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Authors: Tristan Taormino

Stripped Down (5 page)

BOOK: Stripped Down
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As much as I had some interest in that S&M shit, I had never seen an actual video, so I was watching in semishock. But that was nothing to the shock I felt when I turned to say something to Vicki and found her slumped beside me, her hand shoved down her unzipped jeans. Damn, I'd been so into the porn, I hadn't even heard her unzip.
She looked over at me and just smirked before turning back to the TV. My eyes went back to the screen, but I was thinking that not even two feet away, Vicki was getting herself off. I couldn't believe she was doing it with me in the room. I had never seen another butch get herself off. It was one of those things you just did on your own. But as I sat there, feeling the sofa jiggle with Vicki's movements, and now watching the dominatrix switch to a flogger, it was as if my dick was screaming at me to touch it. All I had to do was unzip and slide my hand inside. All I had to do was grab my shit and just stroke it, feeling the base of the dick press into my clit. I've mastered jacking off that way and could reach a climax within five minutes if necessary, and not touching myself was too much to bear with all the sexual energy in the room. But I was feeling rather embarrassed about it. I didn't know any other butch who masturbated using her dick that way. And I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to handle the possible ridicule.
“You gonna just sit there?”
My head turned. Vicki's hand was still shoved down her jeans, but she was looking dead into my eyes.
I just shrugged, the embarrassment spreading. Usually I was not the type to be shy about sex, but in this situation, I felt out of my element and couldn't find my footing.
“You can't fool me. I know you wanna do it.”
I didn't say anything, but I could tell from her eyes that she understood how I was feeling.
“If you show me yours, I'll show you mine.”
My eyes widened. “You're strapped?”
“Hell, yeah,” she said. That's when I realized the exact movements her hand had been making within her jeans. She was stroking her dick.
I relaxed for a moment, enjoying the newfound knowledge. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as my hands moved to my waist. I quickly unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my pants, unzipped, and slipped my hand inside—but then I stopped.
“I'll go first,” she said suddenly. My eyes opened and I watched as she lifted her hips and tugged her jeans down to midthigh. She reached inside the opening of her boxers and pulled out one of the most perfect dicks I've ever laid eyes on. It matched the color of her skin almost exactly. It looked to be about six inches, average width, not too veiny, and her hand fit around it as if it belonged there. She resumed stroking it and I sat there in amazement, watching someone else do what I thought I alone had done.
“Your turn.” Her voice had grown softer with arousal.
I tugged my pants down like she had, revealing my own boxers. And just as she had done, I pulled my dick out through the flap. My own was jet black, completely smooth and seven inches—bigger than the one I usually packed. But, for some reason, deep down I had wanted to impress Vicki tonight.
And she indeed looked impressed. She winked at me as she reached behind a cushion, retrieving a bottle of lube. I watched her apply some to her hand and dick before tossing the bottle to me. I couldn't help but smile as I did the same, and then we just sat there together, watching each other as we jacked off, the porn completely forgotten. To say that it was arousing is a gross understatement. Just watching her slick hand move up and down the shaft, the way she would occasionally play with the head or slow her movements teasingly, was a sight that had me about ready to cum. My own stroking was more leisurely; I was just enjoying the moment I was in,
wanting this to last for as long as it could despite every downstroke threatening to push me over the edge.
“Damn, look at that,” Vicki said suddenly.
I looked back to the television and watched the dominatrix press a large dildo into the girl's ass. At some point, the dominatrix had placed a ball gag in the girl's mouth, so as the dick was sinking into her, her cries were muffled. Her limbs were taut, hands balled into fists, as the dominatrix kept telling her to be a good slut and take it. You could see the pain on the girl's face, but she was pressing her ass back, trying to take as much as the dominatrix was willing to give.
“You like anal?” I asked.
Vicki's eyes met mine again. “Yeah, I'm into that. Lani loves taking my dick in her ass. You?”
I nodded, but looked away. Only Sonja knew that I enjoyed getting fucked in the ass, and, surprisingly, she had obliged me a few times. It wasn't something I was entirely proud of, since just about all my butch friends refused to bottom for their girls. So, the fact that I not only enjoyed bottoming, but also enjoyed receiving anal was something I kept on the down-low.
I heard a sudden movement beside me and before I knew it, Vicki had gotten to the floor and was kneeling before me. Our eyes met briefly before she moved my hand away and wrapped her strong hand around my dick. I let out a soft groan as I watched her stroke me. She pumped me for a few moments before lowering her head to take me in her mouth.
“Yo, that got lube on it,” I protested, half wanting to shove her head down on my dick, half wondering if I could let her.
“It's flavored, don't worry.” And with that, I watched her swallow my entire dick with skill. I watched in awe, not
able to believe this was actually happening. Never in my life would I ever have thought that I'd see another butch suck my dick, let alone do it with such hunger. She bobbed her head with ferociousness, her sucking beyond audible, the sounds bouncing off the walls, and she stroked the remaining inches in perfect timing. My clit was rock hard, screaming from the pleasurable pressure, and I was afraid that I was going to cum too soon. I raised my hands to try to get her to back off, but I ended up grabbing her head, feeling the slickness of her scalp in my hands as I pressed down instead. She gagged for a slight moment, but didn't back away; then she gave a loud, muffled moan that I swear I felt through my clit and down to my very toes.
I held her head tightly and started fucking her mouth. Vicki's hands gripped my hips for balance as I just lunged at her, moving with an aggression I'd never felt before. I was intensely watching her lips stretched around my dick, the way her cheeks hollowed as she sucked me with urgency, how her saliva was coating my dick so perfectly that entry between her swollen lips was effortless.
My head fell back as I lost myself in the sensation, trying to ignore the words screaming in my mind that this was beyond gay. Hell, I've heard people say that butch-on-butch sex was Super Gay. Butches didn't do this. But feeling the strength in Vicki as she sucked my dick, I didn't care. This shit right here was purely animalistic, hedonism at its best—raw heat and desire, just the need to get off. I understood all this as I felt myself start to cum. I held her head firmly as I shoved my dick down her throat, feeling my thighs twitch and my clit swell. I came, holding Vicki's head to my crotch, feeling the heat of her on my pussy through the boxers, knowing that
she probably couldn't breathe but not caring. I was loud and unashamed as I gave my cum to her, feeling my entire body just cave in on itself.
After a few moments I slumped back against the sofa, letting Vicki's head go. I was expecting her to give me an angry look for the roughness, but her eyes were filled with pure lust and delight. She sat back on her heels just smiling at me smugly, her lips puffy and red. Her dick was in her hand and she was stroking it slowly as she looked me over hungrily.
She was ready to get hers.
I forced my weary body to sit up. “Sit down.”
Vicki shook her head, that wicked smile still on her face. “Naw, baby boy, I don't want it like that.”
My eyebrow rose in confusion. “What do you mean?”
She reached in her pocket and pulled out a condom. “I want that ass.”
“Hells, no.”
“You can't say you don't want it,” she said. “I saw that look in your eyes. Now get on your knees.”
“I ain't going down like that with you. I'll suck you off, but that's it.”
“Tell me you don't want to feel my dick in your ass.” She held my gaze challengingly. “Tell me you don't want to bend over right now and feel me slide in that tight hole.”
“I don't care, yo. That shit's too far.”
“It's just me and you, son. No one else gotta know that you did it. I know you want it, you know you want it. So stop worrying about your fucking pride and get what you want.”
My jaw was tense as I returned her gaze, but I couldn't deny her words. God I wanted it. I wanted to feel what it would be like to get fucked the way I fuck. Sonja was great, but it
wasn't the same. And I knew, at this moment, I was being handed the chance.
My pride wouldn't let me answer her. So I just stood, slowly turned my back, and lay on the sofa, my ass facing her. I felt Vicki's hands on my boxers and as she pulled them down to my knees, my eyes closed in shame. I tried to pretend it was Sonja kneeling between my awkwardly spread legs, that her hands were caressing my ass, gently pinching and swatting each cheek. But as soon as I heard the snap of the condom, I couldn't pretend anymore. And the way my pussy was swelling again from that very sound, I knew I didn't want to. I felt Vicki reach for more lube, heard her apply some to her dick, and the cold shock of her applying some to my asshole, making me tense up.
I felt her body over mine, her voice in my ear. “You're gonna want to relax that ass, baby boy, or it's gonna hurt.”
I took a deep breath, trying to relax my entire body, telling myself it was just going to be like it was with Sonja: slow, measured, and as soon as I was ready, I'd be able to take it all. But I should have known better. I should have expected the same thing I'd have done if I'd been in Vicki's position at that moment. As soon as I felt her dick at my hole, she pushed in quickly, and I growled from the pain, pressing my face into the cushion. Vicki pressed all the way in, till I felt her boxers against my bare ass and she held herself still for a moment. Then I heard her groan as her hands found my waist, holding me to her, literally grinding her completely embedded dick into me. I was gasping at how full I felt; the dildos I had used before had never felt this big, despite my always secretly craving more. Well, I was getting more now, and on the other end of that dick was a butch who knew what she was doing.
Vicki pulled out halfway, then pushed in just as quickly, and as before, she held herself against me tightly, forcing me to feel all of her. The pain had already subsided and all I felt was pleasurably full, my body starting to relax in the blissful feeling. But as soon as I did, Vicki started up again. She pulled out, this time letting only the head of her dick remain, before she snapped her hips forward, driving it back into me. I gritted my teeth, my hands balling up in fists from the forcefulness. She pulled back again and repeated the quick thrusting, this time so hard that my head hit the back of the sofa. My hands reached out to brace myself as Vicki fucked me, each thrust powerful and unyielding. I knew that this was not the way she fucked Lani. This was the way you fucked someone who was as tough as you were. Someone who could handle it as rough, aggressive, and uncaring as you wanted to give it. Someone who understood that you just wanted to fuck.
She was methodical in her fucking, each stroke as measured as the one before, slamming into me so hard she might as well have been swinging a hammer. But hell, I was enjoying it. I loved being opened this way, impaled. Her grip on my waist was tight, and she began pulling me back to meet her thrusts. Instinctively I moved with her and in no time, she didn't have to guide me, because I was throwing my ass back, trying to get as much as I could. Our grunts and groans echoed through the apartment, and maybe even through the building. It felt beyond incredible. She was giving it to me just the way I've always wanted it done. And when I felt her lie on top of me, her dick in deep again, and hold herself still, I was gasping. She rotated her hips and it felt as if she was stirring my insides; my body flinching from the sensations.
One of Vicki's arms moved up to encircle my shoulders,
and when she started fucking me again, she kept her dick in deep, only withdrawing a couple of inches for her thrusts. Her body molded to mine as she fucked me slowly, and I let my head fall forward, unsure of what to do with all that I was feeling. I felt her other hand reach round my body and grab my dick, making me moan. She was stroking me as she fucked me; every time she pushed in, I'd feel the base of my dick hit my clit and my eyes rolled in my head. She pumped me deeply, her teeth nipping the back of my neck, her growls signaling that she was about to cum. In response, I pressed my ass back to meet her thrusts, in turn helping her jack me off. Her arm around my body was tightening, and I reached back and grabbed her thigh, pulling her closer as I worked my ass on her dick.
“Oh shit…,” she whispered in my ear.
She was riding my ass faster, groaning louder and louder, yanking hard on my dick now, while I bucked even faster. Vicki suddenly grabbed both my wrists and pulled them behind me. With one hand, she pinned my wrists to my back then started to ram me. If I hadn't turned my face in time, I wouldn't have been able to breathe, because now she was completely gone. She stroked me harder and harder, and before I knew it, my second orgasm of the night peaked and I yelled from the pleasure, clenching my thighs and asscheeks together, which triggered Vicki. She pressed me down into the sofa, pounding me harder and harder as she came, calling me every nasty name in the book, her voice laced with unbridled lust, and I just took it…gladly. She kept humping me until her body finally gave up, and then she slowly pulled out of me.
BOOK: Stripped Down
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