Submission Dance (10 page)

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Authors: Lori King

BOOK: Submission Dance
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Lex grumbled
under his breath about impertinent subs with switchy tendencies, but she
actually did take the massaging lotion and begin rubbing it into his skin. It
felt fantastic to have her hands on him, touching him tenderly as though she
might actually have some affection for him, and he felt himself relaxing.


~ ~ ~


Marley loved the
sweet smile on Lex’s face. She loved knowing that her touch pleased him.
Logically she knew that was the submissive side of her, but she couldn’t deny the
power she felt being the one in control. From this position she could take him
if she wanted to, or tease him if she’d rather. It was heady, and enlightening.
Maybe there
a bit of a switch in her. Either way, she knew that she
wanted to figure out a way to keep seeing Lex until she figured it out. Maybe
he would be willing to just be her Dom at the Lusty Fantasies Parties once a
month. That way, their situation wasn’t over-complicated. Surely she could
survive on one wild night a month.

She worked her
hands down his chest to his toned stomach, enjoying the feeling of his abs flexing
under her fingertips. He was hard where she was soft, they were the exact
opposites physically, and it intrigued her. She rocked her hips as she
stretched and reached back up to his shoulders to repeat the downward slide,
and his thickening cock hit her clit just right. They both moaned, and his
hands came around to cup her ass, holding her in place.

“Fuck that feels
good. You are sin incarnate, princess.” He murmured. Pleased with his response,
she grinned back at him, and shifted her hips again, making them both happy.

Before she could
readjust, Lex took over, and with her arms and torso stretched, Marley could
only balance herself against him, as he thrust his hips up to press his dick
against her. This time the motion caused a slurping sound as her juices began
to flow. Desire filled his eyes making their ocean-blue color turn to more of a

“Are you too
sore for this?” he asked, staring up into her eyes. His genuine concern warmed
her heart, and she gave him a reassuring smile.

“I’m tender, but
not too sore to go again.” She answered, sliding backwards again to encourage
him. They slipped and slid together continuing the squishy sounds and sharing
each other’s moans, until Lex moved his hands to her shoulders and shoved her
up into a seated position.

“Do we need a
condom?” he whispered in that husky tone that set her on fire.

She shook her
head, “There’s no point now. The damage is done. Please, Lex, I need you.”

“Good. I want to
feel you hot on my skin. Grab my cock and put it inside you.”

She followed his
instructions, rising up just enough to grip his hard length and point it home.
They both groaned in relief as he filled her completely, and their groins met.

Heaven. It was
pure heaven.

Marley took the
lead without any prompting, rolling her hips in a tight figure eight pattern
just to see how he would react. His wide eyes and sharp inhale encouraged her,
and she worked her hips like a Polynesian dancer.

“What the hell
are you doing to me woman?” Lex cursed as his abs tightened, and he brought his
knees up, forcing her to fall forward. It brought the head of his cock into
tight contact with her g-spot and she half-giggled, half-gasped in pleasure.

“I might have
taken belly dancing classes for a few years to keep in shape,” she said,
tossing her head back and increasing her hip movements until the whole bed was
rocking with their motion.

“Beautiful. You’re
fucking beautiful!” he said through clenched teeth, his own neck and back
arching up so that there was no inch of her pussy not in contact with his pubic
area. This wasn’t the normal thrust and go motion of sex; instead they mashed
themselves together, grinding against each other, letting friction do the hard

Marley closed
her eyes when his hands came up and clutched at her bouncing breasts. It felt
fantastic to have him need her so badly, and she loved hearing his sounds of
pleasure. She continued her movements until her rhythm became more frantic and jerky;
instinctively Lex seemed to know when to take over. He sat up, spreading his
thighs, so that she dipped between them, and they were chest to chest.

Wrapping her
legs around his waist, they undulated against each other never breaking eye
contact. Marley’s mouth dropped open as her climax built steadily; stealing the
air from her lungs and making her body tighten like a spring ready to bounce
across the room. Lex nipped at her throat and shoulder, using his hands to
bring her hips as tight as they could possibly go against him, before he let go
of his precious control, and filled her with his release. She didn’t scream
with her orgasm this time, but it affected her more deeply than she could have
ever imagined. She felt her heart crack under the pressure of her feelings for
him, as pure pleasure rocketed through her.


~ ~ ~


Lex held Marley
up, her body as limp as a beach towel in the surf. She sighed with pleasure,
even though neither of them was moving now, and shifted her head on his shoulder
so that her lips were almost against the skin of his throat.

“That was
delicious.” She murmured, sounding breathy and exhausted.

“It was perfect,
princess.” That was all he could say. He didn’t know how to make her understand
just how perfect it was. It was life-changing, mind-blowing, soul-stealing, and
heart-wrenching all wrapped up into one massive orgasm. She would think he was
insane if he tried to explain. Fuck, he had to get ahold of himself. Otherwise
it would be awkward when they parted ways in the morning.

“You know, you’re
going to have to let me get my beauty rest now. Otherwise you’ll wake up to
find a shriveled up old man in bed next to you in the morning.” He was trying
to tease her, but his voice cracked, and he was forced to clear his throat.
Fucking shitty ass time to be getting emotional, that’s for sure, he thought.

“I think I’m
already sleeping. This whole night has been a dream, and tomorrow I’m going to
wake up in my own bed. Most likely with the sheet wrapped around my wet thighs,
and a pillow against my chest,” she said with a giggle.

Lex pressed a
kiss to her forehead as he turned and put her down on the mattress. “Not a
dream, sweet Marley, just a perfect fantasy. Go to sleep, princess.”

Her only
response was a muffled sigh, as she twisted her body, buried her face into a
pillow, and promptly fell asleep. He sat watching her for what felt like hours,
and by the time he moved to go clean up, the cum had dried into a sticky
uncomfortable mess all over his cock and balls. He frowned over his shoulder
thinking that Marley would wake up sticky and uncomfortable in the morning, and
that certainly wouldn’t do. If that happened, he wouldn’t be able to convince
her to make love one more time before they let reality invade their midnight fairytale.

Collecting a wet
cloth, he went back into the bedroom, and uncovered his sleeping beauty. She
mumbled and fidgeted, but he managed to wipe her sweet pussy and delectable ass
down, so that all the sticky evidence of their passion was gone. Still visible
were the pink lines his fingers had made on her butt, and a few tiny curved
love bites on her breasts that matched the ones he wore on his chest. Would she
think about him Monday morning as she dressed for work and saw them still
marring her skin? He knew he would be thinking about her long after his marks

Collecting the
various toys they’d played with, from the night table and the floor he
deposited them in the bathroom for cleaning. He would take care of it tomorrow.
There was no reason to give up even of minute of the time he had left with her.

Climbing back
into the bed, he drew her into his arms, pleased when she went easily and
curled herself into the curve of his shoulder. Her warm breath fanned across
his chest, and her thigh came up to lie across his groin. She fit perfectly
against him. Like she was meant to be there.

The thought made
his heart ache. She’d gotten under his skin, and he didn’t know what to do
about it. What was supposed to happen now? After everything they’d done together
how was he supposed to let her go?

Lex watched Marley sleep next to
him. Her thick eyelashes made black crescent moons on her cheeks, and he
counted the minute brown freckles dotting her nose. She had exactly thirty two
of them, and he was entranced by each one. The realization that he was already firmly
attached to her hit him like a bolt of lightning, and settled into his gut,
heavy and unyielding. It was the big L, there was no other way to put into
words what he felt for her.

He knew passion, and he knew sex,
but he’d never experienced anything as humbling as this feeling of pure
affection and honest love. He recalled the moment his ex-wife told him she was
pregnant and he suggested they get married. They were never a love match, but
their passion created his perfect daughter, and he could never call that a
mistake. What would Marley think if she knew he was already fantasizing about
her round with his child? Hell, what would Kaia say when he brought a woman home
and introduced her?

This situation was more
complicated than he ever imagined it would turn out to be. He knew in his soul
that Marley was meant to be his, but convincing her…well, he was going to have
his work cut out for him.

It seemed like he laid there for
hours just watching her sleep peacefully, dreaming of a fantasy world in which
she let him sweep her off her feet and carry her home for a happily ever after.



Chapter 10


ance with me.” He whispered
against her lips.

She shook her head, and
laughed, a tear slipping from her eye. “There’s no music.”

“So, dance with me anyway.”

She was laughing, and enjoying
herself. The music was soft, and the air was heavy with sexual tension. She
felt desirable, and daring. Willing to do anything he asked. Anything was
possible when she was in Lex’s arms.

Marley came awake abruptly late
in the morning. She knew it was late because of the glaring, bright sunshine
streaming through the windows. It didn’t take her long to remember where she
was, and who she was with. Her dream had been a reality for such a precious
short amount of time, but now what?

The long, lean warmth of Lex’s
body blanketed her back, and she could feel his cock poking against her ass.
Her head rested on one of his thick biceps, and his other arm was tucked into
the curve of her waist, so that his hand could come up and cup her breasts.
Even in his sleep the man seemed to brand her possessively with his every

The moment she shifted she
realized that she was one big ball of muscle aches, and she groaned softly.

“There’s aspirin in the bathroom
cabinet if you need it this morning.” His gruff, sleep-roughened voice vibrated
against her shoulder, and she shivered.

“Thanks, I’m going to need it.”
She answered, shifting again, this time to put distance between them.

“Where are you going, princess?”
he grumbled, locking his arms into place so that she couldn’t move another inch
in either direction.

She sighed, and then laughed a
little at his antics when his leg came up to block any downward motion she
might have tried as well. “Um, well I was going to hit the shower, and root
around for some pain killers before I got dressed and tried to keep my head up
while I did the walk of shame this morning.”

His body tensed against hers, “The
walk of shame? Wow. I guess that puts me in my place, huh?”

“Lex, wait, that’s not what I
meant. I just…shit…I’ve never done this before. What happens now? What do I
say? Thank you for rocking my world? I’m so glad I had a chance to fuck you six
ways to Sunday, but now I have to go home and do laundry because this is the
real world again?”

His arms released her and he
rolled back to give her room. “Maybe try, good morning?”

Now she felt like an ass. “I’m
sorry, let me start over. Good morning, Sir. How did you sleep?”

They sat watching each other
warily, Lex’s blue eyes sharp on her face, almost as though he was trying to
see what was inside her head. She loved the look of him sleepy and tousled. The
growth on his jaw was darker, and wrapped in only a sheet low on his hips, he
had that sexy pirate vibe going again. Damn, that really turned her on.

The turn-on stopped when her well-used
pussy stung as she considered crawling back under the covers again. There was
no sex happening this morning. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to walk out of

“I slept better than I have in a
decade, Marley. Do you know why?” he asked her softly, propping his arms behind
his head. The move made his biceps stand out, and he looked utterly confident
that she would ask why.

“Okay, tell me, why did you sleep
so well, Lex? Was it the hours of fucking we did beforehand?” she said with a
playful giggle.

When he didn’t laugh with her,
she frowned, and he quirked his eyebrow up at her. “No, princess, it wasn’t
just that. It was you. You fill something in me that calms me. It’s the most
peculiar feeling.”

A shiver of shock wound its way
over Marley’s skin and she fumbled for a response. Should she say thank you, or
simply leave the words hanging.

Finally, when the silence had
stretched for a few moments, she gave in and whispered, “I understand, Lex. You’re
special to me too. I’d…well…I mean to say, that I would like to see you again.
If you want?”

He continued to watch her, in
that silent predatory way that was both unsettling and comforting. Like he
owned her, and yet she wasn’t completely uncomfortable with that notion.

“Oh yes, I want. We still have a
lot of lessons to go over before you’d pass muster as a submissive.”

She felt her smile fall, and she
nodded, “I understand, Sir. When is the next party?”

“Next month, but I’d prefer not
to wait that long.” He said, nonchalantly. Her head jerked upward and she
stared at him in shock.


Suddenly he was moving across the
bed toward her, slowly like he was stalking his prey. Instinctively, she moved
away from the side of the bed, backing up to put space between them.

“Do you believe in love at first
sight, Marley?” he asked, in a growly gruff tone that set her skin on edge.

She shook her head, “No. But I
believe in lust, and friendship, and sometimes those things grow into love.”

Her heart was racing, and she
rocked on the balls of her feet nervously. Why would he ask her such a thing?
He’d made no such declarations last night. In fact, at some points it almost
seemed as if he didn’t
to like her at all.

“Pity, because I believe in it.
My parents were married when they were seventeen years old. They’d known each
other exactly seventy-two hours. They’re still together forty three years
later.” He’d backed her against the wall now, and yet, he still moved steadily
toward her. She had nowhere else to go, so she just stood there and waited for
him to reach her.

Swallowing hard, she forced a
response from her lips, “That’s great. Not many people stay married that long.”

“Before them, my grandparents met
and married while my grandfather was home on shore leave from the Navy. They’d
only known each other a week, and she didn’t see him again for two years. They
died within hours of each other, having been married more than sixty years.”

“Y-you come from great genes it
sounds like. I’m sure you’ll follow in their footsteps when you…uh…find the
right girl.” She braced her hands on his chest as he boxed her in with his
arms. Their height difference once again making her feel dainty against him.

“I’ve made mistakes. My first
wife was a mistake, but she and I never had the sort of chemistry that I felt
last night, with you. I think I’ve found that girl, Marley, but she doesn’t
seem to know it.” Lex spoke so sincerely, and he stared into her eyes so deeply
that she felt physically connected to him. Like he’d just taken her heart in
his hands and held it, waiting for the go-ahead to love it or break it.

Shaking her head, she forced her
gaze away from him. “I don’t know what to say. You have a child, Lex. What
about her? You said you couldn’t devote time to a new relationship.”

“I did say that, but I didn’t
understand then what I know now.”

“What’s that?” she asked in a
hoarse whisper.

“That I’ve fallen in love with a
stunning woman with hair the color of flames and firewood, and eyes liked
melted pools of chocolate. That she reached inside of me and jump-started my
dead heart with her bratty tongue, and quick wit. And that I will need her to
teach me to be a better man, almost as much as she’ll need me to teach her to
be a better sub.”

Marley melted. What woman wouldn’t,
she thought. He’d just handed her his heart in exchange for his own.

“What about Kaia? What will she

He shrugged, “I don’t know,
hopefully ‘congratulations, dad’. But if not, we’ll handle it. I’m not letting
you run away from this, Marley. We’re good together.”

“How do you know, Lex? We’ve only
had one wild, crazy night. I might be a bitch when I’m sick, or I might pick my
teeth when I eat, or belch the alphabet when I drink beer. You don’t know me.”
She argued. She wasn’t exactly sure why she was arguing, but he had her
completely off balance.

“I snore when I sleep on my back.
I’ll never let you play with my ass, but I’ll play with yours every chance I
get. I can burp the alphabet backwards, and I can sing every song in several
Disney fairytale movies. Could you forgive me for those weaknesses?” he asked,

“You know what I mean.” She
grumbled back.

Lex nodded, “Yes, I do, but I
want to eat Chinese takeout with you after work while we sit on the sofa and
talk about our day, and I know how to do my own laundry, but you’re probably
better at it than I am. I want to play with you as my submissive, and love you
as my woman. Can you honestly say you don’t want what I offer? Were you able to
stay emotionally unattached to me, Marley?”


~ ~ ~


Lex held his breath. He knew he
couldn’t make her fall in love with him after one night, but he could damn sure
convince her to give him a chance. They had something special, and if she gave
him even the slightest hint…

“No, I can’t say that. I care for
you, Lex. Last night was incredible, and an emotional roller coaster. That’s
why I’m not sure I can give you what you want. What if we find out I’m a
switch, or worse, a Domme?” she sounded almost panicked at the thought, and he
had to fight back a laugh.

“There are worse things than a
woman who likes to take control in the bedroom, Marley, and trust my decades of
practice when I assure you that you’re not a Domme. What matters is that you
make me feel something. After all these years of nothing—boring, empty,
nothingness—suddenly every nerve in my body is on fire because I’m
touching you. That can’t be wrong.”

Her eyes grew glassy, and she was
quiet for a few moments as they stared at each other. When she finally spoke,
it was so quiet and so unusual that he thought he’d heard her wrong. “Dance
with me?”


She cleared her throat and
repeated herself, “Dance with me, Sir. I want you to hold me.”

Instantly he pulled her naked
body against his own, intertwining their limbs and swaying to music only they
could hear in their heads. They moved together just as flawlessly in this as
they had the first moment he touched her.

“Why are we dancing, princess?”
he murmured against the crown of her head.

“Because one dance changed
everything.” She responded, tugging his face down and kissing him soundly. His
heart soared as he realized that she was agreeing to give them a chance.

When they broke apart, he was
grinning like a loon, “You won’t regret it, sub. I swear to you, I’ll make you

“Mmm…you’ll have to wait until
tomorrow to make me happy again. My poor pussy is aching from overuse.” She
joked with a pout on her lush lips.

Lex heard himself growl low in
his throat, “Maybe we should hit the shower where I can give her a little TLC
and kiss the pain away?”

Marley laughed, “Good Lord, you’re
like the Energizer Bunny aren’t you?”

“And I don’t even need batteries.
You’ll save a fortune, princess.” With that, Lex bent and swept his princess off
her feet one more time.




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