Super Nova (8 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Super Nova
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The genuine affection in his tone turned her on even more. Thank God she
worn her thick jacket, despite the searing temperatures outside. Otherwise it’d probably be very apparent that her nipples were about to jab through her lace bra.

Kaige poked his head around the corner, into an open doorway. “Sally? You there, Mustang?”

“Come in. I haven’t started taping the Schultz job yet.” The crisp answer seemed at odds with the tough young woman Nola spotted covered in paint-splattered coveralls that matched the rest of the gang’s. Her jet-black hair was pulled back today and covered with a Louis Vuitton handkerchief. She stood up straight, though that didn’t make her very tall, especially not with Kaige and two other men nearby.

The woman had immediately earned the envy of Nola and her sister when she’d showed up to her wedding planning appointment sandwiched between two drop-dead gorgeous men and announced she needed help in staging a non-traditional commitment ceremony. To bind her to both of them.

Alanso, the bald Latino guy Nola had also met briefly then, hovered by Sally’s side. An older man, who looked far too much like Eli to be anyone other than his father, half-sat on a drawing table in the corner.

Damn, even with a few decades on him, the guy had sex appeal in spades.

“Good morning, you lucky bitch you.” Nola didn’t hesitate. She took Bryce’s helpful hint about casual, genuine interactions to heart. Trusting her intuition, she stepped forward and hugged Sally.

“Hey, plenty more Hot Rods where mine came from. Feel free to take a pair home with you. Less hassle around here.”

Mustang may have teased, but her shrewd gaze flicked between Nola and Kaige. She smiled as she nuzzled into Alanso’s chest. “You remember my future husband.”

“Of course, how could I forget a handsome devil like him?” Nola nodded as he murmured something in Spanish. She didn’t understand his words, but the tone was enough to leave her gooey inside. “And you must be Tom London.”

Nola didn’t wait to be introduced. Instead, she stuck out her hand.

“I’m so pleased to meet you.” His mouth curved up slightly as he measured her. It’d been a long time since Nola had craved someone’s approval as badly as this man’s. From everything she’d read about him last night, he deserved every bit of the reverence and respect she saw in Kaige’s eyes when he looked at the guy who’d become his de facto father.

It was no surprise to find Mr. London lounging around the shop, since he’d opened the pumping station himself when he was younger than his sons were now. Today’s visit couldn’t be an accident, though, not right when she had been expected.

The guy kept a close eye on his extended family. But why would he consider her a threat?

She was sure he did when it took a full fifteen seconds at least—which felt like an eternity under his intense stare—for his smile to turn sincere and his eyes to warm. After peeking up toward Kaige and finding the guy grinning right back, Tom used the grip he still had on her hand to tug her inward and give her a hug.

“Thanks for keeping these kids in line.” He patted her back.

“I’m glad to be working with the Hot Rods.” She didn’t have to fake her enthusiasm as she did sometimes with the corporations she optimized. At least here a large part of the profits went to fund charitable work at the community center. A cause she could wholeheartedly support. “And honestly, it’s an honor. I appreciate your work with the London Center. You’re truly an inspiration.”

“Well, look at that.” Kaige slapped his surrogate dad on the back. “I haven’t seen you blush in…ever, actually.”

“Shut it, kid.” Tom mock-glared, then added, “And don’t forget the ten bucks you owe me for losing our bet.”

Alanso laughed, his arm still slung around Sally as Nova paid up for something she was sure she didn’t want to know about. What a family. It made Nola’s heart ache to see the support system they’d constructed. Sure, she had Amber, but sometimes it felt like it was the two of them against the world since their mom hadn’t always been in fighting form.

Not that they’d crumble beneath those odds.

“Aw, Tom, you’re so sweet.” Sally added fuel to the fire.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It’s just that my sister and I had to use the services at the center ourselves. Awhile ago. Obviously. I’ll never forget how grateful we were for a few hot meals and a place to take a shower that winter we lived in our mother’s car.” Nola cleared her throat. She tried to keep her fingers still against her skirt as she joked, “It’s hell washing your hair in a mall sink all the time. Worse when you only get half-finished because the security guards catch on and chase you away before you can rinse out the shampoo. Running with that junk in your eyes isn’t pretty. The center staff always had open arms.”

Kaige must have noticed her discomfort. He immediately claimed one of her hands and knitted his fingers with hers. He squeezed gently, starting up with that maddening rub of his thumb again. Only this time it soothed her as she hoped he’d intended.

“The gift of my wife’s work keeps improving people’s lives, even though it’s been so long since she left us.” Tom’s expression nearly broke Nola’s heart. Mrs. London had to have died fifteen years ago by now, and yet he spoke of her with such love, Nola knew he’d never moved on. Probably never would. She understood that too. Watching her mother grieve had been a hell of a lot harder than calling their beat-up Explorer home. “I’m glad we were able to help, even a little bit, in tiding you over until you could get on your feet. You should be proud. My son tells me you and your sister have built quite a strong enterprise for yourselves too. He’s no dummy. He wouldn’t trust your family with the most important day of his life if you didn’t deserve his faith. And he certainly wouldn’t have invited you here, to meddle with his baby. You’re doing a great job, Nola.”

And with his paternal praise, Tom made her feel like part of his clan.

When had anyone encouraged her before? Though her mom probably would have if not buried in grief, she hadn’t always been in a position to offer support.

Tears stung Nola’s eyes. She blinked rapidly, not wanting to appear weak during her first real day on the job. How could somewhere instantly feel like home? And what would happen when her temporary assignment ended?

This wasn’t her place. These weren’t her insta-friends. Even if they seemed like it.

All she could do was live up to the compliment Tom had paid her. “So I guess we should get started then?”

She didn’t realize she nibbled her lower lip until Kaige lifted his free hand to swipe his thumb over the abused flesh. “I’m ready if you are.”

Something flashed in his sky-blue gaze. Empathy maybe. Not pity. She’d come to know what that looked like well enough during those tough times. A guy who could understand where she’d been and that it didn’t make her any less capable, well that was something she’d struggled to find.

And here he was, holding her hand.

“Have fun, kids.” Tom broke them from their daze. “Don’t work too hard.”

“Don’t listen to him,
.” Alanso got his say in. “Make us rich.”

Sally laughed and slapped him playfully. His tight abs sounded like a drumhead when she tapped him. “Quit being ridiculous.”

“Hey, we’re gonna need the cash once Eli sees the bill for that gown you and Nola’s sister picked out last night.” He pretended to gripe, “Since when do you even like dresses?”

“If I’m only going to wear one once, it’d better be the perfect getup.” Sally shrugged, looking sheepish.

“You’ll be beautiful as always, I’m sure.” Alanso tipped her face up and kissed her softly.

Nola had to look away. Not because she felt like she was intruding, but because she wrestled envy at the tenderness and adoration Alanso rained on his soon-to-be wife.

“Although I like you just fine in nothing too.” He broke the spell, returning their easy camaraderie.

“All right, enough clowning around.” Kaige nudged her out the door. “We’ll be in the break room if you need us. Don’t need us.”

Something in his warning made it sound as if they’d be getting busy. And not the kind of involved that had to do with marketing strategies or new product development either.

Part of her didn’t object as strenuously as it should.

“But my leftover pizza is in the fridge.” Alanso pouted. “I’ll give you until lunchtime. Then I’m coming in.”

“Fair enough.” Kaige wiggled his brows. “We can get a lot accomplished in a few hours. Right, babe?”

The thrill of his pet name shouldn’t have affected her. But it did.

Everything about him did.


Nola wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize Tom’s opinion of her, and even more importantly, of her sister or their business. Certainly not by fooling around with one of the Hot Rods while on the clock.

Yet once they were sequestered in the break room, with its big folding table in the center and a whiteboard propped against one wall, she realized Kaige didn’t intend to drop the ball either. Though he pulled his chair unnecessarily close to hers while firing up his laptop and he occasionally touched her knee—or caressed her hand or brushed a stray hair from her cheek—while they poured over his financial documents, he kept generally focused on the meat of the matter.

The success of Hot Rods.

By the time he’d moved from theoretical explanations of future product lines and services he’d like to expand then walked her through his detailed marketing plan, she couldn’t help but be impressed. The simultaneous thoroughness and boldness of his ideas turned her on even more than the ripple of his shoulder muscles as he drew a diagram on the whiteboard.

He spoke her language. And she lapped up his enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit.

When Alanso claimed his leftovers, she couldn’t believe how the hours had flown by. And when Eli stopped in to tell them it was quitting time, she had to check her watch twice to make sure he wasn’t fooling them for some unknown reason.

It seemed practical jokes were a bit of a thing between the mechanics, according to Kaige’s random stories or interjections while they put their heads together and talked through the finer points of his course for the shop.

Nola collected her jacket, which she’d shed sometime after one of their laughing fits had warmed her beyond comfort. At least she told herself that’s what had the temperature in the room spiking.

“So we’ll see you again when?” Eli shifted his gaze between her and Kaige. He took in the scribble-covered board, seeming awed with their progress. “Tomorrow? Or do you have other clients?”

The expectant look on Kaige’s face had her swallowing her instinctive denial. She’d almost told him she wouldn’t be coming back. But maybe she should check out her assumptions first. “Could I have a minute to talk to Kaige before we decide?”

Eli’s brows rose, but he nodded slowly. “Of course. Actually, you don’t have to tell me what you work out between yourselves. I trust Kaige with anything to do with the shop. Hell, with my life. Whatever you two come up with is cool. Thanks so much for your input today. I can already tell it was worth it.”

“It was a good call, Cobra.” Kaige ate some crow, judging from his scowl and the way he’d charged into Eli’s office yesterday morning. “Thanks.”

“Anytime.” Eli winked. “Make the most of the opportunity, Super Nova.”

“You know I will.” Kaige tossed him a mock salute. “Now get back to weddingland so I can put together a schedule with Nola.”

Cobra whistled as he vanished. The cheery tune seemed to fade in the direction of Sally’s studio.

Chapter Four

“So what did you want to say to me that you couldn’t spill in front of Cobra?” Kaige turned toward Nola, sitting on his hand to keep it from wandering down her arm or maybe to the cleavage she’d been innocently flashing him hints of in the V of her conservative blue blouse.

How he’d like to rip that thing open, pop a button or two at least…

Once she’d finally shrugged out of her jacket, he’d been able to distinguish the finer details of her shape, which was every bit as sultry as he’d imagined. The faint shadow of what looked like a lacey bra had his imagination running wild too.

“You don’t actually need my help, do you?” Nola peered up at Kaige from beneath those thick, curled lashes he’d admired all afternoon.

Working with her had been surprisingly easy. And rewarding. Finally, someone who understood his concepts and got fired up about the possibilities they represented. She’d made several great recommendations to strengthen his positions too. Her visionary way of thinking had a lot in common with his mentality, which the other guys sometimes considered a chore, eager to get in and use elbow grease to solve their problems.

So his heart dropped when she said, “I should tell your boss that my initial assessment shows it’d be unwise for him to invest in my services. All he has to do is listen to
. Your ideas are great. Your plan is sound. You just need to execute it now. And you don’t require me for that.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to speak the truth. To tell her he had it covered. But better sense refused to allow him to send her away. Everything in him screamed to pull her closer, not push her off.

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