Submission Dance (2 page)

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Authors: Lori King

BOOK: Submission Dance
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“It’s certainly an intriguing
opportunity. In essence, you can have your cock and eat it too, so to speak.”
He laughed at his own joke again, pleased when she actually snorted a chuckle
this time. “You’ve told me that Foster wants him, Ana. That’s why you were
willing to accept him before. I don’t know exactly what he said to you guys
that night, but I know how much he hurt you both. Are you sure you can handle
it if he changes his mind again?”

The confusion in her eyes was
disconcerting, “I know, and that’s my concern. If this goes bad, and Wyatt can’t
go through with it…well it could be ugly.”

Lex nodded, “Let me play devil’s
advocate here. What if it turns out to be just what you all need? Aren’t you
the one always telling me to be open to whatever’s around the corner? It
appears you’ve just been presented with your own corner. Are you willing to
take a chance? If Wyatt says he can handle it, and Foster wants it…are you willing
to stand in the way because you’re scared of what

Her temper flashed in her
brilliant green eyes, a nod to her father’s genes, just as his blue eyes were
from his paternal side. They shared their mother’s intelligence and controlling
nature, but they were complete opposites physically.

“I’m not afraid of taking on a
new toy, damn it. I’m concerned about damaging the one I’ve got,” she snapped, stomping
her booted heel down and rising to her feet to stand in front of him. “I’m not
even sure why I came to you. I should have known you wouldn’t take this

“You came to me because you know
I’d never lie to you to protect your feelings and because I’m the best,” he
quipped smugly.

“Yeah, sure, better than all the
rest, right?” She rolled her eyes, and shook her head. “You haven’t even had a
sub in forever, perhaps you should turn in your Dom card, Lex, along with your
balls—if you can find them.”

He grinned at her, and she held
her ground glaring back as if they were children playing a game of Face Off. For
several moments, they remained at an impasse until her anger cracked and she
puckered her lips in a pout. “You’re a pain in my ass, you know?”

“I know, but you’re my sister, so
there’s nothing you can do about it. And for the record, I know exactly where
my balls are, thank you very much. When I’m ready for someone to play with
them, I’ll find someone. Until then, let’s get back to your situation. You have
a sub who’s in love with you—truly, madly, and deeply—but you’ve
been putting off a more permanent commitment, choosing to keep him on a leash,
but distant. He wants Wyatt even though the man hurt him, because he’s curious
about his own sexuality. You want him happy. He wants you happy. Wyatt wants
you happy. I’m really not seeing the issue. Give the pup a trial run and see
how it goes. If the boy can’t get it up and keep it up with your pet, then you
know there’s no future in it.”

Ana groaned and shook her head. “You
have such an eloquent way of putting things, brother-mine. I’m not sure Foster
will see it so black and white. Wyatt made him doubt himself, and our
relationship the last time I…well…it’s in the past now, so it doesn’t matter.
He says he’s sorry and he wants to make it up to both of us. Perhaps a surprise
scene for Foster is in order. One with plenty of groveling and witnesses in
case Wyatt backs out.”

“Make it clear that safewording
negates his chances of re-engaging you in the future, or he’ll play you like a
yo-yo on a string, Ana. Despite your current look, you and I both know you’ve
got a soft spot for the men in your life.” Lex picked up his glass once again
and winked at her.

“I need to finish rounds. Thanks
for listening. I’ll consider what you said and decide later. Are you sticking
around or leaving early again?” She reached out and snatched his glass from his
hand, sipping his whiskey as if he’d offered it up.

“Give me that!” he snapped,
tugging it back, “I don’t know how long I’ll stay. Kaia is with Mom until
Monday, and you know how much she loves being at Grandma’s. But what’s the
point of me being here? It’s not fun anymore,” he said, glaring at the glass as
though it held all of the pain he’d been chewing on for a decade.

“You have to try, Lex. Take a sub
tonight, and see how it feels to be back in the saddle. Maybe it will change
everything.” Ana said, reaching out to pat his shoulder as she began to move

“Bah, not likely. Get your ass in
gear woman. There are heathens to watch over, and I’d hate to have to report
your lax supervision to Killian.” He teased, trying to give her a menacing look
that turned into an affectionate smile when she just laughed and wandered away.

He watched her leave, wondering
at her good fortune. Perhaps there was such a thing as happily ever after, but
it certainly had never found him. No, he wasn’t meant for fairytales.


~ ~ ~


Marley’s attention was quickly
back on the tour after she left the pirate behind. She was flabbergasted at the
amount of space in the building, and the number of people finding some way to
debauch it. The entire main floor of the house was decorated in a modern style
with Mediterranean accents here and there, and she counted six separate rooms
that were occupied by couples or groups engaged in one fetish or another.

In one, a woman hung suspended in
the air, woven into a decorative harness of ropes, while a man meticulously created
a braid around the curves of her body. The look on her face was utterly
beautiful, and Marley shivered as a wave of desire washed over her. Ropes
intrigued her and terrified her simultaneously. What if she had a panic attack
while tied up? She turned and pushed away from the room assuring herself that
ropes weren’t suitable for her.

She passed by an alcove where two
men, clothed only in boxer briefs, knelt with their heads lowered. She studied
their unmoving forms for a moment, wondering why they would be there, when
another man approached and called to them. The two reacted instantly, rising to
their feet, and following their Dominant down the hallway like well-trained
pets. An unusual dynamic. Were they put in the corner as a punishment, or were
they merely resting there until their Master wanted them?

A rather large curvaceous woman
bumped into her, startling her from her reverie, and apologizing. They
exchanged a smile and each went their own way, but Marley did a double take
when she realized that the large woman was in fact a man dressed in drag. He
was gorgeous, far lovelier than she would ever have believed a man in a dress
could be, and he fascinated her. Making a mental note to search out the
stranger at some point in the near future for makeup tips, she forced her
attention back to the hallway. It was becoming more crowded by the minute, but
that didn’t slow the attendees in their perverted pursuits.

People milled around, greeting
each other as old friends, or politely ignoring each other’s presence when they
found them erotically engaged. She had been concerned that she was walking into
a lawless environment, but everything worked like clockwork. Each person seemed
intent on freeing themselves of their inhibitions in some way, and she found
herself feeling less and less ashamed of her secret fantasies.

An orgy of sorts filled and
spilled out of the next massive bedroom. At least eighteen bodies were tangled
in an erotic train of quivering limbs that sought only pleasure. There were
women fucking men and other women alike, and she even saw one man giving
another a blow job while his partner ate a bound and gagged female’s pussy. The
idea of so many hands, mouths and bodies pleasuring each other was exquisitely
erotic, and Marley’s G-string grew damp. She could easily envision herself
joining in with the right group, but perhaps not in the middle of the hallway
where everyone could see her.

She continued on past the orgy
room to a set of closed doors. A pair of bracelets dangled from the chrome door
knob, and Marley frowned at them curiously.

“The bracelets mean the room isn’t
for viewing. Whoever is using it isn’t comfortable being watched,” a tall man
walking by explained. “I would say seventy percent of the attendees have no
shame or embarrassment about what they do, and actually get turned on by being
watched, but there are a few who take it private when they’re ready to play.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, but I saw the look on your face.”

“It’s no problem, and thank you
for explaining. I’m glad to know it’s not required to put on a show. I’m not
sure I could do that yet,” she said honestly, giving him a small smile. He was
handsome in a boyish way, and he didn’t even seem to be hitting on her, just
trying to help.

At least six and a half feet
tall, he towered over her, but his body was long and lean like a runners. There
was nothing in his demeanor that made her want to kneel for him. In fact, she
could see herself enjoying a dinner party or beers at a ballgame with the tall
man. She liked him instantly.

He laughed, and patted her
shoulder, “That’s okay; not everyone is into every flavor. That’s the best part
about these events. You get to taste flavors you never thought you would and
avoid the ones you don’t like, like black licorice.”

She joined the stranger in his
laughter. “Personally, I like black licorice, but I hate cherry.”

The man looked askance at her, “Oh
you poor dear girl. Cherries are a delicacy around here. No one has any cherry
left to taste.” His misty blue eyes crinkled at the corners and he wiggled his
eyebrows to indicate he was joking. “I’m Foster Craft.”

“Marley Saltzman.” She shook his
hand. “Thank you again for explaining the bracelets Mr. Craft, but how do you
obtain the bracelets?”

“Foster, please Marley. I’m not a
Mister in any sense of the word. Most of the Dominants here have a pair of
bracelets on them. There are a few who skip them, and then of course, the ones
with permanent subs don’t bother because their subs are collared. The white
bracelet is for the submissive, and the black is for the Dominant. If you look
close there is a name printed in the plastic. It tells everyone that the sub is
taken for the night. It’s the best way to provide a visible temporary claim at
these parties. Some subs are hesitant to put on a Dom’s collar until they’ve
played with them a few times, so the Doms use the bracelets as a way of marking
their territory.” Foster explained. He held up his own braceleted wrist to show
her the embossed words, “Mistress Ana.”

Marley surveyed him as she chewed
on the new information. He wore a pair of short shorts that clearly defined
that he was packing a significantly sized cock, and two matching straps
crisscrossed his lean chest. A black collar with spikes and an O-ring at the
front encircled his throat. He didn’t necessarily act like he was a sub, but he
was certainly dressed like one.

“You’re wearing a collar, too,
though.” She said, and then grimaced when she realized how rude she sounded. “I’m
sorry; I can’t believe I said that. Just ignore me. I’m a little out of my
element tonight.”

Foster gave her a sympathetic
smile, “It’s okay. The only way to learn is to ask questions, right? My
Mistress has collared me, but we wear bracelets because she’s a DM here, and
she wants to set an example.”

“Dungeon Monitor.” Marley said
automatically. “Like the Kink Police, she makes sure everyone is playing safely.”

He laughed, and nodded, “So you’re
not a complete tourist. Exactly right and I can’t wait to share that term with
her. She’ll love that title. She’s actually on duty until dinner, so I’m just
wandering around bored until she’s free.”

“I see. So if I agree to play
with someone tonight he’ll give me a bracelet not a collar?” she asked,
frowning. That wasn’t what she had read in her books at all. Submissives were
supposed to wear collars, not bracelets.

“Possibly, but you could end up
with a Dom who doesn’t use bracelets or you may decide not to even indulge
tonight, so don’t stress. There are couples here that don’t use collars at all,
some subs wear ankle bracelets, or rings, and a couple even have tattoos. We
pretty much prefer to allow everyone the ability to determine their own fate at
these parties. The bracelets are just available as an easy temporary fix if you
pair up with someone new for the night. A Dom has to have been approved by
Killian to receive a set of bracelets to carry. I get that you’re knew to BDSM,
but the first thing you have to understand is that each person, couple, or
group prefers to set their own rules. There are very few “golden” rules that
everyone abides by. The biggest one is R.A.C.K.”

“Rack? As in everyone has to try
the rack?” she asked, feeling flummoxed by all of the misinformation filling
her head.

“Risk Aware Consensual Kink.
Mainly all parties have to be in agreement on what the rules are before a scene
commences, and safety is the first and foremost priority of everyone involved.
Once a safeword is spoken all play stops, period. No exceptions.”

Before she could question her new
friend further, dinner was announced. A flurry of activity happened in a matter
of moments as people appeared from every doorway pulling their clothes on and
making their way into the dining room.

“Would you like to walk with me
to dinner, Marley? I can introduce you to my Mistress if you would be more
comfortable with some protection tonight.” Foster offered, as he gestured
toward the door everyone was filing through.

Marley wasn’t sure she would be
able to keep anything in her stomach tonight. Not even food catered in by one
of her favorite restaurants. There was too much happening around her, and so
much she still hadn’t seen.

“I’ll walk with you, but I don’t
think I need protection just yet. Thank you though for the generous offer.” She
took his arm, and Foster led her away from the hallway of decadence and into
the dining room.

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