Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2)
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“Sorry. I didn’t know you had company,” Quinn said.

“You remember my sister, Violet. And Violet, Quinn.”

Violet rose to her feet gracefully, offering her hand and studying Quinn at the same time.

“Hello Violet.”

“Quinn. I didn’t expect you to be sticking around.” She glanced at his suit. “Are you coming to the gala?”


“I guess I will see you there.” Violet turned to Anya and gave her a hug. “Watch yourself,” she whispered. “Although I have the feeling I don’t have to warn you.”

For asking Anya not to judge Ryder, Violet was doing a first-rate job at doing exactly that about Quinn.

Violet let herself out.

Quinn laid his suit over the back of one of the dining room chairs.

“I think she likes me less than Marc,” he said, carrying the bag of takeout to the kitchen island.

Anya fetched the cutlery and joined him on the high stools. They opened two containers of mixed Mexican, Chinese, and Thai. Like a private buffet for the two of them.

“Are you feeling up to the gala tonight?” Quinn asked.

Anya glanced at him, enjoying this sweet and caring side of him. Different than the controlling caring far.

“I don’t know. I keep getting light-headed and−”

When Quinn jumped off the chair and grabbed her waist she laughed and swatted him away. “Quinn, I’m kidding. I’m fine.”

He squeezed her waist, pinching her side. “Not funny.”

“I’m sorry.”

He kissed the side of her head before slipping back on his chair.

Anya concentrated on eating some food, but her thoughts were on Quinn.

He’d changed since the golf cart accident, but she wasn’t sure what it meant. He’d opened the caring part of his heart for her, but that didn’t mean he was offering her anything more.

“A secret garden theme,” he said. “That should be interesting.”

“I was really hoping for a western cowboy theme.” She didn’t look up at him when she said it. She wasn’t ready to hear him tell her no again.

He chuckled, but said nothing more...offered nothing.

Finally she looked at him. “Quinn, thank you for everything you’ve done,” she said.

He cocked his head at her with a doubtful look.

“I’m serious. I don’t know if I ever would have come home again if you hadn’t told Mom I was here.”

Anya looked down at her food, but again, as this topic arose, she lost her appetite.

“It all happened so fast. When I came back for Dad’s funeral, my family wasn’t in any shape for me to tell them about Rebecca, so I didn’t. I spent years waking up with her down the hall, sitting by her side and staring at this woman who was my responsibility and thinking this was all my life would ever be. I was okay with that. I learned to accept it.” She smiled shyly at Quinn. “I read to her. For hours. Everything except the news. Who wants to read the news? There was enough sorrow in our little room.”

Anya ate a spoonful of rice, needing a moment to collect herself. When she finished she looked up at Quinn. He’d stopped eating too, he was staring at her.

“When she woke up, that scared me...I’m still scared. I couldn’t even think past getting her the file, like what would I do with my life afterwards. Then I was here, eating breakfast with my family, laughing, remembering what it’s like to live and I will always carry the guilt of what I did to her, but at the same time, I don’t want to leave again.”

Quinn touched her leg. “You don’t have to.”

Anya’s eyes dropped to where his hand touched her bare leg. “And then there’s you.” She looked up at him. “In the midst of this crazy situation you are telling me that what we had
real, with no chance of initiating our relationship again. And what do I do? I fight with you, kiss you, touch you, look at you like you are my hero, are.”

Quinn took his hand away and straightened. She saw his mouth open and imagined the reasons he’d prepared about why she wasn’t.

“It’s okay, Quinn. I’m not asking you for anything. I’m trying to say sorry. Sorry for not respecting your decision. I freaked out last night and I was mad because you let me off the hook too easily.” She watched his face shift to a repeat of last night. “Please don’t. I don’t need you to tell me that it’s not my fault.”

‘You’re stubborn.”

“I’m a Caliendo. We’re all stubborn.”

“I can’t argue there.”

Anya bit her lip and, took a deep breath, ready to reveal the truth. “Violet told me that my mom has the files.”

Quinn’s face shut down.

“They’re not involved Quinn. My mom is trying to protect us, not ruin lives.”

She watched uncertainty cloud his eyes.

“We will have the files tomorrow evening. I will be able to reunite Rebecca with her family and you will have your sister’s file. So I wanted to say thank you and I do hope that whatever you are looking for in your sister’s file will ease your life.”

Gloom shaded his eyes and he looked away.

“I’m looking for her killer.” His jaw was tight as he spoke. “Or the one responsible for her death.”

When Quinn looked at her she saw the accusation in his eyes. No wonder he didn’t think they could be together.

“You think my dad...?”

“Do you think he wouldn’t?”

“No.” Her answer was hardly recognizable as she put the pieces of the puzzle together. Quinn had been looking for the file when her dad had been alive. If he’d found it and her father was responsible, there were two options, he was either going to hurt him or expose him. What was his plan now? If the truth about Robert was revealed her family would be in the cross fire. She would not stand by or help this man tear down everything her family built. The resort franchise, their reputation, their whole lives. She didn’t care whether Robert was responsible for Nikki’s death or not, this was
family and she would protect them...even from Quinn.

Chapter Eighteen

“THIS IS MY family you’re talking about.”

Anya’s warning scorched his soul and he could see how deep her love ran. The stern stare she gave him would bring the fear out of the bravest person.

“I’m not going to hurt them,” he confirmed.

“What are you exactly planning to do?” Her cold question flared his confusion.

Quinn rubbed his hands across his face and stood up. He felt out of control. It wasn’t like him not to have a plan, but with Anya, his plans always got pushed to the back of his head and his heart took over.

“I was going to expose Robert when he was alive. Even after he died when I was searching for the files to show the world what a bastard he was−”

“And now?” Anya cut him off and nothing could hide the panic in her voice.

“What good would come from it?” Was he actually asking her? “I’ve gone over this repeatedly since I arrived. I have battled it and you.”

Anya slid off her chair. “This is why you’ve kept your distance from me?” She was fuming now. “This exposure would ruin my entire family.”

“I know.”

“You know? Then why are you doing it?”

“I made a promise to my dad,” he growled, turning to face her, not realizing she’d crept up right behind him.

He took a step back.

“I was there the night he died.” He paused as the night came crashing back. It had been him, Dave and Max. Quinn hadn’t been good enough that day to save everyone. One choice: Dave or his dad. 

Max had been awake after the crash that flipped their vehicle and lodged his leg between the door and seat. Quinn wanted to get them both out, but they both knew from the smell of gasoline that Quinn didn’t have much time. Dave was passed out in the back.

“Listen to me,” his father’s raspy voice had demanded after Quinn’s unsuccessful struggle to pry the metals apart, even enough to get his leg out. “You save Dave and you take care of him better than I ever did.” Max only meant emotionally because Max’s job with Robert had supplied Quinn and his siblings with a luxurious lifestyle. Dave would have liked if that was all Max had to say because his next question had split the brothers apart.

Quinn took a deep breath and decided it was the right time to tell Anya. “My dad asked me to do two things that night. Save Dave and get Nikki’s file from your dad to expose the man he really was. I agreed because I thought that I could get Dave out and then my dad next. I didn’t make it. I pulled my brother out and he survived, but the car exploded on my way back. Dad died right in front of me. There was nothing that I could go to save him. Nothing.” 

Anya touched the front of his shirt and her heat warmed the scar he never spoke of. She lifted her hand to his face, grazing the scar covered by his stubble. 

“You tried, didn’t you?” she asked.

The flames had been too much and the explosion had sent the metal that sliced his skin. 

“There was nothing I could do.” Quinn found his feelings, held in for years, surfacing. “I planned on completing the second part of my promise while your dad was alive.”

“Exposing him?”

Quinn nodded. “That’s the real reason I let you go. The reason I should have never been with you in the first place. I knew we couldn’t be together because I was the man who was going to destroy your father.” 

Anya dropped her hand from where her thumb had been rubbing a pattern along his jaw to her lap. “Why are you telling me this now?”

“I can’t envision my future without you. That means tearing down the barricades between us.” Quinn cupped her face. “I can’t keep my hands off you and I am tired of trying. I don’t want to sleep down the hall and not wake up beside you. I don’t want to cause another frown on your beautiful face. Anya, you’re a strong woman and I know you can take care of yourself, but sweetheart I want to be the man you want to stand by your side and support you.”

Anya swallowed hard, confusion dancing in her eyes. “If you expose my dad you will ruin my family’s reputation. You will ruin our business. I can’t let you do that to my family.”

“I wouldn’t ask you to. I’ve been eliminating your family members to make sure no one was still involved.”

Anya looked horrified.

“Sweetheart, your family has done nothing to anyone.”

He watched the relief in her face.

“I would never be able to hurt you or your family. Your dad, yes, he hurt me and my family. But your family has only been nice to me and no good will come out of publicly exposing Robert. I was up all night thinking about it...” He kissed her lips softly. “Thinking about you.”

She licked her lower lip.

“I have a plan I want to run by you, since we are in this together.”

Anya nodded.

Quinn walked to the couch, but when she sat, he couldn’t. “We will get Rebecca and my sister’s files. Those are priority right now.” He was pacing and thinking and making the plan as he went along...again not like him at all. “We will help Rebecca move on with her life and free you of your guilt.”

“I will never be free.” He hated the look of guilt laced across her beautiful features.

He crouched on his haunches in front of her and took her hands in his. “But I won’t let you hold yourself a prisoner. You shouldn’t stop living over an accident. If this Rebecca girl understood what happened and what you’ve done, I know she would understand and forgive you.”

“I can’t forgive myself.”

“We will take this one day at a time until you do. Together.”

“What are you saying exactly?” she asked.

He grinned. It was what he’d wanted to say for the last two years.

“I might not be letting you out of my sight right now because of the files, but after we are finished cleaning up the messes in our lives, I am never letting you out of my sight again.”

“Just like that?” Tears welled in her eyes.

“Just like that,” he promised, even though it wasn’t even close to that easy. “I’m not proposing marriage here.”

She snorted a tearful laugh and hit him. “Jerk. Who said I would want to marry you anyway?”

“I didn’t say that I didn’t want to marry you Anya Caliendo. I just said I wasn’t proposing right now.”

The humor drained from Anya’s face. “Are you proposing a fling? A string of one-night stands that are nothing more than sex?”

He shook his head. “We could start with dating, if you need a title. Boyfriend/girlfriend.”

Anya’s smile lit his soul. “I don’t need a title. I have enough of those in my life. I only need you.”

“I’m right here, darlin’. And I am not going anywhere.”

She grinned. “
? Are you sure you’re not a cowboy hiding in disguise?”

“Right now, I need a shower. You need a shower. Why don’t we strip down and go see if there’s a little wild west in here.”

Anya laughed and kissed him.

Chapter Nineteen

“DIDN’T WE JUST attend a party?” Ryder asked, pulling at the knot of his tie. He looked more uncomfortable wearing his tux than Quinn did and Ryder was used to sporting a suit.

Anya smiled up at Quinn, but it was only an excuse to stare at his black dress shoes and travel her eyes up the tux he’d picked up at the dry-cleaners.


Anya wasn’t sure where he’d managed to find a tux in this short of time, but damn his broad shoulders and lean body looked good in a tux. It made a girl at odds with her own body, dry at the mouth and drool at the same time.

As much as she enjoyed looking at how stunningly handsome this man was in a tux, she also wanted to tear the material off him and run her hands along his bare body.

Yummy, that bare body.

When she reached his eyes, Quinn’s eyebrows frowned at her, but his smirk lightened the look. He leaned down and kissed her cheek whispering, “You look damn sexy too.”

Anya cleared her throat to keep from laughing or ripping his tux off him right here, right now.

She turned her attention back to the new happy couple. Violet was fixing Ryder’s tie. She tapped his chest when she finished.

“Yes, however the last party was a casual resort event and
party is one of Momma’s galas, so we are required to be present and sweet talk the guests.”

Anya and her siblings were doing a great job, standing in their own private sibling circle. No doubt her mother would soon make the rounds and shoe them all away in different directions, dividing their attention to entertain and woo the wealthy families.

“And you already RSVP’d to this party months ago,” Violet reminded him.

“I’m sure he had a different date in mind,” Izzy said.

Everyone glared at Izzy, but as usual she wasn’t burdened by her words or their reaction. 

“Filter,” Violet hissed.

Izzy zipped her fingers over her bright red lips and rolled her eyes. The red of her lips popped against her lace white dress she wore. The almost sweet dress playing peek-a-boo through the cut lace on the sleeves and collar, fitting tightly high around her waist, and billowing the skirt just above her knees. It was quite the soft contrast to her outspoken and wild personality. 

“Besides, this party is going to end better than the last one.” Violet winked at Ryder.

While she was enjoying the evening, Anya also liked watching this new side of her sister. For as long as Anya could remember Violet was a very reserved and private person. Tonight, there was no hiding that she was Ryder’s date. The giggles, kisses...all their interaction was evident. Anya couldn’t remember a single time Violet had shared affection with her ex-husband, Joel in public or even at family events. Nor had Joel ever looked at Violet the way Ryder had been all night, with so much love, caring, and protection.

A wide smile crossed Ryder’s lips and he kissed Violet. “You bet it is.”

“No wild punches being thrown,” Izzy said. She stopped a server on the way by to trade her empty champagne glass for a fresh one.

Ryder leaned in for a deeper kiss that would make even Izzy blush.

“Get a room,” Izzy muttered.

, that sounds like a good idea,” Ryder said.

“Oh, gross. I am out.” Izzy walked away and the rest of them chuckled.

“I should go check on Emma,” Violet said. “The hunt is about to begin. Do you two have your list?”

Quinn patted his breast pocket. “Yes.”

Violet beamed. “Good luck.”

Ryder walked her through the crowd on their search to find Emma. They were adorable.

“Is this like hide and seek?” Quinn asked.

Anya shook her head. “No, it’s like a scavenger hunt.”

“We are not going to make it to the scavenger hunt if you keep looking at me like that,” Quinn warned.

Anya laughed and kissed his cheek. “You have no self-control.”

“Not when it comes to you. I have told you before and I will tell you again, you are not good at hiding what you’re thinking and ten minutes ago you were undressing me with your eyes.”

Anya gasped. “I was not,” she lied.

“Oh yes you were, and sweetheart I was doing the exact same thing, only you had no idea.”

Anya pressed close to his side. “Maybe you better give me some pointers on masking my undressing face, because when it comes to envisioning your naked body, I have no control.”

Quinn shook his head. She felt his hand on her back traveling down passed her waist. She caught it and wrapped it around her side.

“I’m not teaching you how to mask anything. Biting that lower lip is a turn on.”

She laughed. “See, no control.”

Emma’s voice played through the speakers of the event, inviting all couples who were partaking in the scavenger hunt to gather around the stage.

Quinn looped Anya’s arm around his as he led them from the sparkling outdoor garden and under the extravagant white tent. There were hundreds of people in attendance, but only about a quarter of them gathered and listened to the rules. Everyone confirmed they held their sheets and were sent to separate paths in the bush around the Caliendo Resort with clear instructions to stay on outlined paths.

Quinn and Anya hung behind, letting the eager guests go ahead. When they were the last couple, they started into the bush.

“I’m not one for losing,” Quinn said, stopping on the outskirts of the edge and letting her go under the lighted twig archway first. “Now we are last, so we better pick up our pace.”

Anya laughed. “We have an advantage,” she said. “We’ve hardly had a drink while the rest of them are well on their way to being sloshed.”

Quinn chuckled.

A canopy of lights lit their paths, partitioned off from the rest of the bush with fancy ribbons in the same umber and gold colors as the rest of the event, tied from tree to tree, six-feet in height with ribbon strands flowing down into elegant walls.

“Alright, let’s see the paper,” she said to Quinn, holding out her hand.

Quinn unfolded the sheet. It had a list of ten riddles to follow in order to find the prizes along the way. The riddles weren’t all that difficult, probably purposely easy anticipating the crowd’s condition after the six course meal and unlimited alcohol.

They found a secret key tied among hundreds of others around a fallen log along the path. Further in they found a message in a bottle, inside a large wire birdcage hanging above a bench.

Two down and eight to go.

Quinn pulled her onto the bench beside him.
And he was rushing to get this done.

He brushed away the gathered waves of her hair and stroked her bare shoulder. To hide the red lump still on her forehead and keep guests from worrying about her accident instead of focusing on opening their chequebooks, Anya had pinned waved bangs over the lump. The waves continued, pinned down one side of her shoulder. She’d rifled through her closet, which held almost a hundred gowns from previous galas and found the most beautiful off white, sleeveless mermaid dress covered in rhinestones and beads with a train of tulle.

Quinn kissed her shoulder where his thumb had left a mark. Anya closed her eyes, feeling only the dampness of his mouth against her skin. Each kiss up her throat was slow, taking her skin into his mouth. He licked her jaw and she trembled.

“Are you cold?” he whispered, stopping at her lips.

Anya shook her head. “No.”

He smirked and she loved it.

“Come on,” he whispered against her mouth before standing and taking her hand. They walked across the path and he parted the ribbon curtain. “After you?”

Anya raised an eyebrow at him. “We were given strict instructions to stay on the path.” Losing a guest in the woods would not be good for Eliza’s party. Anya on the other hand had been raised in these woods.

“I will protect you from whatever is beyond these walls.” His growly tone reminded her of the wolf he claimed to be.

“Maybe you will be the one needing protecting,” she huskily teased and passed through the curtain.

His chuckled, then followed her as she pulled the hem of her dress up and began running through the bush.

“Oh, you want to play that way,” Quinn’s echo chased her and she giggled loudly so he wouldn’t lose her trail. She wondered how good of a tracker he really was.

Dodging branches and focusing on not falling in her heels, she slowed and ducked behind a large old tree. Grabbing the trunk she slipped into the darkness, listening to Quinn chase her. Twigs snapped and she clamped down on her bottom lip to keep from giggling again.

Then it was quiet.

There were no more stirring branches or rustling of his shoes on the dirt. His loafers would be so dusty now and her shoes would have nicks in the heels. That was okay. It was worth the growing anticipation rising through her body, sending hot desire, waiting for Quinn to find her. The longer the silence, the more energy developed inside her. Was he circling her right now? Was he that good of a tracker?

She slowly inched around the tree, looking at the trail she’d run and finding nothing. Slowly she turned and the mass of Quinn’s body was right behind her.

going to need protection,” he growled, like a wild wolf, pinning her against the tree and covering her mouth with his savage kisses.

She moaned as the bark drove into her back. Painful and arousing. Quinn’s hands, pressed above her shoulder against the tree, hadn’t touched her yet, but his body pushed into her as hard as his kisses, stealing her mouth, setting it on fire with the speedy strokes of his tongue. Her whole body was on fire for him and she could feel his growing hardness for her. His kisses moved forcefully down her neck, ravishing her skin, bearing her harder against the tree until his body was holding her up. She wanted to wrap her legs around him, but the dress restricted her.

He slipped the sleeves of her dress down, his hands moved down the front of her dress, cupping her breasts.

Her moans were unstoppable, like
was the undomesticated animal lurking in the bush. She hoped they were far enough away from the path that guests wouldn’t hear her cries. Cries of desire, cries of hope, and cries of a yearning she couldn’t control. Her hope lasted for less than a second before she felt Quinn yank the top of her dress down, so only the lace material of her bra separated his hands from her breasts.

Another moan.

“You like that?” His hoarse voice only made her want him more.

She wanted her legs around him. She wanted to touch his naked skin, but didn’t know how long they had. Would someone come looking for them? Would they hear them?

Instead her fingers worked at his buckle and finally he set her down and lifted her dress up her legs, trailing his fingers to her panties. He dipped underneath the thin silk and ran his hands over her bare derriere.

She moaned in his mouth. “Pick me up.” She couldn’t wait any longer.

Quinn lifted her upon request, slamming her back against the tree again. She hardly noticed wrapping her legs around him and feeling him against her. She wanted him inside her. She wanted all of this man and this was only the first of many chases in the woods that would end like this.

No more hiding, no more secrets, unless it involved secretly making love together.




WHEN THEY EMERGED from the path, they were the last couple. Everyone moved around the lit area comparing their finds, drinking more champagne and laughing about.

Quinn casually glanced down to at his outfit. His shirt was smooth and tucked in. He touched his tie to make sure it wasn`t twisted: check. But his shoes were dirty, easily explainable being they had been walking a dirt path.


He almost grew hard knowing walking had been the furthest thing from their interactions in the bush.

Arm wrapped around Anya’s waist, he whispered through her hair, “I’m ready to chase you around the woods again.”

She stiffened underneath him. “Stop it,” she said, lightly slapping his chest.

No adventure in the woods had ever been as immensely momentous as the one they’d just finished. After they’d succumbed to their desires, they’d tried to complete the quest quickly so no one would notice their absence. Quinn would have preferred to take her home and not give a shit about image. At the same time, he was glad to see Anya enjoying her family.

“Maybe we can take the scenic route back to your suite.”

“Maybe you could focus on the gala and open your wallet...” she teased.

“If I open my wallet does that guarantee us a quick departure and animal chase?”

Anya laughed. “No...maybe...go make a donation and I will think about it.”

Quinn kissed the top of her head. “Alright, give me five minutes.”

“Good luck with that. You’re at a gala. These people will sink their teeth into you.”

This crowd was out of Quinn’s league. Ninety percent of the people had no idea who he even was. Without Anya on his arm, it was easy for him to maneuver through the people with only casual nods and greetings. He gave his donation and was on his way back to Anya when a body stepped in front of him.

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