Surviving Brooklyn (Brooklyn Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Surviving Brooklyn (Brooklyn Series Book 1)
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Time to bring the conversation to a close. Green Eyes had his knife in his hand, but a perplexed look on his face. Mark stared at me intently as if absorbing everything I was saying into a different context just for him. My dad seemed to understand what I was trying to say, and reporters everywhere were scribbling down little notes and holding up recorders.

“In conclusion, I hope one day I can return to the District Attorney’s office. I hope I can serve my city and bring justice to those who need it. But at this time there is no pleasure in my job. Since the perpetrator has singled me out and left the blood on my hands it is agony to continue in the office. I pray for the families of the victims and pray there are no more. This is not a game, this is real life, and we all need some good with the bad.”

My boss walked up and waved at the reporters as he placed his hand on the small of my back.

“He’s here,” I murmured, and Taylor moved me over and spoke into the microphones.

“Any questions?” he asked.

The reporters began shouting loudly and I waited until Taylor released me before I took the opportunity to head back up the stairs. With the reporters chaotically asking rapid questions, no one noticed the green-eyed man who came forward past Taylor.

I looked to Mark, who was trailing up the stairs. It seemed he knew what was happening, yet he wasn’t rushing to help me. The mayor looked over and saw what was happening, too, but she made no move to help me, either. It seemed I was on my own. I used my voice and screamed loud enough to make the reporters all look in my direction.

I took a few steps to the side and told the reporters the man was a potential suspect and they had free reign to ask anything they wanted. As the reporters flooded him with questions, putting lots of people between his knife and my flesh, I hurried outside toward  Mark’s Escalade. Something else was making me uneasy.

At the last moment, I decided I would take the subway. I hadn’t had any real freedom in weeks so thirty minutes in the subway would be a welcome change.

I got down the block and crossed the street when a black Escalade pulled up beside me.

“Get in, Brooklyn,” Mark called out as the setting sun pierced my eyes with its brightness.

“I am fine, Mark, go home,” I answered, still feeling uneasy.

“Either you get in or I will put you in here.”

I kept walking, which was apparently not the right thing to do. Within a few seconds I was being lifted over Mark’s shoulder and carried to the passenger seat of the Escalade.

He dumped me in my seat and buckled the belt. I tried to get out when I heard my dad from the back seat.

“Lyubov Moya, don’t go,” he said, stopping me from pulling the handle and running away.

I crossed my arms and leaned back in the seat. I watched out the window as we headed to my hotel room. I never wanted to repeat this day, or experience anything like it again.

“Brooklyn, I am going to clear your room for an hour. We all need to talk.” Mark spoke softly.

I merely rolled my eyes and went back to daydreaming. I watched the sky as it darkened, matching my mood. I loved the nighttime air in New York, and the way it imposed a different atmosphere once the sun set. Everything that happened after night fell contrasted with everything that happened when the sun shined its brightest on my favorite city.

The only thing I hated about my city was the missing stars. I didn’t want them to make a wish on, but I missed lying on the grass and staring at them like I did when my mom took me to my grandmother’s farm in northern Kentucky. There were so many stars at night on the farm that I would drift off to sleep counting them.

“Instead of you two waiting, just tell me so I can go to my room to get away from you both,” I said as we neared the hotel. Mark let out a sigh and looked into the rear-view mirror at my dad.

“Brooklyn, you know my mother was murdered. The District Attorney decided not to press charges because he didn’t want to ruin his conviction rate. I went to your dad for help.” Mark’s lips moved, and I heard the words that came out, but was unaware of what it had to do with me. Then the light bulb went off and I knew.

“I grew up without my dad for ten years because you needed justice for your mother?” I stated it like a question, hoping they knew it was rhetorical. I was angry, but it also explained a lot.

Growing up, I had known what kind of stuff my dad was involved in, but he had lackeys to get their hands dirty so he didn’t have to. I never understood why he participated in the torture of that man. I never could find the connection between my dad and him, and now I knew.

“So, let me get this straight, your mom gets killed by some psycho and you go to my dad to ask him to have the man tortured and killed. Then my dad tells you the only way he would do it is if you stayed away from his only daughter?”

I waited and they both murmured that I was kind of correct. My fury exploded.

“Are we on
Days of our
or some other soap opera? Because that is the
way I see that information being helpful in this scenario. Do you have anything else to tell me? No, scratch that. I don’t want to know any more. Mark, you broke my heart so your mom could rest in peace, and while I understand it, you should have let the justice system do its job or grown a set to do it yourself. Nikolas, you committed a torturous act on someone because you saw where Mark and I were headed as we aged, didn’t you?”

I sat back in my seat and willed tears of anger not to fall. I had done enough crying; I was like a weeping baby because of the two of them.

“I went to your dad because I did do it. I’m the one who tortured him,” Mark admitted. “Your dad just led the evidence in a different direction, but we made a mistake and they pinned it on him.”

The words hit me hard.

“Brook, I love you. I only did what was best for you,” Nikolas said.

“Except I fell in love with Mark and gave him my heart. Now, thanks to the both of you, I will be picking up the pieces of that shattered heart for years to come. You can both go to hell, because we are done!”

Chapter 11



The next day, I checked out of the hotel and ditched my phone. I cleaned out my bank account and gave the officers the slip. I was grateful to my father that I knew how to get away unscathed.

I took a cab and went to my apartment. I was surely going to miss it. I laid out my suitcases and packed everything that was important, then gathered pictures of my mom and me when we built sand castles on the beach. I missed her every day, but everyone told me to be grateful she wasn’t in pain anymore.

I was glad her pain was gone, but mine had begun the day she got sick. I took a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and opened it. It wasn’t long before she got sick that I had welcomed Mark with open arms. His family had moved into the neighborhood and I immediately took to the brown haired little boy who would come over to play.

When my mother died and my dad went to prison, Mark’s dad took me in and became a father figure while I waited for my aunt to come and raise me. On weekend visits to see my dad in prison, I would be so emotionally strung out that I would sneak out at night and climb into bed with Mark. Even at the age of seven he would hold me and let me cry on his shoulder, telling me everything would be okay.

I chugged the first glass of wine and went to my closet to pull down a box of miscellaneous things from the past. I opened it and found photo albums of Mark and me. I found my mother’s veil. I poured everything out and chugged another glass of wine.

I played with the Rubix cube I made with Mark. We tore off all the stickers and used glow in the dark paint to sign our names on the cube. I reached over and turned out the lights to see it still said ‘Mark & Brooklyn FFL.’

It was in our adolescent years when we wrote that we were friends for life on everything. Funny how when I look back on it now, I have no regrets except for how it ended.

I no longer had my dream job at the District Attorney’s office. I would never be able to afford this apartment unless I found a great job, maybe in corporate law, so criminals wouldn’t single me out again.

I felt like I had just unpacked my life and it was time to go again. I would never move on with my life if I stayed, even if I found a great job. Mark would still have my heart and I couldn’t imagine living my life that way.

I heard my doorbell and chugged down another glass of wine before opening it. I opened the door to see Mark standing there. I didn’t even bother to turn on the light or welcome him in. I merely closed the door and went to pour myself another drink.

“Brooklyn, please,” Mark called out.

“It’s not locked you know,” I shouted back. My brain told me to make him leave, but my heart wanted to see him again. I was pouring another glass of wine when he walked inside and closed my door.

“You should always keep your door locked. It’s not safe,” Mark stated.

“What exactly do I have left to protect?” I responded, hoping the meaning would be understood without further explanation.

Mark walked toward the kitchen where I was drinking my wine as fast as I could pour it. He stepped up behind me and pinned me to the island.

I gulped down the rest of my wine as he moved my hair to the side and flung it over my shoulder. I poured another glass as I felt his lips on my neck and his hands caressing my breasts. I knew I should stop him. I knew I would only get hurt, but after I felt his hardening length behind me all reasoning went out the window.

I gulped down the wine in my cup and poured another with shaking hands, moaning as he pulled my shirt out of my jeans. I went to pour more, but Mark reached around and took the cup from my hand and set it aside.

“Do you really want to be drunk right now?” he whispered as he unbuttoned my pants.

I felt his hand graze down my smooth mound and find my entrance with his fingers. The first soft rub of my clit and I leaned over the island. I wanted to grind into his hand, but I wanted to resist as well.

My body and my hormones were at war with my heart and my restraint. I gasped as he moved lower and glided one finger inside me. He immediately went for the rough patch. I felt his other hand grab my pants and lower them ever so slowly while I panted on the island.

“Tell me you want me, Brook,” Mark whispered as he kissed me between my neck and shoulder. I couldn’t say a word; I merely moaned.

“Tell me we are not over yet,” Mark added a second finger and I grabbed the edge of the island with a tightened grip.

“I love you, Brooklyn. You cannot run away from me,” Mark whispered as he added a third finger.

I tried to claw the island and run away, but my body betrayed me and pushed back into him. When he pulled his hand out to spin me around, I took the opportunity to catch my breath.

He lifted me onto the island after removing all of my clothing, except my shirt and my panties. I watched as he licked his fingers before he pulled my shirt up over my head. I was mesmerized by him.

“God, Brooklyn your skin has lit up for me. It’s beautiful,” he whispered as he pulled my hair back and bit down on my neck. He kept my hair in place with my head aimed at the ceiling while he moved his lips down my chest.

“Mark—” My words were cut off when he pulled my tightened pink nipple into his warm mouth. The velvet feel of his tongue had me squirming on the island. He released my hair long enough that I tried to talk.

“Mark, I—” My sentence was cut short as he tugged my hair lightly and bit down on my nipple. I screamed out with shocked pleasure. My clit was pulsating, and I couldn’t breathe. My brain went cloudy and I knew once I succumbed to the fog of ecstasy I would be at a loss for words.

As Mark moved his lips down my abdomen, I knew where he was headed and this was the only opportunity I had to tell him.

“Mark, I’m leaving!” Everything stopped at that moment. He acted as though I’d burned him. He stopped everything he was doing and stepped back against the counters.

“What?” he asked with shock in his voice.

“I leave on the first thing, flying out in the morning,” I whispered as I crossed my legs when the pulsating didn’t seem to calm down.

“Where are you going?” Mark asked with concern.

“Anywhere but here.”

“When are you coming back?” he asked, and his eyes glistened in the light. I didn’t have to answer because he already knew.

“Because of me?” Mark asked, seeming to catch his breath.

“What did you expect, Mark? Did you expect me to go on with life here without you in it? Did you expect me to sit at home and pray for you to drop by and give me some dick? You and my dad decided my fate years ago when you murdered someone. I need to move on and I need to do it away from those I have to cut out of my life.”

My words came out crass, but my emotions were wrapped inside my words. I think I would always love him, but I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t want me the way I wanted him. Life is a commitment to do better, to be better. I couldn’t do that without love and support from a man who stays by my side, not one who lurks in the shadows, looking for pussy during the night.

“Don’t go,” Mark whispered, but he refused to look at me.

“I will give you tonight, but in the morning I am gone!” The alcohol finally started to warm my belly.

I climbed off the island to be enveloped in those strong arms. I didn’t look into his gorgeous blue eyes because if I did I might change my mind. I surrounded my senses with him and memorized every muscle and scent. I wanted to keep this night in my memory for when I got lonely.

I took his hand and led him into my bedroom. Mark pulled his shirt up over his head. He remained standing by the edge of the mattress, and I climbed onto the bed and over to him on my knees. I came face to face with his cobalt eyes and my heart fluttered. I planted a kiss on his neck and then on his shoulder. Mark let me have my fill of him.

I dropped my head and licked a circle around his nipple. I reached my finger up to pinch it lightly as I caressed and nibbled over each rock hard ab that showed me the way. By the time I got to his pants, I was bent over on all fours.

Mark placed a hand on my back so I dropped my chest lower and he walked around the bed. I watched between my legs as he dropped his pants and climbed up on the bed. I thought he was going to put his cock inside me, but instead I felt his tongue enter me. I gripped the bed sheets as his fingers found my clit.

I was in euphoria as his tongue rode me. I didn’t even hear the door close as he moved farther up and ran a circle around my anus. It was the forbidden valley. I was an anal virgin and had every intention of staying that way until I felt his finger find entry into me, and coat juices up to my butt.

I swore I saw someone walking toward the bedroom, but my voice faltered to make any noise. I felt his cock at my entrance and he pushed in slowly as his finger pushed past the ring of muscles around my anus.

My lungs found their voice and screamed out in need. I wiggled and maneuvered. I wasn’t sure if it was to get him out of me or to get more in. I lifted my head in my fog of desire to see my boss standing across from us with a file and a hard-on. I felt the moisture stream down my thighs as soon as I knew we were being watched.

“Beg him to stay,” Mark whispered in my ear as he pulled my hair back. I flushed crimson as I was scandalized. The thrill was there under the utter embarrassment. I was leaving in the morning and wanted this to be different so the embarrassment had no place here in the room.

“Taylor, please,” I screamed out as Mark nearly pulled all the way out of me.

“She likes an audience. She likes her sex on display.”

Taylor walked in and took a seat in my computer chair after rolling it in front of me. His eyes glowed with a mischievous glare, but his stance said he was nervous like he had never seen a porn in his life. I watched as he rubbed his hand over his cock as Mark drove back into me.

“Mark—” I groaned as two fingers entered my anus and his other hand found my clit. My body was in a rocket shooting for the moon. Taylor leaned forward and pulled my face to kiss me. He tasted of caramel, a flavor that matched his skin.

Mark was pushing into me brutally as if marking his territory again. I loved it. I used one hand to pull at Taylor’s pants. As I realized what this was turning into, I soaked the sheets with the moisture that flowed. Mark didn’t like it at all. He lifted me so my back was to his chest and he pushed in and out of me with harsh vigor. He removed his finger from my anus and used both hands to knead my breasts.

Taylor held his long cock in his hand and began to stroke it while watching me. I felt like an enigma. I felt beautiful and confident that two men would be hard for me. I turned my head and kissed Mark with a moan flowing from my lips.

“Please,” I begged, not knowing what I wanted. Not knowing what I needed. Mark growled but laid me on my side on the edge of the bed. I reached down between my legs, taking the moisture that was flowing like a river and transferring it to Taylor’s lips. He sucked my finger in and groaned with my flavor. I did it again but instead of his lips I covered his cock with my hand and began to stroke him with my juices.

Mark growled in my ear, “You’re mine,” and I turned my head back and whimpered.

“Tonight I belong to you both.” The words were out of my mouth before I could call them back. It was at that moment I realized this was never about being watched. This was about making him jealous. To make Mark see what he would be missing.

I bent forward, leaving my hips still, and pulling for Taylor. He stood and my mouth lunged for his cock. I pulled him in deep, to the back of my throat. Mark gritted his teeth and reached around to stroke my clit. I screamed around Taylor’s cock as Marks movements grew rougher.

He pulled me off Taylor and laid me on my back with my head hanging off the bed.

“Tell me you want me,” Mark growled.

He was not okay with any of this, but I was in a world all my own and said nothing. I reached and pulled Taylor to my mouth as my head hung off the bed. I pushed his hardened buttocks into me so his cock dove into my mouth.

I heard the grunt and felt the come pour into me from Mark, but he never slowed or faltered in his movements. I reached down and cupped Taylor’s balls as his cock moved in and out of my mouth. Taylor reached forward slowly and grabbed my breasts.

Mark lifted my hips to grind into that spot behind my apex. I moaned around Taylor’s cock in my mouth. Mark pulled me off Taylor again and flipped me so he was on his back and I was mounted on top of him. It was my turn to do the work, but I wanted more.

“Taylor, please.” I begged for him to come and join.

Taylor walked around the bed. He climbed on the edge and grabbed my breasts from behind me and kneaded them. He moved to the side and brought his head down and sucked one nipple into his mouth. I took the opportunity and sank my fingers into his soft black hair.

In this position, Mark had to see it all. He had to see that someone else wanted me. That I didn’t have to wait for him. I wanted him to see I didn’t need him, that it had been a choice to have him.

Taylor’s fingers found my clit and I began to ride Mark slowly. I went with the rhythm that Taylor had on my clit. Mark pulled me down so Taylor couldn’t get to my clit any longer. Taylor moved to the back of us and I thought he was gone until I felt his tongue pierce my anus.

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