Stronger with You (With You Trilogy) (37 page)

BOOK: Stronger with You (With You Trilogy)
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“You beat all three of them?” I asked.

“Barely,” he nodded. “I took quite a beating myself but at least Ben stayed out of it.”

“Doesn’t sound like a very nice experience,” I cringed. “The whole thing sounds a bit unpleasant.”

“Yeah,” he frowned, helping me up so we could sit together on the bed.

“I made sure I never slept with a virgin again though,” he said with a frown. “Can’t have been a particularly nice first experience for her.” He closed his eyes and let his head lull onto the wall behind him.

“It was your first time too, Jason,” I said, running my fingers through his hair and appreciating the way his soft curls wrapped round my fingers. “Besides, she came onto you and she could have said no.”

When he didn’t respond I shifted a little in his lap so that I could pull myself against him and feel his bare chest against mine. “You did sleep with another virgin though,” I whispered in his ear, letting my lips linger a second against his soft skin. “And I can assure you it was a
pleasant experience for her.”

“It was, was it?” He grinned, opening his eyes and brushing my hair away from my face so he could look at me.

I nodded, blushing once more. I could feel him starting to get hard beneath me and pressing up against my sex. I was surprised at how quickly he could go from talking about something sensitive and personal, to aroused and ready to play.

“You remember it okay or do you need a reminder?” He said, his hands travelling up my waist to cup my breasts.

“I’ll never forget that day, Jason,” I smiled, my breasts pushing towards him automatically, enjoying his tender touches. “But I’d like a reminder anyways.”

“Anything for you, my little squirrel,” he grinned. “Stand up for me.”

I climbed off his lap and stood naked in front of him, my muscles already clenching deliciously in anticipation.

“You’re so beautiful, Jamie,” Jason breathed, leaning forwards on the bed to kiss the space between my breasts.

I kept quiet, biting my lip because I knew my bottom would be stinging if I tried to brush off the compliment. Jason smirked at me and I got the sense he knew exactly why I didn’t reply.

“Back up against the wall,” he said, stepping off the bed and kneeling in front of me. “Now put your leg up on my shoulder here,” he tapped his shoulder and looked at me expectantly.

I did as he said, curious as to what he going to do. My back was against the cold plaster wall and my skin broke out in goosebumps causing my nipples to harden further.

“Good girl,” he smirked. “Hold on to the ledge, I’m gonna lift you up.”

I frowned at him in confusion but held on to the windowsill with one hand. He put his hands underneath my ass and lifted my other thigh onto his shoulder so that I was effectively straddling his face.

“Jason,” I protested, blushing furiously because of the new and unusual position.

“Relax, Jamie. I’m going to remind you of my talents,” he smirked, his eyes dark with lust. “You have to stay still though, baby, otherwise you’ll fall off.” There was a note of humour behind the growl – a challenge for me to stay still for once.

I nodded, watching as he lowered his face between my thighs, holding on to my legs and spreading them wider, my back against the wall.

With Jason using his talented tongue against my clit, I quickly found myself breathless and trying to control my body. The pressure was immense. I couldn’t move because I was trapped between the wall and Jason’s mouth. He swirled his tongue around torturously, sucking my clit into his mouth.

I wrapped my fingers in his hair to hold my balance as I sat on top of him, balanced on his strong shoulders.

“Jason,” I pleaded as he let his teeth graze over my engorged clit. I was so close to my release but every time I got too close he slowed down.

“What do you want, baby?” Jason asked, slipping one hand underneath me to tease me with his fingers whilst he waited for my response.

“Please let me come,” I pleaded, knowing that was what he wanted to hear and desperate for him to let me have it.

He looked pleased and returned his tongue to join his fingers. He slipped two inside of me and began thrusting them in and out quickly. Sucking my clit into his mouth, he looked up at me and spoke again. “Come, Jamie.”

The vibrations from his lips were heavenly as they travelled through my clit to my core, releasing the knot of pressure and making me clench my thighs around his face. I cried out at the immense pleasure, my fists pulling at Jason’s hair as my whole body tensed in ecstasy.

I felt Jason lower me to the ground and he stood, holding me against him and supporting my now limp body. He tilted my chin up, pulling me into a hot, carnal kiss. I could taste myself on his tongue, smell my scent on his lips and it was strangely erotic. My mind flashed back to the image of Jason slipping his moistened finger into my mouth, coated with our mingled releases.

“You like that, Jamie?” Jason cooed, releasing me from his embrace and guiding me onto the bed.

“Yes, thank you,” I blushed.

Jason chuckled and lay down on the bed next to me, his erection flat against his fine abs.

“I want you on top of me,” he grinned, already trying to pull me on top of him.

“Your wish is my command,” I whispered seductively, letting him guide my hips into position.

I couldn’t resist grinding myself gently against his erection as it lined up perfectly between my folds. I watched Jason close his eyes as his lips parted and released a small groan of pleasure.

Jason tightened his grip on my hips before releasing one side so that he could wrap his hand around himself and guide his firm erection to my moist sex. I closed my eyes as his heat merged with mine. His hands moved and clenched around my ass cheeks, squeezing tightly as he pulled me down onto him in one swift motion. I cried out as the familiar fullness overwhelmed me.

“You okay, Jamie?” Jason asked, concern on his face.

He didn’t usually push all the way into me like that, all the way inside me with just one thrust. I was okay, I just needed a minute to adjust. The bite of pain was slight, but I knew it would soon turn to pleasure, I just needed to give myself a second to acclimatise.

As soon as the bite faded, I opened my eyes, nodding at Jason so that he knew I was okay. He smiled back, the dark heat returning to his eyes. He guided my movements with his hands, settling into a rhythm so that our hips bucked as one. With every thrust, he sank himself all the way inside of me, filling me to the very brink.

I rested my hands on his chest, feeling his firm, muscular masculinity against my palms and loving it. He moved his hands from my rear to place them over mine, holding me firmly against his chest.

“Kiss,” he demanded breathlessly, his hips still thrusting to meet me as I rolled mine against him.

I lowered myself over him, only too happy to comply. Our lips met and Jason moved one hand away from mine to hold my head against him as his tongue thrust into me, tasting me, teasing me, owning me.

I moaned softly into his mouth as he flicked his hips, nudging the magic spot a little extra and sending delightful shivers through my core.

“You feel amazing, Jamie,” Jason groaned, our lips still touching.

He released my head and hands and grabbed my hips, taking control completely and holding me still as he thrust into me with ever increasing urgency.

My fingernails dug into Jason’s chest as his intense thrusting brought me close to the edge. His movements were forceful, it was only just not painful but the proximity to the pleasure-pain border made it all the more sweet.

“Come for me, Jamie,” Jason ordered, his breathing ragged, a fine sweat beading all over his body.

My body tensed around him, yielding to him. My muscles clenched delightfully as my orgasm surged through me. It was a matter of seconds before I felt Jason burst within me and it only served to intensify my own pleasure. I loved that we were meeting our releases together. I relished the seconds we were spending in our own private Nirvana.

As my muscles relaxed, I collapsed onto Jason’s chest, my head in the nook of his neck. I kissed his throat appreciatively, savouring the slight saltiness on his skin. Our breathing slowed together whilst Jason held his arms around me possessively.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, little squirrel,” Jason breathed against my hair.

“Very happy indeed,” I murmured, my eyes growing heavy as I neared a sex coma.


Chapter 27

Wednesday, 20th February 2013

“Get off me you fiend!” I giggled, slapping Jason’s hand away.

“Round three?” He grinned.

“I have to get to class!” I slapped his hand away again as he tried to abuse his talented fingers to sway my decision. The troublesome part was that it was working.

“Fine,” he sighed, releasing me so I could get out of bed. “But if we shower together it’ll save us time and then we can have round three.”

“Perv,” I teased, already making my way into the shower and hoping he’d join me.

A very long shower and a couple of egg sandwiches later and we were walking hand in hand towards my lecture with Adam.

“My place tonight,” Jason grinned, pulling me into a wonderful goodbye-kiss that was most definitely not acceptable for public viewing.

“Okay,” I breathed, blushing from the PDA.

Jason just grinned before he turned around to leave, loving my blushing as always. I listened happily as Adam chatted away about Laura, smiling at my best friend’s happiness.

I found my thoughts drifting a little throughout the day’s lectures. I’d talked to Alex the night before whilst Jason had been in the lab at university. I’d gone behind Jason’s back and I was worried what he’d think. Ever since he’d told me about his mother, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t possibly imagine a scenario in which a mother would leave her children like that. If I didn’t understand it, then it must have been even harder for him.

I thought he needed closure, even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself. I thought he needed to talk to her. She was the only one who could give him the answers he needed to forgive himself for her leaving. I knew he thought that he’d caused her to leave by asking her to save him and Ben from their father. The question was: how was he going to get that closure if he didn’t know where she was? His Mum had left him over sixteen years ago.

I obviously couldn’t ask Jason about it because I didn’t want him to get upset or annoyed with me. My plan was to track down his mother and then give him the option of confronting her when the time came. Alex had been a godsend. He’d found Jason and Ben’s birth certificates thanks to the information he had access to in his new job. I’d looked over Jason’s birth certificate a million times. It was committed to memory.


BIRTHDATE: 03/08/1987
DISTRICT: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
SEX: Male
FATHER’S NAME: Gregory Reed
MOTHER’S NAME: Louisa Reed formerly Johansson
FATHER’S OCCUPATION: Officer, Royal Air Force


The document, whilst containing relatively little information, had given me a lot to think about. I now had names to put to Jason’s parents along with their stories. I didn’t know what Gregory Reed looked like, but I knew he was a monster who abused his wife and children.

I now knew that Jason’s mother’s name was Louisa. Her maiden name sounded Swedish, I wondered vaguely if Jason had chosen to learn Swedish because of her. He did look a little Scandinavian with his handsome dirty blond locks and strong jaw. If he had chosen Swedish because of his mother then I figured he must have held some deep-seated connection to her, despite his claims to the contrary.

Her name was all I had though, I had no other way of finding her. I’d searched for Louisa Reed on all the social networking sites I could think of. I’d also searched for Louisa Johansson in case she’d ditched her married name. There were so many hits, some of whom could have been Jason’s mother. They were about the right age. Then again, maybe none of them were. She could have remarried, could have moved abroad. She might not even be on one of those sites. It was an impossible task and for now, it seemed, I was stumped. I wasn’t going to give up though, I’d find a way.

BOOK: Stronger with You (With You Trilogy)
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