Stronger with You (With You Trilogy) (50 page)

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“He’s actually fine with it,” I nodded, smiling happily. “I mean, he was a little mopey, but I think he understands.”

“Cool,” Adam nodded. “I don’t want to come between you two.”

I smiled at him. It was cute that he was concerned about that, but he needn’t worry. Jason and I trusted each other implicitly. I’d never doubt him again, I never should have in the first place. I knew he trusted me as well and I planned on never ever breaking that trust. Jason was all I’d ever want and more.

“You’ve got that fluffy fuzzy look on your face again,” Adam teased.

“Sorry,” I grinned. “I was in my own little happy place.”

“Where Jason features heavily?” He laughed.

“Actually, reality is kinda my happy place at the minute,” I smiled. “I’ve got you and Alex. I’ve got my Jason, and my brothers are all being uncharacteristically nice. I feel like I might wake up at any minute and find out it’s all a dream.”

“Don’t jinx it,” he warned with a teasing smile. “Just be happy and appreciate the moment. And whatever you do, don’t get wasted and start thinking with your genitals.”

“Duly noted,” I laughed.

“Speaking of your brothers, what did they say about you living with the three of us next year?” Adam grinned.

“Oh,” I blanched. “I haven’t actually told them yet.”

I panicked for a brief second before I felt my shoulders relax. They were going to be pissed. They’d probably be more than pissed. In fact, under normal circumstances they’d probably be kicking my ass, but I suspected that was off the cards now.

“I’m not sure I can handle any more friendly warnings from your brothers, shorty,” Adam laughed.

“I’m pretty sure you have a get out of jail free card. It’s Bradley and Eric I’m more worried about,” I frowned. “But I’m sure my brothers’ll come around.”

I wasn’t sure at all, but I wasn’t quite as scared at the prospect of telling them as I might have been a few months previously. I knew I probably wouldn’t get away with it scot-free. Ian would probably try and make me run a marathon or do press-ups until my arms gave way but that didn’t bother me. I’d take that over an asskicking any day.


Chapter 36

Saturday, June 1st 2013

Jason pulled the car into the driveway behind the twins’ BMW. I leaned over the handbrake to give him a proper kiss before we got inside because I knew my brothers would get grumpy if I kissed him too much in front of them.

Rab had barely stepped out of the car before Alex bolted out of the front door and ambushed him, the two of them merging into one big mass of locked lips. I smiled but then quickly looked away because their kiss was definitely not PG 13.

Rab looked up a little anxiously when he spotted Ian and Karl coming through the front door to greet us.

“You finally found someone to put up with you then, Alex?” Ian asked sardonically, coming to a stop in front of them.

“Don’t be jealous,” Alex said seriously. “I gave you all plenty of chances.”

I gaped at Alex, moderately impressed by his boldness but questioning his sanity for provoking Ian. I guess he felt safe with Rab around.

Ian simply laughed it off and turned to Rab. “Least I know why he’s been bouncing up and down on the sofa for the past hour now. I just thought he was looking forward to seeing Jelly,” Ian grinned, reaching over to shake Rab’s hand.

“You’re not happy to see me, Alex?” I teased, still waiting for my greeting hug.

“Always,” he grinned. “But you don’t do filthy things to me,” he whispered as he hugged me.

“Alex,” I chided, my cheeks reddening to match Rab’s who had clearly heard what Alex had said.

“Could you be any less subtle, Alex?” Rab sighed, shaking his head. He was grinning though as Alex gave him his best innocent pout. It had the same effect on Rab that it had on me and I could tell he was already forgiven.

“Hey, Jellybean,” Ian grinned, pulling me into a very tight hug.

“Hi, big brother,” I wheezed back at him, sucking in huge gulps of air as soon as he put me down.

I hugged Karl as well and watched as Ian greeted Jason.

“Whatever you do,
mention the size of Elise’s belly,” Karl warned me seriously, wrapping his hand around my shoulders and guiding me into the house. “She’s fricking dangerous.”

I giggled because he actually looked a little afraid and that was hilarious. Karl wasn’t scared of anything apart from his wife.

“Jelly!” Elise declared happily, swaying from side to side with her large stomach leading the way. “You look so great! I’ve not seen you looking this healthy for ages!”

“You mean I’ve gotten fatter?” I grinned, watching Karl shooting me venomous glares from behind Elise for broaching a dangerous topic.

“You look good for it, Jelly. I mean it. Not fat all,” she shook her head. “You want to see fat? Look at what your caveman brother has done to me!” She pouted, rubbing her admittedly very swollen stomach. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she was five minutes away from going into labour. “I’ll never get my figure back.” She reached behind her and gave Karl what looked like a very painful nipple twist and I watched him wincing and clenching his teeth until she released him.

I stifled a giggle as Karl rubbed his poor, tortured nipple.

“You look beautiful, Elise,” Karl reassured her, using both hands to protect his nipples in case of further retribution.

Elise scowled and pushed past him to greet Jason. Karl turned his attentions back to me and I darted into the kitchen on the hunt for another brother to hide behind because the glare he gave me was a little terrifying.

“Hi, Craig,” I grinned, turning my attentions to him after being sandwiched between the twins.

Alex, Adam, and Rab trailed into the kitchen and Elise served them tea and coffee, despite the fact the twins kept trying to take over.

“I’m pregnant not dying, move out of the way,” she threatened them.

They raised their hands and backed away. I imagine they’d probably witnessed more than a few purple-nurples over the past few months and weren’t too keen on pissing her off.

“Can I help, Elise?” I asked.

“Can you get the biscuits out?” She answered with a smile.

I nodded and searched through the cupboard, pulling out packets of biscuits.

“How come she gets to help?” Danny complained.

“Because she asked,” Elise shrugged.

I busied myself arranging biscuits on a plate and enjoyed the banter. The house phone rang and I picked it up since I was closest.

“Hello?” I answered.

I was met with silence so I tried again. Nothing. I shrugged and hung up, putting the phone back on the stand.

“Who was it?” Ian frowned.

“There was no one there,” I shrugged. “Prank call I guess.”

“Again?” Ian’s frown deepened and he sighed.

“Haven’t you been getting quite a few on your mobile as well, shorty?” Adam asked.

“Yeah, probably just kids,” I shrugged.

I saw Ian fixating his interrogation gaze on me and resisted the urge to shrink back. “What’s up?” I asked him.

“You’ve been getting prank calls?” He asked.

“Sort of,” I shrugged. “There’s never anyone there.”

“Hmm,” he frowned.

“What?” I asked.

“Just a little curious,” he shrugged, trying to brush it off, but I’d seen the look of interest on his brow.

“Why?” I pressed, hoping he wouldn’t be annoyed with my barrage of curiosity.

“Your mobile and the house phone are both in my name,” he shrugged.

I wanted to question him further but I could see he was getting irritated with me so I let it drop.

We relocated to the lounge and I listened to Ian and Karl interrogating Rab. The poor guy looked a little terrified but he answered all their questions seriously. I thought it was kind of sweet that their overprotection extended to Alex as well.

“I’ve already warned him what I’ll do to him if he hurts Alex,” I reassured Ian, winking at Rab.

Ian laughed and pulled me into his side. “Yeah and I’m sure that terrified him, Jelly.”

“I’m dangerous!” I pouted, annoyed that he didn’t consider me a genuine threat.

Ian raised his eyebrow at me and pushed me down onto the sofa playfully, probably trying to make a point about my non-lethality. I frowned sulkily and crossed my arms over my chest.

“You’re dangerous for my mental health,” Jason teased, sitting down next to me. “You mind not provoking your brothers? It seems to overload their oestrogen levels.”

Jason grinned, nodding his head towards Karl. I felt a little guilty. I assumed Karl had taken out his purple-nurple frustration on Jason after I initiated the nipple-twist conversation.

“You’re doing a pretty good job of provoking them yourself,” I warned, watching my brothers shooting daggers in Jason’s direction.

“Meh,” Jason shrugged, relaxing back into the sofa next to me.

My man and his death wish
. I sighed inwardly and mentally pleaded that Karl and Ian would let it slide.

“What’s with the third degree?” Rab asked, drawing my brothers’ attentions back to him, for which I was grateful.

“Alex is practically family,” Ian shrugged. “He may be an annoying little pain in the arse but he’s our annoying pain in the arse.”

“That’s the nicest insult I’ve ever received,” Alex declared melodramatically.

Ian rolled his eyes and slapped Alex’ back gently, sitting down on the other side of Rab and Alex.

“I got the impression you lot didn’t get on too well with Alex,” Rab frowned.

“Oh?” Jake laughed, sitting down on the futon in front of us. “And whatever gave you that impression?”

“I may have mentioned that we spent half of our teenage years hiding from you,” I grinned.

“Only half?” Ian laughed.

“How come?” Rab frowned, his usually relaxed face lined with tension.

“He has a bad habit of being a little too hands on with our sister,” Ian shrugged. “We don’t appreciate it, Jason can probably attest to that.”

Jason grinned and pulled me tighter into his side. I smiled and glanced over at Ian who looked surprisingly nonplussed at Jason’s display of territorial dominance.

“I don’t get it,” Rab said, shaking his head and looking rather confused.

“Leave it, Rab,” Adam pouted, squeezing Rab’s hand gently. He looked a little uncomfortable.

“What don’t you get?” Jake grinned, his eyes darting back and forth between Alex and me.

“Why would you care?” Rab frowned. “Alex is gayer than gay.”

“So?” Ian laughed. “What does that matter?”

“Well it’s not like he was trying to sleep with her,” he shrugged before turning to Alex. “Or were you?”

“No,” Alex laughed. “No offense, Jellybaby. You’re a critical piece of equipment short.”

“Then why?” Rab asked.

“You mean we should treat him differently because he’s gay?” Ian raised his eyebrow.

Rab looked a little flabbergasted as he studied Ian. He seemed to be a little lost for words.

“Exactly,” Ian grinned, correctly assuming he’d made his point judging by the look on Rab’s face. I felt a glimmer of pride for Ian’s perspective. Rab was right, it made absolutely no sense to punish Alex for being close to me. However, I loved that Ian wanted to treat him the same as everyone else, and I suspect Alex appreciated it too in an obscure way.

“You both staying at yours?” Ian asked Alex.

“Yeah,” Alex frowned. 

I recognised that look. That was Alex’ universal “my Dad’s an asshole” look.

“What’s up?” I asked him.

“My Dad’s home,” he groaned. “We’ve managed to avoid him so far. He’s been at conferences every time we’ve been home.”

I pouted sympathetically, seeing the hurt look on Alex’ face.

“Well, if he’s a dick you can just crash here for a while,” Ian shrugged. “If you keep your hands off Jelly,” he added in mock warning.

“Thanks,” Alex said, the surprise obvious in his voice.

“You should be alright though,” Craig chimed in. “Your Dad’s a racist bastard. He’ll probably be worried Rab’s a terrorist.”

“Gay and Arab, I tick all the boxes,” Rab grinned. “At least I’ll get a job once I graduate.”

We laughed and Rab seemed much more relaxed. I’m pretty sure he thought my brothers were gay bashers or something but their chat seemed to have put him at ease a little.

Adam seemed to be getting on pretty well with the twins and it was nice that he fit right in. He was the only male friend I’d ever had that my brothers hadn’t given a hard time. I suspected that might waver a little once I told them about my living arrangements for next year. I figured it was better to get it out of the way sooner rather than later.

“Ian, can I have a word?” I asked awkwardly after we finished washing up the lunch dishes.

Ian sighed heavily and leaned into the worktop. “Whenever one of you says that, I know I’m not going to like it.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled because I didn’t know what else to say.

He beckoned me into the lounge and Jason, who’d been watching us intently, followed.

“Spit it out,” Ian sighed, standing in front of the sofa and motioning for me to sit down in front of him.

“I signed the contract for a house next year,” I said, knowing it was better just to get straight to it rather than beating around the bush.

“You two moving in together?” Ian asked, looking back and forth between me and Jason. His face was impassive, as usual, which made me uncomfortable, as usual.

“No,” I shook my head, confused by the look on Ian’s face at my answer. “I’m moving in with Adam, Bradley, and Eric.”

“You’re moving in with three guys?” Ian frowned, crossing his arms across his chest and making the transition to soldier mode.

“Yes, sir,” I nodded, glad for Jason’s arm around my waist.

“And you decided that you’d tell me that
signing the contract,” he said calmly.

“Sorry, sir,” I cringed. “I’ve been living with them all year. They’re my friends.”

“Why didn’t you have her move in with you?” Ian asked, turning to Jason.

“She didn’t want to,” Jason shrugged. “She can live wherever she wants.”

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