Surrender (20 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: Surrender
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Netherland returned his smile. “Yes, Colonel, imagine that.” She then placed pressure on his neck to bring his mouth down to hers and gave him one torrid kiss.

Ashton returned his wife’s kiss, hugging her tightly to him as he took possession of her mouth. At one time he hadn’t been certain he would be able to bring himself and Jada out of that fiery furnace, but just when he thought it was impossible, he had looked up and had seen the chopper flying overhead—and in an area where there was no place for a chopper to land. Of course, Sir Drake had other ideas about that and had literally hung out of the chopper to extend a rope down to lift them up. His friend’s daring escapades never ceased to amaze him.

Like a drowning man who needed the nectar of his wife’s mouth, Ashton intensified their kiss and pulled Netherland even closer to him. Suddenly, he felt someone tap him, and not too lightly, on the shoulder. Frowning, he broke off the kiss to look up into Trevor’s smiling face.

“The two of you are in the way, Colonel,” Trevor said as his smile widened. “Some of us have work to do.”

Ashton couldn’t help but laugh. Those had been the same words he’d barked at Trevor when they had rescued Corinthians from the clutches of a madman. “Don’t you have baby diapers to go change or something?” Ashton asked his friend smartly.

“Yes, just as soon as I can get the hell out of here.
And don’t forget the baby’s christening is on Sunday. It’s a good thing you made it back for that. Corinthians would have been upset if you hadn’t. And how about cleaning yourself up before then? All that mud and soot make you look like a bogeyman, and I don’t want you to frighten my son.” Trevor then turned to walk off, chuckling.

Netherland couldn’t help but laugh.

“Do you think I look like a bogeyman, sweetheart?” Ashton asked her when she had stopped laughing.

“No, I think you look like my husband. My hero. My marine.” She then proceeded to kiss him again.


“Boy, aren’t we squeaky clean,” Netherland said to her husband when he had slid into bed beside her.

“That’s not all I am,” he responded huskily as he pulled her into his arms.

Netherland turned slowly and cupped his face in the palms of her hands. “Make love to me, Ashton. Help me forget what I went through this past week. Help me forget.”

“I’ll try, Netherland,” he whispered as he pressed his naked flesh against hers, breast to breast, thigh to thigh, leg to leg. His tongue flicked out to taste, to tease, to torment. Her breath turned ragged at the provocative touch of his mouth on her, sending her into a mindless, quivering mass of sensations. She buried her hands in his hair, she dug her nails into his back and she moaned his name over and over.

He had come back to her.

When his fingers delved into the moist, wet heat of her, a deep sob racked her body. And when she felt the hardness of him at the entrance of her, she lifted her hips to receive him.

They moved together as one, joined together, pushing out of their minds the memory of the time they had spent apart, the agony of not knowing if they would ever see each other again, and if they would ever again share this. Now that they were back together they didn’t intend to part again.

Then suddenly Ashton held still within her, looked down into her eyes. “Wa-Do,” he whispered hoarsely before starting his rhythm again. This time the pace was faster and faster, deeper and deeper. He threw his head back for one final, earth-shattering thrust at the same moment she screamed out his name in her own powerful release.

He rubbed his cheek against hers, overflowing with all the love any man could possibly feel for one woman. He had seen the difficulties ahead and had prepared for them…or so he had thought. He didn’t think anything would ever have fully prepared him for Netherland Kalloren Brooms and what she did to his heart and his soul. This woman was his dream, his vision and his reality. He had come out of the darkness into the light. Out of the fire and back into her arms.

And that’s where he intended to stay.

Chapter 25

he church was packed for the christening of Rio Maurice Nathan Grant.

Being held in his father’s arms, the infant slept through the entire ceremony, even when he was passed around to each of his three godfathers, Dex Madaris, Ashton Sinclair and Drake Warren. Everyone had done a double take when Sir Drake arrived at the church in a suit. And a couple of the young women made sure he knew of their interest, which was a wasted effort since he didn’t pay them any attention.

After the service everyone was invited to dinner at Trevor and Corinthians’s home. Thanks to Rio’s two grandmothers, who had done all the cooking, there was plenty of food for all.

Rio, now wide-awake, was being held by godfather number three, Sir Drake, with Daddy Trevor and godfather number two, Ashton, looking on.

“So who do you think he looks like?” Trevor asked, beaming, knowing the answer would be that his son favored him since quite a number of people had mentioned that fact already.

Sir Drake studied the facial features of the child in his arms. He met Trevor’s gaze and said, “I think he has a strong resemblance to Corinthians’s brother Joshua.” Drake couldn’t help but laugh when he saw the deep frown that appeared on his friend’s face. He knew that Trevor and his brother-in-law did not get along.

“Don’t you dare think something like that,” Trevor bit back angrily, threateningly.

Sir Drake shrugged. “Well, if you didn’t want the truth, you shouldn’t have asked me.”

Ashton decided to intervene before there was bloodshed. He quickly took the baby out of Sir Drake’s hands just in case Trevor felt like hitting somebody. “What you need, Sir Drake, is a woman to keep you out of trouble.”

Sir Drake was quiet for a few moments before saying, “No, I don’t.”

Ashton shook his head. “Yes, you do. It’s been four years now, Drake. It’s time to let things go.”

“I won’t be able to do that, Ash, until I find Solomon Cross and make him pay for what he did to Sandy.”

Across the room, Corinthians saw the tense expres
sions on the faces of the three men who were standing in a huddle and passing around her son. “I think we need to intervene with that bunch,” she whispered to Netherland. “Those three are the best of friends who would kill someone in a heartbeat to protect one another, but I’m not putting anything past them possibly killing each other if they got mad enough.”

Netherland nodded and followed Corinthians as she crossed the room to the three men. Corinthians slipped between Sir Drake and Trevor, and Netherland stood next to Ashton.

“So, guys, what’s up?” Corinthians asked, smiling.

Sir Drake chuckled. “Trevor got teed off because I said Rio favored your brother.”

Corinthians nodded. She could see her husband getting upset because of that.

“Speaking of your brother, where is he?” Ashton asked, glancing around the room.

“Wherever he is, he can stay there,” Trevor muttered, taking his son out of Ashton’s arms.

Corinthians gave her husband a scolding glance. “Joshua should be here in a little while. His plane was late.”

“Is he still licking his wounds after being defeated as Texas’s first black governor?” Sir Drake asked, smiling as though the thought was really amusing to him.

“No, I think he’s handling the loss pretty well,” Corinthians said, now glaring at Sir Drake. She took her son from her husband. “And I want the three of
you to promise me that you’ll be nice to Joshua when he gets here.”

Instead of making a promise they didn’t intend to keep, the three men walked off.

“Well, at least I tried,” Corinthians said to Netherland, smiling.

Netherland couldn’t help but chuckle. “They dislike your brother that much?”

“And then some.” Corinthians glanced over at the new arrival. “Syneda is here. Let’s go find out how Clayton’s doing.”


Alexander Maxwell glanced across the room at Christy. Anger lit his eyes as he watched her flirt with Netherland’s twenty-three-year-old brother Dakota Kalloren. Alex couldn’t understand why he was getting so upset since the young air force cadet was close to Christy’s age. But still, it didn’t sit well with him, and as far as he was concerned it shouldn’t be sitting well with the Madaris brothers, either. He glanced across the room. Dex was talking to Trask but it was quite obvious his eyes were also on the pair. Justin, it seemed, was also keeping a close watch. Unfortunately, Clayton was home flat on his back but Alex was certain that, had he been here, he would be looking on, as well.

Alex relaxed. For some reason he felt a whole lot better.

An hour or so later, he didn’t feel so hot.

Christy approached him while he was standing
alone. “Here’s your certificate for dinner for two from that auction, Alex. Considering everything, I’m sure there’s someone else that you’d prefer taking. And here’s your ring back,” she said, handing him the ring he’d given her eight years ago. “You were right, it’s time for me to grow up and put away childish dreams and fantasies. Especially those concerning you. One thing a Madaris has, Alex, is pride, and I will never let you trample mine again.” She turned and walked away.

Alex watched her leave, suddenly feeling an enormous sense of loss although he knew he had done the right thing by being upfront with her that night. However, he would never have thought that doing the right thing would have him feeling so miserable. For a long moment he stared down at the ring before putting it into his pocket.


“And Clayton’s doing all right?” Netherland asked Syneda.

“Better than he should or at least he thinks that way. He’s trying to break all the rules Dr. Goldstein gave him.” Syneda smiled. “The only way I can get him to behave is to threaten to tell his grandmother. You know Gramma Madaris. She’ll have Justin and Dex hog-tie Clayton to the bed if he doesn’t take orders.”

Corinthians nodded. “Men. Why do they have to be so hardheaded?”

“I don’t know about your hubbies but mine likes driving me bonkers. I can’t wait until he’s completely
on his feet. He actually has me cooking. Can you imagine that?”

Netherland and Corinthians shook their heads. They definitely couldn’t imagine such a thing.

“Well, tell Clayton I’m thinking about him,” Corinthians said. “We all are.”

“Thanks, and I appreciate the cards and fruit baskets. Next time he tells me he’s hungry, I’m going to tell him to grab a banana.”

Corinthians and Netherland couldn’t help but laugh.


Rainey looked up at Howard Reeves, smiling. “I guess you won’t ever volunteer to come visit me again after you were pulled into all that action that took place.”

Howard shook his head, grinning, as he looked around the room. “Are you kidding? I felt right in my element, and I met a lot of good people this week. Some I now consider as friends. I’d definitely come back to visit again, if you’d let me.”

Rainey’s smile widened. “I’d like that.”

“So would I. And I have some vacation time coming up and was thinking about taking a little cruise aboard one of Trent’s ships. Would you like to join me?”

Rainey lifted a brow. “You want me to go on a cruise with you?”

“Yes. It won’t be for another three months but I thought I’d ask early just in case you had other plans.”

Rainey nodded. “I’ve never been on a cruise before.”

“Neither have I.”

“Should be interesting.”

“To say the least. Will you think about it?”

“Yes, I’ll definitely do that.”


Across the room Jada stood with Rome’s hand in hers. After a three-day hospital stay she was given a clean bill of health. She had been completely overwhelmed by all the love and attention Rome’s family had lavished upon her, especially his mother. The older woman had made her feel special, and his brothers were super, too, welcoming her into the family although she hadn’t given Rome her answer yet. She knew he wanted to marry her but she had to be sure he was doing it for love and not pity.

“You’re not getting tired, are you?” Rome leaned down and asked her. He hadn’t once left her side. If the truth were known, he hadn’t left her side at all since she’d been rescued. During those rare times that he had, he had planted his mother right there to be with her. And at night he stayed at her place, sleeping on the sofa.

“No, I’m fine. You don’t have to hang around me, Rome. You can go mingle if you’d like.”

“I don’t want to mingle. I want to stay right here with you.”

She smiled up at him. “Thanks.”

At that moment Netherland came up. “Rome, can I borrow Jada for a second?” Without giving him a chance to respond, Netherland locked Jada’s arms with hers and pulled her away from her brother’s side,
ignoring his frown. When they were a safe distance away, she turned to Jada, smiling. “I thought I’d rescue you. Rome is determined to be your shadow.”

Jada shook her head, grinning. “I don’t mind.”

“Well, you should,” Netherland admonished her. “He shouldn’t be suffocating you like that, you’re among friends.”

Jada glanced around the room. “Yes, I am, aren’t I?” She had been told of everyone’s involvement in her rescue, even people she had never met before. However, when they had been needed, these people had come through for her. And they were still coming through. Because of what he’d done to Clayton Madaris, as well as her own abduction, another twenty years had been added to Tony’s sentence. And those who’d assisted in his escape were being dealt with.

“So what do you think of joining the Kalloren family? I know Rome has asked you to marry him.”

“Yes, he has.” She gave Netherland a quick glance. “Would you mind if I did?”

Netherland chuckled. “Heck no. I’d probably mind if you didn’t. Almost losing you nearly destroyed him, Jada. He loves you very much.”

Jada glanced across the room at Rome. He was staring at her, still trying to keep her within his sight. She was deeply touched to have someone care for her that much. “And I love him, too, Nettie. During the entire time I was in the Hollow I swore if I lived to see him again I would tell him how I felt.”

“And have you?”


“Then I think he deserves to know, don’t you?”

“I thought he had done everything out of pity, and I didn’t want that.”

“Everything Rome has done, he did out of love, Jada. He fell in love with you the moment he set eyes on you. Take it from someone who fought love for three years. Don’t waste your time fighting it. It’s a precious gift not to be taken lightly.”

Jada nodded. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you for making Rome happy again.” She then watched as Jada walked back to Rome’s side and took his hand in hers. Leaning on tiptoe, Jada whispered something to him. Whatever she said brought a huge smile to her brother’s face. He gathered Jada into his arms and kissed her. Netherland couldn’t help but smile at the couple’s happiness.

“What are you smiling about?” Ashton asked, appearing at her side.

“Jada and Rome. I think she’ll be accepting his marriage proposal after all.”

Ashton nodded. “That’s good. And by the way, Rainey told me to let you know she decided to leave early to spend a little more time with Howard before he returned to Chicago.”

Netherland nodded. She suspected love was blooming between that couple, as well.

“I never got all seven of my days with you, Mrs. Sinclair. We only made it to five. We have two left. How ’bout we go home, pack and take off for Oklahoma?”


“Yes, tonight.”

Netherland lifted a brow. She had given Rainey the coming week off but felt Millie Smith, her third in command, could handle things. “When do you have to report back to Washington?”

“I’ve extended my leave for another couple of weeks. Why?”

“Just curious. Do you have any idea where your next assignment will be?”

“Not yet. Does not knowing bother you?”

“No, not at all. Rainey has proven she can do a pretty good job of running Sisters without me. I think I’d like traveling around the country with you for a while.”

A huge smile touched Ashton’s lips. “I know I’d like that. So how about if we sneak away tonight? What do you think?”

Netherland placed her husband’s hand in hers, feeling all the love she had for him flow freely from her heart to every part of her body. “I think it’s a wonderful idea, Colonel. Let’s go.”


Rainey was pretty sure she had gotten her emotions under control by the time she and Howard arrived at the airport. After leaving Trevor and Corinthians’s baby’s christening party, they had stopped by her apartment long enough for Howard to kiss her with a thoroughness and expertise that had taken her breath away. The chemistry between them
was unbelievable. Even now she was having a problem breathing just thinking about it.

“Do you have time to walk me to the security check-in point?”

Howard’s question invaded Rainey’s thoughts. She looked into the darkness of his eyes and smiled. “Yes, I’ll make time.”

He took her hand in his, and they began walking. “I’ll call you this week, all right?”

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