Surrender to Desire (6 page)

Read Surrender to Desire Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Evans Brothers

BOOK: Surrender to Desire
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“Sounds like Val. She has a big heart.”

They both nodded in agreement. Then the look in Marissa’s
eyes turned serious. “Will you tell Blade?”

A heavy sigh escaped Callie. “First chance I get.” She could
tell Marissa didn’t like her response. “I promise.”

“Well, I guess I’d better head back home.” Marissa rose from
the table and walked to the sink, where she placed her coffee cup. “Beau and I
want to have a little get together before the baby arrives. Will you come?”

“I’d love to.”

“Good. Then we’ll see you around seven o’clock this Saturday

Callie watched Marissa leave in her family sized van before
turning around and going back inside. It was early, but she wanted to fix a brisket
for dinner and knew it would take hours. She looked around for a crock pot.
About the time she decided she’d need to make another run into town to buy one,
she found it way back behind a stack of pots. She plopped the brisket into it,
rubbed on the seasonings and pepper, turned it on high, and then went to her
room to take a shower.

Chapter 6

Blade was damned dirty and tired when he finally rode
Calypso home the next evening. They’d found a large section of fence down and
some cattle missing right before quitting time the day before. He and his men
had worked through most of the night, rested a few hours until morning, and
spent the whole day rounding up Longhorns. All but three pregnant cows had been
found. And since the fence had been taken down on purpose he reported the crime
to the sheriff’s office.

After rubbing Calypso down, he made sure he had fresh water
and grain before heading for the house. It was already dark, but Blade could
see the kitchen light was on. His thoughts turned to Callie, and not for the
first time in the last two days. She was always crawling inside his head,
torturing him with her womanly curves, soft pleasure-giving hands, and her
talented mouth. He’d cursed her a few times during work, too. He didn’t want to
fall for her, but he was halfway there.

He stomped up the steps, swung open the door and stepped
into the kitchen. Hmm, what happened to dinner? No delicious aroma greeted him
as he’d expected. He glanced at the stove, there was nothing there. But then
Blade realized he couldn’t blame her, when he hadn’t turned up for dinner the
night before.
If he hadn’t seen her car
parked next to the house he would have thought she was gone.

“Callie?” He started in the direction of her room.

A soft light was burning on the dresser top, and he could
hear water running in her bathroom. When his gaze fell on the stack of clothes
on the floor right outside the bathroom door he realized she was getting a
shower. The temptation to join her almost beat down his control, but in the end
Blade decided he was just too sweaty and dirty. He went to his own bathroom
where he stripped and showered.

When he was done, he wrapped a towel around his hips and
went in search of Callie. He’d take her into town for dinner, maybe do a little
dancing. The shower had revived him, and he was hungry. He thought he was
hungry for food until he stepped into her bedroom doorway to see Callie in
nothing but a gray colored tee-shirt that just covered her breasts, and a
matching thong, both items trimmed in pink.

She was standing in front of the mirror, brushing out her
long, glorious hair. When her gaze met his in the mirror she swung around with
a sharp gasp. And then she came flying at Blade like a tiger on the hunt that’d
just found its prey, nails out and hissing.

“You, you….”

She chocked on whatever she was trying to say, and Blade had
to wonder if she realized she’d raised the brush in her hand.

“Where have you been? Didn’t it occur to you that I might
worry when you didn’t come home yesterday?”

Blade knocked the brush out of her hand, briefly losing his
balance when she threw her weight against him. He righted himself and grabbed
for her wrists, pulling her hands behind her back and jerking her against him
at the same time.

“I was scared!” Callie hissed, struggling wildly against him.

Once he had her hands secured at the small of her back, she
leaned forward with her mouth open and he knew she was going to bite him. He
just managed to pull back before her teeth found their mark. “Callie, settle
down before you get hurt.” He was more amused than angry at her unexpected

“I was here alone all night.” She twisted against Blade,
determined to break away. “I almost called the police!” Frustration was evident
in her voice.
She brought her knee up.

Her eyes darkened with emotion, and it was apparent she was
determined to maim him in some way. Blade twisted his body with a grunt,
catching the impact of her knee on the inside of his thigh.
That was close!
“Why didn’t you call

“I wasn’t sure if not coming home was a normal occurrence. I
didn’t want to upset her or your brother for no reason,” Callie explained, her
tone growing huskier with each syllable.

He wrapped one hand around both her wrists, and the other
one took a handful of her hair. Trying to ignore that it was like liquid silk
in his calloused hand was about as hard as trying to ignore his body’s reaction
to her squirming against it. He was hard as stone and his towel was slipping
further and further down his hips.

“When you settle down I’ll explain”
He could sense the fire slowly burning out,
and held her tightly against his body just as a precaution. His gaze moved over
her flushed loveliness, feeling contrite for not calling her earlier. It just
never occurred to him. He was used to being on his own.

“Don’t bother. I stopped caring after reminding myself that
I’m just the paid housekeeper-slash-sexual outlet. You don’t owe me anything.”
She stilled, as if realizing she might have gone too far.

After her comment it grew so quiet in the room that you
could hear a pin drop. Blade felt his body flush with heat and his level of
anger go up a couple of notches. He knew Callie wasn’t being truthful,
otherwise why was she still angry? And there was no way he was going to let her
get away with a remark like that.

“Why you little
witch!” He pulled Callie to the bed with him, sat down and put her across his
knee. Blade didn’t know what possessed him but he suddenly had the urge to
spank the sass right out of her.

“What the hell are you doing?” Callie screamed, wiggling like
an eel across his lap. “Let me up!”

Blade stared down at her rounded, naked ass. Another wave of
lust rolled over him, threatening to suck him under. He ignored it and brought
his hand down on one flawless cheek.

“Ouch!” She clenched her butt cheeks tightly. “Damn it,
Blade…” He did it again. “Ouch! Let me up, damn you!”

He laughed and slapped at her delectable butt over and over.
Until it was fiery red, his hand hurt, and Callie was sobbing. He steeled
himself not to give in to her crying, instead focusing on the raging hard-on
between his legs. Every time he brought his hand down on her soft flesh some
part of her body brushed against his aching cock. Damn. Who would have thought
spanking someone would be so fucking arousing? Blade was so close to coming
that the slightest touch would send him over the edge.

“You’re a bastard, Blade.”

He slapped her one last time for good measure.

“Let me up now and I won’t press charges.” Her tone was low
and weepy. “I suppose you want me to suck your cock, now.”

Fuck! That did it. Blade realized he was mesmerized by his
handprints on her ass. He leaned down and kissed one cheek, and found her flesh
was scorching hot. He gave her a long lick, causing Callie to twitch and moan.
Taking hold of the elastic to her thong, with her help he peeled it down her
legs and dropped it to the floor.

He pulled her off his lap and threw her down onto the bed,
ripping the towel off his body and following her there. Past the point of
finesse, Blade was acting on pure animal lust. Pushed to the limit of his
control. No words were necessary when Callie parted her silken thighs, and he
rammed his hard flesh into her. They both moaned loudly, and kept on going.
Callie arched her body, encouraging him. Only he didn’t need any encouragement.
He started fucking her hard and steady and didn’t let up until he was spewing
cum inside her sweet, convulsing pussy.

He convulsed violently when he climaxed, exploding in a
downpour of fiery sensations with every jet of cum passing through the head of
his cock. Callie cried out, twisting beneath him, raking her nails down his
back with reaction to her own powerful orgasm. As they moved against each other
with total abandon, Blade knew he’d be a fool to let her go.

After a few moments of basking in mutual satisfaction he
raised his head to look at Callie. Her eyes were closed and there were tears
glistening on her lashes. “Oh hell, Callie.” Blade leaned down and gave her a
tender kiss. “I was too rough. If I hurt you I’m sorry.”

She shook her head no and slowly opened her eyes. “You
didn’t hurt me. Those slaps stung a little but then something changed, and my
anger gradually, ah, dissolved.” She paused and lowered her gaze in what Blade
could only guess was confusion. “I can’t explain it. My whole body became
alive, and aroused. Every slap made my clit hum with pleasure. Every time I
felt your cock move beneath me it drove me crazy. What happened between us was
very erotic, and moving. I’ve never felt anything like it either.”

Blade took her lips again, fervently meeting her responsive
tongue when she opened her mouth for him. He ran his hands over her breasts
beneath the short tee-shirt, marveling at how large and hard her nipples had
become. Pushing her shirt up out of the way, he broke their kiss to suckle. The
scent of her clean flesh was intoxicating. Then something clicked in his brain
and with a silent curse, he pulled back.

“Shit, Callie. I lost complete control with you, and forgot
protection. I promise you I’m clean.” In order to get the best insurance
premium for their security company everyone had to have complete physicals. “I
haven’t been with a woman in six months, well before my physical.

“Six months! I’ve got you beat by almost a year.” She broke
into a wide, open smile. “Don’t worry about pregnancy, I’m on the pill. And
I’ve only been with one man for the last eight years.”

Blade nodded. “Eight years is a long time. What happened?”
He forced down the jealousy threatening to rear its ugly head. Blade didn’t get
jealous, usually. But the thought of Callie in the arms of someone else, in
their bed, didn’t sit well with him.

“Long story,” she murmured. “I’m sorry I over reacted but what
happened to you last night?”

He grinned. “Long story. Why don’t we get dressed and go
into town for dinner?”

“Sure, I’d like that.”

Blade got to his feet and helped Callie to hers. He couldn’t
help pulling her flush against him. “I have to taste your lips one more
He kissed her long and hard,
crushing Callie into his embrace, enjoying the feel of her lush nakedness
against him. “Meet you in the kitchen in fifteen.”


Callie gave herself one last look in the mirror. She’d
chosen a sweater dress of red that hugged her curves and stopped just short of
her knees. A wide black belt circled her waist, and matching heels completed
her outfit. She’d twisted her hair into a loose, sexy bun and a pair of
dangling pearls hung from her ears.

Blade was waiting patiently for her in the kitchen. He
looked good enough to eat. Tight jeans, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled
up to his elbows. He’d tied his hair back and the scent he wore aroused Callie
on so many levels. She was glad to see he hadn’t shaved. He looked like a
dangerous man, and she liked the feel of his whiskers against her skin.

The look in his dark eyes as they ran over her, gave her
delicious goose bumps. He gave a wolf whistle that made Callie laugh. “I can’t
believe any man would let you get away.”

She hoped he remembered those words, because Callie didn’t
want to go anywhere. But they also reminded her about Donald. Tonight at dinner
would be a good time to tell Blade. They would have a chance to get to know
each other better.

With few words he steered her toward his truck, assisted her
inside, and went around to the driver’s side. Callie knew they didn’t have far
to go. Once her car had been delivered to her the other day she’d taken a run
into town to get some things to help with migraines. It was a small historic
town and everything seemed to be located on Main Street. The buildings were old
but well-maintained, and the businesses seemed to be thriving.

“Where are we going?” she asked after a while.

“There’s a place on Main Street that serves up a good
steak,” he glanced at her briefly, “or pasta, if you’d rather.”

“I like meat,” Callie said with a smile.

“Good girl.”

Ten minutes later Blade parked in front of a dark building
on the corner of Main Street. Inside the restaurant he requested a quiet spot,
and they were taken to a nice table in the corner. The waitress lit the candle
in the middle of the table and inquired if they wanted something to drink.

“The usual for me,” Blade said, smiling at the young woman.

“What’s the usual?” Callie asked him.

“A cold beer.”

She looked up at the waitress, who had yet to take her eyes
off Blade. “I’ll have the same thing, please.”

The girl turned around and put enough bounce in her step to
break a hip. Callie turned back to Blade. “Nice place.”

He chuckled. “Never said it was nice, honey. But the food is

“And the service?”

He laughed. “I’ve been coming here for years and haven’t
left with a waitress yet.”

So he’d guessed what she was thinking. Now it was her turn
to laugh. The waitress returned with their beers and Blade ordered them each a
steak meal. Callie glanced around the place, taking in the country ambiance.
Rustic, warm, intimate. There was a long bar located against the wall, with bar
stools that looked as though they had seen better days in front of it, and a
dance floor centered in the middle of the room. Couples were clinging to each
other while a George Strait ballad played.

Her gaze returned to the bar. Every stool was full, and the
patrons there seemed a little louder than the rest. Their gazes riveted to the
TVs above their heads. Most were watching sports, but one TV was showing an old
episode of Cheers. A sign next to it revealed they played a different series
each day of the week. Archie Bunker was written next to Friday, tomorrow.

She took a sip of beer, her gaze zeroing in on Blade over
the rim of her glass.
Has he been
watching me the whole time?
Callie wondered what he was thinking.

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