STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance) (11 page)

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Authors: Alana Marlowe

Tags: #D/s Dark Erotic Romance

BOOK: STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance)
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They headed back into the bedroom and Alex helped Sara unpack all her things. He even had her a new toothbrush in the bathroom.


“Wow, I even have a new toothbrush!” Sara joked. “Guess this means I am really moved in now!”












New Pleasures


Sara followed Alex out to his truck and hopped in.


“Where are we going?”


“It’s a surprise.”


“I like surprises…sometimes.” Sara giggles.


Alex drove down and around the bend. The river that flowed through the property seemed to follow the tree lined road. In the middle of the curve, there was a clearing and a barn that sat off the road, right next to the river but up on a small hill. The scene was out of a picture book with the green grass and the sunset glistening on the water. Alex took the gravel road towards the barn.


After turning off the truck, he hopped out. “Come here, I want to show you something.”

Sara followed him into the barn, where he led her down through the stalls to the last one on the right. He motioned for her to look into the stall.


Sara sighed with delight as she laid her eyes on the new baby foal that had just been born that morning.


“It's so beautiful!” She said softly but excitedly.


“He was born this morning. We haven’t named him yet. I thought you may want to name him.”


Sara looked over at Alex adoringly. “Me? I don’t know how to name horses. Aren’t they supposed to have some kind of long funny names or something?”


Alex laughed out loud.


“Yes, if they are to go into racing and are of a certain breed with papers. This is just a new member of the family, so we can name it anything we want.”


Sara looked back at the baby horse, as it was trying to hobble to its feet. It would try and fall back to its knees. The poor thing looked exasperated but he continued until he stood up on all fours, with the mama horse standing by, carefully nudging the colt to its feet and giving encouraging snorts.


“Hmm….I dunno.” Sara said as she eyeballed the colt now, racking her brain for a really cool name that wouldn’t sound dorky. Then she looked carefully at his markings. He was copper brown all over, with the exception of a white strip right down the center of his neck towards his belly. Across his neck, it looked like a bow tie in white.


“I’ve got it. Tux. Short for Tuxedo. He looks like he is wearing a Tuxedo!” Sara laughed playfully.


Alex raised an eyebrow as he smiled, looking over at the colt. “I’ll be damned. He sure does look like he is wearing a Tux. Tux it is! Hope you like your new home Tux.” He says to the colt as he moves his way around behind Sara and hugs her from behind.


“I think it’s a great name, honey. Suits him too…pardon the pun.”


Both of them laugh as he leans down and pulls back her hair and nibbles softly on her neck. He plants little butterfly kisses all up and down her neck as she starts to giggle because it tickles. Before long, she is laughing uncontrollably and pulling away because she can’t handle it anymore. She feels like a teenager and never wants to let go of this feeling.


“I have something else I need to show you.” Alex says as she pulls her towards him. “But this is something a little different.”


Alex heads back towards the center of the barn, where there is a clean stall lined with straw. He pulls her towards him and wraps his arms tightly around her, hugging her and forcing his mouth over hers into a passionate kiss. She melts in his arms as she opens her mouth and heart, allowing him to come inside. While he is kissing her, he pushes her backwards towards the stall wall. She feels herself getting all tingly and wet again as his passion ignites hers.


As he sandwiches her body between his and the stall post, he takes her hands and brings them up over both of their heads, and before she knows it, quickly uses a rope to lasso her wrists together tightly as he pulls the rope upwards.


“Wha?” she breathlessly eeks out, “What are you doing?” She asks as he is still pressing his now raging hard on into her abdomen while kissing her.


The rope is up through a pulley that he pulls it taught, but not too tight as it stretches her body upward. He ties off the rope onto a post.


“Oh, you know…just giving myself a little more control…and giving you a little less.” His voice was velvet-edged and strong. “I want to tease you a bit.”


Alex pulls himself away and takes a look at Sara standing in the straw, in the stall with her hands pulled high above her head. Her nipples are straining against the thin fabric of her button down shirt. Her face is full of anxiety, excitement and wonder. He can tell she’s excited by how her chest rises and falls with each breath.


“I don’t think you know just how beautiful you really are.” His voice was purposefully low and seductive. “I think you are perfect just like you are Sara. I love your curves. I have always been a fan of women who weren’t afraid to eat a steak. I like it when a woman has some extra padding to her body.”


Sara blushed and looked downward, unsure of how to actually take his words. All her life, she has struggled with trying to get skinny. She always knew she would never be as thin and athletic as those girls she would see on TV or magazines. And unfortunately, the few men she dated never really appreciated her the way she was and always commented negatively on her size. So it was hard for her to digest the words Alex was saying as true. But she wanted to believe.


Alex could sense an internal struggle and decided to get her mind off of her insecurities. He understood how most men and society always expected women to be model bodies. He never understood the appeal. His own personal tastes had been with women with some meat on their bones. Sara was perfect in his eyes. And he needed to make her believe that.


With her hands secure above her head, Alex moved his palms over her breasts, stopping just over her nipples, circling them through the fabric, forcing them to become even harder. Sara closes her eyes, feeling the tingle work its way through her body as she melts under his touch.


Her mind is all in a jumble as she feels his energy take hold of her. It is as if he knows just exactly what to do and say. It is as if he can read her thoughts and feelings without her even saying a word. How can he know just how to touch her? How can he be so in tune with her mind and heart? She doesn’t know how this man knows her so well already, but all she wants right now is him inside her.


Alex allows his hands to wander downward, pulling his body into hers and kissing her with more passion than ever. His hands slowly trail down her back and wrap around her bottom, giving her cheeks a little squeeze as he pulls her hips into his.


Sara let out an approving moan as his mouth left hers and strayed down to her neck, kissing and nibbling her warm flesh. She tilted her head, giving him access as she could feel her breathlessness making her lightheaded. She liked the feeling of being slightly bound. She liked even more his confident and in control nature.


Alex took his time in making sure to slowly bring up the tension. He wanted to make sure she was more than ready for what he was about to do. His hand wandered around and found her mound. Gently, but with conviction, he began to palm her vulva as she arched her back and spread her legs to give him better access.


“Hmmm….so you like it when I do this?”


“Yes…” Sara said raggedly.


Alex used his fingers to find her slit through the thin fabric of her skirt and panties. He loved her reaction as his fingernails scratched through the surface and he could feel her nub. He thumbed her nub back and forth through the fabric and could feel the heat radiating from between her legs.


“You need to come…don’t you love?” he spoke with cool authority.




“Well, now, I will have to see what I can do about that. But first, I need to show you something.”


Sara moaned as he pulled away, leaving her bleary eyed and light headed. She just wanted him to continue the sensual torture until she couldn’t take anymore.


Alex walked out of the stall they were in and walked back in a moment later holding a long leather wrapped rod with a string on the end. It was a buggy whip.


Sara looked at it with a little confusion. Was he planning on using that on her? While she had no idea how it would feel, right now she was putty in his hands and would agree to anything to get him to continue his affection and attention.


“Do you know what this is?” his voice held a rasp of excitement.


“It…uh…I think it’s a buggy whip?”


“Umm-hmmm. Would you allow me to try it on you?” his voice was a velvet murmur.

Sara nodded yes in compliance.


Alex walked over to her and kissed her on the mouth, burying his tongue in her wet hollow. As he pulled away, he spun her around with her backside facing him. He pulled his hard body into hers, sandwiching her between him and the post as he ground his hips and enclosed manhood into the crack of her ass.


“Oh… God…” Sara said hoarsely.


“Whatsa matter baby? Want something that is a little out of reach?” Alex whispered into her ear as he pressed his hips harder into hers.


He backed away and lifted up her skirt, pulling the bottom of the skirt up and tucking into her waistband.


“This is my favorite part of your body, other than your mind.” Alex said with a hint of laughter as he massaged her panty covered cheeks with his hand. Then he stepped back and put one finger into each side of the panty waistband and slowly rolled them down to where they sat just below her cheeks.




Alex pulled away and walked back over to the other side of the stall where he picked up the buggy whip.


Sara jumped as he flicked the whip in the air near her, hearing the string crack the air. The sound made her anxious and tense and a tad frightened. She didn’t know what this would feel like or what his future intentions were with it, or if he was just pushing the limits and experimenting.


As he kept flicking the whip in the air, he brought it closer and closer to her body until eventually the tip of the string bit her on the bottom. She let out a yelp and jumped again and again as the tip of the whip landed in several stinging kisses on her rump.


“Ouch! Ow! Ouch!” Sara yelped each time the whip landed.


Alex stopped after 10 nips from the tip. He walks back over to Sara and admires the little red welts that have begun to appear on her bottom as he runs his hand over them. He then allows his fingers to drift down her smoldering crack and feels her juices flooding out all over her panties.


“Oh, my! Someone is really moist.”


Sara giggles inside as she tries to maintain her composure outside as Alex turns her back facing him. Releasing the rope and letting her arms down, he unravels the rope around her wrists and rubs them just to make sure the circulation is back.


Dropping the rope, he pulls her down onto the soft, clean straw. Flipping her skirt back up, he grabs her panties and pulls them down and off.


“Spread your legs for me baby. I want to taste you.” He commands.


Sara closes her eyes and spreads her legs as he lowers his face over her throbbing clit. Within minutes, her body is bucking against his expert tongue as she screams in waves of pleasure. He holds her tight until she can’t take anymore to make sure she has come to a full orgasm before stopping his assault.


As she lays spent in the straw, he wipes her juices off her face with the bottom of his T-shirt, then moves up along side her. As she catches her breath, she asks, “Is the buggy whip something that I should expect more of?”


“Why, is it something you want more of?”


“No. I don’t like it really.”


“Well, it was just an experiment. I don’t see it as part of any regular playing or punishment scenario.”


Sara closed her eyes and relaxed in knowing that the buggy whip isn’t something he wanted to regularly use on her. She reached up and ran her fingers through his curly hair.


“Good, because that might have been a deal breaker for me.”


“Honestly Sara, I mostly want to use my hand. That way I can gauge just how hot things are getting, or maybe my belt.” Alex says softly as he leans in to kiss her.


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