Surf N' Turf (Bayside Tigers (BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance) Book 1) (3 page)

Read Surf N' Turf (Bayside Tigers (BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance) Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachel Real

Tags: #shifter erotica, #rough sex, #werewolf romance mm, #werewolf sex, #Menage

BOOK: Surf N' Turf (Bayside Tigers (BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance) Book 1)
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It’s an art, really.

One Jessie’s never mastered, because she’s always paralyzed at the thought of having one night stands, hookups and only had sex in relationships—no matter how terrible. Commitment meant everything to her, even when it slowly made her dead inside.

Jessie’s last boyfriend, Noah (a
catch...), never cared much for sex. He’d always be tired, busy or dismiss me whenever she tried. Forget about touching herself, because she was too embarrassed to try.

They both turned their heads like meerkats when a cobalt blue jeep pulled up on her sandy driveway.

“That’s my cue,” Maisie mumbled, tucking her purse under her arm and strutting out of my front door. The screen door slammed behind her. Who the hell knows where she was headed, exactly... Jessie just hoped she wouldn’t go on one of her trademark dangerous misadventures.

Taj got out of his car and leaned back, waiting for her. He wore a long dark yellow tank, board shorts, aviators and a broad tempting smile.

My eyes scanned over his body.

Those arms...

That rock hard ass...

Those lips...


When she approached him, he wrapped her fiercely into his arms just like the night we met. Taj’s body movements were always predatory like he just naturally had dark wicked ways. Usually, she found ego macho-meat heads repulsive. But not him. Taj had sinewy broad shoulders but a lean agile body.

He stared down at her with hooded hungry golden eyes.
Touch me, please.

And as if he read her thoughts, he groped Jessie harder. She blinked feeling a drop of light rain plunge on her face.

“Sorry, it’s just your ass looked lonely without my hands on it...You ready to go surfing?”

She held her hand out. “I think it’s going to rain.”

Taj steered Jessie away from his beat up jeep and out towards the edge of the beach.

“We don’t get much cityfolk moving into Bayside, most of y’all come and go after the summer.”

“I don’t have anywhere else to go. I got evicted. And now this old house is my home.”

“You’re always welcome here in Bayside, we have a taste for ladies of your...luscious size”.

Why does everyone describe to me like I’m a walking falafel?

She pursed my lips. Who the
did Taj think he was judging me? Now, she knew this whole thing must have been a mistake.

“Know what, this was a crappy idea.” Jessie uttered and then turned back towards the house.

Taj grabbed her arm.

“Lighten up, Jess. I’m joking.”

Jessie found myself in a hard place. Caught between fuck you and...yeah, I’d fuck you. Especially with his bright toothy smile.

“Surfing is like good sex. You need to relax for it to feel right, got it?”

She only nodded.

Taj guided me down on his board, pressing his hand against my back. He pinned me under his weight once I straddled over the long board. Jessie.
Are you crazy? This isn’t you. Maybe a part of her wanted to impress Taj. Make him see that she wasn’t just some thirtysomething prude. A part of her wanted him to see that she could be fun and adventurous too.

“Paddle out and when you see that wave coming—catch the ride...” Taj whispered in Jessie’s ear, holding her steady on the sloshing water. He then splashed some water in her face, watching her carefully.

“You’re an ass,” Jessie blurted feeling royally annoyed. “Calder warned me about you.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make you forget all about my brother...” he winked.

Then, one arm at a time, Jessie paddled out and by the looks of my wobbly technique... it was pretty obvious that I didn’t have a clue about what I was doing. A wall of aqua blue water rushed towards her. She gasp, trying to fight the fear to stand.

Okay, Jess. You can do this.

A blue shadow slowly covered all of her body and Jessie knew—now or never. Slowly, he crouched and then stood with her arms spread wide. A rush of wind blew through her hair as the surfboard glided on unsteady waves.

“YEAH!” Taj hollered from the beach.

Her heart beat so hard she thought it would explode. That’s when she heard something loud crash behind her. The trickling drizzle gushed down into a storm. Jessie hit the water. Her voice was drowned out by the water in her lungs. Her legs and arms shook like a rag doll as the water pushed her down in a current.

What are you going to do now Jessie? This is what you get for trying to be a daredevil!

Her body sank deeper. The water gets darker. But she saw something powerful appear above her. It grabs Jessie up gently with its jaws before pushing her onto its soft back.

A growl echoes in her ear and moments later, the creature swims with her all the way to the sand. Jessie’s eyes blink hard.
Is it..? Did a tiger just pull me from the water?

The wet majestic predator licked her drenched cheeks all the way down to her chest. Jessie’s soaking chest heaved with her nipples budding through the top of her polka dot bikini. The swift beast licked her belly button all the way down to Jessie’s sopping thighs. She turned her head briefly, feeling herself get aroused by its wet scratchy tongue. Jessie’s fingers unconsciously raked through its wet fur.

This must be some fever dream.
She thought until she saw the raze of striped fur disappear and reveal tanned skin.

“Taj?” Jessie murmured against his lips when he moved up to face her.

She scoot backwards in the wet sand, rain’s pouring down their soaking bodies and Jessie held her hand high, stopping the lustful urgency.

“This isn’t real...” she uttered squinting to keep the rain from my eyes.

Taj’s dark uncompromising stare almost makes her lose control.

real, Jess. Now, you know what I am...”

He kept approaching. Taj’s sleek trim body straddled over mine. Jessie gasped as he grabbed her tangled soaking wet hair, and drew her legs apart with his knee.

“Don’t touch me like you own me,” she hissed.

“Jess,” he breathed. “I
own you. You’re marked. You’ll know after I bury myself in you so deep that you’ll beg me to stop.”

She could hardly inhale a gulp of air as Taj took her in his mouth. He heaved Jessie into his arms and dragged her to a thicket of palm trees. His mouth licks down her neck while he wholly grabs her curvy ass.

God, what am I feeling? Is this wrong?

Taj ripped off Jessie’s bikini bottoms like a caveman, while smiling against her neck. He takes her hand and places it over a rigid outline bulging through his board shorts.

“Stroke me,” he growled.

His primal strength forced her hand to grip around his clothed cock. And she eased her hold on the underside of his erection, with her lips slightly parted. The weretiger’s huge girth is too big for me to hold.

Is ALL of that him?

“I’m going to fuck you with your knees on the ground and your ass in the air,” Taj told her brimming with a voracious thirst.

She winced when he brutally threw her down, spread her naked ass cheeks and plunged his tongue deep inside her. Jessie moaned, feeling so fragile underneath his powerful grip.

She bit her lower lip, as he took her throbbing pussy in his mouth. His rough tongue stretched her wet lips before sucking her clit hard. Jessie bucked back when he finally released her. Taj pinned her so close to his crotch that she could feel his thick, long and rigid cock teasing her ass.

“Before I can thoroughly fuck you. I must make all shifters in the clan know you’re mine. All tigers will know who possesses you. They will know you are taken. That you are mine,” Taj whispered.

“Ahhh!” Jessie yelped when he clawed a gash on the side of my rib.

Blood rushed through his fingers and he moved his hands towards her mouth.

“Suck it,” he demanded.

Taj impaled my throat with his fingers, and I nearly gagged on my own blood. Taj squeezed her hips tightly. Jessie moaned when he mounted her from behind.

She jerked under his thrust, feeling like any second now he’d fuck the very life out of her. Taj didn’t let up for a second, grabbing wet her breasts and watching Jessie squirm with a smile in his face.

Suddenly, her hips start to spasm and every single one of her muscles tighten against the heat of his body.

Taj then picks her up in his arms and holds her tightly in his chest. He carries her, completely naked and exposed, into Jessie’s old house before laying her gently in her bed.

His hand moved a strand of hair from her face and lips.

“I’ll be gone tomorrow...”

Jessie thought she heard him say.

“You wait for me—right here.”

Her eyes fluttered slowly closed, and his shadow blended into the dark.

Chapter Seven

hen Jessie awoke the next morning her bedroom reeked of after sex. She could hear the sound of footsteps padding across my floor.

“Woah, someone needs to open a window...”

Maisie drew the white curtains apart and pulled up a window. Jessie flopped around and faced her with one eye peeking from underneath her hair.

“No use pretending you didn’t get laid last night... It’s written all over your face,” Maisie said.

Oh shit!
I knew it! Give me the gritty details...can Taj hit it or what?”

Crap. Was I really that obvious?

She rose up from her bed with her covers wrapped around her body like a cocoon. Maisie would never let Jessie live it down. And the worse than feeling humiliated, that Jessie had slept with Calder’s brother.

Jessie didn’t feel guilty not at all.

“How should we celebrate your crossover to the dark side. Let’s see a little more of Bayside. We’ve spent so much time in this old cabin, we didn’t get to go check out the sights,” Maisie insisted.

Jessie knew there would be no stopping it now. Maisie always loved to drag her around whenever she got bored. But she didn’t know the secret that Taj revealed to her last night. The people in this seaside town could actually transform to primal beasts.

Is Calder a tiger shifter too?

Listen to yourself, Jess. Tiger shifters are
too crazy to be real. However, it would explain a few things. Like why both Calder and Taj inhaled my hair whenever they got close. Or why, no matter how schlumpy Jessie thought she looked, a tireless hunger still burned in their golden eyes.

“If we’re going into town, that’s fine I need to pick up a few more things for the house,” Jessie yawned.

Maisie pointed at my covers. “Holy...Jess, you’re bleeding.”

Her eyes scanned down over the rumpled fabric and a pool of red spread across the surface. She hurried into the bathroom and gazed at the gash oozing red.

You are mine.

Taj’s words echoed in my memory. She needed to talk to someone about last night and Jessie grimaced when she realized there was only one person she could trust.

“Nisha...” I hissed.

Hey, Jess! You ready. If I wait any longer I’m gonna get cabin fever...

She heard Maisie shout from outside the bathroom door.

After taking one last look, Jessie pulled on whatever she had lying around and exited the bathroom.


ut of the corner of my eye, Jessie saw Nisha shopping for candles through a glass window.

“Hey, you know what? Why don’t we stop by here and check out what they have,” she told Maisie. Jessie tried her best to goad Maisie into the candle store. She bought it. Hook. Line. And sinker. Maisie stepped to the right and Jessie turned left to make a fast trek towards Nisha.

She totally hates me. Why would she want to help me?

“Nisha,” Jessie whispered. “

Nisha looked both ways before she spotted her. When she recognized who it was, she made a point to roll her eyes.

“I’ve got no time to chat it up with tourists—take a hike,” she dismissed.

Jessie grabbed her arm and she gave me an evil death glare. She looked gorgeous in her denim jacket and white jeans.

“I know you’d rather see me floating somewhere far away from Bayside than talk to me, but this is important. I didn’t know who else to ask,” Jessie told her when she pivoted in the opposite direction.

“Why? Was Calder not available to kiss your ass for some reason?” she asked with a sigh.

“I can’t ask him.”

That’s when Nisha spun around and faced me. If Jessie couldn’t talk to one of the two men she trusted in all of Bayside, what she had to say must have been serious.

“Spill it. What’s the problem?”

Immediately, Jessie pointed at the red gash on the side of her rib.

“This scar hasn’t healed since last night.

Nisha made sure to look to see that no one in the store, including my best friend, was watching. And then she grabbed my shoulders and shoved me against a wall of candles.

You let yourself get marked. Pathetic humans... Calder must really be the idiot I always knew he was,” she told Jessie shaking her head.

“Actually it wa Ta—...” Jessie started to say, but then bit down on her tongue.

She needed to keep what happened between her and Taj a secret.

“What does being marked mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything until your mate finishes the ritual by going on the moonlight trek. I knew Cal had a thing for you, but I didn’t think he’d do something stupid like this. The clan had already chosen his mate,” Nisha reasoned.

Now, it made sense why Taj didn’t tell Jessie why he wouldn’t see me again until tomorrow.

Nisha didn’t even bother to wait around any longer, and she quickly dashed out of the candle store.

Maisie joined me at my side.

She raised a brow. “Is everyone who lives here in Bayside weird, or what?” my best friend snorted.

Jessie felt my cellphone vibrating in my pocket and a breath caught in her throat when she replied.

“Hey, Jessie. It’s me, Cal. Got some more paint supplies. Thought we could get started on your bedroom. Oh, also got some extra towels. Y’know just in case things get a little messy... How about I come ‘round by 7pm?”

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