Strings (24 page)

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Authors: Kat Green

BOOK: Strings
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‘You owe me a tenner, Black, you slag,’ then headed back to the bar, laughing loudly and knowing they had plenty of time to chill out. Those two weren’t going anywhere for a while.




‘We have to get going in less than an hour,’ Ray huffed, frustrated.

Luke still hadn't surfaced and wasn't answering his phone. The entire hotel must have heard their domestic, not to mention their passionate making up session. Ray messed with the spare key, which he kept for emergency reasons. His long experience as a band manager had taught him always to be prepared. He shuddered at the memory of his first ever job – a young up and coming band. They could have had everything, but Ray was young too, and didn’t react quickly enough to the signs of addiction. He found his first ever front man dead in his hotel room after taking an overdose. Twenty-four years old, with the world at his feet, and his life cut short. That experience had never left him, but it had helped make him the manager he was today. The Black Eagles were his fourth major act. He’d managed a few smaller bands along the way, but he was in his element when he had a challenge on his hands.




‘You look hot, come on, babe!’ Luke said, a slight irritation in his voice as he waited for her to finish putting her outfit together. Melissa had opted for one of her signature looks – purple skinny jeans, tight fitted vest top and killer heels. Completed by her birthday locket.

‘Leave the make-up,’ Luke told her. ‘You don’t have time – you look beautiful without it anyway.’

Melissa dropped her make-up bag and took his hand. He really did make her feel like the only girl in the world sometimes. Luke threw on his usual black hooded jumper and they were finally ready. The show was already going to be over half an hour late starting.

‘Will everyone be angry with me?’ Melissa worried as they walked to the lift. She kept hold of his hand.

Luke reassured her she had nothing to worry about. ‘Nobody will say a goddamned word to you,’ he promised.

Everyone was waiting for them at reception. Ray didn’t look at all happy, but decided to keep his mouth shut for now, considering the day’s events so far. Luke was ready and in a better mood, so overall it was good news. Rocking the boat at this stage wasn’t sensible, he decided. Their friends seemed to find the whole thing very amusing, he noticed, and so maybe he shouldn’t stress too much. Beth smirked, and smiled, giving Melissa an ‘I’m glad you’ve fixed things


‘I was going to ask if you’d made up but we kind of gathered that you had, three times,’ Dale sniggered, along with the rest of the crew who hadn’t yet headed off to get their equipment set up.

Melissa went bright red and looked at the floor, mortified. Luke shrugged, not caring right now what people had heard.

‘Slut,’ Beth sniggered.

‘Right, get on the fucking bus.’ Ray was getting more and more wound up as the minutes passed. ‘We might as well cancel tonight’s gig if we stand around here any sodding longer. Come on, move it!’

They were all eager to get going now. Toby ruffled Melissa’s hair, but her emergency brush was in her new Chloe bag. She almost felt guilty for spending such a ridiculous amount of money on a bag, and it was so pretty she almost didn’t want to use it. It matched her equally expensive shoes.

‘Glad you two made up. He’s been a right twat the past twenty-four hours. Nice to have some good karma again.’ Toby smiled, then offered to rip off Jay-Den’s balls – Melissa only had to say the word. It was a tempting offer, but she declined.

‘I think I’ve caused enough trouble for one day …’ Melissa trailed off as the boys’ state-of-the-art tour bus came into view. ‘Wow!’ It was essentially a hotel on wheels with everything they could possibly need, and more. The Wi-Fi, games consoles and Blu Ray players were the most well-used, and they were complemented with high definition TVs.

Beth was already helping herself at the bar. Melissa sat down next to Luke on the black leather seats in front of one of the TVs. He put his head on her lap and closed his eyes as the bus got going. Toby sat next to her, laying out the familiar whites lines ready for each band member. Luke would have his at the last minute. She resisted nagging him – not in front of his boys, she told herself.

‘The offer’s there if you change your mind,’ Toby said as he opened a beer. He was relieved that the situation had been resolved between the two of them, at least for now. They had all been a little concerned, because if things hadn’t worked out it would have turned the tour on its head. Melissa definitely brought a calmness to Luke and this was the perfect example. Yesterday, he’d been smashing up hotel rooms, screaming blue murder. Of course they didn’t blame him, Lake had crossed the line. But it had taken all three of them, plus Ray, to talk him out of catching the next flight home to have it out with Jay-Den, and that wouldn’t have ended well for anyone.

‘Sorry I made you all late,’ Melissa apologised timidly. She thought they were all mad with her.

Toby laughed and ruffled her hair again. ‘It’s cool, don’t stress about it. Ray just worries too much, like an old woman.’

‘I’m paid to worry, and no it isn’t OK,’ Ray shouted from the other end of the bus.

Luke stopped him mid rant, telling everyone in no uncertain terms that Melissa had been put through enough, and he didn’t want it mentioned again. ‘The name Jay-Den Lake is fucking banned as of now. Right?’

There was silence. Although it was nice that he was defending her, Melissa felt awkward again. Worried that Luke was going to have another meltdown, Dale came over to check on him and handed him a joint. He accepted it, assuring his best friend that there was nothing to worry about.

Toby left them alone and went to sit next to Beth who was getting a card game ready.

‘I’m so sorry,’ Melissa whispered to Luke. ‘I’m ruining everything.’

Luke shook his head. ‘No you’re not. At least I have you here for a while and you made being late
worth it.’ He pulled her to him and kissed her. ‘Now get me a beer, woman.’ Melissa punched him playfully on the chest, telling him to get it himself. ‘Ouch! Now that’s assault. I’m going to be late for the gig and beaten black and blue as well,’ he joked. Their giggles were a welcome sound to the rest of the bus.

Toby watched them, wishing he had someone loyal like Melissa who he could eventually settle down with. When he did, he didn't want a groupie or a fan. He wanted a nice girl he could trust. As he thought about it, those lovely green eyes filled his mind again. He wanted Megan May more as each day passed. He shook the thought away.

‘While you’re up, Webby, get us all another beer,’ Toby called, much to everyone's approval. Melissa felt happy again that normality had officially been resumed.

‘Deal me in gobby,’ Luke called to Beth, deciding to join the game. He was feeling much better now.

‘Up yours, Black,’ Beth threw back at him.

It wasn’t long before the good-natured bickering started over the rules of the game. Beth’s excuse for being rubbish at cards was that Tom always won because he cheated.




They arrived at the venue just before ten, with Ray red in the face and thoroughly stressed out. The road crew buzzed around them. Dean, who was one of the guitar technicians and responsible for all Luke's guitars, waved to the girls as he walked past. He had been in the business for fifteen years and Luke trusted him with his prized possessions. They all had someone who took care of their kit and did their sound checks. It was just as well tonight because they were straight on stage when they got there. Luckily for them, Silver Daggers, their support band, had covered for them as long as they could with several encores.

Dean gave Melissa and Beth beers, and they chatted for a few minutes. The crew were all becoming like family, and the girls had a free reign back stage. Dean was the only one who had the guts to make a joke. He’d grown very close to Luke so he could get away with it. ‘You causing trouble, Miss Webb? Tut tut.’ He’d just turned forty and had the scruffiest dark brown hair Melissa had ever seen.

‘You know me, Dean, I just have to be centre of attention.’ She flicked her hair dramatically.

‘I think you’re in Ray’s bad books. He doesn’t look happy,’ he whispered to her, grinning.

‘I know, I’m such a bad girl,’ she laughed as he walked away.

‘Better clear the air, lady.’   

Melissa knew Dean was right, so she put on her most innocent and apologetic face.

‘Sorry Ray, for causing so much trouble.’ She felt bad that they were so late, but it wasn’t all her fault.

‘That’s exactly my point. They can’t do this.’ He shook his head at her, frustrated. ‘But I know it wasn't all your fault. Sounds like a big misunderstanding on everyone's part.’ He’d given Jay-Den an ear full earlier, and he wasn’t very pleased. But Melissa was hard to stay mad with – she just had to look at you and you melted. 

‘You have to admit he’s in a better mood. Anyway, I read that it was getting cool for bands to be late on stage.’

Their manager didn’t agree, but she was doing her best ‘please don’t shout at me’ act, and Ray softened. This girl was impossible to dislike - no wonder his front man was hooked. Even if it was mostly her fault that they’d made several thousand fans wait for them to arrive. But he knew that if he upset her, Luke would kick off again.




Luckily, the show was fantastic and their lateness was forgotten. If anything, it just added to the drama, after the stories that had been circulating about them, and Melissa’s unexpected arrival in Milan.

They were just finishing
‘Weekend High’ when Luke, still playing his guitar, jumped from the stage and danced towards the now delirious crowd. He stopped in front of a young girl of about sixteen, who was already crying, and made her almost faint as he kissed her on the cheek. He then walked all the way along the front row giving high fives, before jumping back on the stage to do a guitar solo. The crowd went wild and Melissa could feel her naughty streak rushing to the surface. Beth looked at her, and knew she knew she was going to do something mad, not caring what anyone thought.

‘Liss ... what are you going to do?’

Melissa winked at her friend and looked at Ray, who was completely unaware of what Melissa was planning. She waited a few more seconds then kicked off her shoes and ran onto the stage. Luke saw her coming and smiled just as she knew he would. He couldn’t stop her as she grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed her back without stopping his solo, proving again just how talented he was. She could hear the roar of the crowd and the vibration of his guitar, and the sound was deafening. Luke was clearly enjoying himself. She didn’t care what people thought – she could stay there like that forever.

‘You are a bad girl,’ he said when he pulled away briefly. Melissa smiled and pulled him back. She wasn’t finished yet.

‘Wayhay. Go on, girl,’ she heard Dale shout. He was killing himself laughing.

‘Hold it, Luke ... don’t fuck it up,’ Tom heckled.

But he didn’t and Melissa knew that was why she had done it. If she’d thought for a second her actions would embarrass him in any way she wouldn’t have done it. But he thought it was awesome.

The crowd went wild, giving Melissa her first experience of being on a stage.

‘You nutty bitch,’ Luke joked, with the biggest grin.

‘I couldn’t help it,’ she yelled as she ran off. ‘You’re so goddam sexy.’

Ray shook his head, thinking what a handful these girls were, but at the same time the crowd had loved it, so how could he be angry?

‘That was wicked,’ Beth screamed and high-fived her. ‘Love you, girl.’

Melissa felt quite liberated; it was like sticking her finger up at all the gossips. Melissa and Luke were perfectly happy, so they could all shove it.

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