Suddenly Last Summer (19 page)

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Authors: Sarah Morgan

BOOK: Suddenly Last Summer
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Darkness fell, the setting sun hovering over the mountaintops like a child peeping over the bedcovers desperate to squeeze every last moment from a perfect day, and finally she glimpsed him across the deck, dancing with Brenna.

“Dance?” Walter stood beside her. He was looking better by the day but she still ached with worry for him and she knew today had been a long one for him.

“I’m a little tired. Shall we sit down together for a minute?”

“What you mean is that you’re worried
tired.” He gave a grunt. “Stop protecting me.”

Je t’adore,
Walter. You are very special to me.”

His expression softened. “Then would you do me a favor?”

Bien sûr.
For you, anything. Just name it.”

“When my grandson asks you to dance, don’t refuse.”

“Tyler is too busy with his harem to even notice me.”

“I’m not talking about Tyler.”

Her heart pumped a little harder. “Me, I am not a very good dancer.”

“You’re a liar. I know you love dancing but you never do it. Tonight, you’re going to dance.”

“You should not meddle. Sean is too busy for a relationship and so am I.”

“Which is why a dance is perfect. If you want to make an old man happy, you’ll say yes.”

“That’s blackmail, Walter.”

“At my age you do whatever works. How was dinner? Did he poison you?”

“You know about dinner?”

“I don’t know why everyone around here assumes there’s something wrong with my eyesight. He brought his grandmother flowers. I happened to see food and wine in the back of the car and I’m sure he wasn’t cooking for his brothers.”

“He bought flowers for Alice?” Her heart squeezed. Strong, inscrutable Sean had bought flowers for his grandmother.

“Yes. And talking of Alice, I’ve left her alone long enough.” Walter’s eyes were fixed at a point over her shoulder and then he squeezed her shoulder and stepped back. “You promised.”


But he’d already walked away from her, making his way back to the table to join Alice.

And Élise knew the reason he’d walked away was because Sean was standing behind her. Anticipation curled in her stomach and when she felt his hand on her back, she closed her eyes briefly.

Her insides churned with a mixture of delicious thrill and trepidation.

“I thought I was going to have to wrench you away from my grandfather.”

She turned, smile at the ready. “He is doing well, I think.”

“Very well.” He raised his glass in a silent toast. “Your party is a success.”

“So far no one has fallen through your deck so yes, I’d agree it’s a success. I didn’t think you were coming tonight. I thought you’d gone back to Boston.” Up close he looked impossibly handsome. Showered, shaven and dressed impeccably.

“I did. Had a call first thing this morning from a colleague about a patient he was worried about. I agreed to drive up and help out. Given that he’s been covering for me all week it was the least I could do. While I was there, I caught up with a few jobs and picked up some clothes. I’ve had enough of wearing my brother’s shirts.”

“I suspect that sentiment is mutual.”

“Definitely.” He removed her glass from her hand and put it down on the edge of the deck with his own. “Since I ruined a good pair of jeans on that deck, there is no way I would have missed the party.”

“Walter is pleased you made it. Jackson will be, too.”

“And how about you?” He spoke softly, those blue eyes sharp and perceptive as they lingered on her face. “How do you feel about it?”

That was a question she didn’t want to ask herself. “I’m pleased to see you back with your family on an evening that is important to them. And it’s always good to have a friendly face at a party.”

Smiling, he pulled her into his arms. “I have to dance with you. My grandfather’s orders.”

She melted against him. “This must be the first time in your life you’ve followed his orders. And I shouldn’t dance. I’m working.”

“The work is done. People are having a good time.” They were dancing in a quiet corner of the deck instead of on the dance floor inside the Boathouse. “People are fed and happy and the Boathouse will get rave reviews. I’d say you’re officially off duty.”

“I won’t be off duty until the last person leaves.”

“At this point in the evening most people are too drunk to notice or care what you’re up to, and anyway, you deserve to enjoy yourself, too.” His cheek brushed against her hair. “You smell delicious. And I love the dress. Especially the bits of it that don’t exist.” His hand rested on her bare back, his thumb stroking seductively over her spine. “You’re beautiful.”

The words and the tone made her head spin. She had to remind herself that he was smooth. That charm was as much a part of him as his smile. “Sean—”

“Relax. My grandfather is watching. If you walk away now he’ll blame me. You don’t want to make things worse between us, do you?”

There was no way she could relax while his hand was on her bare skin.

Her pulse was pumping.

“Your grandfather is matchmaking.”

“Yes.” But he didn’t sound annoyed. “He has good taste, I’ll say that for him. His choice in women is probably the one thing we agree on.” He pressed her closer and she felt the hardness of his thighs against hers.

Her hand rested on his chest and she could feel the steady thump of his heart through his shirt. And then she looked up at him and was almost scorched by the humor and heat in those blue eyes.

He gave a crooked smile. “When are these people leaving?”

“Party finishes at one.” Unsettled by the way he made her feel, she glanced up at the sky. “Do you think it’s going to rain?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care. I can’t wait until one.”

“Wait for what?” She tried to ease away from him but he clamped her close.

“You can’t move. Not right now.”


“Unless you want to embarrass me in front of all these important people, you need to stay exactly where you are. Right now you’re protecting more than my reputation. I thought dancing was a good idea. Turns out it wasn’t.”

Pressed hard against him she could feel the heat and thickness of him through the fabric of his suit.

The chemistry was so intense it almost stifled her. She wanted him with a desperation that terrified her.

“There are plenty of women anxious for you to dance with them.” She’d seen them, watching him across the deck, hope in their eyes.

“I’m dancing with the only woman who interests me.”

More smooth words.
“Perhaps I am not interested in you.”

“I’m a doctor. Do you want me to explain all the reasons I know that to be a lie?”

“You’re talking about the physical.”

“Physical works for me. Last summer it worked for you, too.”

She should walk away, but the slow, sure stroke of his hand on her back was driving her crazy. How could she end something that felt so good? And what was wrong with physical?

Because she no longer trusted her legs, she sank her fingers into his shoulder, feeling strength and muscle. He drew her closer, flattening her against him so that their bodies were touching from chest to ankle. Her thigh was trapped between his and when she looked up the humor in his eyes had gone, leaving only the heat.

“Enough. Let’s go.”

* * *

glance for the people around them, Sean took her hand and drew her toward the steps that led to the forest trail. Without releasing her, he scooped up a bottle of champagne from a passing waiter.

Élise almost stumbled. “Where are we going?”

“Paradise.” He slid his arm around her shoulders and hauled her against him. “Somewhere I’m less likely to be arrested for what I’m about to do to you.”

He normally prided himself on his control. Tonight that control was nowhere to be found.

He could feel the race of Élise’s pulse under his fingers, hear the shallow rush of her breath.

“We can’t walk down the trail dressed like this. You’ll ruin your shoes.”

“Some sacrifices are worth it.”
She was worth it.

“These are my most comfortable shoes.”

“In that case, hold this—” He handed her the champagne and scooped her into his arms while she gasped and tried not to spill any liquid.

“You’re going to ruin my shoes
my dress.”

“Bill me.”

“And this is my favorite dress!” But she was laughing as he picked his way along the trail, muttering and cursing under his breath as twigs snapped and occasionally his feet sank.

“Normally when I try and charm a woman out of her underwear I pick a more glossy venue. Candlelit dinner. Maybe some dancing. I have some serious moves. Shit.” He cursed again as his foot hit something soft. “My brother should build a proper path. Whenever I walk along here I step in something I don’t want to identify.”

“Is that one of your moves?”

“Very funny.” He could feel her breath on his cheek and breathed in the scent she wore. He could feel her hair brushing against his jaw, feel her curves in his arms. The need to have his hands on her eclipsed everything else and he lowered her to the ground, keeping his arms around her. “The ground may not be firm underfoot but at least we have champagne. Never let it be said I don’t know how to show a woman a good time.” There was a roll of thunder in the distance and he winced as he felt the first drops of rain hit his shoulders. “Great. Please tell me you think rain is romantic.”

“I think you know exactly how to show a woman a good time. Vermont is probably littered with broken hearts.”

“Not just Vermont. I once kissed a girl from New Hampshire. If you’re keeping count, you need to include her.”

“And I mustn’t forget all the broken hearts in Massachusetts.”

“Those definitely weren’t my fault. I warn women my work comes first. It’s not my fault if they all want to reform me.” He was about to kiss her when the rain suddenly increased and she gasped as raindrops splashed her face.

“Thank goodness the party is almost over! We should get indoors.”

“I’ve got a better idea.” He pulled her under the nearest tree, pushing her back against the gnarled bark, taking advantage of the leafy shelter. “You’re shivering. Are you cold?” He shrugged out of his jacket and draped it around her shoulders, somehow managing to not drop the champagne. “Body warmth is best for that. Trust me, I’m a doctor.” He brought his mouth down on hers, groaning as her lips parted under his. She was sweet, willing and as desperate as he was.


“God, you taste good. It’s been torture watching you walking around the deck with those long bare legs of yours—” The kiss was raw, desperate, lust clawing at him like a wild animal, urging him to take, and take. And she was equally demanding.

She locked her hand in the front of his shirt. “How do you think it has been for me with you half-naked on the deck for the past week?” Above them rain drenched the trees, filling the air with the scent of damp forest, the gentle patter of raindrops blocking out all other sounds. Protected by the dense canopy, they stayed dry. Oblivious.

She covered him with the flat of her hand and Sean groaned as he felt her fingers on his zip.

The champagne almost crashed to the ground.

Why the hell had he waited so long to do this again?

Sex with Élise had to be the most perfect, uncomplicated, sublime experience of his life.

In the distance, through the trees, they could see the lights from the party spilling onto the water, sending flashes of gold across the darkened surface. They heard the occasional strain of laughter as people scurried indoors out of the rain, but here in the forest they were alone. Tall white pine, sugar maple, white ash and red oak trees surrounded them and protected them from prying eyes and from the shift in the weather, silent witnesses to the building chemistry.

He lifted his mouth from hers and held out the bottle of champagne. “Drink?”

She took the bottle, her hand still cupping him intimately.

Her eyes holding his, she took a mouthful of champagne and gave a slow smile.

Still smiling, she freed him and then slid seductively down his body and took him in her mouth.

Wet warmth enveloped him and stars exploded in his head. Sean slammed his palm against the tree and closed his eyes, trying to steady himself, trying not to explode like a teenager. Her mouth was soft and skilled and she licked her way along his shaft and then drew him in deep until the pleasure blinded him.

Right on the edge, he dragged her up to him and the champagne fell to the ground with a thud, spilling liquid over their shoes.

The tension had been building for so long neither of them could pull it back.

They came together at the same moment, mouths colliding, bodies meshed, hands tearing at clothes.

Her fingers were jammed in his hair and she moaned as he powered her back against the tree. At the last minute he remembered her bare back and turned, so that he was the one against the rough bark. It scraped his shoulders and dug into his flesh.

He didn’t care.

Nor did he care when the rain grew heavier and started to drip through the leaves onto their heads. Excitement ripped through him, raw, primal need drove every move he made. Dimly aware that he was stepping over a line he was careful not to cross, he reached into his pocket for the condom he always carried and she took it from him, fumbling in her haste, her mouth locked against his.

The feel of her hands on him almost tipped him over the edge.

His hands slid her dress up to her thighs and he lifted her. As she wrapped her legs around him, one of her shoes fell onto the forest floor and her fingers dug hard into his shoulders.

Her forehead touched his, her hair slid forward, her dense eyelashes shadowing eyes glittering with passion.

Sean slid his fingers between her legs, felt her wet and ready and saw those beautiful eyes darken.

She said something in French but he was past communicating in any language. He wanted to bury himself in that slippery heat and lose his mind. It was all about sex and electric chemistry. It saturated the air around them. It permeated everything, every breath, every look, every taste.

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