Surrounded [Running to Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (8 page)

BOOK: Surrounded [Running to Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Monica and Robert finally came out to mingle, carefully avoiding his eyes. He made a mental note to check their work and then decided to sit with his intended and maybe torture her, just a bit, in payback. His overseeing responsibilities could wait. She watched him saunter toward her, her lovely little face alight with pleasure and joy, pulling her legs up further to give him room to sit close to her. He was overcome with the level of his feelings for her, and dropped an arm around her shoulders and eased her in for a kiss and to hell with his personal policy regarding no overt displays of affection outside of the Club proper. This was his woman, and therefore it was different.

He reveled in the way she snuggled into him and dropped her head onto his shoulder. He drifted the tips of his fingers over the exposed skin on the side of her neck and felt her shiver at the contact. He was so hard that he actually debated taking care of himself sooner than later, but if Jackie could hang on, so could he. He stilled for a moment. Where was the D/s in that thought? It was her job to control herself, his to teach her how to manage it. There was no need for equality, except there was. It was like being caught up in a stampede of conflicting thoughts and opinions, stripping away his hard-won control and careful routines like so much corn silk from the cob. He couldn’t say it was the most comfortable feeling, but it certainly thrilled him and made him feel so very much alive.

He slid his other hand under her knees to stretch her shapely legs across his thighs and watched her eyes as the plug jostled. Everyone else in the room appeared intent on their conversations and plans, although he was fairly certain he and Jackie were being watched, however covertly. Alistair Frayne had joined the ranks of the fallen at long last. That fucking Max Brewster had indeed been hinting as much for the past while, and Alistair was going to have a word with the good doctor at some point. Maybe reward Max for his vision. His mouth drew up at the thought.

“What’s that evil little grin about?”

He pressed a kiss on her temple. “Nothing that concerns you, little one.”

Jackie pouted, and again that plump bottom lip had him thinking carnal thoughts. He wondered if he would ever get tired of the way she tried to manipulate him, or get weary of punishing her for her efforts. Probably not.

“I hope it was about me,” she said in a sweet, little voice.

“It’s always about you,” he said effortlessly because in fact, it initially had been. Max just got caught in the fallout. He tamped down his tiny spurt of irritated jealousy and eased a hand under her skirt. She stiffened immediately and clamped her legs together.

“We’re in public,” she whispered urgently. “There are rules.”

“There are indeed, Jackie, and I set them. Now open.”

She started to glance around, and he fixed her with a look. She was going to have to accept that
made these kinds of choices and learn he would never humiliate her or make this public because that wasn’t what she thought she needed. Not yet. She eased her legs apart sufficiently for him to move his hand to her sex. Dripping. The gusset of her panties was soaked through, and the tops of her thighs were wet with her excitement. Alistair slid a finger under the elastic and pushed it up inside her without any preliminaries, and she clamped down on him. He rotated it so that his thumb could rest over her clit and fucked in and out in tiny increments.

“Stay still and don’t come.”

Her eyes deepened to violet and beseeched him, her bottom lip now trembling. He kept the other members in his peripheral vision, both to ensure privacy until the time that his little nonexhibitionist became more in tune with what he expected, and to uphold those damn rules. His cock pushed urgently against his leathers, and he worked Jackie harder. Her hips hitched a tiny bit, and he growled under his breath at her, enjoying how she stilled instantly at his unspoken command. Her breasts began to lift with the increase in her breathing, and the nipples hardened into blunt little points against the silky stuff of her top. He felt the beginnings of her orgasm as her clit responded to the torment and her sheath fluttered. He carefully withdrew and hid a smile at the outraged look on her face. He put his finger to her mouth, and she obediently opened and sucked it in. He pulled it out and placed another kiss on her lips, his tongue snaking inside to taste her essence.

“I’m going to close up now, darlin’. Hold that thought.”


* * * *


She was going to expire with need. She sat without moving a muscle once ’Stair had set her legs away from him and left her to start shepherding people out the door, earlier than usual. She was afraid that there would be a wet spot on the back of her skirt and, while humiliated by the thought, found it titillating as well. Maybe a little exhibitionism wasn’t such a bad thing after all, especially when Ash and Alistair would take care of her. Showing others how powerful their connection was kind of appealed. She hadn’t missed the straining bulge in his pants and wondered how one got pre-cum out of leather. Well, that was his problem because he wasn’t wearing those things at home. Today was the exception. Home. It had such a nice ring to it. Jackie’s thoughts turned to rings. They would all wear one, and she’d design them and have them made, probably in platinum. Alistair didn’t wear any jewellery that she was aware of, but she knew he’d wear a ring for her. Her pussy pulsed, but she tried to ignore it. She hardly noticed the plug now unless she moved too quickly and accepted that she was probably stretched enough for a fat cock, even if she still had her doubts about anal sex. Everyone she knew raved about it, but those were mostly men, and it wasn’t their rectums being stretched and filled, their innards poked. Or at least she didn’t think so. Alistair would have experienced something similar because he wouldn’t expect her to do anything he hadn’t done or mastered. Master. Nope, he was her Sir, and Ashley could be her Ma’am in the bedroom maybe, but no one mastered her. She was submissive when it suited her.

The place finally emptied out, and her Sir was coming toward her with the inherent elegant stride of a big cat or a wolf. She couldn’t decide which picture fit her fantasy better. He offered her his hand and she placed hers on the palm. She came up off the love seat like a feather and plastered herself against his chest, loving the smell of him. She worked her fingers through his short hair, gently tugging the short lengths, and went on tiptoe to kiss him. He kissed her back, took control of the contact, and she lost her breath. She might have to rethink this mastered thing sometimes.

“C’mon, Jackie. Ash will be waiting, and I’ve waited long enough.”

She allowed him to lead her through the room and out the front door, pausing while he locked up, and then proceeded to hustle down the steps and out to his big black truck. It thrilled her to know that he ached for her as much as she ached for him. He handed her up onto the passenger seat and made sure she was buckled in and the door shut firmly before rounding the hood and getting into the driver’s side. He cranked the big engine over and pulled out of the lot. Jackie opened her mouth to fill the silence and then shut it, content to watch ’Stair’s profile and enjoy the competent manner in which he wove the large vehicle through traffic.

The black velvet of the night was pierced by the twin beams of the truck’s headlights as they traveled the poorly lit streets of the neighborhood where she and Ash shared a small house they had very recently purchased. It wasn’t really that far from the Club, and she wondered if she would have run into Alistair in time.

“Heavy thoughts?”

“No. Just thinking we live reasonably close by big city standards.”

“Do you care where we are going to live? The part of the city?”

It was actually happening. They were talking about the future again. It was even more real now that they were away from the Club and heading over to meet up with Ashley. “I’d prefer not to be too far from work, actually. I like to walk.”

“You walk to work?”

Jackie wondered at his abrupt tone. “Sometimes, although not unless Ashley does.”


“What’s that about?”

“I don’t want you walking alone in this part of the city, Jackie. We’ll find a place that’s safe and figure out how you get back and forth to work then.”

Good grief. She hadn’t given it a thought. Of course she was careful wherever she went, and she walked with Ash because of safety. He was overreacting. But then this was all kind of new to him. Something else to work out because he wasn’t dictating her life outside the bedroom. Even those few days together when she was nineteen had given her a glimpse of how controlling he could be, and she suspected he hadn’t mellowed with age, although he seemed to be trying hard to meet them both in the middle.

They pulled into the drive. Ash’s car was already there as expected, and Jackie heaved a sigh of relief that her sweetheart had made it through yet another day unscathed. She was unbuckled and out of the truck before Alistair could come around to help. She ran lightly up the steps and punched in the door code.


“In here.”

She heard ’Stair’s footsteps behind her and the door close and the deadbolt thrown. She kicked off her shoes and went to find Ashley in their bedroom. Holy shit. The bed was stripped, and there were candles everywhere. Ash was wearing a black satin dressing gown and looked fabulous, her pale skin luminous and glowing. Jackie went to enfold her in an embrace and squinted over her shoulder. Were those
on the headboard? Ash didn’t do that kind of stuff. Their love life was terrific, satisfying, and she knew that Ashley had found last night fun, but restraints? She whirled to see Alistair giving her an enigmatic look. “You planned this.”

He ignored the accusation in her tone. “We did, darlin’. We won’t be doing scenes outside of the Club very often, but I kind of wanted to christen our, uh, relationship here, seeing as I’m moving in.”

Jackie heard something in his voice, something at odds with his Dom appearance, and her heart melted. He was feeling a tad hesitant and unsure. She knew better than to go and give him a hug. Instead, she provoked him. “I’m taking this thing out of my ass!”

He caught her before she made it to the adjoining bathroom but not before she winked at Ash, who didn’t let on. Her girl could play poker with the best of them. He wrapped her up and hauled her to the bed, and she protested to cover her laughter. “I’ve worn it for hours! Take it out!”

’Stair kissed her silent, and her immediate response to him washed over her mirth and her teasing, drowning them. She melted into him. She felt Ash efficiently remove her skirt and panties, and then Alistair pulled her up and yanked off the rest of her clothes, the removal of his lips giving her a chance to breathe. Ash came to sit beside her and reached out to roll her nipples between her fingertips while Alistair stripped off his clothes. He’d be going home in the morning in his leathers, well, back to his austere living quarters, and he’d carry the look off. If she went home in her party dress in the morning, everyone would know what she’d been doing. The absurdity of it had her laughing again, and Alistair locked his eyes with hers.


* * * *


This was what he had missed. The joy with which Jackie embraced life. She needed her ass spanked from time to time, but the exuberance of her personality spilled over onto everyone around her. Ash had been pretty taciturn when he’d first known her, reserved and careful. She had softened in the past while, and he knew it was because of Jackie’s influence, and he hoped it would extend to him. But Jackie wasn’t the scatterbrained, stereotypical blonde. She simply loved life and lived it and had the brains to do it well. He was privileged to be included in this circle. But his cock didn’t care for all his reflections and revelations. It wanted to be balls-deep in that sweet ass. He looked to Ash, who immediately placed a couple of plump pillows in the center of the bed and patted them. She and Jackie exchanged a long look, and he could hardly wait for her to look at him the same way. It was such a speaking look, full of caring and love. Jackie lay over the cushions, her round buttocks raised in just the right position for what he planned. Ashley curled up beside her, stroking her back, leaning in for a long kiss. The sight made him want to beat off with desire even as it made his heart swell. He pulled on a condom and swiped a hefty dollop of lube over it and then knelt between her widespread thighs. The shadowed folds of her pussy beckoned, and he slid a finger through them, her copious juices speaking to her arousal.

She tensed when he began to remove the plug, and he distracted her with a finger pushed high up inside her sheath. He feathered across the spongy, rough spot he found there, and she humped his hand, her moans muffled against Ash’s mouth. He eased his finger out right along with the plug, and even in the dancing light of the candles could see that she was stretched and able to accept him. He notched the head of his anxious cock against her rim and pushed until it slipped inside. Jackie tore her lips from Ashley’s and gasped. He waited for her to adjust to his invasion and then pressed deeper without pause until his sac bumped the heat of her sex. The very act was the most primitive of all, like staking a claim, but never had he felt so possessive. Jackie clenched around him, her back channel a hot, tight vise around his shaft, and he bit the inside of his cheek to distract himself from coming. He wanted to enjoy the experience forever.

“Please, ’Stair. It’s too much.”

Jackie’s breathless plea had him thrusting and retreating. He pulled out once and then forged back in against the closing of her anus, and she wailed against the erotic assault. Ashley was stroking herself, the sumptuous black robe having fallen open to reveal her lithe body, her eyes fastened on where his cock lanced into Jackie’s flesh. It was the best fucking fantasy ever. The sounds of their breathing filled the room along with the hissing of the candles and Jackie’s guttural moans. He knew he couldn’t last much longer. She was pushing back into his thrusts with abandon, but he wasn’t certain she could come without some help. As if on cue, Ash slipped her other hand beneath Jackie’s bucking frame, and within moments she screamed her release and milked his shaft with huge intensity. He came so hard and so suddenly that his balls flashed over and it seemed that his temples hollowed. His bellow reverberated around the room, and Ash brought herself off a second later, her gasp sharp in the ensuing silence. He reached out a hand to Ashley and then sank over Jackie’s sweat-dampened back and gently bit down on her shoulder where it joined her neck. She whimpered and trembled, and he licked the tiny spot until she relaxed again. He pulled out and made his legs take his weight. He had two women to take care of because Ash was obviously overwhelmed and probably exhausted after working her shift.

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