Read Submitting to the Boss Online

Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #Erotic, #submission, #bondage, #spanking, #hot wife, #silicon valley, #kinky, #sexy romance, #lora leigh, #heartbreaking

Submitting to the Boss (13 page)

BOOK: Submitting to the Boss
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But something niggled at her. What if Holt
wanted to keep it secret forever?


* * * * *


Jessica woke to the feel of Clay deep inside
her. “I was dreaming about a lumberjack doing very naughty things
to me,” she murmured.

“You were awake every minute,” Clay

Jessica glanced at the clock. It was a little
after four, plenty of time before Holt arrived to pick Clay up for
the drive to the airport. She closed her eyes and shook her head,
then she gasped as he hit the sweet spot inside. “No, it was the
lumberjack that got me all hot. He wore a red-and-black shirt, and
he had huge muscles.”

“Were you in the woods?” Clay asked, stroking
deep. He loved detail, whether it was made up or something she’d
actually done.

“He’d just cut down a big tree, and he did me
right there on the stump.” She’d been dreaming, incorporating
whatever Clay had been doing to her right into the dream.

“Fuck,” he said, driving into her, riding her
G-spot. “Wanna see Vince while I’m gone?”

Clay was more than enough, but it made him so
damn hot to make love to her while she had phone sex with Vince.
She knew his fondest wish was to lick another man’s come off her
when she got home. She moaned, imagining his tongue on all her
intimate places. “This time
be the one having phone
sex while he was fucking me.”

“Hell, yes.” He bit her neck lightly, like an
animal claiming its mate. “Or you could lie and just tell me you
did it, if that’s what you want.”

Clay never forced her to do anything. He was
perfectly happy if she made up a story. And she’d made up some
doozies in the past.

She grabbed his face, held him still. “What
if I really did it?” she whispered. She’d come to Clay after she’d
been with Vince, but
that was before she was
Clay, before she’d slept in his bed, woken
up in his arms. Before she loved him with every bone in her

His gaze roamed her face, down to her lips,
back to her eyes. Inside her, his cock flexed, and he felt
impossibly hard. “Christ, Jessica, you’re such a tease.”

She knew what he meant. He wanted it badly.
But he didn’t want to force her to do something she wasn’t
comfortable with. When she’d first learned about his kinky
desires—wanting his woman to be with other men—she’d thought it
meant he couldn’t possibly care for her, and certainly not love
her. But Clay was built differently from other men. The idea of her
with someone else made him absolutely wild. She had a feeling it
was something to do with showing other men that no matter what they
did to her, she would always come back to him and he would always
be the best. They’d talked about moving in together; they’d talked
of marriage. Now she thought about giving him the gift he wanted so

“I mean it,” she said softly. It was a crazy
notion that had grown on her. “I’ve even had a fantasy or two of
testing it out with other men, not just Vince.”

“Fuck.” The one word said it all, how badly
he wanted it, how wild it made him. He pulled out, crawled down her
body to lie between her spread legs.

“Like that hot guy I met at the Marriott
bar,” she went on, “while I was trying to entice you. What was his
name? Mitch. Yeah. How would you like me to do Mitch?” Not that she
knew how to find the man. But Clay went crazy, just the way she
wanted him to, licking, sucking, fingers inside her, driving her to
the very edge.

She panted, gasping between words.
“I’d...fuck him...make him come on me...make you lick it all

Then there were no more words as she hit the
pinnacle and soared off into blue sky, crying out his name, her
body trembling. She wasn’t even aware of him climbing back up her
body and fitting himself inside her again. He was just
, as he’d been the moment she’d awoken.

“I love you,” he murmured against her mouth,
her juices still fresh on his lips.

She believed him with all her heart. “I love
you,” she answered.

“You don’t have to do it just for me.” Vince,
the other men, that’s what he meant.

“I’m going to do it for
.” She’d
figured out that it didn’t make him want her or love her less.
Instead, it was some sort of affirmation for him. She’d given up
her job for him, though the one she was moving to would probably
prove to be just as good. Then she could have both, Clay and her
career. She’d never thought it possible, never dreamed it. “In
fact, I might do something naughty right before your plane gets
in.” She nipped his chin. “Then you’ll have to do me right there in
the parking garage.” Oh yeah, that would be hot.

He smiled. “Holt’s ordered a car to pick us

“Tell him you’ll find your own ride home,”
she whispered.

“Baby, you make me crazy.”

She would always try. And she had no doubt
that he would always be there when she came home to him. “Now, why
don’t you finish what you started, darling, and fuck me?”

“Hell, yeah.”

This time he made her see fireworks.



Chapter Fourteen



“What do you mean we have to pick up Clay on
the way?” Ruby stood before him, hands militantly on her hips.

She’d been acting a little strangely this
morning, though Holt couldn’t put his finger on why. She just Women could sometimes be a mystery. But when he said
they were taking Clay to the airport, too, she’d gone

“It’s only logical. There’s no point in using
twice as much gas.”

“But we have to go
.” She
practically spat the word at him. “Down to Palo Alto, then back to

True, but Holt had a specific plan to
execute. He wanted to test how Ruby responded when she was with him
in front of other men, especially Clay, since they’d split so
recently. He couldn’t do that at work. Everything he and Ruby did
was in secret, but how would she feel once it was revealed? After
all, she was screwing the boss, and that was one line Ruby had
never crossed. She’d crossed it now, but if they were to have
anything else between them, then he had to gauge her reaction to
being seen with him, really
him. Clay was the best
choice for that. Sure, he could have used Cassandra as a test case,
since she was coming this weekend, but somehow that was completely
different. His daughter had no stake in whether or not he had a
relationship with Ruby. Besides, when he introduced Ruby to his
daughter as more than the secretary Cassandra had always known her
as, he wanted his relationship with Ruby to be well

First, though, Ruby had to learn this wasn’t
going to be short-term.

He was going to have to play a little
hardball with her. “You will do as I say, pick up Clay, then we’ll
drive to the airport. And no back talk.”

“Why can’t
do it?” She gave
the name a syrupy snarl.

Ah, that was the problem. She was steamed
about Jessica Murphy. And the odds were that Jessica would be at
Clay’s house.

“I don’t want
beside me,” he
stated flatly. “I want you.”

She huffed and puffed, then finally glared at
him and said, “Fine. But you can carry your own bags out to the
car. I’m not a bell boy.” She flung open the door and stalked down
the path to the drive, waiting there for him to beep the car

Holt had to laugh. His sweet little Ruby had
never been like this with him when she was
secretary. The woman was a handful, but he knew how to make her
purr. In the meantime, he juggled his golf bag, roller case, and
suit carrier to the car. While traveling, he preferred jeans and
would change into his suit when the conference got officially

After stowing his gear in the back, he
climbed into the driver’s seat beside her, then put his hand on her
knee. Her fingers twitched, as if she might throw him off. “Don’t,”
he warned. “I’ll touch you when I please. You’re with me now, Ruby,
not Clay. And if you’ve got a problem with that, then we need to
rethink your rules.”

She pursed her lips and stared ahead. Holt
massaged her knee, moving higher, sliding up under the skirt to the
top of her thigh-highs, and beyond. Her sexual aroma wafted through
the car, and when he finally touched her pussy, she was wet. “This
is mine,” he whispered.

Ruby swallowed. Then she said, “Whatever.”
The withering effect was lost when her voice broke slightly.

Holt backed off and started the engine. “If
you want, you can drive the car while I’m gone.” In the past, she’d
often driven him to the airport, though not for an early morning
flight. She’d also taken the car in for servicing and the like
while he was gone, so seeing her behind the wheel wouldn’t appear
unusual to anyone at work.

“I’ll drop it off and pick up mine from your
place,” she snapped. “Unless you need me as your taxi service home
from the airport as well,” she drawled sarcastically.

He was starting to dislike the fact that
Jessica Murphy was playing on Ruby’s mind like this, causing her
inner bitch to scratch its way out. Ruby hadn’t been in love with
Clay, but Holt realized there was still strong emotion there.
Perhaps he’d misjudged the full effect of the breakup and was
pushing to confront the issue far too soon.

The car was uncomfortably silent as they left
his house behind, the echo of her pissy attitude remaining. After a
few twists and turns, he pulled onto the freeway. At this early
hour, the lanes were fairly empty.

Ruby shifted in her seat. “Sorry. I’m being a
bitch for no good reason.”

The issue was that she didn’t want to admit
the reason. But at least she was starting to see sense. “Apology
accepted.” He was well aware that Ruby usually expected apologies
rather than make them. Which meant she’d made another step

Then she leaned close, blew in his ear, and
whispered, “Touch me again.” It was almost like a peace offering.
Without giving him a chance to make up his own mind, she grabbed
his hand, leading him beneath her skirt. She was hot, slippery,
wet, and luscious.

And she was Ruby, getting what she wanted by
using her greatest asset: sex. Holt wasn’t above using the very
same thing to get what he wanted. In many ways, they were two of a


* * * * *


Holt toyed with the bead of her clit. Ruby
spread her legs a little wider, giving him better access. “Don’t
have an accident,” she warned lightly.

“Maybe you should have thought of that before
you put my hand between your legs,” he drawled, but he didn’t

She laid her head back against the seat. He
was so good, that slow, steady rhythm, and perfect driving, too.
“Yum,” she whispered.

“You’re insatiable,” he replied.

Headlights whizzed by on the opposite side of
the freeway. On the right were the facades of great buildings, many
of them sporting lease signs. With many companies going under after
the economic crunch, there was a lot of empty space. Ruby closed
her eyes, moaned, put her hand over Holt’s, and pressed him harder
against her. “If I’m not allowed to touch myself while you’re gone,
you have to at least give me one last orgasm.”

“Only two exits left,” he said. “You better
come quick.”

He reminded her where they were going and
what they would probably find at Clay’s house: Jessica. First, Holt
hadn’t wanted her to have dinner with his daughter; now he expected
to pick Clay up at the house
lived in until a few short weeks ago. If Little Miss
Muffet’s car was there...

“Don’t tense up on me now, baby.”

His voice, so far away, but his fingers so
close, so good. He was right; she wouldn’t let Clay and Jessica
ruin the high. That’s why she’d stopped fighting Holt. She didn’t
want to be a whiny bitch. She didn’t want to waste the last fifteen
minutes they had alone.

“Make me come, Holt, make me come,” she said,
her words a chant. She helped him rub and caress, directing his
touch where she wanted it most. “I have needs”–she gasped, oh
yes—“five whole days without sex.” She was almost unaware when he
withdrew his hand to make the exit off the freeway.

“Don’t stop, baby. I want to hear you come.
It’s your last chance.”

She knew he watched even as he drove. She
wanted this, to have sex with him in the car. Clay would smell it;
he’d know. Her body started to quake with the first tremors of

“That’s it, baby. You’re with me now.” Holt’s
voice pushed her closer to the edge. “Everything is about me, no
one else.”

Ruby arched into her fingers, rotated her
hips, doubled the friction. The orgasm splintered through her. She
cried out, tossed her head, and rode the wave, while Holt whispered
to her, talking her through the high.

Then the car pulled to a stop.

“Give me your hand,” he ordered.

She let him bring her fingers to his lips. He
drew one digit all the way in, licked it clean. Then another.

“You taste good,” he whispered.

Opening her eyes, she gazed at Clay’s house.
Lights were on. Holt kept sucking, driving her mad with the need
for more. Jessica’s car sat in the drive, but with her fingers in
Holt’s mouth, Ruby didn’t care.

The front door opened, and Clay jogged down
the path with a golf bag over his shoulder, suitcase in one hand,
computer case in the other. Rather than the comfortable pair of
jeans that Holt wore to travel in, Clay had dressed in his suit.
Despite everything that had happened, she acknowledged that he was
a fine figure of a man. She wondered if he knew she was going with
them to the airport. She wondered if he could see the way Holt
touched her.

BOOK: Submitting to the Boss
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