emotions racing through his body were a mix of love and jealousy. For the first time in his relationship with Melissa, he felt threatened. What had happened had floored him, and for a while made him see Melissa in a slightly different light. She was just as desirable to other men as he was to other women. She constantly worried that he would leave her for another woman, but now he knew that she could leave him for another man if she chose to. It was a scary thought, but mostly it made him want her so much more. He almost tore off her thin dress as she kissed him. The world outside didn’t exist as they forgot about everything.             

‘Nobody will ever take me away from you,’ she promised.




The shouting had stopped, and Ray was relieved. He stood outside the door, ready to go in if he had to. The others were either in their rooms or in the bar, keeping well out of the way. As Ray heard their angry shouts die down and then turn into passionate moans, he realised that all was well again in Paradise, and he quickly scuttled off before he heard something that might give him nightmares.

Toby was just heading back from the bar and raised an eyebrow at his manager. ‘Ah, the making-up stage. That took longer than I thought. Damn, I owe Tom a tenner now,’ he laughed then banged on Luke’s door.

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