Surf N' Turf (Bayside Tigers (BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance) Book 1) (2 page)

Read Surf N' Turf (Bayside Tigers (BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance) Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachel Real

Tags: #shifter erotica, #rough sex, #werewolf romance mm, #werewolf sex, #Menage

BOOK: Surf N' Turf (Bayside Tigers (BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance) Book 1)
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When Jessie turned, a man with a surfboard tucked under his arm came striding out of the thick cover of palm trees. His muscular arms glowed in the soft glimmer of fire light. He cocked his head to one side and didn’t even pretend he wasn’t gazing at Jessie’s body. He practically tasted her with his eyes, craving her like a piece of fresh meat.

Why is he looking at me like that? He’s not checking me out—is he?

“Sometimes all you need is for someone to show you the way...or a good night of rough sex. Whichever comes first,” The stranger growled. He then raked his fingers through his dark blonde hair. “Name’s Taj. Follow me.”

Maisie pinched my butt.

“Move it!”


could hardly concentrate watching all of the half-naked bodies gyrating all around me. A giant fire burned in the center. A frenzy of crazed young people ran like wild animals down the beach. Another crew of guys laughed after wiping out off of their surfboards.

No sign of Calder yet. Taj grabbed her hand and yanked Jessie toward the horde of people.

“No, I can’t,” she begged him. Taj wouldn’t let go.

“Why not?” he asked licking the corners of his sensual mouth.

“I don’t dance, okay. I’ll just end up knocking people over....” she joked again tugging at the hem of Jessie’s dress.

Taj firmed his grip. his smooth muscles, outlined by the light of the moon.

“There’s nothing I hunger for more than a mate with curves—they make for prime breeders...” Taj sniffed.

Mate? Breeding?

Taj then just reeled Jessie into his chest with a twisted look in his eyes. He grabbed two plastic red cups and handed one to her. Her half-lidded eyes strayed over the rock hard contours of his lower torso. Jessie had trouble controlling her own perverted thoughts.

“It’s not poison, I promise,” he mused.

Jessie barely gulped it down before Taj ferociously grabbed a hold of her hips. She could feel her thighs being wholly groped in his hands. Her head was spinning and a blissful ecstasy started to surge through all of her body. Taj deeply inhaled the scent of my hair before sucking my left earlobe in his mouth.

“I love a woman with hips to grab a hold on to,” he whispered against Jessie’s wet ear.

The two of us kicked up warm sand as he held me close to his denim crotch. The hot-blooded bodies writhing around us danced in a blissful frenzy. Impulsively, Taj snaked his hand down the middle of my thighs.

Jessie squeaked, caught between wanting to stop him and wishing he’d spread her further apart.

Okay, I’m drunk. I’m really reallllyyy drunk.

Jessie’s mind wandered and he leaned back against him wondering what he’d look like butt naked.

Wha? Okay. Stop being a total sex hungry sleaze, Jessie.

“You’re all wet,” he growled raising an eyebrow.

And I look down at his hand brushing off some of the beer I spilled on my dress.

His index finger grazed my panties, and I almost chewed my bottom lip to shreds.


Is that Calder?

I wondered after hearing his familiar voice. Groggily, I tried to move but couldn’t even take a step without nearly falling on my ass. Everyone dancing stopped, which I thought a little weird.

“We didn’t catch you at the meeting tonight. As an alpha, you needed to be there,” Calder looked serious.

Taj finally released Jessie from his grasp. Even though she didn’t want him to let go.

“It’s not like you really want me there, brother. Seems like you have a good enough time making all of the decisions yourself...” Taj said letting his brutish body stand ridged and statuesque. Calder and Taj gazed at one another like two wild animals challenging each other—ready to fight.

Wait, brothers? Did I just make out with Calder’s brother?

Calder stepped forward. “Don’t skip out next time. Running the clan council is not a joke. I won’t ask again.”

Taj huffed, fiercely grabbing my arm again and pulling me with him.

“Where are you taking her?” Calder asked.

“To my bed...” Taj teased smiling broadly. “
Where else?
I’m taking her home.”


s he drove me home in his jeep, Taj let his finger slip underneath the silk strap on my dress.

“Nice dancing skills, what brings you to Bayside?” he asked.

Jessie blushed. “My dad. He gave me a summer house in his will. I’m going to fix it up so maybe it will be worth something later...I dunno. You’re brother offered to pitch in. But hey, what was all that ‘alpha’ about back there?”

She blinked hard, trying to pull her eyes away from his naked upper body.

“Just family drama. Y’know. Like the kind you have with your father...”

Jessie looked down. “My dad’s dead. I didn’t even go to his funeral...”

Taj’s body still seemed very rigid, almost cold. And the silence in the car only made Jessie eager to switch subjects.

She elbowed him in the rib. “So, you’re a surfer, huh?”

“Well, when you live in a paradise, surfing is what you do for fun. What are you going to do for fun?” he asked arching his brow.

“Sit around watching Netflix, mostly. We can’t all be surfers,” She joked.

Taj leaned in close, sniffing my hair again.

“Sure you can. I’ll teach me tomorrow behind your beach house at sundown.”

He then grabbed Jessie’s chin, and turned her lips towards his. Taking Jessie by surprise. She breathed parting her lips, as he took her in his mouth. The heat of his mouth sent shivers all over my skin. He gently pressed his tongue into hers, and then roughly sucked on Jessie’s bruised bottom lip.

“Finally, I know what you taste like,” he whispered.

Taj then grabbed Jessie’s inner thigh and squeezed as he kissed along her neck.

“I’ll be there,” Jessie uttered, her voice trails off as Taj pulls away.

Chapter Four


ang over doesn’t even explain the half of it. Jessie’s big red curly hair cascaded over her pillow and her blotto’d face.

Rise and shine!
” Maisie screeched hopping on her bed. She then poked Jessie and prodded her endlessly with her accusing finger.

“Sooooo, whadya do last night,

Jessie defensively snatched my cover out of her hands.

“Nothing. Taj McCall just drove me home last night.”

“Wait, isn’t Calder supposed to be coming by this morning to help paint the house?” Maisie asked.

“Ouch!” Jessie yelped when Maisie punched her in my shoulder.

She didn’t even say anything afterwards just flashed Jessie her devious smile. Two swarthy, drop dead delicious men with off-the-charts sex me
appeal wanted Jessie all for their own. She wasn’t expecting anything when she came to Bayside, but a new home and some hot weather.

Something was hot alright...

And Jessie just didn’t know what she’d do to survive this. Men like the McCalls don’t go for girls who are voted “Most Likely to Wake up with Grease on Her Face...”

Not likely...

“Jessie! You in there?”

Oh, my God! He’s here.
Jessie started hyperventilating hoping to defuse the adrenaline pumping into her heart. She launched out of her covers, reached out her hand and yanked on Maisie’s pant leg. Maisie looked back at her like she thought she’d transformed into some kind of raving psychopath.

“Wait up! I can’t just go out there. Have you
at me? I look like something dragged in from a landfill. You’ve got to tell him to go away, Maisie.
” Jessie pleaded.

Maisie looked down into her big pitiful eyes and shook her head.

“Fine. Wait right here.”

When Jessie finally released her super tight grip on Maisie’s ankle, Maisie greeted Calder in the living room. Jessie’s door stayed slightly, cracked and she could sort of kinda see what was going on.

“Hey Maisie, is Jessie around?” Calder asked.

Even though Jessie had to squint her eyes hard, Calder still looked as cool and hot as when she saw him on the beach. He wore a snug pair of jeans with both of his hands buried in his pockets.

Don’t tell him I’m here. Don’t tell him I’m here.
Jessie muttered to myself.

“Yup, Jessie’s here. You know what, I think you’ll find her in there...” Maisie pointed back towards Jessie’s door. Jessie snapped up off of the floor and combed her wild red curls with her fingers—which caused even worse tangles.

Calder approached. Then he knocked softly as he opened her bedroom door.

“Anybody inside? Are you decent?” he joked.

“I’m coming,” Jessie whimpered as she shoved one leg at a time in her too tight jeans. She took a deep breath as she pulled down my t-shirt.

Calder’s muscles could be seen through his slim fitting shirt.

“Got some paint and some brushes outside, whenever you’re ready.” He arched his brow at me. She knew he must have been staring at the rat’s nest on my head. As Jessie followed him, she grabbed Maisie’s shoulder.

“Maisie, I don’t know what I’m doing...” Jessie whispered harshly.

“Relax, Jess. This is what normal people call having a little fun” She told Jessie and then pushed her back towards Calder.

Chapter Five

orry about, Taj. My brother can be a dick sometimes,” Calder told Jessie, looking deeply into her eyes. He then picked up two brushes and handed one over to her. “We both have a possessive streak when we see something we want—it’s sort of in our nature.”

See something they want?
Jessie squeaked to myself. By no stretch of the imagination was Jessie some Pollyanna, but she don’t know if what they want is me. She’s messy, loud, and nothing like Nisha. She probably has the perfect bikini body and wears them all of the time. Jessie wore loose fitting shirts, loose fitting pants and big oversized bras. Well, maybe that last one isn’t so bad...

Jessie dipped her brush into the bucket of paint, sliding off the extra glop on the edges of the can. She wasn’t not sure why, but she thought she felt Calder’s eyes travelling up her body. Jessie could see him staring at her out of the corner of her eye.

“In your nature?” She asked stroking the paint on the chipped wood.

Calder didn’t even face me, like he was hiding something. But what had he to hide? I’ve dated men with secrets in the past and it never ended well.

“Bayside’s a special place, Jess but you’ve got to be careful about who you get to know. Whatever happens, I’ll always be there when you need me.”

When his hand grazed her back, Jessie gasped and spilled a blob of paint on her holey t-shirt. She frowned feeling like a total and utter klutz. Calder grinned. He reached down and pulled off his white crew neck in one smooth motion.

“Take your shirt off. Let me wipe you off,” he casually commanded.

Jessie never considered it very smart to take off her shirt just because a man told her to...but today, she’s going to abandon all logic and reason. She clumsily pulled her shirt over her head. The wet paint drips between Jessie’s breasts like some terrible badly acted internet porn.
I just hope I’m wearing a cute bra...

Calder eagerly grabs her in a tight embrace. Just like Taj he inhales the scent of her hair, and Jessie felt her heart quickening again leaving her breathless. Calder crosses his arm over her shoulder and massages his shirt between her breasts. He then looks at Jessie with that striking gaze, and she realized his eye contact is way more intimate than words.

“Why don’t you come home with me tonight? I can make it worth it...” Calder growled hot against her neck.

This needed to slow down.

“Can’t. Maisie and I made plans,” she lied.

What should I tell him?
The truth?
The truth that I already promised his brother that he could come over tonight?

Calder shuffled his shirt back on. And studied her body with his eyes. The feeling of need he aroused in Jessie...
unbearable. She wanted to say stop, but she also just wanted Calder’s hands to grope her more. Harder.

“Just be careful, there’s supposed to be a big storm tonight—stay inside,” he warned before walking down Jessie’s rickety front porch. She breathed a sigh a relief, staring at his back as the sun started to set and dark clouds rolled above her. Taj would show up in only a few more hours.

Chapter Six

’m done talking about this, Jessie. Don’t ask me again...” Maisie waved her hands in Jessie’s face as she looked for her purse.

“You can’t just leave!” she begged her. “Not now.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, now. You’ve got a hot date, and I want to be sure you have all of the
extra space
you need...”

It wasn’t like her to be dating two men at once. No matter how lusciously sexy or achingly hot their sculpted bodies were. Jessie’s mother got her heartbroken by her father in more ways than one. He’d come home smelling like a new woman he screwed every night. Until one day, he never came home at all.

Seeing Taj, and knowing Calder invited me over to do...
god knows what
..., it only made things more complicated like I had both brothers on a
tight leash.

Maisie snapped in Jessie’s face to break her foggy concentration.

“Time to grow up, Jess. Stop trying so hard to be a ‘good little girl.’ ”

I didn’t understand what she meant.

“I don’t get it. Are you saying I should just lead them

Maisie kneeled down after finally having found her purse stashed under the couch.

“I’m saying live a little. Stop thinking about what might happen and just... y’know—let it happen.”

Maisie then lit another cigarette in her hands. Maisie’s definitely been in Jessie’s shoes. She was kind of a man-eater after her divorce. Sometimes, I know the death of her marriage made her a little bitter, but most of the time I envy how easily she could approach a guy when going out, start making out with him within seconds at the dark end of the bar and have his hands up her dress before last call.

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