Submission Revealed (12 page)

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Authors: Diana Hunter

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Submission Revealed
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Her cheeks were flaming. She knew it. She couldn’t even look the trooper in the eye as she made her admission of guilt. What must he think of her that she liked to be handcuffed?

“Ma’am, if he’s forced you to do this, you have a right to press charges.”

Sarah shook her head, swallowing hard and remaining resolute as she confessed her deepest secrets to this officer. “He’s not forcing me. I’m here willingly and I’m not going to press charges.”

The officer shook his head and stood up. He went back to the patrol car and Sarah saw him sit in the driver’s side and speak into the microphone. A car went by and in the headlights, she saw Phillip’s silhouette in the backseat. How terrible for him to be there! She ran over the short conversation again. Should she have let the trooper take off her cuffs? Would that have convinced him she told the truth?

An eternity passed as she waited, unsure what to do. No, that wasn’t true. She knew what she wanted to do…she wanted to jump out of the car and give that trooper a piece of her mind. The longer she sat waiting, the more ticked off she got. Why had he pulled them over in the first place? Phillip occasionally pushed the speed limit but she doubted he would have done so with her in such a getup tonight. Blushing, Sarah remembered she wore nothing under the skirt.

Before she could follow that line of thought, the trooper put away the mic and opened Phillip’s door. She watched as the officer helped him out, then turned him around and undid the handcuffs. Her sigh of relief was explosive.

The trooper handed Phillip a piece of paper, then gestured to the car. Phillip gave a terse response and held out his hand. With reluctance, the trooper put the hood into Phillip’s hand, then watched as Phillip came back to her. Before he was even all the way in the car, his concern came out in his first question. “Sarah, are you all right?”

“I’m fine but what about you? Did he arrest you?” She wanted to touch him, to smother him with kisses but the trooper’s headlights still shone in through the back window. Instead, she contented herself with putting a hand on his arm.

Phillip let his breath out in a rush and pulled her to him. “No, my dearest, sweet, sweet love.” He kissed her hair, her temple, her cheek. “He didn’t arrest me. I’m so sorry I put you in danger.”

In the light, she looked up at him, puzzled. “Danger? I could have died from embarrassment but that was all. And I’m over that. I don’t really care what that guy thinks.” She stopped. “Phillip, you’re shaking.”

“When I was sitting in the back of that car, I suddenly realized what kind of predicament you were in. A stranger coming to you while you were bound and helpless? And me locked up and unable to protect you. I swear, I will never let such a thing happen again, Sarah. I swear.”

She sat back, considering. “Phillip, I knew we’d been pulled over by the police. I heard the siren and heard him tell you to get out of the car. You weren’t fighting, so I knew it was the law.” She shook her head. “I know, not all cops are good cops. And I wasn’t totally helpless, you know.” A wicked grin spread across her face and she opened her hands. Clenched inside was a small screwdriver.

“The glove compartment!” Phillip looked at her in astonishment.

“Yep. I could feel it still open against my knee, so I rooted around inside it for something I could use as a weapon just in case. I found this, then closed the glove box so the light wouldn’t shine on me. I do have a brain, you know.”

Phillip pulled her to him, ignoring the light and the watching cop. “I love your brain.” He kissed her hard, relief flooding him. He would not be so stupid again.

And when the kiss ended, Sarah took the hood from his hand. “I believe we were on our way somewhere?” Very deliberately and making sure the cop could see, she awkwardly pulled it over her own head. But with her hands bound together, she couldn’t zip it shut. Turning, she angled herself so Phillip could take care of that and then re-buckle the straps.

She heard him start the car, then felt him reach over and check the seat belt that was still around her. His fingers rested over hers, still handcuffed together. He tapped the screwdriver she held.

“Hang on to that for a while, slave. Just remember to leave it in the car when we get to where we’re going.”

The car moved forward and she sat back, grinning behind her leather hood.

Chapter Six



By the time they got to Will’s, Phillip was back in control. They spoke little, Sarah because she couldn’t and Phillip because his thoughts replayed the incident over and over. How could he have put her in such danger?

Both Will and Jill knew immediately that something was wrong. Phillip had fastened a collar and leash around Sarah’s neck and led her up to and inside the house. But Phillip was distracted, something Will hadn’t seen in his friend in a long while. He took the leash from the man he’d mentored and gestured for Jill to take him into the other room. Leading Sarah to the room they’d set up for tonight’s activities, he helped her to sit on a straight-back chair.

“Put your feet and knees together, slave of Master Phillip. Do not move until he instructs you.”

Sarah folded her hands together, the handcuffs not really letting her do much else and waited. Master William left the room, she was pretty sure, but was she alone? Straining her ears, she tried to pick up any sound. With the hood muffling so much, she couldn’t tell if there was anyone nearby or not. Determined to make Phillip proud of her, whether eyes watched her or not, she remained silent and still.

Jill was giving Phillip a shoulder rub when Will walked into the kitchen. “Okay, what’s going on?”

In a few short sentences, Phillip filled them in. “And you want to know the kicker?” He stood up and pulled the ticket out of his pocket. “Why I got pulled over in the first place? A burnt-out taillight!”

Will and Jill exchanged glances. Phillip had just about shaken off the incident but was still more rattled than Will was comfortable with. “I’m thinkin’ we ought to have a quiet night playing cards instead of…what we had planned.”

The disappointment in Will’s voice came through loud and clear to Phillip, even though his friend tried to hide it. He stretched his shoulders and shook his head. “No, I’m fine. And really, so is Sarah. I don’t think it’s really hit her what could have happened if he’d been a crooked cop.” The smile he gave held a growing mischievousness as Phillip settled down and began looking forward to their long-planned evening. “In fact, she’s been alone with her thoughts under that hood for quite some time now. She doesn’t know where she is, either. Obviously she’s figured out you two are here but we could be in some warehouse for all she knows.”

A soft knock on the front door caught their attention. Jill stepped out to answer it and Phillip heard her greet Lady Aleshia in respectful tones. She ushered them into the kitchen as well and Phillip repeated what had happened on their way between the restaurant and Will and Jill’s house.

“Sarah doesn’t know where she is,” he finished up. “And she has some concerns about being shared. You all must remain silent in order for what I have in mind to work. She can’t know who you are…or how many of you there are.”


Were those footsteps? Sarah tried to focus on where the noise had come from but not a whisper got through the leather. From several feet away, Phillip’s voice made her jump.

“Slave. You are doing well. My friends like what they see. You are very well-behaved.”

So she wasn’t alone. Relief flooded her that she had done what Will had told her. She would never want to shame Phillip or cause him to lose face.

“I want them to see more.”

His voice was closer and she didn’t jump when he picked up the end of her leash, pulling her to a standing position. Her steps coming in from the car had been tentative over uneven ground. Yet this smooth floor, hardwood she thought by the sound her heels made on it, wasn’t hard to walk on at all. She followed where Phillip led with confidence and pride in her step.

He stopped her, however, after only going a few steps. Taking her shoulders, he turned her around, moving her back a step and against something solid. The wall? Some contraption? She waited patiently, knowing she was in good hands—hands that now caressed her face through the hood. She felt Phillip’s lips close over hers and even though the leather stood between them, she responded, pressing back with ardor.

He unlocked her wrists from the handcuffs and she resisted the urge to rub them. The cuffs hadn’t been tight but the reaction was instinctual. Letting her hands drop to her sides, Sarah was fairly certain they wouldn’t remain unbound very long. She was right, though not in the way she expected. She remained free only long enough for the hands that caressed her to unzip her blouse and push it off her shoulders. In the darkness of her hood, her shock was audible. Phillip unveiled her to myriad eyes she couldn’t see but knew were there. Her heart beat harder, yet she could not deny the warmth that spread upward from her pussy.

She thought he’d stop there, with her blouse. After all, when she had been caged and on display before, she’d been still dressed in her underwear. But when his fingers undid the clasp of her bra and pulled it off her quickly, her breath quickened and her mind reeled. And when four hands grabbed her wrists from either side of her and raised them over her head to fasten them wide apart, she had to beat down the urge to fight them. He had half stripped her before strangers. How many were there?

Desperately she struggled to hear a sound that would tell her who was in the room. Were these strangers she was half-naked for? She knew Master William was here…or at least had led her into the room. That meant Jill was probably here too. She’d seen and spoken to both of them not an hour before at the restaurant but neither one had given her any indication that they would be getting together again tonight. How many others from the restaurant were here? Was Andrew out there too? Leering at her now-exposed breasts? Where had Phillip brought her?

She pulled down on her wrists but they were tightly strapped in by heavy cuffs that almost entirely covered her hand. Forced onto her toes by the height of the cuffs that held her, she felt stretched like a string pulled taut.

“Remove her skirt.”

That definitely wasn’t Phillip’s voice. She fought panic as hands again reached around her, this time unzipping her skirt and letting it fall. Someone picked up first one, then the other foot and the skirt was gone. She was on display for all to see wearing nothing but her sandals.

Where was Phillip? He had to be here. Why was he letting them do this to her?

The memory of being on display before, in the familiar location of Phillip’s living room, flashed into her mind again. Then the cage had been almost a comfort she could draw around her. The bars served as a blanket of protection as the others had looked their fill.

She squirmed, remembering her initial reaction to being shown off in such a way.

Shown off. That was what Phillip was doing now. He had put her here, naked and stretched tall, because he wanted to show off his prized possession.

Finding her courage, she raised her chin, unable to see who stared at her. If Phillip thought enough of her to put her on display like this, then she would be proud of her body and let them look their fill.

Her heart quickened, however, as she felt a change in the atmosphere around her. No noise gave her a clue, yet she was sure someone stood very close to her—one on either side. Attuning every sense to the space around her, she still jumped a little when someone’s warm hand cupped her right breast, the thumb circling around and over her nipple, bringing it to hardness.

A second hand cupped her other breast. A separate person. She’d never been touched this way by two at once. And she wasn’t very good at hiding her reaction. The hands that held her must be able to feel her beating heart and faster breathing.

A third hand caressed her cheek, sliding down to circle her neck and plunge into the crevice between her breasts. Something wasn’t right, though. The hand was flat against her skin. No one who held her breasts could possibly run their hand against her like that. Her heart fluttered. Three people touched her.

More hands now, caressing her thighs, her calves, working down to her feet. They slipped her sandals off, one, then the other, pulling her legs apart and fastening them, spreading her body into an X that hung suspended for their pleasure. Sarah’s head fell back, finding rest against a chest that rose and fell. There was no wall behind her. What was she bound to?

The hands roamed over her skin, massaging, caressing, coming close but never touching the spot between her legs that tingled in anticipation. Moaning in her darkness, she longed for someone to touch her there that she might explode in pleasure.

As quickly as the touches began, they stopped. The sudden lack made her gasp and pull her head up. She didn’t lean back again. He wouldn’t be there now.

A set of hands grabbed her right breast, strong hands that roughly squeezed, mauling the flesh between his fingers, pinching the nipple and digging his nails into her skin. She bore it, letting this stranger’s familiarity with her body fuel the need growing between her spread legs.

He hefted her breast as if weighing it. Because of her hood, she didn’t see him raise his hand and so was unprepared for the slap he delivered. The leather didn’t permit her to open her mouth but the grunt that filled the room was clear. Another slap and her head fell forward, trying to suck in the pain that so quickly turned to pleasure.

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