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Authors: Tristan Taormino

Stripped Down (3 page)

BOOK: Stripped Down
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“What a cutie! What a sweet boy. Why, I'd want him for myself, if you weren't here.” She winked at Drake and he leered back. “I think I have just the girl, yeah, there's a new girl and she's perfect. Deanna!” she yelled to the skinny girl sitting at the bar by the phone. “Run out and get Jubilee…and tell her I've got a special treat for her—a baby butch cherry to pop.”
I felt Deanna's bony hand grab my clammy one. I looked back at Drake sprawled out on the sectional that was crammed into the trailer's crowded front room. Drake jumped up and slapped my ass. “You go on, boy, do your dad proud. Remember what I told you. And you've got your dad's lucky dick, so get out there and fuck her senseless, Baby Boy!” He grabbed the dick where it stretched the material of my jeans over my
left thigh, said, “You go get'er,” and with that he shoved me out the door so I almost tripped over the skinny Deanna.
“Come on,” she whispered. “You'll like Jubilee, don't worry.” I suddenly felt panicked and it must've shown on my face. “Oh, you are worried, poor boy, you're white as a sheet.” She stopped and took my face between her hands for a minute and kissed my forehead so softly. “I mean it—you don't have a thing to worry about, a sweet handsome baby butch like you, Jubilee's gonna take real good care of you. Is it really your first time?”
I thought of all those times kissing and groping Marie in her bunk back at juvie, and I knew that wasn't what Drake meant by fucking. “Yeah…it's…it's my first time.” I couldn't help myself, I blushed. Suddenly I wished Drake were there. I wished he was standing right by me telling me what to do. I almost turned and ran back into the big trailer right then, but Deanna grabbed my hand again, as if she knew what I was thinking, and said, “Let's go—Jubilee's waiting.”
We walked through the dark bit of desert, stepping around old tires, empty liquor bottles, and shot-up beer cans, skirting the trailers scattered here and there. They were a motley collection, everything from cool, bulletlike Airstreams to truckbed campers up on blocks. Some of the trailers were dark and quiet and others blazed with light, music, whoops, and sharp cries. Toward the end of the camp we came to a small green trailer, the single-axle kind, with the rounded edges of the early sixties and blocks under the front and back to make it level and stable. More cinder blocks had been piled to make steps up to the door and beside them was an ancient and wind-battered jade plant.
Deanna knocked on the door. “Jubilee, Momma's got
someone for you.” We heard a voice from inside, though I couldn't make out the words. Deanna opened the door and poked her head in. “Momma said to tell you that this one's real special, a sweet baby butch, and you get to have his cherry, all right?”
I heard laughter from inside. “Send him in, sweetie.”
Deanna grabbed me by the shoulders as if she knew that I was thinking of bolting again (“Remember what I said, don't you worry now”), and shoved me up the cinder block steps. I came to a stop on the few square feet of linoleum that designated the mini-kitchen, and wiped the ice-cold sweat off my palms onto my T-shirt. Drake's dick felt like a fist pressing into my crotch in the tight harness. I tried to swallow but found that my mouth was so dry I couldn't. I tried to make sense of what I was seeing. The inside of the tiny trailer was strung with pink Christmas lights, and the table and counters of the kitchen/dining area were crammed with thick leafy plants. The other end of the trailer was draped in cloth of every texture and weight, and I didn't know where to look.
“Hey, sweet boy, come here and let me take a look at you.”
Her voice was rich and warm, like coffee, and as I turned to look into the red and pink cloth womb of her bed she shone out like a full moon breaking through the clouds, her pale skin dusted white in the dim light and seeming to glow from within. She sat up and swung both legs over to the floor. Her hair fell long and dark behind her. The deep red of her lipstick was the only color in her pale face, and her filmy pink slip showcased her lush creamy cleavage and strong thighs. I stood, stock-still, trying to work up enough spit to swallow.
“Come sit with me,” she said as she handed me a glass of water, and clearly not trusting my ability to locomote any
more than I did, she took my hand and pulled me across to the bed to sit awkwardly on the edge. She curled up against the cushions half behind me. “What a big handsome boy you are,” she said, lightly brushing my arm and thigh with her fingers. “Just relax and take your time and tell me what you want when you're ready.”
I could see my boots were resting there on the floor, but I couldn't feel my feet in them. I thought my palms must be making an oily slick of cold sweat on the front of my jeans but I couldn't move them. Shit—I was scared. I wished Drake was there to make things happen. I wished I was Drake and that I knew exactly what to do. It had seemed, when Drake strapped his big dick onto me and then pulled up my shorts and jeans and slapped my butt and said, “Go get 'em tiger!” that the dick would know what to do, but now it just lay there like the most obvious lump in the world, stretching my jeans all out of shape.
“Poor sweet boy—come here,” she said, and I felt her soft hand on the back of my neck, petting the clipped hair like I was a cat. “Don't worry, Jubilee will take care of you. Don't be scared, just let me hold you for a while.”
I curled myself around and let her fold me into her arms. With her hand still on my neck she pulled my head down to rest on the soft cushion of her breasts. She smelled like mango ice cream and I breathed in the wonderful scent of her and suddenly felt so relaxed that I thought I might just fall asleep right there.
She picked up my hand. “What big strong hands you have,” she said, bringing my hand up to her mouth and sliding first one, then two fingers past her lips.
I gasped at the warm silk of her mouth and the surprise of
her throat closing on the very tips of my fingers as she pulled them all the way in. Suddenly the dick that had felt like a hard lump of silicone in my pants turned into an electric extension of my now bulging clit. It was like the monster when Dr. Frankenstein flips the switch and lifeless matter roars to life. She released my hand and it went straight to my crotch to half-cover, half-stroke the newborn monster. She slid away from behind me and my shoulders fell against the side of the trailer. I grabbed her hand and put it on the bulge in my jeans. She bent over and, pressing the cloth down over my cock with her hand, she traced the outline with the point of her tongue, all the while looking up at me sideways to see my reaction. I looked straight at her for the first time and was lost in her huge brown eyes. Oh, she was so beautiful, with her pale perfect skin, broad cheekbones, and lush glossy lips. I couldn't stop looking even as I felt stripped by her gaze, exposed in my helpless need for her to take me in her mouth. I fumbled with my belt and she pushed my hands away, peeling back the belt, opening my jeans and expertly threading my hard cock out of the fly of my boxers. She grabbed a condom from the shelf, tore it open with her teeth, and worked it down over my dick with her mouth. I couldn't take my eyes off her.
I didn't know what to do with my hands, which were flopping around next to me on the bed as my body jumped and pulsed with the sheer force of her mouth on my dick. She worked up and down the shaft, sometimes taking the head of the big dick all the way down her throat with the sweetest muffled grunts, sounds escaping in choked bursts around the thick head. Then she would back off and caress the head with just her lips, letting her excess spit trail off the tip of my cock like it was my own come. My hips bucked with wanting to
fill her throat again.
I felt like I would go crazy, or die, or maybe come, if she'd just go on sucking me. Suddenly she grabbed my hands and put them on either side of her head, my fingers tangling in her cool thick hair. She took her mouth off my dick long enough to say, “Go ahead—pull my hair—I want you to. Fuck me as hard as you want, I can take it.” That was all I needed to hear and the last of my fear drained in the face of my mounting need. I dug my fingers into her hair, winding the thick heavy strands around my hand and pulling her head down to my crotch. My hips rose to meet her mouth and I bucked like a bronc, feeling the resistance of her tight throat on each thrust against my throbbing, bursting clit. I came in an electric flood, hearing a cry and not knowing if it was my own voice or someone else's.
In the dark silence that followed I felt Jubilee sit up and then curl around me with her head on my chest. I brought my hands up to stroke her face and the gorgeous hair I had just been yanking on. “Your hair smells so good,” I said. It was like a summer garden at night, all full of mysterious sweet and pungent smells.
“That's my good boy—you just relax now.” Her hands stroked my shoulder and arm. I pushed the spit-slicked dick down between my legs. We were silent and still and our only conversation was the sound of our breaths slowing and calming together.
Suddenly the door burst open and Drake bounded into the tiny trailer. “Hey—Baby Boy—you've done it! I peeked in and saw that you got yourself a real first-class blow job. Yeah, they don't get much better than that, do they, Jezebel—or was it Jasmine? What did you call yourself back in Vegas? Well,
it don't matter. What matters, Baby Boy, is that she gives the best head in the state of Nevada and now your dad's got a big hard-on just thinking about it.”
“Drake—you shit! I came to Winnemucca so this wouldn't happen anymore. You are the last thing I need right now.” Jubilee was up and into her mules in a second so that now she and Drake stood eye to eye in the small space. From my vantage point sprawled on the bed their heads seemed to almost touch the low ceiling and it seemed like the trailer would soon burst like an aerosol can in a bonfire.
“The last thing you need? I bet your panties are telling a different story right about now. I seem to remember exactly how much you did need it. I bet you're dripping just thinking about how I'm going to throw you down on that bed and fuck you. Don't give me that shit. I know you too well.”
“Fuck you Drake, and get the hell out of here. Can't you see I've got a client? Just leave us the fuck alone.”
“Oh, you mean Baby Boy? Don't worry about him, he's the son I never had and I'm teaching him everything I know. And now I'm gonna teach him exactly how you like to get fucked. So get back on that bed.” Drake's hand had come up to cup the side of her face as he spoke and now he pulled back and gave her a sharp slap. “You know I can hit a whole lot harder but I don't want to shock the boy, so get down there,” he said, and he pushed her toward me on the bed.
She and I locked eyes for a second. I must've looked scared because she mouthed, “It's okay,” and winked at me. She turned and got on her hands and knees with her ass to me.
“Okay boy, let's see just how wet that got her. You check—you can touch her anywhere you want and don't worry about being gentle 'cause believe you me she likes it best rough.” I
got up on my knees and tentatively reached out to touch her bare ass. Her short slip pulled away from her ass as she bent down and put her head on her hands. I slid my hand down between her thighs along the tight furrow of the lace crotch of her panties bisecting the lips of her pussy. Just like Drake had said, she was dripping; the lace was soaked through and her juice was dripping off her clean-shaven outer lips. My hand came away with a thick layer of it.
“What are you waiting for, sport? Get to work!” Drake reached out and smacked Jubilee on the ass. “Give her ass a slap, boy. You gotta soften her up before you stick that thing in.” I looked down at her and didn't know what I should do. She turned her face toward me and gave me a half-smile and nod. “You don't need to wait for permission, boy, just do it.” He picked up my hand and let it drop, then I brought it down again with a dull thud on her left buttcheek. “Okay, you can do better than that. Here—spread your fingers a little more and bring your hand down a little cupped, make it meet the curve of her ass…all right—go ahead.” I tried a second time and got a nice ringing slap.
“That's better, now you just need to do it harder.” Drake laughed and smacked her again just to show me. “Now doesn't that look beautiful? Look how nice and pink her ass gets.” I tried a few more times while Drake yelled, “Harder, boy.”
Once he pronounced her ass sufficiently red, he fished a glove out of his pocket, snapped it on, and dug down between her legs with his gloved fingers. “Oh—Baby Boy—you've got her so wet you won't need no lube with this one, just go ahead and give her the whole thing.” He reached back and grabbed my cock where it had been bumping against her thighs, pushed the head right up against her, and slapped my
ass. “Go for it, Baby Boy, that ass is all yours.”
My butt flinched away from his hand and before I even thought about it I had buried the big cock in her cunt right up to the base. Now her juices were overflowing onto the front of my shorts. Drake took my hands and put one on each side of her hips, keeping his own hands over them to show me how to hold on.
“All right, boy, you work her over from this end while I get that blow job. Oh man, I am so hard it hurts.” Drake threw his leather jacket and flannel shirt to the floor as sprawled on the bed against the opposite wall. He still had on a T-shirt over a long underwear shirt with
splashed across his skinny chest. He splayed his long legs on either side of Jubilee's lowered head, grinning at me as he tore at the bursting crotch of his tight black Levi's. Drawing out a black cock even longer and more wicked looking than the one he had given me, he winked.
With another shrug and twist of his hips to get comfortable, he took a big double-handful of Jubilee's long black hair and yanked her face up to his crotch. “Remember this bad boy?” he growled. “You can't have it till you beg me for it.”
BOOK: Stripped Down
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