Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (8 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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“Well, if we’re both going to stay up, I would rather you sit down and talk to me,” he said, softly.  He patted the seat next to him and I gave a short laugh.

“Is it allowed?” I asked frowning as I looked at Andre and Aurora.  Both had fallen asleep. 

“I’m pretty sure that the rules were that we couldn’t be alone and we’re not,” he said, waving his hand toward Andre and Aurora.  He must have just realized that they were asleep and laughed, “Well, we’re sort of not alone.  They are still physically here.”

I grinned and sat down next to him.  He draped the blanket over our legs and pulled me to him.  I rested my head on his chest in much the same way as Aurora rested again Andre and listened to his heart as he played with the end of my hair. 

“Can I ask you something?” He asked, causing his voice to rumble through his chest.  I sighed softly as I rested more fully against him. 

“Yes,” I said, feeling oddly relaxed in his arms. 

“Do you really want to marry me?” He asked, still playing with the ends of my hair.  His breath blew across the top of my head, “I mean this is an arranged marriage.”

I tensed.  Was he asking because he didn’t want to marry me?  The fear of that rejection slammed through me.

“Why do you ask?” I asked, trying not to sound as panicked as I felt.  Still, my heart began to pick up speed. 

“Because I don’t want to force you to do anything that you don’t want to do,” he said, softly.  I frowned as my heart slowed again.

I raised my head to look at him.  He searched my face and I frowned, realizing that he was telling the truth, “You’re not forcing anything on me,” I said after a few moments.

His eyes narrowed, “You didn’t really answer the question.”

I raised my brow refusing to be the only one to expose my feelings, “How about you answer the same one,” I said and his lips twitched in amusement. 

“You aren’t answering because I put you on the spot,” He said and then, grinned, “Fine.  I’ll answer the question.”

My eyes widened, surprised, “You will.”

His grin widened, “As long as you do the same.”

My heart picked up speed again but this time, it was because I was in danger of admitting something I had not even admitted to myself.  I swallowed, “Okay…But you first.”   

His lips twitched again, “Honestly, I thought that I didn’t want to before you arrived.  I feared the day,” he said and I couldn’t help but to feel my heart drop into my stomach but he reached out and caressed my cheek and the look in his eyes gentled, causing me to calm as he continued, “But when I saw you, something changed.  I’m not saying that I’m in love with you but I do care about you.  I think that’s a good start.”

I nodded, feeling relieved, “That is a good start.” 

His lips twitched again, “Now, it’s your turn to answer the question,” he said, raising his brows, “Do you really want to marry me?”

I blushed, ‘Well, unlike you, I never had an aversion to marrying you,” I said and his eyes widened surprised, “I was afraid at times of meeting you.  Sometimes, I am still afraid.”

He frowned, “Afraid…Why?”

I shifted and he put his arm more firmly around me.  I met his eyes as I fought the familiar panic of remembering all of the hate my mother had for me.  I bit my lip and he reached forward and caressed my cheek, “Tell me, Lilly.  Please,” he whispered rubbing his thumb across my skin. 

I swallowed again as my heart trembled, causing heat to spring to my eyes, “My mother has always told me that I wasn’t loveable or even likeable.  I‘ve always been fat or ugly…I was never good enough,” I said, feeling that familiar lump in my throat, “She always reminded me how I got here.  She was raped.  I wasn’t wanted.  I was only alive for money.”

His eyes narrowed, “I don’t see any of that,” he said, shaking his head, “Lilly, you are very beautiful and very likeable.  I really do see where you are loveable too.  How you were brought into this world has nothing to do with that.  Your mother is a horrible person and she is truly not worthy of you.  By the way, you aren’t alive for money.  You are way more valuable.” 

I looked up at him, not quite believing him.  He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine and then, pulled away and caressed my face, “Lilly, I will spend every day of our marriage, proving your worth,” he whispered, “Maybe one day you will see it too.” 

He pulled me against him so that I was once again resting against his chest, “Now, go to sleep,” he said, running his fingers through my hair, “You are safe with me.”

I smiled as I closed my eyes before whispering, “I know.”





















Chapter Eight


I awoke slowly, feeling warm in the coldness of the morning. The beating of Marco’s heart against my ear reminded me where I was and I sighed content.  Slowly, my eyes opened and I raised my head to find Marco still sleeping peacefully. 

I smiled.  It was very easy to see how he looked as a boy while he slept.  His dark hair fell over his forehead, curling at the end.  His eyelashes were long and cast dark shadows against his olive toned skin.  His full lips pouted in his sleep.  I couldn’t help but to reach forward and run my fingertips from his cheeks down to his chin. 

When I looked back into his eyes, he was looking at me.  His eyes were wide as he stared into my face.  I blushed, knowing that I had been caught staring at him in his sleep.  Worse, I had been caught touching him. 

He grinned, flashing his beautiful smile, “What were you doing?” He asked, raising his brow.  Amusement lit his eyes. 

“Nothing,” I said, shifting as I tried to stand up but he pulled me back to him. 

“You do realize that I don’t believe you, right?” He whispered into my ear, causing goose bumps to break out on my arms.

I couldn’t help but to giggle as he poked me in the ribs, “Now, that is a beautiful sound to hear in the morning,” he said, nuzzling my ear before we heard Aurora give a fake cough.  We both stiffened. 

“You two are just trying to get me in trouble, aren’t you?” Aurora asked, from across the room.  We both turned to her as she stood and crossed her arms over her chest, “If Sophia knew that you slept next to each other, she would be very upset.”

“Well, I’m not going to tell her,” Marco said, grinning, “Are you?” 

“Are you kidding?” Aurora asked, frowning, “She would kill me.”

“I doubt it,” Marco said, laughing, ‘At least she wouldn’t kill you until after the baby is born.”

She narrowed her gaze, “You can cook your own breakfast,” she said and went to the kitchen.

He chuckled, “I think I made her mad,” he said, and I shook my head as I tried to stand again but he pulled me next to him once more, “Now, what was it that you were doing when I woke up?” 

My face blazed in embarrassment, “There was dirt on you face,” I said, hoping he would believe me, “I wiped it off.”

He shook his head and grinned, “Is that the story you are going with?”

My face blazed brighter but I managed to raise my chin, “Yes.”

“Okay,” he said, nuzzling my ear once more as he whispered, “But I still don’t believe you.” 

Finally, he let me go and I stood, looking toward the chair where Andre sat.  A grin spread across his face, “Good morning,” he said, clearly amused. 

“Good morning,” I said, as I made my way to the kitchen, trying to hide my face. 

I looked at Aurora as I entered the kitchen, feeling guilty as I stood next to her.  Sophia would be angry if she found out and not just at me or Marco.  Her anger would be for Andre and Aurora too. 

“Are you mad?” I asked, glancing at her face. 

Only the soft smile on her lips calmed my nerves, “No,” she said, nudging me with her elbow, “But please tell me nothing happened.”

“Nothing happened,” I said, feeling my face heat again, “I’m still a virgin.”

“Well, keep it that way until the wedding,” she said, giving me a stern look.

“Okay,” I said but then, my eyes widened as I thought of our wedding night. 

“You don’t think that he expects me to do….anything…on our wedding night, do you?” 

Aurora frowned as she began to break eggs into a bowl.  Then, she shrugged, “I’m not sure,” she said and then, bit her bottom lip, “Andre didn’t and I don’t think Marco would expect you to do something that you aren’t ready to do but you should ask him.”

I shifted uncomfortably as I looked toward Marco, feeling the first bit of trepidation for our impending marriage.


              Though I had tried to talk to Marco about my worries about our wedding night, I found the subject too embarrassing.  When I had awoke the day before the wedding I knew my time to speak with him had nearly run out.  I rose determined to ask him about his expectations of me.  However, when I walked into the living room that morning, he was gone.  Only Aurora was there.  My face fell as I looked at the couch where he usually slept.

I looked around, hoping I was wrong.  I frowned, confused.  Aurora smiled as she raised her brow, “Good Morning,” she said, yawning.  Her hand rested on her bulging stomach. 

I scanned the living room once more, “Where is Marco?”

She grinned with a knowing glint in her eyes, “Well, it is the day before your wedding,” she said, blinking innocently, “They are having his bachelor party.  You won’t see him until tomorrow….at the altar.”

My heart sank.  My time to speak with him had run out, “Oh,” I whispered mentally kicking myself for not talking to him before. 

“You get to spend time with me,” she said, grinning, “And the rest of the women in the park.  We are going to your bridal shower today.”

My eyes widened, “My bridal shower?”

Aurora smiled, “Don’t worry,” she said, grinning, “It can’t be worse than mine.”

I frowned, “What happened at yours?” I asked, going to the white couch and sitting down.  Aurora’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Andre’s ex-girlfriend was a bit crazed about our wedding and approached me in my mother’s house where I had gone to the bathroom,” she said, narrowing her eyes, “If Sophia had not come, I might have been in serious trouble.”

I opened my mouth in shock.  Andre had a girlfriend before Aurora’s arrival?  I couldn’t imagine it.

“You really do need to tell me about your engagement to Andre,” I said with a shiver and then, swallowed hard as a thought came to me, “Marco doesn’t have a crazy ex-girlfriend does he?”

Aurora smirked and then, shook her head, “Marco hasn’t had a girlfriend since he was sixteen.”

I jerked in shock.  I could not understand how that was possible, “Are you sure?”

Aurora nodded, “I’m positive,” she said, pursing her lips, “Andre told me and he doesn’t lie to me.  He said that Marco didn‘t want to start something with someone when it would just have to end.   He didn‘t want to make it hard for them and he didn‘t want to be disrespectful to you.”

For some reason, the news that he didn’t have a recent girlfriend made my heart melt and I couldn’t help the grin that broke across my face.  Aurora raised one of her brows. 

“Alright, quit mooning over Marco and let’s get you ready,” she said and then wiggled her eyebrows, “Unless you want Mirella dressing you.” 

I smiled as I thought of Mirella.  I was really beginning to like her but still, I did not want to dress me, “I think I’ll get into the shower now,” I said and Aurora laughed.

“Good choice,’ she said, standing with a little difficulty, “I’ll get breakfast together.” 

“Sounds good,” I said and turned toward the bathroom.  After I showered and dressed, I returned to the living room, finding that Mirella had arrived.  She scanned me from head to toe taking in the long sleeved purple sweater and jeans and my tennis shoes and then, looked back up, meeting my eyes. 

“Your new clothes look good on you,” she said, grinning. 

“Thank you,” I said sitting at the dining table in front of the plate Aurora had made for me. 

I ate as I listened to Mirella and Aurora banter.  I frowned.  A foreboding came over me though nothing bad happened.  Still, even as we left Aurora’s home, it did not go away. 

We walked to the bridal shower which was being held in the field where the bonfire had been.  Everyone seemed wonderful and for most of the bridal shower the foreboding feeling was gone.  It wasn’t until the end of the party that the dark feeling slammed through me again. My breath left me as my name floated across the air. 

Aurora stiffened beside me as she met my eyes, “He’s here.  Our father is here,” she said and then, grabbed my hand as she stood.  Sophia looked at us and frowned.   In that moment, I knew that she had seen our expressions.

“Run,” she mouthed and Aurora grabbed my hand as we began to run through the park toward her home. 

She held her stomach as she closed her eyes, obviously focusing on something or someone. 

“Please hurry,” she whispered and then, looked at me, “Andre is on his way.”

We got to the motor home but the moment she turned the knob something slammed into my head. 

My name was screamed through the air as I sank to the ground.  Darkness flooded my vision and all was black. 

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