Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3) (15 page)

BOOK: Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)
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Being extra careful in the deathtrap boots, Erin made her way downstairs. Every step brought her closer to the love of her life. To the man who was kneeling to offer himself to her in every way. Her heart felt like it would burst, and while her mouth was dry from the nerves, her pussy was so very wet.

And they hadn’t even started yet.

Pausing outside the door to their room of consensual sin, Erin took a moment for herself, then pushed the door open. The sight awaiting her was incredible. A blindfolded Jayden waited, kneeling, while his cock—his luscious, thick cock—was fully erect and standing up toward his tight stomach. Erin could see, and appreciated, the sinewy lines of every muscle in his body. The surreal presentation made her heart hurt. He was so damn beautiful, so . . . magnificent.

Her heels tapped on the wood, warning him of her approach, yet he didn’t move. When she reached him, Erin circled her man while appreciating every tantalizing inch of him on display—for her. She dragged her manicured nails over his shoulder, across the back of his neck to the other shoulder, then came back to stand in front of him. By stepping in close and putting her sex inches from his face, she knew he’d be able to smell her arousal.

. . . my pet.” Erin stopped to see if he would respond. Not surprisingly, he was perfection and remained still, save the rise and fall of his chest while he breathed. “Good lad,” she praised in a whisper then ran her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp.

He shivered at her touch, the movement traveling up her arm from her fingertips and settling in her already hardened nipples.

“Oh, whatever shall I do to you tonight, my
? Let’s take a look and see what you’ve laid out.” Madame Erin began her perusal, surprised by how many things he’d selected. Shock might have been a better word to describe her first impression, not that she wasn’t pleased by the variety.

“My my. It seems somebody
wants to play.” Erin wasn’t expecting an answer, considering she hadn’t given him permission to speak, but it was fun to be the one doing the teasing this time.

Her gaze stopped at the lube and plugs. She held up a plug that was rather large for a beginner. It had a soft point on the tip that flared outward before curving back in and forming three balls spaced a half inch apart. Looking closer, she noticed there were metal beads
the ball sections. On the tray near where the plug had been lying was a remote control, and when she pushed the on switch, the metal beads began rotating.
This could be fun
, she thought while playing with the controls to get a feel for the toy.

“Are you sure you’re ready for me to use these toys?” She walked toward him with a heavy step, letting him hear her footsteps. “While I’ll be the first to admit that an assfucking feels fabulous now, in the beginning it can be a little much when you aren’t ready for it. You may speak.” Erin stopped behind him so that her vinyl-covered skin pressed into his back, except for her exposed pussy—that was flesh on flesh, and she loved how warm he felt against her.

He started to speak but stopped to clear his throat when she ground her heated core against his back. “Your boy has been preparing, Madame.”

At his words, and hearing him call her Madame for the first time, her heart stuttered. “What do you mean?”

“Each night this week your boy has gone to his office and used the butt plugs to stretch himself for your pleasure. Your boy is confident that he can take anything that is laid out.”

Well, fuck me

“Um . . .” Erin found herself speechless while she tried to figure out how to respond to his admission. “Okay, then.”

Smooth, Erin, real smooth.

Thrown for a loop, the Madame went to review the items again. She looked everything over with a closer eye, developing a plan, when she noticed the cane and reached over to pick it up. Feeling the rattan weight in her hand, Erin braced for the panic attack to start but found that she was calm. Still, she returned the toy to its spot.
Maybe later, but not now.

Instead of dwelling on it, Erin collected the things she wanted for her first scene with Jayden, then set the items on the padded table near him and returned to his side.

“Lift your head,
.” Erin placed a wide play collar around his neck and fastened the buckle, followed by a leash.

His breathing picked up noticeably while her hands worked, and when she glanced down at his cock, which was taking on an interesting purple hue from how swollen he was, she grinned at the copious amount of precome leaking out. On an impulsive whim, she reached down to wipe away the viscous fluid with her fingertip, drawing a surprised hiss from him at the contact.

“Open,” she commanded. Erin pushed the come-coated finger into his mouth when he parted his lips. “Taste yourself, Jayden,” she whispered, uncertain whether this was too much. To her astonishment, his lips closed around her finger and he sucked with fervor, moaning while he did. “G-good lad,” Erin stuttered, caught off guard by his reaction. However, she was encouraged by it, too, and wrapped her hand around the leash to pull his head toward her tingling sex. “Now, taste me.” That time, she managed to get her words out louder.

Though he was blindfolded, Jayden had no trouble locating her clit, which he began sucking on with as much vigor as he’d applied to her finger. She became so lost in the sensation that she didn’t realize she was pumping her hips against his face until he released the sensitive nub and buried his tongue between her folds.

Enjoying the tonguing, she threaded her fingers into his lush, dark hair and pulled him closer. To make it easier, Erin raised her left foot and placed it on his thigh, opening herself to his ministrations. She could feel her orgasm building under his tenacious tongue and wondered if she wanted to come so soon.
It feels so good, it would be so easy to let go.

You are in control here, Erin. This is your chance to demand as many orgasms as you want without reprimand. I say, go for it!

“Fuck, Jayden!” Erin yelled while his efforts increased. “That’s right, my
, eat my pussy. Make your Madame come.” She ground against his face with enthusiasm while guiding his head by his hair. The whole time Jayden ate her out, he moaned into her, his sounds proving he was enjoying this as much, if not more than, she was.

The rush of tingles erupting throughout her body told Erin she was moments from exploding. “Suck my clit,” she insisted, getting into the scene, and he obeyed without hesitation. “Aye! Oh, shit, I’m coming! Fuck, ah god, shit . . . feck . . . damn!” Erin was unable to control the screeching profanities emitting from her mouth while her demanded orgasm crashed over her.

The thrill of power was alluring.

“Pleased with yourself, are you, lad?” Madame inquired of her boy when she was able to open her eyes and take in his glazed face.

Jayden nodded and gave her a lazy smile, but he remained silent.

“Well, let’s see what we can do to wipe that grin off your face,” she snapped, a tad surprised by this forceful side of herself. “Come.” Erin tugged on the leash, and he fell forward onto his hands then crawled after her while she led him over to their padded leather table. The surface was about knee level, making it perfect for fucking—and other things. “Up you go,

His hands came out in front of him to feel around and get his bearings before he crawled up onto the table. She resisted reaching out to pop his ass with her palm.

“Kneel, hands behind your head.” Erin’s tone was clipped, and she was still shaky from her earlier orgasm. Once he was positioned like she wanted, she began licking and pinching his nipples, encouraging them to harden. “Take a deep breath, lad.” The second he inhaled, she hurried to put a set of clamps into place and then told Jayden to exhale.

He whimpered, but to his credit, he refrained from using words.

“I want to hear you today, Jayden. You have permission to speak as needed. Mind your attitude, however.” Though Erin attempted to sound stern, her amused giggle threaded its way into her words, and her lover’s lips curled in a quick grin. She did want to take this seriously, but it was all so odd to be on the ‘top’ side of things.

She coughed. “What color are we,

“Most assuredly green, Madame,” he purred.

“Excellent. Now, bend over and show me that ass,” Erin coaxed, giving him a gentle shove against his back.

He leaned forward onto his elbows and lifted his gorgeous rump in the air. Madame retrieved a bottle of warming lube and squirted a generous amount onto her fingers before drizzling some over his puckered hole for good measure.

When she slid one finger into him, he moaned and arched his back. Pulling back, she added a second finger next to the first and pushed into him again. With the third stroke, Erin added a third finger, and began pumping in and out of him with cautious tenderness until he opened to her. After a bit, she was able to add a fourth digit. Though her hands were tiny, she was still impressed that Jayden was taking this with no sign of discomfort.

She continued to work her fingers in and out. “Do you like that? Are you ready for more?”

“Fuck, yes. Please, Madame, give your boy more!”

“Good lad.” Pleased, and with her desire growing, Erin patted his ass then picked up the remote controlled plug, lubed it thoroughly and placed it against his hole. Applying steady but gentle pressure, she worked the toy into his passage.

A loud groan erupted from Jayden once she got the plug seated all the way inside him and turned the remote onto a pulse setting. The beads rotated every ten seconds, giving him little bursts of sensation. The first time it happened, Jayden choked out a low, “Oh, God,” pleasing her and making her a little bit jealous.

After cleaning her hand on a towel, she collected his leash again and gave her next set of instructions. “Move forward and come down off the table on the other side. We are going to the hook.” Erin palmed the rope she’d chosen from the table with her free hand.

Jayden crawled along next to her, all power and graceful lines. Each time the beads rotated, he would stumble a bit.

The hook was in the far corner of the playroom. There was a padded mat beneath it that aided in comfort for whomever was being mounted to the hook, but it also made for easy clean-up of any fluids that happened to leak out onto it. Catherine had spent her fair share of time hanging in the spot, and without question, she had done her fair share of leaking onto the mat, as well.

Once he was kneeling on the mat, she removed the leash. “Lift your hands above your head and lock your fingers together.” Now Erin had to take a step back for a moment. It was one thing to tease him and probe his backside while he had a leash and blindfold on. It was another to attempt mounting him while bound—she didn’t want to end up hurting him out of carelessness or just plain old lack of know-how.

“Madame?” Unexpected in the silence surrounding them, his voice surprised her.


“Is everything okay? Can your boy be of assistance in any way?”

“Well . . .” Her answer trailed off while reassessing the hook and her plan, because she wasn’t sure. It dawned on her that she wasn’t quite tall enough to reach the hook, even in the heeled boots, which meant that he’d raised it in anticipation of her putting him on it.
Here’s hoping that he can get himself fastened without much help from me, she thought with some agitation.

It wasn’t easy admitting she didn’t know what she was doing, but as he’d told Erin so many times, communication was key, and there was no harm in playing it safe. She swallowed her pride. “I want to tie your hands so I can put you on the hook. I’m just not sure how to go about it.”

His plump lips curved up into a smile. “Your boy thought you might. With your permission, may your boy walk you through the process?” he offered.

The would-be Domme let out a sigh of relief. “Aye, please.”

“Do you have the bondage rope from the tray?”


“Okay, this is what you need to do . . .”

For the next few minutes, Jayden patiently guided her through how to wrap the cord around his wrists several times, linking them together and ensuring there was enough rope to slide over the hook without rubbing against his skin. Once he felt comfortable with the tightness, he let her know he was good, and she resumed control.

It took a couple of tries with Erin holding his waist to steady him, but at last the rope was over the hook and Jayden’s arms stretched tight above him, elongating his torso and heightening her desire while she looked him over.

A tap from her to the inside of his thighs told him to spread his legs, and then she retrieved the flogger. The rabbit fur threads of this particular flogger were her favorite for pleasure, and she wondered if that’s why he’d included it. On many occasions Erin had come from this toy alone, with Master’s permission of course. Now it was time to see if he’d like the toy as much.

With the flogger in her left hand, she stepped in close and wrapped her right around his throbbing erection. Slow and teasing, she stroked it. “I’m going to flog you now, my
. You are not allowed to come without my permission.”

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