Super Nova (10 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Super Nova
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Kaige descended, pressing his parted lips to her firmly puckered frown. Undeterred, he cajoled with tiny brushes of his mouth against hers. Before long, some of the rigidity left her spine, her body, and she molded against him.

When he traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, she parted on a sigh. He pressed his advantage, sliding inside to delight them both with the interplay of their moist muscles. Soon he found himself nibbling on her tongue before swathing the sting with his own.

She moaned and buried her fingers in his dreads, tugging on some of them just enough to fire him up as she became the assailant in their kiss.

Kaige gave her the lead. He enjoyed every bit of her aggression. She let her hands roam down his face and shoulders. A pleased hiss escaped him when she kneaded his upper arms, drawing him even closer.

In no time, they’d steamed up the windows.

His fingers wandered from her arm to the opening of her black blazer. The fitted jacket she’d replaced drove him nuts as it emphasized her tiny waist, which flared out to lushly curved hips and breasts. The instant his hands touched the bare skin on display near her killer cleavage, she froze.


And he knew he’d pressed his luck too far.

To avoid upsetting her, he released her, backing away slowly as if what they’d done hadn’t rocked his world. No kiss had ever tasted so sweet or revved him up so fast.

Nola cleared her throat three times before she was able to say, “I think maybe we should get back to the garage.”

“Sure. Your call.” He didn’t fight, although his heavy cock and the balls drawn tight to his groin begged him to try to persuade her for one more taste. At least. “But let me know if you change your mind… I would like to get lucky
my car sometime before I die.”

“Gee, thanks for the open invitation. Classy.” Prissy Nola reappeared.

And damn if she didn’t make him harder.

Kaige was seriously fucked.

Chapter Five

When they returned to the shop, the rest of the guys had already gone upstairs, probably for dinner. “Shit. I didn’t even think of how late it is.”

“Me either.” Nola might have resumed some of her professional shield, but the sweetness in her tone thrilled him. She didn’t hide that she’d enjoyed their day—and maybe even the trip down memory lane, complete with mini-make-out session—as much as he had.

“You must be hungry.” He tugged on one of his dreads. What had he been thinking? Nothing except feasting on her had entered his mind. Missing an opportunity to spend extra time with her bothered him more than his suddenly rumbling stomach. “I should have bought you dinner. We could still grab a meal.”

“It’s no problem. I work late a lot. Amber will have something warming on our stovetop for me.” Nola crossed the parking lot in front of the service station, not shaking his hand off her arm. In those heels she was liable to break an ankle if she twisted it after stepping on one of the stray pieces of gravel strewn about.

“If you’re sure…” He would have loved to invite her inside, but after the other day—and given the early closing of the garage, which usually had sparks from a blow torch lighting the place long after sunset—who knew what was going on up there.

Part of him was dying to know. Another faction shied away.

Nola had confused him when he’d finally thought he knew what he wanted.

Son of a bitch.

Didn’t it figure? He’d meet a girl like her the instant he wasn’t looking.

“Yeah. I’m positive. Today has been…a lot.” She nodded. “So, what’s the plan for this week? I have another client scheduled tomorrow, but if you definitely want me to come back…”

“I’m certain.” He didn’t hesitate. “As soon as you’re available.”

“Thursday.” She smiled demurely up at him, though Kaige wasn’t fooled.

Inside, she was a sizzling, passionate woman. Nola was no mouse.

“Okay.” He wished thirty-eight hours or so didn’t sound like forever. “I’ll see you then. First thing, right?”

“Yeah.” Nola unlocked her door and slid behind the wheel of her better-days Civic. Kaige stood there with one hand on the roof, his body filling the opening.

“I need to shut the door to go.” She laughed and poked his thigh with a perfectly manicured nail. Mustang Sally would love to paint girly doodads on those. Hell, she probably wouldn’t mind another woman around to chat with either. The lone female of the garage had been Skyping every night with the Powertools crew ladies since she’d visited Joe’s construction cousin and his friends. Who happened to have a polyamorous relationship like the one the Hot Rods were forging…or had been a couple days ago.

Problem was, Kaige didn’t want Nola to leave.

And that was ridiculous. They’d spent the entire day together. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d done that with a woman and not gotten annoyed or longed to be home with his garagemates instead.

“I’m glad Eli recruited you.” Kaige didn’t give Nola a chance to object, not like she could flee since she was strapped against her car’s tan cloth interior, trapped in place by her seat belt. He ducked down, swooped in and reminded her of the kiss they’d shared with a pale imitation of that scorching experience.

When she pushed lightly on his shoulder, he abandoned her with a sigh. Annoyed with himself for wanting more while she peeked in the rearview to make sure no one had seen her slumming it with him, he stepped back. “Watch your hands.”

She planted them on the steering wheel, so he swung her door shut.

Nola gave a meek wiggle of her fingers as goodbye. Still, he didn’t leave the lot until she’d turned the key in the ignition. The putter of her engine disturbed him. It had a hitch in the timing. And her exhaust reeked of sulfur. It needed a new catalytic converter. Pronto.

Considering the make and model of her car, he figured they could get parts from their supplier in town overnight. It wouldn’t take long for him to tune her up. He couldn’t help himself. He spun around in time to see her turn onto the main road.

Kaige sent her off with a wholehearted wave.

Walking backward, he waited until she disappeared out of sight, around the first curve, before jogging toward the rear of the garage and taking the stairs two at a time. He couldn’t wait to talk to the guys about how he felt and the sparks they all had to have seen flying off him and Nola today. At least he hoped they could confirm his instincts. The way she flip-flopped from hot to cold had him puzzled. Could be because they’d met less than two days ago. Understandable, he supposed.

Kaige didn’t mind a little thrill of the chase.

So he burst through the door into the Hot Rods’ shared space. His grin sputtered quicker than Nola’s engine when he realized what he’d barreled into.

Good thing he’d trusted his gut and sent Ms. Brown on her way instead of bringing her into their personal lair. What would she have said if she’d seen Eli, Alanso, Bryce and Holden each pinning one of Sally’s wrists or ankles to the thick fur rug while Carver fucked her, and Roman…

he doing back there, behind his roommate?

Holy shit.
Barracuda stretched Carver’s ass with a finger or three as if he planned to mount their friend and ride him and Sally in tandem. Eli and Alanso sometimes liked to play like that. Kaige thought back to the carwash Mustang had orchestrated to lure them into debauchery, and how she’d tempted her pair of mechanics into nailing her on the hood of Eli’s Cobra while the rest of them watched. That’d been one way to banish their inhibitions.

It’d been the first of many steps that had led them here.

Yet they still had some road to travel. He would swear the two guys had never crossed this line with each other before. Certainly the other night had seemed like a first. But would they always now? Were they a couple? Or were all of the Hot Rods fuck buddies?

Kaige’s eyes grew wide and his cock leaked in his pants. After being tortured the entire day, he couldn’t suffer much more without erupting. He took a step closer, encouraged by Eli’s smile and the jerk of the head mechanic’s chin toward the action—a clear invite to join.

Some tiny sliver of his brain that was still operational shouted to him,
Don’t! Don’t fuck up any chance you have with Nola.

He was torn.

Go forward? Move back?

Hold out for a woman he barely knew, one who might never become an important part of his life no matter what his gut insisted? Or shun the friends who’d never once let him down and risk alienating himself from them?

He had nowhere safe to turn.

Welded to the floor, Kaige stood and stared. Leaving any of them with a glimmer of doubt that he approved of their progression would be impossible. He extricated his own cock—already painfully aroused by a day in close proximity to the most alluring woman he’d ever met—through the zipper of his coveralls. No way could he resist a chance at release.

Kaige stroked himself.

Alanso tipped his head, as though he might call out to Kaige, encouraging him to take his rightful place at their sides. Thankfully, Eli stopped the guy with a hand on his shoulder. Super Nova didn’t know if he could have resisted another siren song leading him to temptation.

Bearing witness, yet standing apart, seemed the best compromise he could offer everyone. Including himself. Mustang Sally smiled up at him, her warm eyes too wise despite the now-familiar haze of lust and the slow, heavy blink of her lids. He’d like to think she understood.

As he stared, King Cobra reached out with his right hand and fisted Holden’s dick. Swinger gasped and thrust his hips forward, poking through the ring of Eli’s fingers as he made more than a handful for their leader. The rest of the guys copied the example Cobra made for them. Each mechanic stretched their free hand to their right.

Since Holden was nearest Carver and Roman, he took turns petting them, keeping them calm despite the boundaries they shattered. And Carver surprised Kaige by being alert enough as he fucked and was fucked to grasp Bryce like a lifeline, completing the circle. Soon they each jerked their neighbor while enjoying a hand job in return.

While Kaige regretted his exclusion from the unit they made, he accepted each searing look his friends leveled at him as they indulged enough for all of them. Sally’s eyes rolled back as she reveled in the sweet screwing Carver gave her.

At the center of their tangle of limbs, she soaked in the passion each man expressed openly with grunts, reverent curses and the tightening of his hand on his buddy.

“Hurry, Roman.” Carver looked over his shoulder. “This isn’t going to last forever. I want you to come with me. With us. In me.”

Alanso broke out his Spanish as they crossed into the next higher level of rapture in sync. Barracuda landed a loud smack on Meep’s ass. Shit, that had to sting. But if it put the guy off, Kaige couldn’t tell. Carver only plowed Sally harder and faster as the red imprint of Roman’s hand began to glow across his white cheek.

“I’ll tell you when I’m ready, boy.” He fisted Carver’s longish hair in one hand as he blanketed his roommate with his ripped body. Not an ounce of fat stuck to the guy’s ribs or midsection. He humped Carver’s ass, probably guiding his cock along the slick ravine between the knotted flesh, getting himself even slipperier.

“Yes, sir,” Meep rasped. “But you’re not making it easy. To hold out.”

“Sally. Pinch his nipple for me. Kiss him while you do it, though, so he doesn’t scream the house down when I fuck his tight ass.” Roman said more in those thirty seconds than Kaige remembered hearing from the quiet man in the past six months.


When Mustang did as told, Carver stiffened between his dual tormentors. Taking advantage of his distraction, Roman guided the glistening head of his cock to the shadowed valley of his soon-to-be lover’s ass.

With steady pressure, he invaded Meep. The man groaned, low and long. Barracuda’s hips grew closer and closer to his roommate’s ass. He backed up some then plunged forward time after time, progressing bit by bit.

“Shit, that’s fucking hot.” Holden caught his bottom lip between his teeth as Eli stroked him.

“Maybe you’d like to give it a try next time?” Bryce’s latent promise had each of the guys glancing at him. Where was this going? How bold would each of them get?

“Highly recommend it.” Roman growled through clenched teeth as he dedicated himself to making a lasting impression on Carver. He wrapped his hands around the guy’s waist. Anchored, he thrust with more and more vigor until both of them sported a sheen of perspiration.

Sally absorbed any spillover energy, her body the perfect pillow for Carver. Her mewls served as excellent evidence that she loved every single second.

A spurt of precome coated the tip of Kaige’s erection, allowing his fist to fly over his engorged length smoother, faster with every stroke. Eli tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling for a bit as if to cool down. Carver didn’t help when he stretched to the limits in his sandwiched state to lick sloppily at King Cobra’s tool.

And that was all it took.

Eli lost control. He blasted Carver, and Sally, and maybe Roman too, painting them with his hot, silky come. Kaige wondered what Nola would think of the raw beauty moments before rational thought disappeared. Like dominoes, each of the Hot Rods capitulated to desire, one by one in a ring of never-ending bliss.

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