Surrender (19 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

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It took a while before he answered. “Just in case something happens and I don’t come back.”

Netherland looked up at him, her dark eyes filled with distress, denial. She shook her head. “No. I won’t think about that. I won’t even allow myself to imagine it, Ashton.”

He reached out and took her hand in his. “Netherland, you have to be realistic about the possibility that—”

“No!” She snatched her hand from him. “Don’t you dare go there with me, Ashton Sinclair. I won’t let you!” She met his gaze head-on, daring him to challenge her.

He did.

“I have to do what I have to, Netherland, to protect you and my sons whom you’re carrying even as we speak. I’m certain of that. But what I’m not certain of is the outcome of my trip to Deadpan Hollow. I’ll do everything within my power to return to you and my sons, but I have to take whatever steps needed to
be assured that you’re taken care of
something was to happen to me.”

He reached up and tenderly caressed her cheek with his fingertips. “When I leave in the morning, I need my mind clear. I need to know that everything with you is taken care of. I need that assurance, that peace of mind, Netherland. Will you let me have that?”

Netherland sank into the chair behind her desk. Her strength was suddenly gone. She knew she couldn’t deny him that. The last thing he needed was to be worried about her. “Yes.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ve already spoken with your parents and your brothers. I’ve secured a special marriage license, and I want a very private wedding ceremony tonight here at Sisters.” A smile touched his lips. “I want to go away in the morning a very happy man.”

Netherland slowly nodded.

Ashton studied her for a few moments before turning to leave the room.

“Ashton?” Netherland stood when he turned back around. His eyes captured hers. She started to tell him how much she loved him, how much he meant to her, and just how much she wanted him to return to her. But she knew from the look in his eyes that he knew what she was feeling and that words between them weren’t necessary. And without any further hesitation, she crossed the room and walked into his arms.

Chapter 23

y the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride, Colonel.”

Ashton did just that as he pulled Netherland into his arms, crushing her to him as his mouth captured hers, while numerous cheers sounded in the background. Finally tearing his mouth away, he smiled down at her and saw happiness shining in her eyes. The same happiness reflected in his.

“I love you so much,” Netherland whispered, letting her head fall forward on his chest.

“And I love you,” he whispered back, tightening his hold on her.

The small wedding Ashton had planned had turned into a lot more with both family and friends
attending. Trevor’s father-in-law, the Reverend Nathan Avery, had officiated. Smiling, the couple accepted congratulations and well wishes from everyone and looked forward to a night spent in each other’s arms. However, Nadine Kalloren was not about to let the couple escape until pictures, and a lot of them, were taken. She had hired a photographer to guarantee that very thing.

It was close to midnight when Netherland and Ashton arrived at his hotel room. He closed the door and leaned back against the frame, looking at her. He thought she looked absolutely beautiful wearing the tea-length white dress she had purchased that very afternoon. Everything had been rushed, but now as he stood looking at her, he knew the haste had been well worth it.

She smiled at him and said, “We never did dance together, did we?”

He regarded her with a grin as he pushed away from the door. “No, but that can be arranged.” He walked over to the nightstand and turned on the radio. He moved the dial from station to station until he heard a song he felt was appropriate. He then turned to her. “May I have this dance, Mrs. Sinclair?”

Netherland crossed the room and walked into his arms. Then they began swaying to the sound of the slow music. There was something about the way he held her that made a lump form in her throat. It was as if he didn’t know when he would get the chance to hold her this way again. She blinked back tears, not
wanting to think about that. She had to believe that he would find Jada and return to her as soon as he could.

She closed her eyes, wanting to free her mind of everything except being held by Ashton, and to concentrate on the feel of his hips moving against hers, and the tantalizing male scent of him. Moments later when the song ended and she opened her eyes, she met his gaze and saw flickers of heat shifting in his. She also saw love so profound it took her breath away. A feeling of heartache engulfed her, and she wondered if this was how her mother had felt the nights before her father had left on deployment. Knowing he had to go but wanting him to stay.

“I’m going to miss you so much, Ashton,” she whispered softly, looking into his eyes.

“And I’m going to miss you. Just remember what I told you that first night in Oklahoma. No matter where I go, you will always be here,” he said softly, taking her hand and placing it over his heart.

Reaching up, she laced her fingers behind his head and pulled him down to her, taking his mouth, determined to pleasure it with passion beyond anything they had shared together. She wanted to give him memories to sustain him until he returned to her. She hadn’t known how dangerous going into Deadpan Hollow was until she’d overheard Lieutenant Barton discussing it with her father. He’d said that place was a fire hazard, liable to burn to a crisp at any time, and that Ashton was risking his life going there in his attempt to find Jada.

And now, although a semblance of fear clutched her insides, she knew there was no way she could ask him not to go. Doing what he considered an honorable thing and standing up for what he believed in was what he was all about. So, she did the only thing she could do and that was to put everything she had into her kiss.

As she did, he returned her kiss the same way, putting everything he had into it, as well. His tongue latched onto hers, stirring explosive sensations and feeding a hunger that demanded to be fed. His hand was on her bottom, pressing her close and letting her know just how much he wanted her, just how much he needed her.

She continued kissing him with wild fervor, wanting memories to keep, as well. And then she felt herself being lifted into his strong arms. Very gently he placed her on the bed and began taking off her clothes, then removing his own. Then he came back to her, took her into his arms and began placing kisses everywhere on her body, making her quiver beneath his lips, the caress of his hands and the sensuous sound of his voice.

Then he was above her, entering her, giving her the full length of him, going so deep she felt him touch the crest of her womb before pulling out and coming back into her again. She arched her body, loving all he was giving her, all he was making her feel, and still wanting more. She clung to him, wrapped her legs around him as he stroked sensation after sensation from her body.

“Look at me, Netherland,” he whispered as the warmth of his breath touched her face. “Look at me.”

And she did. She met his gaze and felt the beating of his heart on her breasts as he held her tighter to him.

“No matter what happens, always remember that I love you.”

Before she could say anything he dipped his head and kissed her again. Her body hummed, then began spinning out of control as he made love to her mouth and her body. And then the coil within each of them exploded, slamming them into the throes of ecstasy as she felt her womb flood with the force of his release as well as her own.

But she wasn’t ready to let go. Neither was he.

She held him tightly within her, rocking her hips against him as he continued to move against her in a rhythm that was more dynamic than any music she had ever heard. More powerful than any tempo. The beat Ashton was hammering out was electrifying and earthshaking. She felt it and knew he felt it, too.

“Come back to me, Ashton.” She breathed that plea just seconds before another explosion, one more powerful than the last, overtook them.


When Netherland woke the next morning, daylight was shining through the windows, and she heard the busy sound of cars in traffic. She sat up straight in bed as soon as she realized she was alone.

Ashton was gone.

She glanced across the room and saw a stack of papers that he had left on the dresser. Getting out of bed she walked over and picked them up.

Her heart nearly stopped beating.

The first was a copy of a power of attorney in which Ashton had given her the right to act on his behalf while he was away. The second was a copy of the marriage license the two of them had signed the night before.

Netherland closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she forced herself to look at the final document, having an idea what it was. Tears clouded her eyes when she reopened them and looked at the remaining document Ashton had left for her.

It was a copy of his will.

The date indicated it had been updated the day before and from what she read, he had left everything he owned solely to her. But what filled her with gut-wrenching emotions, so intense she could almost not endure them, was the paragraph above his signature that said:

To Netherland and my sons, I bequeath all my worldly possessions as well as all of my love. I will always be with them in spirit, to watch over them, protect them, care for them as only a husband and a father would, and to love them forever. Death will not end my love. It will magnify it.

A choked sound escaped Netherland’s lips at the same time an ache started to unfold within her chest, the pressure of which was unbearable. She felt herself crumbling to the floor, crying in tormented sobs while praying over and over to God to return Ashton to her and to give her the strength to endure until she saw him again.

Chapter 24

etherland stared at the two men, unable to speak. The news they had just delivered had basically knocked the wind out of her body. She latched onto Trevor’s arm in desperation, hoping she had heard him wrong.

“What do you mean you lost radio contact with Ashton? That’s not possible. Rome and Sir Drake are with him. They were supposed—”

“Ashton went in alone, Nettie. Didn’t you know that?” Trevor asked gently as he eased her down in the nearest chair. It was evident what she’d just been told by Lieutenant Barton had come as a shock.

“No, I didn’t know,” she whispered, feeling light-headed. “Why? Why would he go in there alone?”

“Because he knew the situation was a dangerous
one and didn’t want anyone else at risk. Your brother and Sir Drake set up camp on the outskirts of the Hollow and were keeping close radio contact with him. Things have been going fine over the past several days…until this morning.”

Netherland looked at Trevor when he hesitated. She then looked at Lieutenant Barton and saw the uneasiness in his manner, as well. She knew something was wrong that went deeper than their losing radio contact with Ashton. She swallowed against the fear lodged in her throat and asked in a low voice, “What happened this morning?”

The silence she encountered was stifling, almost unbearable. “Trevor?”

He cleared his throat before hunching down in front of her. “A fire got started, Nettie, and it’s blazing out of control. And although the water bombers are hitting the area pretty heavily, so far the fire hasn’t been contained. The park service has ordered everyone to evacuate the area but Sir Drake and Rome have refused to leave. In fact, Sir Drake used his position with the CIA to get special orders to not only remain, but for us to move our command center there first thing in the morning. We want to be there for Ashton.”

Netherland clasped her hands tightly together and forced herself to speak. “So you think Ashton is safe?”

Trevor hesitated before speaking. “I think the word
would be stretching it a little,” he said, forcing a tight smile. “But fire or no fire, Ashton is
in his element. He knows his way around that type of habitat in his sleep. He’ll find a way to get out of there or find some kind of wetland where he can hole up until the fire is brought under control. I believe he will make it through this.”

Netherland pursed her lips and shook her head. “And so do I, Trevor. I’ve got to believe he’s going to make it through this. I’ve got to.”

Trevor stood. “You’re right. We have to keep the faith.”

Netherland nodded. “I want to leave with you in the morning, Trevor. I want to be there when—”

“Mrs. Sinclair,” Lieutenant Barton interrupted. “I can understand your wanting to be there but there’s nothing you can do there,” he said rather gruffly. “Besides, even where the command center is being set up is dangerous and too close for comfort. The best thing to do is to stay here and wait for us to contact you.”

“No! I will not stay here,” she said, holding the lieutenant’s gaze with such fiery intensity he took a step back. “My husband is in the Hollow, Lieutenant, because your superiors decided Jada wasn’t worth the effort of pulling together a team to find her. Either I go in the morning or I will go on national television and tell anyone why my husband is in there risking his life instead of the Houston Police Department or the Texas Rangers.”

The lieutenant stared at her for a moment before shifting his gaze to Trevor as if to say,
Do something
with her.
Instead of doing something with her, Trevor smiled with both admiration and respect shining on his face. Netherland was a true marine wife. “I think Nettie being there is a good idea, Barton. There’s no one else Ashton would rather see when he gets out of that hellhole as much as he’d want to see his wife.”

Lieutenant Barton nodded, his expression grim. “Okay, Mrs. Sinclair, you can go.”


In consideration for Netherland’s comfort, a trailer was brought in for her own personal use. Two days had passed since she had arrived on the outskirts of the Hollow and still the fire had not been contained. In fact, it was still spreading out of control. Everyone, including Trevor, had tried avoiding any questions she had about how long an individual could survive amid that much heat and smoke. She decided that today she would not be put off. She didn’t want to approach Rome, because he was dealing with his own personal misery. Since no radio contact had been made with Ashton for the past four days, Rome had no way of knowing if Jada had been found yet or if Ashton’s search had gotten delayed due to the fire.

Netherland was about to leave the trailer and go in search of Trevor when he suddenly appeared in the doorway. The look on his face made her pulse quicken. “Trevor? What is it? What’s wrong?”

After taking a deep breath, he motioned to the sofa and sat down wearily beside her. “The park rangers just had a meeting. The fire is spreading too fast and
all their efforts to keep it under control have failed. Because the smoke is reaching such high altitudes, they’re calling off the air searches in the Hollow.”

Netherland gasped as panic struck. “But they can’t do that. Ashton and Jada are still in there somewhere.”

He placed his hand on hers in a calming gesture. “I know, but they refuse to listen to what we have to say. It will almost take something akin to a presidential order to make them send another chopper in there.”

“There has to be a way to make them cooperate,” she said frantically, trying to keep hold of her sanity.

Trevor’s hand on hers tightened. “There is, and Sir Drake and I are working out the details of it now. I’ve contacted Jake Madaris. He has a lot of pull in these parts, and with him on our side we’re trying to get more time. Thanks to his personal friendship with Senator Nedwyn Lansing, I feel certain that we’ll get it and are getting prepared. Sir Drake, Alex and Howard are going over some land maps of the area. Alex thinks he’s identified some sort of a deep trench that’s underneath a small canyon. We have a feeling that’s where Ashton is holing up, to wait out the fire. It’s also the area where the fire is now headed. It will be hard to get a chopper in there, risky as hell, but we believe it can be done.”

Netherland nodded. “Have the park rangers agreed to do this?”

“Willingly, no. But it’s hard to refuse someone like Sir Drake without thinking of possible repercussions.”

Netherland nodded again. She could definitely
believe that. She leaned forward and rested her arms across her legs. “So what’s the plan, Trevor?”

Trevor couldn’t help but smile. Again he thought of how well suited Netherland was as a marine wife. She was every bit as tough and dedicated to a cause as any gallant marine. A marine spouse had to be strong enough to deal with fear of the unknown and to understand that a marine had to do whatever it took to get the job done. Ashton’s decision to go into the Hollow and search for Jada was based on a marine’s mind-set of being the first one in a dangerous situation and being the last one out.

“The plan is for them to attempt one more air search. Sir Drake and I are going with them to make sure they target the right area, and hope we played our hunch right and Ashton is there sitting tight.”

Netherland didn’t want to think about what would happen next if he weren’t. “What do you need me to do?”

Trevor took a long, deep breath and said, “Pray.”


Four hours. It had been four hours since the chopper carrying Sir Drake and Trevor had left. For the first couple of hours Netherland had remained inside her trailer doing exactly what Trevor had suggested that she do—pray—which was what she’d been doing anyway since Ashton had been gone.

But she couldn’t stand being cooped up inside the trailer any longer. When she stepped outside, the rays of the sun were so bright they almost blinded her. For
once she didn’t appreciate the sunshine but wished a storm would come through to help put out the fire. The last time she had checked with one of the park rangers, the fire was still going strong, and they hadn’t had any radio contact with the chopper in more than two hours, citing interference from the intense smoke as the cause.

Shielding her eyes from the sun she looked across the way and saw Rome. He was sitting on the ground alone, looking up toward the sky as if expecting some sign of hope that the chopper was returning. She quickly crossed the yard and when she reached him, she sat down on the ground beside him. She placed her hand over his.

“You okay, Rome?”

He didn’t say anything for the longest time, didn’t acknowledge her presence until after he’d taken a long, deep breath, as if to bring his thoughts under control. “Yeah, as well as can be expected. What about you?”

“Same here.” Netherland looked at him, her eyes becoming dark with worry. She remembered Ashton once saying that during a crisis, one had to always remain positive, hold out for the best even in a situation where the worst seemed inevitable.

“So, what do you plan to do when you get Jada back?” Out of the corner of her eye she saw him snatch his head around to her. She held her breath. He would either take her question as cruel or hopeful. She was gambling on the latter. She was close to all
her brothers but with only a one-year difference in their ages, she and Rome were the closest. They’d always had a special relationship.

For the longest time Rome didn’t answer her question but she felt the hand underneath hers tremble. “I don’t think,” he finally said slowly, quietly, “that I’ll ever let her out of my sight again. When I leave to return to Camp Pendleton, she’s coming with me as my wife.”

Netherland smiled and slipped her arms around her brother and held him tight. “I think that’s a good idea, Rome. A darn good idea.”

She heard the sound of the chopper at the same moment Rome did. A lump grew thick, deep in Netherland’s throat as she watched the aircraft appear in sight, skimming the treetops and hovering over a flat stretch of land before descending slowly to the ground. Rome was on his feet in a flash but she had to muster all the strength she had to stand.

Rome’s hand reached out for hers, holding it tight as the two of them, brother and sister, watched, trying to fight off the deep cold dread that surrounded them. The waiting was over. The next few minutes would reveal the outcome.

The minute the chopper settled down on the ground, three, maybe four of the park rangers scurried over to the plane, with Alex Maxwell and Howard Reeves close on their heels. Ducking to miss the whirling rotor blades, Alex and Howard slid open the side door.

Netherland felt Rome let go of her hand and take a step forward, then two. She held her breath when first Trevor, then Sir Drake descended, and for a moment it appeared they had returned with no one. Panic seized her and for one agonizing moment, she thought the fear that was unfolding in her chest would choke out the very life of her. Then she saw Trevor and Sir Drake move aside as a man-made stretcher was lifted out of the helicopter.

Rome, she noted, had taken off running but she remained frozen in place. Her view became blocked as Rome and a few other rangers moved in. Her heart slammed in her chest as the need to find out who was on the stretcher propelled her to take a step forward. But she stopped when someone else, a lone, tall figure came through the chopper door.


Netherland began trembling from head to toe, but somehow found the strength to move when he looked over in her direction, then headed toward her. She didn’t stop running until she felt herself securely held in his arms. She didn’t care that he smelled completely of smoke and sweat; all she cared about was that he was alive, and he was holding her in his arms.

His hand pressed her head against his shoulder as he cradled her body to him. “I came back to you, Netherland,” he whispered roughly, hoarsely.

Netherland could only nod, too filled with emotion to speak, but she did lift her head to see that the person on the stretcher was Jada…and she was con
scious. Rome was crouched down beside the stretcher holding her hand, talking to her. All around them orders were being shouted, and Justin Madaris, who had volunteered to be a doctor on-site, was already assisting with Jada.

“Where was she?” Netherland asked, when she was able to find her voice.

“She was holed up in a cavern. Roberts had forced her down a deep well, thinking she wouldn’t ever get out. He had left her there with no food or water. But somehow, with sheer determination and a will to survive, she did get out, and was lucky enough to stumble across a small water hole and a blackberry patch. That was her food and liquid most of the time. She was trying to find her way around the Hollow when I found her. She’d become dehydrated and overcome with smoke but other than that, she was okay. She’s one brave woman to have endured the weather, wild animals and unfamiliar terrain for more than a week. She’ll make a good marine wife.”

“That’s good, because Rome intends to marry her,” Netherland said, seeing the relief, happiness and love on Rome’s face. Aware but not caring that they were surrounded by a number of people, she placed her arms around Ashton’s neck and gazed into his eyes. “Thanks for coming back to me, Ashton. I was so scared.”

He tilted his mouth into a smile. “According to Trevor you were brave, a real marine wife. And just to think you thought you never wanted to have anything to do with someone in the military. Imagine that.”

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