Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (3 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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I swallowed over a lump in my throat as I looked toward where Marco had been standing but he was gone.  The fear that I wasn’t good enough whispered through my mind once again.





















Chapter Three

New life and Promises


I could barely breathe as I received the few possessions that I had managed to own in my short life.  I stood outside the motor home which had been the only place I had ever lived, struggling to say good-bye to a life I had always wanted to leave.  I shouldn’t have been so terrified.  I had understood from a young age that this would happen.  I
it to happen.  Still, I trembled as my mother stepped outside once again. 

For a moment, I assumed she came to say good-bye but instead, she walked past me.  If she was trying to hurt me, she succeeded.  Even though we would not see each other again, she showed no kindness.  She didn’t even look at me.  Instead, she crossed her arms over her chest as she stood in front of Sophia. 

“I want my money and then, I’ll leave,” she said, raising her brow.  My head rose and I forced my face to become emotionless hiding the broken heart I was nursing. 

I wouldn’t admit that I hoped she would show me love in our last moments together.  I wouldn’t admit how stupid I was for hoping for kindness because I should have known that she only cared for the money.  She never cared about me and she never would. 

I fought the panic as it raced through me.   I had always believed I could convince her that I was worthy to be loved but time had run out.  She would leave and none of the scenarios I had imagined for this moment would happen.  She would pretend that I never existed.   She would never view me as worthy.  She would only see me as a mistake.  

I blinked as I felt the sudden, familiar burning in my eyes.  I wanted to say something but I didn’t know what it was.  Instead, I forced myself to remain silent.  Instead of speaking, I shifted my gaze from my mother to Sophia.  I frowned as I noticed that Sophia’s olive toned skin had turned a bright red.  I inhaled on instinct, sensing that the monster within her was close. 

“I shouldn’t give you anything after how you’ve treated her,” Sophia said, angrily.  She was breathing deeply, trying to control her rage. 

“She’s alive and she’s here to marry your son,” my mother said with a shrug, “That’s what you paid me for.  That’s what you got.”

Sophia narrowed her eyes.  My mother did not realize how close she was to danger, “Yes, it is,” she said and then, leaned toward my mother, “However, you are lucky that I don’t make a snack of you and you are very lucky that her sister isn’t here to meet you because she would do far worse.”

My mother backed away from her and Sophia smiled as she reached out with a check pinched between her fingers.  Her eyes were still narrowed over the smile as she raised her chin, “Take it and go,” she said, shaking her head, “You aren’t needed here anymore.”

My mother reached forward and grabbed it and then, she breezed by me without saying a word.  My mouth opened but I quickly closed it.  It would do no good to say good-bye to her when she would never think of me again. 

I blinked back the heat as tears sprang up in my eyes.  I watched as she closed the door.  A few moments later, the motor home pulled away. 

Only then did I stop blinking.  Tears fell down my cheeks unbidden as the woman who had given birth to me drove out of my life forever.



              I followed silently as Sophia and Ion helped me carry my possessions to a motor home on the opposite side of the park.  I stared down at the box I carried, terrified though I realized I shouldn’t be.  No one would hurt me.  That was obvious with the way everyone defended me against my mother.  Still, I didn’t know what to expect especially since everything which had been familiar to me had changed.  Within a day I found out I had a sister, met the man I would marry and lost my home.  Though no one else would understand why the loss of my mother was a bad thing, I couldn’t help but see it as just that…bad.      

“We’re here,” Sophia said, causing me to gaze up at the large white motor home before me.    The coach was newer and cleaner than my home had been and stretched at least forty five feet with tinted windows decorating the sides.  For a moment, I wondered if this home would be like the one Marco and I would share.  I couldn’t be sure.  My future still seemed so clouded.   

I shifted as Sophia stepped up and knocked on the door.  I lifted my head and looked at her, biting my bottom lip.  My stomach began to churn again and I wondered whether I would be sick.     

“It’s alright, Lilly,” Sophia said, looking back at me and giving me an encouraging smile, “Aurora has been waiting for you.  She‘s excited to have a sister.” 

I nodded but I still trembled in fear of possible rejection.  I swallowed and then, glanced at the door as I heard someone moving on the other side.  The lock clicked and the door knob turned, swinging open a moment later.

My eyes widened as my mouth opened in awe.  The girl from my dream stood in front of me.  On some level, I had convinced myself I’d had a normal nightmare but as I studied Aurora, I found no difference from her appearance and the Aurora in my dreams.  A chill slid down my spine as I realized my father had the power to invade every aspect of our lives.  There was nowhere we could hide and that frightened me. 

Aurora’s silver eyes met mine and she smiled, “Lilly,” she breathed and then, stepped down to the ground to stand in front of me.  She tilted her head as she studied me, causing her long black hair to slide over one shoulder and down her back, “I’m so glad you’re here and you’re safe.  I worried after the dream Emilian sent us.”

“The dream last night really happened?” I asked and another tremble slid through me.  I had still hoped to find an explanation that did not involve our father stalking us.

“Unfortunately,” she said with a shrug and grinned widely as if our father‘s visit didn‘t bother her, “But don’t worry.  He didn’t hurt me.  He made it seem like he bit me because he wanted to frighten you.”

“He succeeded,” I said through gritted teeth.

“What are you talking about?”  A man asked from the doorway of the motor home.  His eyes were narrowed and there was a protective air about him.  Instinctively, I knew he was Andre. 

His eyes swept over each of us.  He smiled at me before turning to my sister.  I studied him as he gazed at her looking for similarities between him and Marco.  He had the same tall, muscled build as Marco but the similarities ended there.  Instead of black hair, he possessed hair with locks of blonde, black and brown.  He shared the same hazel eyes and olive toned skin with Sophia.  His lips were not as full.  I sighed.  Though I could not deny Andre’s attractive features, I found him not as handsome as his brother.  However, the expression on his face made my heart clench because it held so much worry and love as he stared at Aurora that I experienced a bit of jealousy.  I would never be gazed at with that type of adoration.

“My father came to me and Lilly in a dream last night,” Aurora said, motioning toward me.  He turned as he studied me. 

“Lilly?” He asked and smiled in surprise, “You’re Aurora’s sister?”

I nodded still feeling strange being introduced as someone’s sister, “I am,” I whispered, “And you’re Andre, right?” 

He nodded, “Yes,” He said, smiling kindly, “I’m glad to see you’ve made it here safely.” 

“Thank you,” I said, shifting. 

He turned back to Aurora, “You said you weren’t bitten,” Andre said, “Did he attack you?”

Aurora shrugged and then, rolled her eyes, “In the dream,” she said and gave Andre a calming, sweet smile as she explained, “It was his way of showing his annoyance with me and of course, he was trying to frighten Lilly.”

Anger flooded Andre face, “If he was not blood bonded with your mother, I’d kill him,” he said and turned back to me, “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I whispered unaccustomed to people asking about me.  He nodded as I shifted the box in my arms.   

He frowned as his eyes moved to Sophia, “Where is her mother?” 

“That’s why we’re here,” Sophia said, smiling sweetly, “Staying with her mother is unacceptable.  I was hoping she would be able stay with you and Aurora until the wedding.”

Aurora grinned obviously excited by the concept, “Of course she can,” she said before Andre had even opened his mouth to answer.  I couldn’t help but to suppress a laugh.   

He shook his head, grinning as he peered at me, “You are welcome to stay here,” he laughed, “Welcome to the family.”

I blushed and lowered my head.  Sophia stepped in front of me, “Something you should be aware of in this family,” she said, tilting my chin up with the tips of her fingers.  I met her kind eyes as she continued, “You aren’t allowed to look down.  You are to be proud.  You are a beautiful woman who is part of a very noble family.” 

I blushed further and nodded, trying to keep my head up.  Sophia grinned, “That’s better,” she said, “I will see you tonight at your engagement party.” 

I inhaled sharply but Aurora stepped beside me and put her arm around me, “Don’t worry,” she whispered, “The engagement party is only a bonfire.  It will be okay.  I‘ll be with you.  I promise.”

I swallowed as a tremble shuttered through me.  I had just met my fiancé and now, I was expected to go to my engagement party.  It was all happening too fast.    


It was pleasant to realize that Aurora wasn’t one to hover.  Instead, she helped me unpack, gave me a tour of the motor home and told me I could help myself.  When I searched her out to ask permission to read outside, she grinned. 

“You don’t have to ask,” she said amused, “You might want to let me know where you are in case Emilian shows up but other than that, you are free to do as you want.” 

“Alright,” I said, smiling at her.  For the first time, I took a deep breath, finally experiencing the freedom of my situation. 

She gave me a wide smile as if sensing the turn in my mood, “I understand it’s different than what you are used to but it‘s a good difference.  I think that’s become obvious to you.  Give yourself some time to get used to it,” she said as her grin widened, “And just so you know, I am really happy you are here,” she said, stepping forward and stunning me by giving me a hug.  For a moment, my eyes clouded with tears.  No one but Ion had ever hugged me.  Slowly, I hugged her back, sighing in contentment and relief.  Unfortunately, it was over too quickly.  She pulled away from me and a moment later, she was gone. 

I looked at the door she had exited stunned that she was so accepting of me and shook my head as I found a book and went outside.  I found a group of trees near Aurora and Andre’s home and sat down, reading a romance set in the Elizabethan era.  I had begun to relax for the first time since my arrival and I found myself engrossed in the story.  An hour had passed when the hair on the nape of my neck rose telling me that I was being watched.

“Lilly,” my name floated to me and I stiffened as I realized that my intuition was right and I wasn’t alone.  I looked up to find Marco staring at me intently.  He was leaning against the tree opposite from the one I sat under.  His gray gaze swept over me, causing me to shift.  Warmth settled in my stomach as my heart picked up speed. 

“You really shouldn’t be out here by yourself,” he said, still studying my face. 

I bit my bottom lip and forced myself to speak, “Aurora said that it was okay.”

He rolled his eyes and gave a lopsided grin, “Aurora doesn’t do everything she should either,” he said, sitting down across from me, “She’s put herself in danger before so you really shouldn‘t follow her example.”

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