Summers, Jordan (5 page)

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Richard could see everything as if it was the light of
day. She pressed a key into his hand, then leaned in to kiss his cheek. Her
cloying lavender-water perfume almost choked the air out of his lungs, but he
managed a smile. Luckily, it wasn’t imperative that he breathe.

Josephine spun on her heel and disappeared down the
hall swinging her full hips. Richard slipped the key in the lock and stepped
into the room. No candles or oil lamps were lit, leaving the room encased in
darkness. He scanned the area until he located the woman huddled naked in the
corner, rocking back and forth, her arms wrapped around her knees. He stepped
deeper into the room, until he could shut the door behind him. Her blonde hair
was disheveled and hanging in her face. She had bruises about her slender
wrists, as if she’d been shackled. Richard bit back a curse. What in the hell
was Josephine up to now?

“It’s okay.” He held up his hands, as if the poor
creature could see him. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He purposely added a
mental compulsion, willing the girl to calm down. She definitely didn’t belong
in here with all the high priced incognitas.

Her eyes widened and she bit her trembling lower lip to
keep from screaming. Her mind operated in a vortex of near madness. Richard
walked across the room until he was able to reach out and touch her. He slid a
cold finger under her chin and lifted her head.

Eyes wild with fright, the woman trembled… except she
wasn’t a woman at all. Richard stared into the green eyes of a child. She
couldn’t have been much more than twelve, if that, although an acceptable age
for some, it definitely wasn’t for him. Her youthful innocence reminded him of

His sister Meara’s urchin-like face flashed before him.
Her bloodcurdling screams still echoed in his mind. The O’Learys had invaded
their castle, murdering and pillaging as they progressed. When they reached the
inner sanctum, they’d ripped Meara from Richard’s hands as he fought to protect
her. In the end, he’d watched as they used her body to slake their lust.
Richard flinched in remembrance, his stomach clawing at his insides in impotent

She’d died staring at him, pleading, her eyes wild with
fright and pain. They ran Richard through with a pike afterwards, laughing as
he tried to crawl to Meara’s side. If he hadn’t been found by a vampire, he too
would have died that day. Richard snorted. Technically he had, but this death
allowed him to rise every night. On Meara’s grave he vowed to find the men
responsible and make them pay. And he had, but their deaths hadn’t lessened his
feelings of guilt. Ever since, Richard went out of his way to protect the weak,
the innocent.

The girl whimpered drawing his attention away from the
painful memories that to this day haunted his black heart. “What are you doing
here, child?”

She sniffled, fresh tears forming in her eyes. “M-my
father, he owed Madam Josephine much. We were going to lose the house if I didn’t
agree to come here and work off his debts.”

Richard fisted his hand as anger surged through him.
What kind of man would send his child to pay off his debts, especially in a
whorehouse of all places? Unfortunately Richard knew his type all too well, a
coward unwilling to take the beating Josephine’s men would provide. He shook
his head in disgust, stamping down the hunger, beating at his insides.

He scanned the room until he located her clothes, which
had been thrown haphazardly in a corner. He strode across the carpeted floor,
retrieving them and then handed the muslin gown to the girl.

“Get dressed,” he commanded.

The girl clutched the clothes, unmoving.


She scrambled to her feet, pulling on her petticoats
and stockings. When she’d finished dressing, Richard lit an oil lamp. The girl’s
face flushed and her gaze sought the floor.

“I’m going to get you out of here.” Her gaze flew to
his face, searching. “I want you to take this.” Richard handed the girl a
monogrammed handkerchief. “My carriage is around back. My man Hurley will be
waiting. Tell him you wish to seek passage to
He’ll know what to do.”

Richard waited for the girl’s response. He knew she had
little choice in the matter given the circumstances. Her reputation lay in ruin
despite the fact she’d retained her virtue. He could hardly risk returning her
to her home, for she’d probably end up right back here or worse. She slowly
nodded, clutching the kerchief in tiny white knuckles.

He snuffed out the light, and then opened the door. A
quick glance up and down guaranteed there was no one in the hall. Richard
stepped out pulling the girl behind. He’d taken four or five steps when a door
opposite theirs swung open and a portly gentleman stepped out blocking Richard’s

The man’s forehead leveled with Richard’s chin. His
gaze went to Richard’s face, then past him to the girl. The man’s eyes widened
and he leered, but said nothing. He stepped aside and let them proceed on.
Richard glanced back. The man continued to stare after them, a look of obscene
envy plainly written on his pudgy features.

Richard shrugged off the tension in his shoulders. He
didn’t give a fop about what the man thought. He knew he’d done the right
thing. Richard escorted the child out the back way and pointed out his carriage
before pushing her on. The girl clamored down the stairs, then raced for his

Upon encountering Hurley, she pointed over her shoulder
to where Richard stood. He gave his valet a quick nod then returned inside, not
missing the final wave the child had sent him. Richard smiled. The girl would
be safe. He’d set up a dowry for her upon his return to Oughterard. In the
meantime, Katherine, a dear friend, would take good care of her.

His lips thinned as he thought about Josephine. She
would not take the escape of her prize possession so well. He’d have to make it
worth her while. He walked to the gambling area, hoping to spot the lovely
Madam. Instead he encountered the same man he’d seen earlier in the hall.

The rotund man sat at a whist table, losing what
appeared to be a substantial amount of money, his blue eyes locked on Richard’s
face. The man continued to stare as he pushed a fortune in blunt forward to match
his opponent’s bet.

An inkling of familiarity raced up Richard’s spine, but
he knew he’d never met the gentleman. Richard broke away from the man’s
weighing gaze to locate Josephine. She stood across the room flocked by several
young dandies, attempting to catch her favor. He could hear her delicate
laughter over the din of the gamblers.

Richard strode across the room, keeping his eyes on his
quarry. The ebony- haired beauty glanced up in time to see his approach, a
brilliant smile pasted on her handsome face. It only took her a second to
decipher his expression. Her eyes widened and she stepped away from the
gentlemen, excusing herself so she’d be able to meet him halfway.

“What’s wrong, darling? Was she not to your liking?”
she purred.

Richard reached up and grabbed her elbow, his firm grip
looking deceptively light.

“Richard, darling, you’re hurting me. If you don’t stop
I’ll be forced to summon Luc and Armand.”

“That won’t be necessary.” His words came out on a
hiss. He gave Luc and Armand a look that stopped them in their tracks. Richard
released her as they exited the room and headed for the small parlor across the
hall. He could easily dispatch both men with little effort, but explaining how
he’d done so might cause unwanted attention.

Josephine’s smile was back, the line tight with strain.
“You must tell me what happened.”

“You sent me in to deflower a mere chit of a girl,” he
seethed. “You know my tastes, Josephine or need I remind you.” He rolled his
shoulders, power vibrating off him. “There are other establishments that wouldn’t
make such a mistake.”

Worry momentarily flitted across her sculpted brow,
before returning to its usual placidness. “I only wanted to make you happy. I’ll
be sure and punish Amelia for her insolence.”

He choked a bitter laugh out, imagining how easy it
would be to squeeze the life from Josephine without ever laying a hand on her
body, then quickly dismissed the thought. He wasn’t a monster, at least not
wholly. “That won’t be necessary. I’ve rid your establishment of her presence.”

“You what?” Josephine’s voice rose unchecked.

“I knew from the quality of your chattel you would not
want someone like Amelia sullying your reputation. As you know, a child couldn’t
legally sign a binding agreement. I’m sure the magistrate would agree.” Richard
tugged at his ivory cuffs. He knew Josephine would read the threat between his

Her eyes widened momentarily, then her lids dropped. “Don’t
threaten me, Richard. It’s positively vulgar coming from you.”

“I did no such thing. I’m appalled you’d even think it,
Madam.” He cocked his head and arched a brow, giving Josephine his most
condescending look. Richard wanted more than anything to let his mask of
civility drop long enough for Josephine to see the creature beneath, then she’d
truly know what a threat he really was to her. But he’d never purposely harmed
a woman and he wouldn’t start now.

She straightened. “Very well.” Josephine sauntered over
to a small curio cabinet as if viewing the items contained there. “But you’ve
put me out at considerable cost to my person.”

“Of course, I will compensate you for your loss.”
Richard stepped forward closing the distance between them. “And I’ll take Rose
for the evening. She is aware of my special needs, has already been
accommodated, and is able to please me well.”

Josephine swung around, her face aglow. “I’ll get Rose
set up in a room. I knew you would not leave me in such a… a precarious

He inclined his head. “No, indeed.” Checkmate.


* * * * *

After ensuring Josephine received the proper funds,
Richard returned upstairs to the room he’d vacated a couple of days before.
Rose lay on the bed, her vermeil-colored hair flowing over her shoulders, and
around her pink nipples. Richard sucked in a breath as his cock leapt to
attention. The woman wasn’t a true beauty, age having faded her, but she was
striking. Her creamy thighs were spread and awaiting his arrival. The oil lamp
had been lit, sending a soft glow across her pale skin. Her full lips parted in
a welcoming smile. He grinned back.

“Rose, you look good enough to eat,” a growl rumbled
from his chest. Richard ran his tongue along his teeth and over his fangs. “And
I think I shall.”

He loosened his cravat as he crossed the floor. Rose
giggled, then reached down and lifted her nipples up for his inspection. They
beaded instantly, flushing a deeper pink.

“Lovely,” he rasped, as he shed his coat, shirt, and

In a matter of moments, he was left standing before her
in his gray breeches and nothing more. Richard heard Rose’s sharp intake of
breath, then the sound of her heart as it sped up with excitement. It took
every fiber of his being not to pounce on her. Rose’s eyes stared, transfixed
on his hands, as he unbuttoned his breeches. His impressive cock sprung free.

“Have you recovered enough to play, Rose?” he rasped.

She nodded.

He stood before her in all his naked glory. To Rose he
must appear a man in his prime. Richard glanced away as he realized the truth
of his age would horrify both her and Lily. Then just as quickly he returned
his attention, locking Rose with his fathomless gaze. Richard moved to the end
of the bed, sinking to his knees between her spread thighs. Rose squirmed and
tilted her hips exposing her pouty lower lips.

Moisture glistened on the thatch of curls between her
legs. Richard reached out a finger, stroking her pussy gently. The room smelled
of Rose’s sex and sweet blood. He closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled
deeply, then set about pleasing the woman before him, since he couldn’t lay
hands upon Lady Lily Devlin—yet.

He grazed her clit with his thumb, causing her hips to
buck beneath his touch. Richard circled the hidden button until Rose writhed,
begging for release, then he dipped his head so he could lap at her folds. She
moaned, her hands instinctively reaching for his head, burying his face deeper
into her cunt. Richard dug in and continued to eat at Rose, until she cried out
her first release.

As the spasms hit her, he pulled away, sinking his
fangs deep in her inner thigh and began to drink. The second they merged
Richard’s mind plunged into Rose’s, colliding with her tumultuous emotions.
Beneath the layers, in her hidden depths, she longed for a man like him, but
older—more settled, someone she could call her own without society looking down
on the union. Richard felt the white-hot pain pleasure increase the sensation
of her orgasm, her body’s tightening as it surged toward a second completion.
Rose screamed, careening over the edge again, her body convulsing. Richard held
her down with his strong hands.

She shuddered in ecstasy beneath his lips, her eyes
blinking closed, as Richard continued to feed. Thoughts of Lily filled his
mind, her creamy skin and blonde hair. Would the crisp curls covering her woman’s
center be as fair? What would her skin feel like beneath his lips? He longed to
experience the same mind connection with her. Richard’s cock throbbed,
demanding release. Unfortunately, he found the thought of driving into Rose’s
wet channel tonight decidedly unappealing since meeting Lily at the ball.

Damn her, what had she done to him?

The coppery sweet taste of blood filled his mouth,
regenerated his body, leaving him drowsy and content. Richard stopped himself,
when he heard Rose’s heart skip a beat. He sealed the pinpricks with a swipe of
his tongue, then kissed her on the already healing bite marks. She began to
lose consciousness and would sleep for the rest of the night and in all
likelihood all day tomorrow. He’d visit her again in a couple of days after she’d
sufficiently recovered.

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