Read Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients Online
Authors: Michael Furie
Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #possession, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house is unlike any other., #and murder. When the evidence becomes overwhelming, #When author Rich Newman first arrives at the battered doublewide trailer deep in the Mississippi Delta, #it’s clear that this is no ordinary haunting. Called from Memphis to assist a local ghost hunting team, #long-buried memories from Newman’s own past come back to haunt him—memories he’d rather forget. Collecting physical evidence, #researching the violent history of the property, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house has become his most terrifying and mysterious case. What starts out as a malicious assault manifesting as deep rumbling sounds quickly spirals into a story of obsession, #and sorting through the spiritual implications of demons, #Magick Studies
Magical Basics 33
Now, let me give you an example. Let’s say that you
are casting a spell to gain employment. By “
change, as opposed to “request” change or “attract” change, I don’t mean (necessarily) that you should believe that you are
“zapping up” a job. You are not creating a job. That’s not what I mean. You are holding the job in place for yourself (in the future) in linear time. What you are creating is a series of changes; altering future possibility, bending it in your favor (first in the spiritual then, in the physical) in order to develop and encounter the
to get a new job. The position may seem to “fall in your lap” but,
you didn’t create the job itself (usually; there are exceptions to everything!) you created a ripple in the water;
the momentum of the ripple created a wave; the wave
reached the opposite shore (your goal) and (as waves do)
it doubled back in your direction with your opportunity
floating on its surface. You created the ripple AND the
opportunity. Please forgive the drawn-out metaphor. I am
trying to illustrate the proper mindset that you need to
gain in order reach your magical goals. You need to have
an understanding that in magic you are not really work-
ing with just the “law of attraction” you are also working with your innate ability of creation!
If you are focused only on “drawing things to you” you
are creating an unconscious perception of deprivation.
This perception of deprivation creeps into your spell. A
feeling of lack (deprivation) can be ruinous to any magi-
cal activity. This sadly, is a secret that many Neo-Witches
34 Chapter 2
aren’t being taught. In order to
work the magic, you need to cultivate an understanding that you have the
power of creation inside of you; from that which has cre-
ated you, you can in turn, create. We are all manifestations of energy from our creator (witches call her the Great
Mother). In science, we are taught that energy itself can-
not be created or destroyed; it merely changes form. Thus, assuming that our level of scientific understanding holds
up throughout the cosmos, the energy that the Goddess/
God/Creator/Great Spirit used to create everything (in-
cluding us) was part of Her/His/It’s/Their own energy;
their own being. This means that everything in the uni-
verse is connected to the creator and also, to each other; having all been created from the same source. This also
means that we have a similar (though lesser of course) ca-
pacity for creation. We create everyday. We create through our intent, through our desire, and through our actions;
thinking, feeling and willing, respectively.
We are beings that are creative by nature. We were
given life by a creative entity and we, in turn have the
ability to create. This is what we have to keep in mind in order to properly work magic; WE CAN CREATE. This
is the source of your willpower. This is your strength. This is not ego (because it is balanced by the fact that all beings possess this same ability) or delusion. This is the plain and simple spiritual truth. Now that thought (intent), feeling (desire), and willing (the drive to create) have been
united, all that is left is to project it out into the cosmos
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to bring it into manifestation. But, how do you project it out?
There are different ways to project the energy of the spell.
Some of the methods of projection are built right into a
given spell. If you are using or making a focus for your
spell (poppet, talisman, candle, etc.), the charging of that focus is a means of projecting the energy of the spell. For example, in a candle spell when you charge the candle,
you are projecting the energy into the candle and it is
released when you burn the candle. The basic method for
projecting energy is: 1—the shifting of your conscious-
ness; 2—the unification of thinking, willing and feeling;
and 3—the element of directed visualization. Doesn’t that
sound easy? Heck no? Well, it sounds a lot more compli-
cated than it is.
Firstly, the shifting of consciousness is just getting
into the alpha brainwave; it’s just magical meditation.
Secondly, uniting thinking, willing and feeling is how you program your spell. Finally, directed visualization is just fancy schmancy jargon for using your imagination in a
conscious way. All you have to do (at the proper point
of the spell) is visualize the energy streaming from your
‘third eye’ and the palms of your hands either into the
object you are charging or out toward the target of your
spell. Specifically, you actually need to imagine the energy leaving you and reaching your goal (either at its location
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or see it reach a symbol of your goal, such as a candle
or charm). This is how you program the subconscious to
do the work. The subconscious works with images (shape
and color). You connect your conscious mind to your sub-
conscious mind through mental imagery; your imagina-
tion. Seriously, no kidding; that’s it. The secret to actually making magic work is the combination of all these steps.
If you just ‘visualize your goal’ without shifting into an alpha brainwave, you will not be able to move the energy as successfully. If you shift into alpha and visualize without having the will to create or adding any emotional
connection to your goal; you will not be able to success-
fully move the energy. The secret is the combination. You
need all of it for
. That is the secret; that is the truth.
Spellwork Sequence
Here is a summary of how to use each of the steps in
order to work a spell (of any kind) and then I will follow up with a basic charging rite for creating a talisman or
magically loading a candle. As an example, let us say that you want to cast a spell to gain money. What do you do?
Let’s examine the complete process.
First, determine the correct moon phase for the in-
tended goal of your spell. In this case, we are looking to increase our money so; we need to work during the waxing phase of the moon. We could also time our spell by
the day of the week and work on a Sunday for wealth and
success. Second, we need to think about why we desire
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more money. The motivation
our desire must be thoroughly contemplated and understood. In this case, let
us say that the motivation is that we have too many bills
and need to have more money to make ends meet. Once
the motivation is understood, we need to reduce it down
to a precise goal (clear intent) and a goal that is for the good of all; with harm to none; it’s (the goal’s) equivalent or better (more on the reason for this in the next section).
To reach our clear intent where money is concerned, we
need to figure out how much money we
right now.
So we should look at our bills and all expenses and de-
termine how much more money we need to meet those
expenses versus the amount of money that we have (or
will make at that time). Let’s say that our clear intent is: We (apparently, for the sake of example I have decided
that we are in this together) need at least $251.00 more;
its equivalent or better, according to free will, with harm to none and for the good of all. Okay, we have clear intent for what we need. Now, we (finally) move on to the third
step. Third, we decide on what spell we want to use and
make sure that we’ve got all the ingredients necessary. For the sake of simplicity, let’s go with a basic candle spell.
For the spell, we would need to gather a green or gold
candle; (green for abundance or gold for success, for more see Colors of Magic on page TK), Basic Money Oil (prepared in advance; recipe given later, see page TK), a piece of new, unlined paper and a pen. After you have gathered
your spell ingredients, it is time for the fourth step; medi-38 Chapter 2
tation. Gather the spell ingredients on an altar table and sit before it. Now, go into your meditative state and once you are (if you are using the Autumn Tree mediation) at
the door in your imagination, open the door and see a
blank screen inside. On this screen, see an image come
into view as if you were watching a movie. See yourself
on the screen holding two one hundred dollar bills, a fifty dollar bill and a one dollar bill; your goal, $251.00. Then, let the image fade and see each of the bills that you need to pay come up on the screen and see a BIG “paid” stamp
on each one.
Now, consider how you will
when your bills are paid. Feel the relief (or whatever) wash over you. Bask in this feeling. Let this feeling inspire you to succeed. Build the will to manifest your goal. Feel yourself creating the magical energy to bring you money (what happens is that
you create a change in your personal energy and make it
“hum” at the “abundance frequency”). Now, pick up the
green or gold candle and hold it firmly in your dominant
hand (right, if right handed) and mentally send your en-
ergy into the candle. You are “charging” the candle with
your thought (visualization), emotion (feeling), and will
power (energy); send it all into the candle (mentally).
Next, anoint the candle with the money oil. Anoint it
from the middle to the top and again from the middle to
the bottom as if you are filling it with power (which you
have and are). Now pick up the pen and paper and write a
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rhyming chant including your goal (a spell). For the sake
of example, I have one prepared:
Bills unpaid, looming threat;
I need some help, relief from debt;
$251.00 my goal,
With Harm to None, For Good of All
Bills are paid, joy is here;
Money woes disappeared!
Now you have two choices when you cast this spell; ei-
ther you burn the paper in the candle flame (which means
you will need a heatproof dish to set it in) or you can place the paper beneath the candle and once the spell has been
cast, fold the paper up and keep it in your wallet until the goal has manifested. If you choose to burn the paper it is a good idea to copy the chant down in your magical journal
along with all of the other pertinent information. After
you have written the spell on the paper, charge the paper
in the same manner that you charged the candle; holding
it in your dominant hand. When this is done, either place
the paper underneath the candle (if you are saving the
paper) or set it in front of the candle (if you are going to burn the paper). Now, if you are going to burn the paper;
light the candle and then, say the spell while you burn
the paper. If you are going to keep the paper, say the spell as you light the candle. Either way; summon all of your
focus and intent and as you say the spell “breathe out”
the magic. What I mean is; take a full breath and speak
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the spell and with the rest of your breath, mentally send
the power out into the cosmos. Finally, clap your hands
together once to affirm that it is done.
Once the spell has been cast, you can either leave the
candle to burn out (if it is safe to do so); which is best or you can extinguish the candle with a candle snuffer or the back of a spoon (don’t blow it out; it scatters the energy).
Finally, if you have kept the paper, fold the paper into a small square by folding each corner to the middle toward
you as many times as you feel necessary to make it small
enough to carry with you. If you have chosen to burn the
paper, bury the ashes outdoors. The spell is complete.
The next step of course, is to wait for your goal to
manifest itself. This can happen in several ways; you could receive money that had been delayed, you could win some
money, you could gat a raise in pay or some sort of gift or you could get several different small financial gains that
“just happen to” add up to be exactly what you need. It is important to keep track. Write down your results in your
magical journal. Give any spell that you cast a minimum
of a full lunar cycle (28 days) to begin to manifest. During this time, it is okay to work additional magic toward the
same goal to act as a booster. Some spells manifest very
quickly; others take longer. There are variations. That is why it’s so important to keep track.
Also, there are a lot of choices in the magical arena.
You can pick and choose which methods work best for
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you so; you need to keep track of what works for you per-
sonally and what doesn’t.
Charging Ritual
This rite is all-purpose and can be used to charge literally anything with magical energy. The charging will need to
be done according to an appropriate moon phase for the
type of charge desired. Once you have selected the item;
be it charm, talisman, candle, statue, whatever, you then
have to clean it. Ideally you should run it under clean,
cold water, but that is not always possible. If you have to dust it instead, that’s fine. Just do what you can. Afterwards, set up an altar table (any small table will do) with the following items:
• A cup of salt water
• An appropriately colored candle