STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance) (9 page)

Read STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Alana Marlowe

Tags: #D/s Dark Erotic Romance

BOOK: STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance)
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Her clit came to attention once again as she took the shower massage head off its handle and allowed the water to massage her pussy. Turning the massager onto its fastest massage setting, she leaned back onto the shower wall and propped one foot on the edge of the tub. As the shower massage did the work, she relived the night before, especially the part about being spanked.


It didn’t take long and her clit was screaming as she shuddered from the orgasm that took over her body. As she shook and convulsed, she remembered the orgasm from Alex’s tongue the night before. Nothing could compare to that. Not even the shower massage. But it would have to do.


She rinsed away her juices and the rest of the soap and turned off the water. Grabbing her towel, she quickly dried off and went to her bedroom and fell into her comfy bed. As she dozed off, she dreamed about Alex being next to her.


A few hours later she woke up with a new energy. She spent the rest of the day doing chores around the house and yard, and planning on how to give Alex her decision. She loved him and really wanted him. She just didn’t know if she could do this on a full-time, lifetime basis.


Finally the evening came and she was relaxing on her front porch swing with a glass of tea. She had the phone in her hand waiting for it to ring. She knew about what time he would be calling, as she was sure he was eager for her decision.


“Hello?” she answered.


“Hello darling.” Alex said.


“Hi honey. How was your day?”


“It was busy. I missed you though. I wasn’t sure if you would be here or not. I got your note.”


“Yeah?” She said, pausing to wait for him to actually ask for her decision.


“So what did you decide?” Alex pushed.


“I have decided that I need a night alone to think about it. This is a really big decision for me. I want to make sure I am ready for this.” Sara replied.


There was a long silent period.


Then Alex finally broke the silence. “I understand babe. I want you to know this is what you want. That is why we are doing the trial. That way we BOTH know that this is what we want.”


“Yes, I agree. So I tell you what. I need tonight to make my final decision. If I decide yes, then I will be there tomorrow evening with my bags packed to stay with you for the month. If I am not there by 8 p.m., call me to make sure I am ok and we will talk.” Sara said.


“That sounds fair. I love you Sara. I will dream about you tonight, wanting to hold you by my side. I hope to see you tomorrow.”


“I love you too. Have a good evening.” Sara said, and hung up the phone.


Sara had already made up her mind, but she wanted him to make sure he understood how important this decision was for her. She sighed as she grinned, then planned on what she would be taking with her to stay the month with Alex.


She knew she had to come daily to her place to take care of her animals, so it wasn’t like she wouldn’t be there at all. But she knew she would be spending most of her time at his place, playing house.


She packed all of her things that next day that she thought she would need and put her suitcase out on the porch. The next day she made sure to clean up the house and leave everything ready for her return.


She made sure her pets were all fed and watered as she loaded up her suitcase into her truck. Making her way down the River Road, she looked around the fields to see if she could see Alex on his horse rounding up cattle. She didn’t see him and she was actually kind of glad because she wanted it to be a surprise.


As she pulled into his driveway, she stopped and looked up at the cabin. Turning off the engine, she pulled out her suitcase and hauled it up onto the porch by the front door. She then had a seat in the rocking chair on the porch with her bottle of water and waited for Alex.


It was so peaceful there. She felt like she could just sit on that porch forever. She closed her eyes and fantasized about what lay ahead. She was roused by the sound of a vehicle. It was Alex's truck. And as soon as it came into view, she could hear him speed up.


He pulled into the driveway next to her truck and came bouncing out and running up the porch stairs. He grabbed Sara and lifted her up and twirled her around in a circle, laughing like a kid.


“I knew it! I knew you would come! I knew you were the girl for me!” He said excitedly.


He let her down onto her feet and kissed her passionately as he held her tight in his arms. Sara could feel the love and emotion he had for her. It was like nothing else she had ever experienced.


Now all she had to do is make it through the next 30 days.














Sara did well to hide her nervousness. She didn’t want to be nervous, she wanted to be relaxed and allow this newly formed relationship to unfold into something better than she could have ever imagined. But being unsure of how things would fall, she found herself wondering why she was so fascinated by a man who loved to spank women.


During the first week, Alex didn’t spank Sara and wanted to allow her time to adjust to her new surroundings.


They spent their time after dinner lounging on the porch swing cuddling and talking about life together and what their expectations were of their mates.


“I want my wife to enjoy rising with me and preparing my breakfast before I head off to work. Do you think you would enjoy doing that for me?”


Sara looked into Alex’s softened eyes and smiled sweetly. “Yes, actually…I think I would love to do that, if you can stand my cooking.” She said with a giggle.


“You can learn to cook. I don’t mind you trying out new things on me. Sara, I just want you to be happy being a homemaker and not have to worry about working. I know you brought your work with you, but I really want you to take a break from that and just enjoy being here. Other than keeping house and taking care of me, the rest of the day is yours. I want you to do some of the things that I know you have probably pushed aside because you were too busy trying to make a living that you put all your hobbies on the shelf.” Alex explained. “Do you think you can do that? Can you leave work alone for a while and just be with me?”


Sara hadn’t really thought much about the working part. She was a freelance article writer and she could work wherever she had her laptop. The idea of NOT working had crossed her mind, but she felt guilty if she wasn’t working in some capacity. It had just always been pushed on her that she HAD to work and that having too much fun without working was somehow not allowed.


The idea of not having to do any kind of work related to her writing actually was quite appealing. Not having her laptop on in between other daily chores and just allowing herself to get back into those things that she loved, like music, singing and crafts was quite tempting.


“You know…I really want to let go of work. But I don’t know how. There are several things I have put on the shelf that I would love to get back into. I used to make handmade soaps that were quite nice. But I have not had the time to do that.”


“See, that is what I mean. You should be enjoying life and relaxing in between taking care of your loving husband.” Alex stated with a wink and a smile.


“Ok, I will make sure to close any open postings I have and let work sit for a while.” Sara figured that if for some odd reason they didn’t wind up married, she had enough in the bank to float for at least a year so it wouldn’t hurt too much to take a month off. Lord knows, she needed the break.


Alex pulled Sara into his chest and brought his lips to hers. “Thank you my love.” He whispered in between light kisses. He pulled her tight and allowed his tongue to part her lips, seeking her tongue in return. Sara felt that familiar tingle whenever he kissed her. It was amazing that this man had such a profound effect on her.


She could see his hardness already straining against his jeans as he stood up and offered his hand out to her. She placed her hand in his and stood up as he led the way into the house.


Alex led them down to the bedroom and had Sara sit on the bed. “I have something for you.” He said, as he went over to the closet. He pulled out several hangars that had a plastic bag pulled down over them. He hung the hangars on the hood that was in the door and removed the bag.


Then he took the hangers with the clothes over to her and showed them each to her. There were 7 different outfits, all were coordinating tops and long flowing skirts, like a broomstick type of skirt. They were all flowing and swingy and beautiful colors of fabrics. Each of the tops were comfortable, loose fitting types of fabrics that went with the skirts.


“What is this for?” Sara asked, a little confused.


“I want to have full access to you when you are here. I want you to wear these. When we go out, depending on the venue, you can wear what you want, but when we are here together, I want you to wear these so I can easily access your ass or any other part of your body without having to worry about getting you out of a pair of jeans or shorts. These you can wear all day without panties.”


Sara looked up at him wide-eyed and blinked. She loved his ability to control things without trying to take control over everything. And she loved his taste in clothes. She smiled and nodded yes with approval, standing up to take on of the outfits from him. She quickly dropped her jeans and top and pulled up the drawstring skirt, pulling the matching top over her head.


As she walked away and modeled for him, his face beamed. “Ehem…panties?” He said.


“Oh, yeah…” she said as she slipped them off and let them fall to the floor.


“Nice, baby!”


Sara giggles as she walked back over to Alex and flings her arms around his neck, giving him a big kiss. He tosses the rest of the clothes on the chair and grabs her around the waist, pulling her close. As he brings her mouth to his, he reaches down with both hands as they seek to find her butt cheeks.


Pulling her back over towards the bed, he sits down and pulls her across his lap. In a flash, he flips up her skirt to reveal her naked bottom. Sara is giggling like a school girl and doing her best to play the part. As he wraps his arm around her waist, his other hand quickly plants several nicely placed swats on her white creamy skin. She protests playfully but loves the feeling of the sting as she starts to cream.


“Owww…ouch…ouch!” she yells as each smack lands on her bottom. Alex begins to build up a little faster as he continues turning her bottom pink. He loves watching her globes giggle every time his hand lands. He stops momentarily to reach in between her legs and feel her wetness. She is already gushing, but he wants her to be even hotter.


He leans over to the nightstand and opens the drawer, pulling out a small wooden hairbrush. Slowly, he uses the back of the brush to caress her bottom before bringing it down hard, right on her sit spot.


Sara yells loudly and jumps as the harsh sting of the brush sends her into a tailspin. Alex brings the brush down again on the other side just once.


“Oowwwwch!!! Oh, that hurts too bad, please stop!”


Alex smiles to himself as he tosses the brush back into the drawer. Refocusing his attention now on her dripping wet folds, he reaches his fingers in between her legs and seeks out her clit, giving it a few really good circles, causing Sara to squirm now with pleasure.


He then pulls her up and onto the bed and on top of him. She straddles his crotch, feeling the hard thick meat straining to be free. As she leans down over him, she feels the heat of his skin as she runs her hands down his chest, pulling at his shirt indicating she wants it off. He leans up and help her pull the shirt over his head, then flops back on the bed as her mouth finds its way in the crease of his salty neck.


She begins to nibble and suck his neck as she grinds her wetness against crotch. Working her way down, she makes sure to pay attention to each nipple, giving them gentle bites which make him wince just slightly. Finally he can take no more and flips her over, putting his weight on top of her and kissing her passionately.


“You are making me crazy, woman!”


Sara giggles.


“I want you so bad. I can hardly wait to make love to you. I mean REALLY make love to you. But for now, I am going to make you come with my tongue.”


Alex slides down off the edge of the bed and flips up her skirt revealing her wet pinkness. He buries his face in her moisture as she gasps from his tongue hitting her clit.

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