Surrender to Desire (4 page)

Read Surrender to Desire Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Evans Brothers

BOOK: Surrender to Desire
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She didn’t doubt it. Blade was too good looking not to have
any woman he wanted. Callie bet he was a roaming stud in high school. She
brushed aside the unpleasant thought and focused on the here and now.

“I’ve never met a woman who got me so damned horny so damned
fast. When I glanced up from Calypso yesterday and saw that little triangle of
red between your pretty legs, my libido didn’t know what hit it.”

Callie was speechless. She’d done that to him?

“Then you dropped down into my lap and I knew I was in

Someone knocked on the kitchen door, and then Callie heard
whoever it was turn the doorknob to come in. Her eyes widened with disbelief
and fear that she was going to get caught in her birthday suit. She wasn’t
expecting to see the humor grow in Blade’s eyes.

“Relax, the door is locked.” He picked up her ruined
nightshirt. “Forget about breakfast. I’ll come back for lunch.” His
appreciative gaze traveled from her bare feet all the way up to her eyes.

Suddenly embarrassed by her nudity, Callie took the garment
from him. Thinking she’d been dismissed, she took a step to leave when Blade’s
arm slid around her waist to stop her. She caught her breath.

“This isn’t done between us.”

His eyes held a sheen of purpose, and the underlying
sensuality of his words captivated her. Recalling how his gaze had roamed up
her body earlier, something naughty inside Callie asked, “Would you like to
have me for lunch?”

Whoever was outside the kitchen door knocked on it again,
louder this time. “Surprise me,” Blade said, and pivoted toward the door. “I’ve
got to get to work.” He put his hand on the doorknob but waited, his gaze on

Callie backed her way out of the kitchen, keeping the ruined
nightshirt in front of her. When she was out of sight she turned and fled to
her room. She shut the door behind her and fell upon her unmade bed.

Lord, what have I got
myself into?
And why does Blade have
to be so darn sexy?
She ran her hands down her body, pausing at her
sensitive nipples. She shivered with pleasure remembering his mouth on them.
She let another hand travel down to her pussy, finding her hair wet and sticky.
Further exploration revealed evidence of her orgasm. She closed her eyes. How
could she let a stranger have so much control over her body?

Callie knew the answer to that. Blade didn’t feel like a
stranger to her. From the moment she’d first looked into his eyes she’d felt a
connection, something that told her he was a good man and would never hurt her.
Could he be the one? The soul mate her mama always told her she would find one
day? No…Callie wasn’t even sure she believed in soul mates. The thing between
her and Blade was just lust, that was all. Lust she could accept.


Blade sat atop Calypso and stared down into the valley. The
herd of Longhorns was grazing contentedly. Some of the females were pregnant,
thanks to Satan. After seeing that the bull had made it home and back into his
pen, he’d taken a long hard ride to clear his head. The only thing Blade was
clear on was that he wanted Callie, and the little taste of her he’d sampled
that morning had just whet his appetite. He intended to have all of her, and he
was pretty damned sure the lady felt the same way about him.

Damn Marissa for thinking that hiring a full-time
housekeeper was necessary. She’d apparently forgotten that until she came
along, the three Evans’ brothers had managed just fine without a female under
foot. The only reason Blade had agreed was to set her mind at ease, and help
her relax in preparation for the baby. He released a long breath. One minor
problem taken care of.

But what the hell am I
going to do about Callie?
There sure as hell was nothing minor about her.

He thought about their steamy episode in the kitchen. If
they hadn’t been interrupted it would have ended a lot differently. Blade knew
he would have picked her up and fucked her right there on the counter top.
Walking into the kitchen and seeing what little she was wearing, and all that
glorious hair, had sealed her fate, and she’d been wildly receptive. Blade had
to get his mind off Callie because he was getting a hard-on, and worse than
that, he felt one of his migraines coming on.

Jax Brady, his ranch manager, waved up at him. It was
nearing the end of the day and the men would start heading in. Blade waved
back. Everything was okay, no reason to keep anyone behind. He tapped Calypso’s
sides with his heels and headed toward home, too. By the time he made it to the
stables his head hurt so badly he could hardly see. He made quick work at
untacking and taking care of Calypso before walking unsteadily to the house.

The first thing that hit Blade when he opened the kitchen
door was the aroma of dinner. It smelled damned good but he knew he wouldn’t be
eating anything that night. Callie turned from the stove. He barely looked at

“I’m getting a shower and going to bed.” Blade slammed the
kitchen door behind him and continued to his room.

He was hoping she’d get the message and leave him alone.


Chapter 4

Callie watched Blade walk through the kitchen and disappear
into one of the bedrooms down the hallway before turning back to the stove. He
didn’t need to tell her he had a migraine. The glaze in his eyes and paleness
of his complexion told her he was in pain. She turned off the beef stew, then
bent and removed the corn bread from the oven. Marissa’s note about leaving
Blade alone when he had a migraine almost made her stop from going through with
her plan. But if it worked, it would take Blade’s migraine away, or at the very
least help ease some of the symptoms. Callie just couldn’t let him suffer
needlessly if she could help him.

She took out the ginger root she’d purchased earlier that day
and cut off three pieces of the grotesquely shaped root. Adding it to a small
pan of water, and placing it on the stove, she set it on high. In the meantime,
she went to her room for the pure lavender oil in the medicine cabinet. Her
grandma, who suffered with headaches in general, taught her that pure lavender
oil helped a lot.

Once the ginger root had boiled for ten minutes, Callie
poured it into a cup. By the time she headed to Blade’s room he’d had plenty of
time to take his shower. She knocked lightly on his door. There was no
response. Taking a deep breath she opened the door just enough to peek inside
his room. He was stretched out on top of the bedspread, completely naked, his
hair wet, and his eyes closed.

Her eyes froze on his long, muscular form, and she knew the
task she’d set out for herself was going to be more challenging than she
How am I going to stay
impersonal with that gorgeous male body beneath my hands?

Callie quietly made her way to his bedside. She couldn’t
help it, her curious gaze roamed down his magnificent body, taking note of his
more than generous cock.
Lord! He has the
body of a God.
Well-defined muscles that made her mouth water. Letting her
imagination run wild, she felt herself turning hot.

“I know you’re there.” He didn’t open his eyes.

Blade’s low tone reminded Callie why she was there. “How?”
she frowned.

“I can smell you.”

Oh! Callie had taken a shower earlier and sprayed a light
mist of perfume before leaving her room. It was on her clothes more than her
body. “I’m so sorry!” she whispered loudly, knowing the scent was probably
irritating him. Without hesitation she quickly slipped her tee-shirt off and
tossed it outside his door into the hallway.

“What do you want?” Blade asked between his teeth.

“I think I can help you.”

He opened one eye halfway. “Taking your clothes off won’t

“I took my shirt off
because of the perfume,” Callie explained. There was no reason to take off her
bra or jeans. “Will you let me try, please?”

He didn’t speak, but she caught his slight nod yes. She set
the glass of hot tea down on the nightstand and removed the small vial of oil
from her pocket. It was odorless, so the smell wouldn’t complicate things. She
unscrewed the top and put some on her fingertips.

“I’m going to touch you now.” She carefully put her fingers
against his temple and began to massage him gently. He moaned but didn’t tell
her to stop. Callie slowly worked her way across his forehead. “Blade, take
slow, deep breaths and relax as much as you can. How long have you had the

“Started about an hour ago.”

“Good. We may stop it before it takes hold.” She gently
rubbed some of the oil at the back of his neck. “I’m using pure lavender oil on
you; it’s an analgesic, a painkiller.”
He just grunted. Callie picked up the tea, took a sip to make sure it
wasn’t too hot. “I need you to drink this.”

“I thought you wanted me to relax.”

She smiled. “This will help you, I promise.”

He lifted his head as far as he needed, and took a sip when
she put the cup to his lips. A soft laugh escaped her at the face he made.
“It’s ginger root tea and will help with the nausea. Drink as much as you
Was it her imagination or was he
already looking better? He laid down when half the liquid was gone. Callie
continued her massages, adding more oil at his temples, forehead, and the back
of his neck.

“Feels good,” he managed.

“Good. Just relax and take even breaths.” Callie ran her
hands through his damp hair, massaging his scalp as she went. His groan told
her he liked what she was doing. She continued down his neck and shoulders,
kneading the muscles and working out the knots she found. “I used to do this
for my grandmother.”

“You have soothing hands.”

“You’re very tight,” Callie said. She moved down his hard
biceps and forearms and back up to his shoulders. Touching him revealed that he
was as hard as he looked. It also didn’t do much to keep her libido in check.
“Are you able to roll onto your stomach so I can do your back?”

He didn’t say a word but, did as she asked. Callie marveled
at his muscular backside, taut buttocks, and solid thighs before putting her
hands on the bunched muscles at the back of his shoulders. He groaned deeply
when she dug into them.

“I’m sorry if I’m hurting you.”

“No. It feels damned good,” he grumbled against the pillow.

She worked his back over for a good fifteen minutes before
moving back to his head and neck. Then, thinking about the reflexology she’d
treated herself to not too long ago, Callie remembered how good it made her
feel all over. She didn’t know how to do it, but a good foot massage wouldn’t
hurt. She moved to Blade’s feet and began to massage them.

As long as Blade was moaning in pleasure and not groaning in
pain, Callie moved her hands up his legs and the backs of his thighs. She
stopped when she reached his buttocks. Her palms itched with the need to touch
them. She closed her eyes and prayed for the strength to keep it impersonal.
Had he fallen asleep? She hadn’t heard a sound from him in a few minutes.

The memory of that morning taunted her, reminded Callie how
wonderful it felt to have an orgasm from a man, and not her own fingers for a
change. She wanted to experience it again, wanted Blade’s mouth on her breasts
and nipples, and his hands on her everywhere. She wanted his cock inside her.
Just the thought of that massive tool plunging inside her caused her breathing
to escalate. Before she lost her nerve she smoothed her hands up and over the
taut cheeks of his ass.

Shit! I’m in trouble.

They were as taut and solid as they looked! Before she knew
it her touch turned into a caress. No longer massaging his hard flesh, she
found herself smoothing her palms over him in a soft, exploratory way. She felt
her heart in her throat at her boldness. Maybe now was a good time to leave.

Without warning Blade flipped over onto his back. Their eyes
met, and Callie realized his weren’t as glazed as before. His color had come
back, too. Only now it was flushed with something else. Desire?

“Don’t stop now.” The tone of his voice seemed a little
stronger, too. Indicating her administrations were working.

His meaty cock was standing at full attention, longer and
bigger now that it was hard and filled with blood. Callie gasped, as a
scorching heat engulfed her entire body. She was creaming in her pants, and
could barely breathe. Her gaze rose to his.

She slowly shook her head. “You shouldn’t do anything that
will cause your body stress, Blade; you should stay as relaxed as you can.” Why
did her voice sound so weak?

“Then continue your massage, honey.” He laid back and closed
his eyes. “What you’re doing is working. I give you full reign.”

Trembling now, Callie began at his feet again, working his
toes and trying to recall the pressure points that had been used on her. She
glided without haste up his legs, and muscular thighs. The muscles flexed
beneath her hands. She couldn’t take her eyes off his dick, watching it wobble
back and forth as if it was searching for something. She was mesmerized by the
amount of pre-cum gathered in the slit, so much so that it was running over the
mushroom-shaped head.

Jesus! She felt a warm flood inside her pussy. Her body was
alive and tingling. She wanted to take his cock in her mouth, but she was
afraid if he got too worked up his migraine would come back full-force. Then
Callie remembered something, an article she’d read about sex and migraines when
she’d researched headaches and remedies for her grandmother.

Orgasms released endorphins, which work to relieve pain.
Some people develop migraines during sex, while it actually takes migraines
away for others. There was no way of knowing if it would work on Blade unless
they tried it. She glanced at him. His color had returned. Callie knew what he
wanted-what they both wanted.

“Blade, when’s the last time you’ve ah, had, ah, orgasm?”
Callie felt scalding heat fill her cheeks. She’d never asked a man such a
personal question before. Then she recalled what he’d said the morning before
about coming on the ride home, but that had hardly been a normal situation. And
most likely he’d fought it all the way.

He raised his head, capturing her eyes with his. “Is this a
trick question?”

She shook her head.

“Making love with a woman,” He laid his head back. “Too
damned long.”

A shudder passed through her. Well, she was about to rectify
that. She carefully climbed on the bed and kissed the tip of his cock before
she lost her nerve. Wiggling her tongue inside the slit, she was determined to
get that liquid pearl.

“Fuck, Callie!”

His hips shot off the bed. Callie laughed softly before
lowering her mouth over the length of his warm, rigid flesh. He rammed his dick
further into her mouth as if he couldn’t help himself. Callie felt it touch the
back of her throat, and she moved her mouth up and down, one hand caressing his
balls and the other caressing his abs. As she gradually worked up speed,
Blade’s fingers tangled into her loose bun.

His groans were deep and drawn out, his cock as hard as a
rod, and lined with veins and ridges that made Callie yearn for it to be inside
her, scratching the itch. She was empty inside and had a feeling his thick
shaft would satisfy her hunger. Her pussy was pulsating with anticipation, her
clit was buzzing. The faster she moved her mouth and hand up and down Blade’s
cock, the faster he rose up to meet her.

“Jesus… you have a sweet mouth.” His voice broke with

Callie could tell he was ready to climax. She decided to
help him over. She took his balls into her mouth and rolled them around gently,
at the same time reaching up to tweak his nipple. His grunt turned into a growl
and she quickly took his dick into her mouth to catch the ribbon of cum
spurting out of the slit.

“Ahhhhh!” His whole body quivered as she continued to suck
him off, and then all she heard was his heavy breathing until he stilled.

His hand was still in her hair. It slipped down to her
shoulder and he pulled her up next to him.

“Stay,” seemed all he could manage. Exhaustion had taken

Callie curled against his side. After a while his even
breathing indicated he’d fallen asleep. She thought about slipping from his bed
and going to her own room, and she would, in just a minute.


Blade opened his eyes, taking a moment to collect his
thoughts. He didn’t know what time it was, except that it was dark. He’d
returned home with the beginning of a migraine, surprised to find that it was
completely gone. Not after a week, or a couple of days, but within hours.
Whatever Callie had massaged into his temples and forehead, the tea, and the
soft soothing touch of her hands, had obviously done the trick. The blow-job
she’d given him had been the icing on the cake. He’d come like a volcano and
had been left with a feeling of total euphoria.

Hell, who would have thought the cure for a migraine was an

He reached up and flipped on the lamp next to the bed. It
cast a dim glow in the room, giving just enough light so that he could see
Callie lying next to him, and her angelic expression. She was curled against
him, in her bra and jeans, her breaths soft against his skin. He felt a
stirring in his loins. He wanted her. He wanted to know what it felt like
fucking her pussy, to see her squirming and twisting with pleasure beneath him.

Damn. How did this happen? How did two strangers wind up
like this after knowing each other less than a day? He thought back to what
Beau had shared with him when he’d first met Marissa. Instant lust for each
other, that’s what he’d said. Not instant attraction, or even love, just lust,
pure and simple. It had eventually turned to love. Blade released a deep breath
and stared up at the ceiling. He lusted after Callie, too, no question about
that. But that’s as far as it was going.

Blade was too busy running the ranch to get tangled up with
a woman. Relationships were complicated and messy. He’d have to make that clear
to Callie the first chance he got, because he didn’t want to hurt her. He knew
he should wake her and send her back to her own bed, that would be a clear
enough message, but something was stopping him. He glanced back down at her.
His gaze shifted to her full breasts.

He clenched his teeth, reached over, and turned the lamp

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