Suddenly Last Summer (20 page)

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Authors: Sarah Morgan

BOOK: Suddenly Last Summer
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He clamped his hands on her shifting thighs, positioned her and thrust into that welcoming warmth with a throaty groan. Her body tightened around him, hot, wet, tight.


His mind blanked.

All around him were the sounds of the forest and they were part of it, part of nature, stripped of sophistication, as they slaked their lust with mutual desperation. Heat shimmered, his shoulders were damp with rain as she moved with him, matching him, driving him on, and he felt the first ripples of her orgasm all the way down his rigid, sensitized shaft. She was lost and so was he. Knowing there was no way he was going to regain control he surrendered to it, taking her mouth with his and sharing every cry, every gasp, every breath as she pulsed around him, her body driving his to the same place. His own orgasm blinded him. His vision went dark, the intensity of it squeezing every last drop of energy from him. They kissed all the way through it, each of them inhaling and tasting every moan and gasp the other made.

It was like being run over by a truck.

“Holy shit.” Sean felt dazed, unsteady on his feet, but he managed to lower her carefully, checking she could stand before he released her. It gave him some satisfaction that she kept her hands locked on his biceps.

So it wasn’t just him, then.

Her dress was soaked, clinging to her body. Her hair was sleek against her head, her long dark eyelashes clumped together.


Usually he knew what to say. Using words to his advantage was one of his skills, but right now he had no words at all, least of all slick ones.

His brain had blown.

The passion of it, the intensity and the insane chemistry was something he hadn’t experienced before.

He was struggling to say something, anything, when she finally released his arms.

Without saying anything, she slid her dress back into place, stooped and retrieved her shoe, sliding it onto her foot.

Like an erotic version of Cinderella...

It seemed impossible to comprehend, but he wanted her again. Immediately. Desperately.

And he knew she felt the same way.

“Good night, Sean.” She reached up and kissed his cheek briefly and he was so stunned by that unexpected dismissal it took him a moment to compute what she’d just said.

“‘Good night, Sean’? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I’m wishing you a good night.”

“But—” His brain and body were so aroused he couldn’t form thoughts or words. Both were broken into pieces, swirling around his dazed brain. “You’re right. We can’t stay here. You’re soaking wet and cold. We’ll go back to your place.”


“No?” Nothing made sense to him. “What the hell just happened here?”

“Sex,” she said shakily. “Incredible sex. You’re very good.”

It was a compliment smoothly blended with a rejection.

“No, wait! Just—” He swore and raked his fingers through his hair. “Just wait a minute while I think.” But he couldn’t think. His brain wasn’t working. All he could think of was the contrast between the heat of her mouth and the cool champagne. The way she’d felt when he was buried deep inside her. The need to touch her was so strong he pulled her back to him but she extricated herself gently.

“It’s been a long day. A long few months to be honest. I need to get some sleep. Good night, Sean. Be careful where you step walking home. The ground is wet and you don’t want to ruin those shoes.” With that, she flashed him a smile and ran into the darkness and the falling rain, leaving him dazed and staring and wondering what had hit him.


Élise let herself into Heron Lodge she was soaked and shivering. The rain poured down on the roof and thunder rolled in the distance.

Despite the rain, the party had been a success. The Boathouse would open on time. She should have been elated.

She wasn’t.

It was no good telling herself that what had happened had been inevitable. That it had been building for months. The truth was, she’d lost control.

But it was still just sex, wasn’t it? Still just sex. Not a relationship. Not feelings. She didn’t do that. Would never again allow herself to feel because every emotion she felt was exaggerated, stronger, deeper than other people’s.

She’d done it once before and it had ended in disaster.

She’d lost everything that had mattered to her.

There was no way she would ever risk that happening again.

Sick with the memory, palms sweaty, she pushed her hand through her soaking-wet hair and then heard the door open behind her.

She turned and saw Sean standing in the doorway, black hair sleek from the rain, those blue eyes fixed on her face. His shirt was plastered to his body, still half-undone and revealing hard muscle and a shadow of dark hair. Even with bits of the forest clinging to his trousers and his clothes wet and stuck to his body, he still looked insanely attractive.

Her tummy tightened and panic sank its claws into her flesh. “What do you want?”

“Are you seriously asking me that? You used me and abandoned me alone in the forest with no protection. Do you have no conscience?” His eyes gleamed with humor but that sexy smile simply spelled danger to her and she shook her head.

“Go away, Sean.”

He didn’t budge. “Call me old-fashioned, but when I’ve had a date with a woman I like to see her home safely.”

“You can see I’m safe.” But she didn’t feel safe. She didn’t feel safe at all with those powerful shoulders wedged in her doorway and those blue eyes fixed on her. “You’re letting in the rain.”

His response to that was to close the door with himself on the inside. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“What makes you think something is wrong?”

He raked his fingers through his hair, sending droplets of water flying. “We had sex. You walked away.”

“And women don’t usually walk away from you, is that it?” The look in his eyes told her that she was right and she gave a tired smile. “You don’t want a relationship and neither do I. It shouldn’t matter which one of us walks away.”

“It’s true I don’t have time for relationships. I’ve never made any secret of the fact. Right now work is my priority and I’m not prepared to compromise. Work comes before everything, including coming home to Snow Crystal, which makes me a selfish son-of-a-bitch or a dedicated doctor, depending on which way you look at it. If you’re my grandfather, it’s the first. Most of the women I’ve known would probably agree with him. And now you know just about everything there is to know about me and I know nothing about you.” He swiped his palm over his jaw, removing droplets of water. “Do you want to give me some clues?”

She’d expected him to walk away. She hadn’t expected him to come after her and she certainly hadn’t expected him to still be standing here.

And she hadn’t expected him to ask questions.

“I don’t want a relationship. The reason for that doesn’t matter.” She didn’t talk about it. Not with anyone. She’d buried it deep and she never, ever wanted to dig it up again. She’d left that part of her life behind and she wasn’t ever going there again.

“If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine with me, but do you have a towel I could borrow? I’m dripping on your floor.”

“If you left, you wouldn’t be dripping on my floor.”

“I’m not leaving until I’m sure you’re all right.”

“Why wouldn’t I be all right?”

“Sweetheart, you ran through that forest like little Red Riding Hood with the wolf behind her. I know you don’t want a relationship and I don’t have a problem with that. If I’m honest, it’s a relief. You didn’t need to freak out in the forest. You didn’t need to run from me.” His voice gentled. “You don’t ever need to run from me.”

“I did not freak out.”

“Yeah, you did. And so did I. It was pretty intense. Wild. Did I hurt you?” His tone was rough and she felt her tummy clench and emotion jam in her throat.

“No. You didn’t hurt me.” But the fact that he’d ask,
that he’d care,
unraveled a few more strands of the protection she’d wrapped around herself.

“So maybe I got the wrong fairy story. Is your middle name Cinderella by any chance? You lost your shoe back there so I guess you could have been running for a pumpkin pulled by mice.”

Only then did she see that he was holding her shoe. She’d run through the forest without a shoe and hadn’t even noticed. “I hate rodents.”

“Right, so I won’t buy you a pet rat for Christmas.” A faint smile touched his mouth. “So was it the spiders? There are quite a few of those in the forest.”

“That’s it. That’s the reason.”

“Really?” The smile had gone and suddenly those eyes seemed darker than usual as they lingered on her face. “Because I figured it had to be that you were afraid. What happened between us scared you.”

“I’m not afraid. It didn’t scare me.”

“Are you sure? Because it sure scared the shit out of me. I’m used to being able to walk away after sex but it’s hard to walk anywhere when your brain is blown.”

She stepped back and the edge of the counter dug hard into her hip. “I want you to leave now.”

“I’ll leave when I’m ready. You need to take off those wet things and get into a hot shower before you freeze. Is your foot all right? You could have stepped on something sharp.” His gaze slid down her body and she felt as if she were on fire. She didn’t need the shower to warm up, she just needed to look into those blue eyes.

“I’ll shower when you’ve gone. And I didn’t step on anything.”

“Do you always ignore what the doctor tells you?” He pulled a face and glanced down at himself. “The problem is that if I turn up at Jackson’s looking like this there will be questions I’m not sure I want to answer. I was hoping to use your shower and your clothes dryer.”

The last thing she wanted was Jackson asking questions. He was very protective of her and she didn’t want to come between the two brothers or be the cause of disagreement.

She would never, ever do anything that might damage a family, especially not this family. She loved them too much. This was the closest thing to a home she’d had for a long time and she wasn’t going to put that at risk.

“You can use my bathroom.”

“You use it first. And while you do that, I’ll make us both a hot drink. Hot chocolate?”

She was shivering but she didn’t know if it was because of the rain or because he was standing in her kitchen. “Chocolate is fine.”

He reached into a cupboard and took out two mugs and then paused. He put the mugs down and picked up the photo of her with her mother. “Is this you?”

Her mouth was dry. “Yes.”

“You were seriously cute as a child. And your mother is beautiful. You look like her. And she clearly adored you.”

Her mouth was dry. “What makes you say that?”

“The way she’s looking at you.”

Élise looked at the photo, wishing she could rewind time and do everything differently.


“Go and have that shower before you freeze.” He put the photograph back carefully and pulled milk from the fridge. “Don’t use all the hot water.”

* * *

and spooned chocolate into mugs. Then he stood and drank his, looking at the photograph.

The faint sound of the shower came from above his head. Because he knew she was going to be a few more minutes, he picked up the photo again.

His house was full of photos. His mother put them everywhere. Not just pictures of Tyler on the podium with medals around his neck, but family snaps—the three boys dusted with snow after a snowball fight, all of them grinning on a sled, the family dogs, pictures of his grandparents in their twenties, Snow Crystal before the lodges were built. A visual record of the passage of time. The whole house was plastered with memories. Jackson joked that their entire family history was right up there on the walls. And it wasn’t just the photos. His mother still kept pottery the boys had made in school, wonky, shapeless, unidentifiable lumps of clay that for some reason she refused to part with. She kept drawings they’d done as children, a medal Jackson had won for being young entrepreneur in tenth grade. Hell, she even kept a certificate Sean had won in Science.

He stared down at the photo in his hand, seeing the dimple in the corner of young Élise’s mouth.

Lifting his head, he glanced around Heron Lodge. Apart from the photo in his hand, there was nothing else that told him anything about her past. No clues as to who she was or where she came from. No more photographs. No objects. Nothing. It was as if her past didn’t exist. Of course, it could have been argued that Heron Lodge was too small to house too many sentimental objects, but still he would have expected to see something.

This was the only possession of hers. This one photograph.

Mother and child.

The mother she’d lost.

Guilt stabbed him. More often than not, he saw family as stifling, whereas in fact it was a cocoon. Not a straitjacket, but a protection. He’d always had that, it had always been there, even when he hadn’t noticed, or wanted it. Staying away didn’t change the fact his family was always there for him.

And he took it all for granted.

The sound of water stopped suddenly and Sean put the photo back quietly and finished his chocolate.

A moment later Élise appeared in the kitchen, her cheeks flushed from the hairdryer.

Her face was scrubbed clean of makeup and the sexy black dress had been exchanged for a simple strap top and a pair of cozy lounge pants tied at the waist with a cream ribbon.

He fought the urge to carry her straight to bed and instead handed her the mug. “I made you chocolate.”

“Thanks. If you leave your clothes outside the shower, I’ll put them in the dryer.” She took the mug and sat down on her sofa, curling her legs under her.

He took the stairs to the upper floor, remembering when he and his brothers had built the place. He’d banged his head a million times on the beam at the top of the stairs. So had Tyler.

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