Summers, Jordan (6 page)

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He glanced down at her spread legs. Rose’s pussy was
swollen and flushed red from her orgasm. A musky odor that was all woman
enveloped him. His cock bucked in response. Richard once again considered
fucking her, simply to assuage the pain in his shaft, but decided against it.
The only woman he wanted to sink his aching cock into was Lady Lily Devlin.

He stood, staring down at Rose’s content form. Guilt
over what he was about to do clawed at Richard. After she’d learned his secret,
he’d never been dishonest with Rose. But he also knew he couldn’t hurt her
feelings or explain his sudden change in behavior, at least not yet. He did not
want to get her hopes up.

So with a heavy heart Richard used his powers and
planted a pleasant memory of wild sex in Rose’s mind. She would wake sated with
more money than she could have made working six fortnights, having nothing but
wonderful words to say, when it came to her evening with Lord Lyon.

Thanks to their mutual exchange… she always did.




Chapter Three


Richard returned to his home as the sun began to rise
and immediately sought rest. He could feel the tiredness the day brought on all
the way to his bones. Hurley wouldn’t disturb him until the evening was once
again upon them, unless there was an emergency, in which case he could try, but
they both knew it was like attempting to raise the dead. He smiled at his own
wry humor.

Evening came quickly, like clockwork Hurley stood at
the door ready to help his master prepare for tonight’s masked ball. Richard
shook his head at the number of invitations he’d received. So far he had been
scheduled to attend forty-eight balls, sixty or so parties, and at least thirty
dinners. He’d turned down all requests for breakfasts or afternoon tea soirees.
The hostesses assumed his time would be taken up with other manly activities
such as gaming or sport at Watier’s. He glanced up at his bathing tub, which
sat before the fire, waiting to be filled.

“Did the girl get sent off on time?” Richard asked,
although he knew there was no need. Had there been a problem, Hurley would have
informed him immediately.

“Aye, she did. Katherine will receive her with open
arms, just like she does all the strays we send her.” Hurley laughed.

When no one was around Richard allowed Hurley to
address him casually, after all they were friends first and foremost.

“Well done.” Richard nodded. He could always count on
Hurley to get any job done, and Katherine. She had been a dear friend for
almost four hundred years now. In that time she’d cared for every human Richard
had sent her way.

“Hurley, my good man, please draw up a bath, while we
consider what I shall be for tonight’s events. I have a very special quarry I
wish to trap.”

“A lady has caught yer’ fancy, my lord?” Hurley didn’t
attempt to hide the hopeful note in his voice.

Richard smiled. “You could say that.”

Hurley grinned, exposing several missing teeth. “‘Tis
about time you settle down.” The man’s gray eyes sparkled with mirth. “Your
days of prancing about as a young cock should have been over long ago.”

“You are worse than an old hen, fussing over me.”
Richard teased.

Hurley laughed again before slipping from the room to
fetch hot water for the bathing tub.

Richard stripped off his clothes and took a long hard
look in the mirror. He still bore the scar from his
wound so many years ago. Strange how becoming a vampire hadn’t
been able to remove the painful reminder of his family’s demise. He ran his
fingers across the angry white gash that still tingled beneath his touch. Other
than the scar, nothing marred his white skin.

He considered his appearance, trying to imagine the
look on Lily’s face when she’d first catch a glimpse of his naked form. Failure
did not cross his mind. Would she shrink back like a timid virgin or would lust
tinge her fair skin a lovely shade of pink?

Hurley returned, finished filling the tub and then
excused himself, leaving Richard to his privacy. Richard sank into the water,
the warmth penetrating his bones.

He considered the lady in question, trying to imagine
her naked, lying before him like an offering to an ancient god. His hand
stroked down the length of his chest, nearing his hardening cock. Richard
clasped himself, enjoying the weight in his palm. The thought of entering Lily’s
tight opening had him groaning. Richard squeezed once, before releasing his
cock. He would not seek completion by his own hands. He had something far more
pleasurable in mind.

An hour later, bathed and dressed as the great Asian
conqueror, Genghis Khan, Richard departed. His costume was a bit of a private
joke, considering he’d actually met the man and received the helmet he wore
from the warlord himself. Tonight he felt like a bit of a conqueror. It would
be nice if he could reach out and seize what he wanted, without the dictates of
society interfering. But just like the times, his behavior had to adjust for
him to keep up the appearance of civility.

Lady Melbourne’s ball teetered on the preposterous, but
everyone who was anyone in the haute
wanted an invite. Richard gained permission to enter the lady’s house from the
butler. To this day, he had no idea why permission was needed for him to enter
any home, only that it was—peculiar yes, unfortunate perhaps, but one of the
many things he’d had to learn to live with over the years.

Fortunately he only needed permission once, and then he
could go and come as he pleased. That small fact didn’t stop Richard from
asking for entry, especially if he’d been away for a year or two. It couldn’t
hurt to be cautious. He checked his reflection in the mirror and straightened
his helmet. He chuckled at the thought of vampires being unable to see
themselves in looking glasses. Utterly ridiculous.

He made his way down the hall to the grand ballroom.
The room was a flurry of costumes. Many of the ladies wore elaborate masks, disguising
their faces, leaving them with a feeling of anonymity they seldom experienced.
They’d probably be shocked to know he could identify them by scent alone. Their
thoughts blurred in Richard’s mind.

Richard acknowledged the hostess with a deep bow and
then entered the throng. He had one thing and one thing only on his mind; Lady
Lily Devlin. Richard knew she had to be here somewhere. He also knew that if he
got close enough to her, he’d scent her immediately. So he could flirt with her
outrageously under the pretense she was one of his dalliances, without letting
on that he knew her true identity.

He smiled and moved deeper into the crowd. Richard had
fed before arriving, so that no clumsy mistakes like nibbling would occur due
to his insatiable hunger. He was pretty sure the thief he’d encountered in the
alley would by now have repented or at least thought twice before trying to
accost a gentleman.

Richard’s thirst was unquenchable, like a living,
breathing thing, it clawed at his insides as if he hadn’t tasted a drop of
blood. Being around so many warm bodies with crimson churning through their
veins was enough to tempt even the most devout. That’s why he so desperately
needed to find out if Lily could possibly be his bloodmate. Anticipation rushed
through him. It wouldn’t do to get too excited, nothing had been determined as
of yet.

Richard passed a small group of men and women gathered
off to the side of the dance floor. He’d taken two steps beyond when Lily’s
sweet scent filled his lungs. He stopped, turning on his heel to join the

After general greetings, the gathering continued their
conversation of fashion and the rare bit of gossip, careful to skirt true
scandal. Lady Lily stood dressed like a Greek goddess, gold adorning her
sandals, as well as being draped in her hair. An ivory and gold mask hid her
face from his prying eyes, but it didn’t take much imagination to picture her
pert nose and creamy skin.

“Mademoiselle, would you care to dance?” He held out
his hand. “I’ve never held a goddess in my arms.”

The group around them burst into giggles, as they all
paired up and headed to the dance floor.

Lily stood eyeing Lord Lyon from behind her mask. He
was far too handsome for his own good. And dressed like a conqueror he was
positively lethal. She willed her fingers to stop trembling as she allowed him
to take her hand and place it on his strong arm. Electricity shot through her
body, sending tingles racing over her skin. All her awareness focused on the
man at her side.

Even with the false moustache secured to his face, his
profile was striking. From the arch of his noble nose, to the strength of his
squared jaw, power clung to him. His lips were perfect, not too full, and not
too thin. For the first time in her life Lily wondered what it would be like to
have those firm lips pressed to hers, sharing one breath.

The air caught in her lungs as heat swept through her
body. Lily tried to tug free only to have him press his fingers upon her hand.
She glanced around hoping the revelers didn’t notice the intimacy of the
action. Lily didn’t need anyone thinking there was anything going on between
them, and heaven forbid if her father received word. It would be a position she
couldn’t easily extract herself from.

As panic started to rise, Lily remembered her disguise.
In all likelihood, Lord Lyon had no idea whom he escorted to the dance floor.
Lily had made sure none of her closest companions recognized her. The thought
gave her pause. She relaxed and smiled behind her mask. She could very easily
enjoy Richard’s company without impinging upon societal mores. The thought was
empowering and a little dangerous, which suited Lily just fine. Her beloved
mother had crowned Lily spirited at birth, saying no yoke would ever harness
her. Lily went out of her way to honor her mother’s words and make sure they
came true.

Richard swung her around in his arms, positioning her
for the waltz that was about to begin. Any other time, she’d worry about the
propriety of being seen with a rake, but behind the disguise she felt
protected, warm and delicate beneath his cool fingertips, a treasure to be

He pulled her closer, but not too close and waited for
the first strings of Mozart to be plucked. As the music started he turned her,
taking her gently around the dance floor. Their feet moved as if they’d been
dancing together for lifetimes.

His thumb brushed over her hand and he heard the thud
as her heart jumped beneath his touch. Richard fought to keep his smile in
check. The soft swell of her breasts was clearly visible with each intake of
breath, thanks to her daring costume. He swallowed hard and kept his eyes glued
to her masked face, clamping down on his raging need. It would take at least a
few more encounters before the lady would allow even the slightest liberties to
be taken by him.

Richard knew he could always use mind control on her,
but that would defeat his purpose. He wanted Lily to come to him of her own
free will, the only acceptable way to ensure their happiness together. He spun
her again, his chest scraping her breasts, his thighs brushing between her legs
and Lily’s breath caught.

Too quickly the song ended and he escorted her from the
floor, but did not release her. Instead he quirked a brow and stared down into
her masked face.

“Would you care to take a stroll with me, my lady? You
look as if you could use some air.”

She frowned.

“Quite within acceptable distances,” he added quickly.

Lily’s neck flushed pink and her lungs heaved in and
out, sending the swell of her creamy breasts even higher. Richard wet his
suddenly dry lips. His cock was hard enough to extract diamonds from the
ground. Luckily his costume hid his need.

After a moment’s pause, Lily inclined her head and they
began to meander. She felt good on his arm—right. They’d made it half way around
the room, when they encountered the portly man Richard had observed at
Josephine’s a few nights before. The short man’s eyes narrowed on his face.

Lily’s steps faltered. “F-father… it is so nice to see
you.” She leaned in as if to kiss the man’s cheek, but remembered at the last
second the mask and her disguise.

Richard felt what little blood his body carried drain
from his already pale face.

“Lord Lyon, may I present my father, Archibald
Sterling, Viscount of Devlin.” Lily swept her trembling hand forward.

The men inclined their heads, but their gazes never
wavered from each other’s faces.

Lily looked from one to the other. “Do you two know
each other?” Her tone darkened.

“No,” Richard said at the same time Devlin said yes.

Her father coughed, then reached out and took her hand
from Richard’s sleeve. “My dear, do an old man a favor and fetch me some punch,
before you get the dowagers to nattering.”

Lily stiffened, but inclined her head. “Of course,
Father.” She turned to Lord Lyon. “If you’ll excuse me.”

He gave her a curt nod and smiled, despite the tension
in his body.

Lily walked away, heading for the refreshments in the
other room. Lord Devlin watched her retreat, along with Richard. Once she’d
disappeared, the older man turned to him. His voice was a harsh whisper as he
began to speak.

“I want you to stay away from my daughter,” he hissed. “She’s

Richard felt his anger rise as he realized the man’s
implication. He knew it would do no good to try to explain his actions of the
other night. From the set of Devlin’s jaw he was in no mood to listen. Richard
fisted his hand at his side. “You are making a dire mistake, my lord. My
intentions toward your daughter are nothing but honorable.”

“I’ve seen what you consider honorable, my lord and I
shall have none of it. You are a rake and a scoundrel and you’ve ruined too
many good men. My friend, Lord William Longfellow is still struggling with
funds thanks to you.”

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