Submission Dance (3 page)

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Authors: Lori King

BOOK: Submission Dance
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The first person she laid eyes on
as they entered the large room was her pirate.  He was standing just
inside the doorway and to her left as he surveyed the room around him. It was
like the air was heavier the closer she got to the mysterious man, and she had
to force herself to take slow deep breaths to calm her nerves and her libido.

He was taller than she expected
from her earlier view, standing at least six foot two, and his broad shoulders
narrowed into a lean waist, and a perfectly bitable ass. Giving herself a
mental shake, she thanked Foster for assisting her to dinner, and then joined
the buffet line just so she had something to do. Someone as alluring as the
pirate wasn’t the best person for a newbie. No, she needed a gentle Dom, not a
powerful one.



Chapter 2


ex was able to admire the stranger’s curves under
the supple black material of her clothing, as she moved through the buffet line.
She wasn’t overweight, but she wasn’t overly thin either. Her rounded hips and
narrow waist were proportionate with her full breasts, and even at her slight
stature, she had magnificent legs that carried the ribbons of her slave sandals
beautifully. In his mind, he could see those silver ribbons binding her ankles
and wrists, and it made his balls tighten. He forced his eyes away from her so
that she wouldn’t see the attraction in them if she was looking.

. She was not what he
needed right now. Sure, he was at a fetish party, but he was only here for a
few drinks to let off some steam while Kaia was visiting his mother for the
weekend. Despite what his sister said, he had no interest in playing with a sub
and certainly not a tourist. The whole time he tried to convince himself he
wasn’t interested, his eyes were drifting back to the sexy female with a swan-like
neck and perfectly plump ass.

By the time he’d made it through
the buffet line himself, the petite princess had disappeared, and he cursed the
loss. At the very least he wanted to introduce himself and see if there were
any sparks between them. His stiff erection wouldn’t leave him be until he knew
for sure.

Carrying his plate with him, he
made his way back into the living room where he’d taken up residence in his
friend’s favorite reading chair. Lex and Killian Whitfield had gone to college
together more than fifteen years ago, and other than a brief period when Lex
was deployed overseas with the Air Force, they had spoken frequently. Initially
drawn together by their mutual love of sorority girls, they ended up
discovering common kinks, specifically for D/s.

It was Lex who got Killian
involved in the underground BDSM community, but once Killian was set free, he
spread his wings and took control as he did with everything. He was one of the
leading businessmen in the country, and currently, Lex’s employer.

Picking at his food, Lex put
aside his reminiscing, just in time to see the newbie tentatively enter the
living room. She held a bottle of water in her hands like it was her lifeline,
and her eyes studiously avoided his.

There was no way she’d had time
to eat a full meal, but by the stiff set to her shoulders, he figured she wasn’t
feeling particularly hungry right now. He’d seen many new faces come through
the doors of the Lusty Fantasies parties, and it was rare that anyone truly
held his attention, but something in her nervous demeanor had his inner caveman
thumping his chest, determined to lay claim to her luscious form.

Her eyes lifted and met his for a
brief second before she dropped her gaze back to the ground and Lex felt his
throat tighten. The act of submission was too perfect. It grabbed at him and
made him pay attention, as if he could look elsewhere when she was nearby. She
moved slowly into the room as though uncertain where she should sit in this new

He knew the moment it dawned on her
that the only open seat was the matching chair on his right. Her entire body
tensed, and her cheeks flushed as just the tip of her pink tongue darted out to
lick her lips. He waited while she reviewed her options, and then stiffened her
spine like a battle weary soldier heading into the last skirmish of the day.
Her lush hips swayed as she moved in his direction, and she gave him a wary

“Is this seat taken?”

Her voice was slightly husky, and
it went straight through him to his cock. Shoving himself to his feet, he
towered over the petite woman, and grinned when she shivered in his shadow.

The petite beauty smelled like
some sort of candy from his mother’s chocolate shop, and Lex’s mouth was
watering to take a bite. He could see that her hair was thicker and more
vibrant than he had imagined now that she was closer, and her skin was as pale
and flawless as the china doll that sat atop his daughter’s dresser. Dark eyes
ringed with thick black lashes, were topped with perfectly arched eyebrows, but
most intriguing was the smattering of pale brown freckles that dotted her
upturned nose. He wanted to kiss each one and then strip her naked to see if there
were any more on her body.

Lex was shocked at his own
reaction to her. It had been more than three years since lust for a woman had
hit him so powerfully. Even that submissive had been barely a blip on the radar
compared to the fire that this woman lit inside of him. He fought the range of
emotions that washed over him, and finally realized that she was looking at him
Shit, she asked me a question.

Clearing his throat, he shifted his
stance and apologized, “I’m sorry; I was lost in thought for a moment. What did
you ask?”

Her hand came up to cover her
smile, and she said, “I just asked if this seat was taken.”

Relief coursed through him that
he hadn’t already offended her. He was rapidly coming to the conclusion that he
needed to spend the night with her sexy body wrapped around his, and it wouldn’t
do to fuck it up now.

“No, it’s free, and I’d love to
have you join me. I’m Alexander Gregory, but please call me Lex.” He offered
his hand so that he would have the opportunity to touch her satiny skin, and he
wasn’t disappointed. It was like stroking the skin of a newborn, so sweetly
untouched that he had to force himself to remove his hand from hers.

“I’m Marley Saltzman.”

 Her eyes darted up to his,
and then dropped back down to the bottle of water in her hands. She was
twisting it so hard that the wrapper was tearing off. Unable to resist, Lex
reached out and covered her grip on the bottle, giving her a gentle squeeze. “Is
this your first event?”

Marley nodded, and allowed him to
take her hand and draw her down to the seat at his side. For just a moment, he
could only stare at her profile as her eyes darted around the room. Her nervousness
was obvious, but she held her spine rigid. She had the bearing of royalty, but
underneath, behind the smile in her eyes, he could see her fear and discomfort.
He couldn’t even vaguely remember what it was like to be a newbie to this
world, but he sympathized with her in ways he shouldn’t at this point.

“It’s all right, princess. In a place
with this much kink there’s no need to force the unwilling. No one will touch
you without your consent. Relax, and tell me what brought you here.” As he
spoke, he reached his hand out and brushed a dark brown curl away from her
cheek. He could see the curve of her ear, and he wondered at her lack of
jewelry. Most women would have earrings and a necklace to match the silver cuffs
and bangles adoring her wrists. It was a pleasant surprise to see someone
taking the less-is-more approach.

“My friend, Killian invited me.”

Disappointment filled his gut,
and he frowned. “You’re here with Killian?”

“No, we’re just friends. He’s the
only person I know involved in all of this. I wanted to see if the lifestyle
was for me, and this seemed like the best place to do so.” She looked up at him
and he was so entranced by the genuine anxiety in her dark brown eyes that he
almost missed her next statement. “I need to know if this is what’s been
missing from my life.”

“That’s an interesting way of
putting it. Are you here tonight to observe or to play?” Her tongue darted over
her lips and she fidgeted. “Relax, Marley.”

The command was simple, but her
reaction wasn’t. He anticipated her balking; instead she seemed to melt right
in front of him. Her lips parted on an inhale, and her eyes glazed over
slightly. He could see the increase in her pulse at the base of her throat and
it matched the thrum of blood through his balls. Her submission was perfection,
and he knew in an instant that he had to have her for his own. “I’ll ask again,
but I don’t like to repeat myself. Are you planning on watching from a distance
tonight, or would you like to play, princess?”

An insanely long heartbeat later,
her answer nearly broke his perfect control. “I’m not sure yet.”

The slow, wicked smile that
spread over his face was probably scary to a newbie, but he couldn’t have held
it in if he tried.


~ ~


Marley’s heart stopped when Lex
smiled at her. The smile turned his dark and dangerous countenance to seductive
and sensual. She could feel herself trembling, and when he wrapped one hand
around the nape of her neck and applied gentle pressure, she found herself
leaning across the arm of the chair.

The moment he lowered his lips to
hers it was like someone had just shocked her with a cardiac defibrillator. Her
entire being was electrified, starting at the point where their mouths
connected and coursing through her veins. He controlled the kiss as easily as if
she were a puppet on strings, and with every change in pressure from his hand
or his lips, her body responded, unfurling like a new bud in the spring.

When he finally broke away, a
moan slipped from her and she blushed. His grip shifted from her hair to her
jaw, and he raised her chin to meet his hard gaze, “There is nothing to be
embarrassed about, princess. I’m not a Dom who imposes voice restrictions
often. I prefer to hear it when you’re finding pleasure in something I’m doing
to you.”

There was no way she could
formulate words with her brain spinning into madness, so she just nodded. She
was reminded again of how out of her element she was here. Never in her
lifetime had she allowed a complete stranger such freedom with her body, and
the worst part was that she wanted him to kiss her again and again, and never

Her thighs clenched together, and
her stomach flip-flopped when he slid his fingers up to the clip holding her
hair. With one simple flick of his wrist, he released the heavy locks to flow
down her back.

“That’s better. You should wear
your hair down. It’s magnificent.” His praise meant more to her than it should.
“Are the streaks of crimson natural?”

Indignation heated her blood, and
she jerked away from his addictively sensual touch. “Yes. They are. Please stop.”

“Easy, princess. Did you think I
would strip you naked and take you right here?” He looked around and then
grimaced, “Don’t answer that. I suppose from what you’ve seen tonight that’s
exactly what you were expecting. Kissing you doesn’t mean I’m going to throw
you over my shoulder and carry you off to my cave. And one kiss does not a play
partner make. I apologize for accosting you without gaining your friendship
first. We’ll wait and see how you feel later about participating.”

She opened her mouth to question
him further, and then froze. Was she allowed to just ask questions? Her brain
spun with the information overload she had received tonight, and she questioned
herself again for coming.

“What is it, Marley?” His eyes
were narrowed on her, and he cocked his head to the side in a curious motion.
It made his dark hair flop across his forehead in a sexy way and her fingers
itched to reach for it.

Fighting her desires and her
nerves she blurted, “I’m not sure what I’m allowed to ask you.”

Lex chuckled, “You can ask me
anything. I’m an open book.”

“Aren’t submissives supposed to
be quiet?” she asked curiously.

“Good grief. Did you read that
book that all the women are talking about? The one where BDSM is supposed to be
about the man telling the woman to be quiet and fuck, and she just accepts it?
That is not what this is all about, my dear, and if that’s what turns you on, I
think we’d better part ways now as friends.” He went to rise from his seat, and
she grew flustered.

“No, wait,” she reached out and
took his hand in hers, stopping his forward motion. “I was just trying to make
what I know of BDSM mesh in my brain with what I’ve seen tonight,and what you’re
telling me. I snapped at you, and you didn’t punish me. It surprised me that
you didn’t really react. And I thought I was supposed to call all Dominants
Sir, and if I played with someone, he was my Master.”

Lex watched her intently, and she
wondered what he was thinking. His eyes were a startling shade of deep blue. She
had only seen that color once before in her life, when she was a young girl and
her parents took her a on a fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico. Right now,
those piercing blue orbs were centered on her soul, and she could have sworn he
could read her thoughts.

“You know, not all Dominants are
alike, just like submissives are all different. We all have our own way of
doing things. In general, I prefer an experienced sub, but something about you
intrigues me. I took advantage of your unease by touching you without asking
first. You had every right to snap at me, and I’m not your Dominant, so I don’t
have any right to punish you unless you interrupt a scene I’m in or break a house
rule.” He paused for a moment to let her absorb that and then answered the
second part of her question, “While we’re sitting here talking as friends, Lex
is sufficient. If you agree to play with me tonight, you will be expected to call
me Sir. I don’t believe a sub should call anyone Master unless he or she has
earned the title. Perhaps…”

He looked thoughtful as his words
drifted off, and he skimmed his thumb over her bottom lip. Her mouth watered
and she ached to lick his skin just to see if he tasted as good as he looked. Mortified
at her own fantasies, and the fact that, yet again, she was allowing a stranger
to touch her too intimately, she jerked her head from his grip and hurried to
take a drink of water to cover her fumble.

 “Thank you for the
explanation. I’ll do my best to abide by the rules tonight.” She responded
giving him an amused smile.

“Well, that’s a damn shame,” he
murmured back.

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