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Authors: Joanna Blythman

Swallow This (30 page)

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Carageenan ‘is now regarded in food industry circles as an “ideally not” [to be included] additive’:
Food Manufacture
, ‘Clean Dream’, 30 September 2013

‘Explains the sales pitch for one such product’: Westhove flours/Farigel; Limagrain.

Co-texturisers: Ingredion Indulge 2740,

‘They bring out the more subtle differences in texture’: N-Dulge,

Fermentation preservatives: National Marketing Institute, USA, quoted in Purac Verdad advert,
Food Product Design

Phosphate replacers: Ezimoist, Ulrick & Short,

Rosemary extract: EFSA; Use of rosemary extracts as a food additive,

‘Kinetic study of pilot-scale supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of rosemary (
Rosmarinus officinalis
) leaves’, Mónica R. García-Risco, Elvis J. Hernández, Gonzalo Vicente, Tiziana Fornari*, Francisco J. Señoráns and Guillermo Reglero, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain.

Carrot extract: FLAVEX Naturextrakte GmbH

Carrot extract hues, such as ‘warm orange’ or ‘shining yellow’: Doehler, Crystal Clear colours

Extracts with additives in the mix: Univar, Colours for food brochure,

Micronised powders as colourings: A+S Biotec Nature in new dimensions,

Burnt sugars: Aromsa, burnt caramelised sugars

‘As one supplier [of caramelised sugar syrup] explains’: Sethness CS5 Caramelised Sugar Syrup

Rice extract and concentrate: Ribus,

‘The cost saving is immediate’: Ribus natural functional ingredients brochure

Yeast extracts: DSM Maxavor All Natural,

Label-friendly solutions: Corbion, Purac,

‘Ingredients that give the impression’: Dr Jan van Loo of Beneo Group in
Ingredients Insight
, ‘Natural selection: clean label and natural ingredients’, 1 November 2013,

Chapter 4

Food Ingredients Europe: Who visits?

Glucono-Delta-Lactone: Roquette, Effective acidification in white cheese leaflet

Potato protein isolate: Solanic free from solutions brochure

DKSH: DKSH Performance Materials brochure

Omya: Omya Product Portfolio brochure

Helm AG: Helm AG Competence in human nutrition

Butter Buds®: Making the most of Mother Nature brochure

All in All: company leaflet

Goat flavour cheese powder: Dairygold, cheese and dairy flavours leaflet

Caramelised onion extract: DDW, caramelised fruits and vegetables

R2 Group: product brochure

Anti-foaming agents: Wacker; Silfoam/Silfar brochure

Microlys: Culinar brochure


Oil-dispersible technology: DDW brochure, 36%26end=55

Carfosel®: Prayon, Phosphates on a plate brochure

Dairy essence: Flaverco, Cream and milk essence brochure

Scelta Mushrooms®:

Dohler red brilliance: Dohler brochure, The shining spectrum of new red tones from a 100% natural source,

Hydro-Fi™: Fiberstar, Hydro-Fi™ information leaflet

SuperStab™: Nexira product information leaflet

Bionis®: Biorigin brochure: Art in natural ingredients

Culinar Keep: Culinar brochure

Meatshure®: Balchem encapsulates brochure

Cavamax®: Wacker Life Science – Food brochure

Volactose: Volac brochure, Volactose whey permeate

NatureSeal: Agricoat, NatureSeal brochure

Chapter 5

‘By the chain’s own admission’: Jason Danciger, Head of Hospitality & Counters, M&S Bakery, Deli, Cafe & Eateries – Jason Danciger,…/Global%20Food%20…/M&S%20Bakery,%20Deli,%…

‘The point of all this effort is to ‘create theatre’ in the food hall’:

‘Profitability has tripled’:

‘I then asked the M&S press centre’: email to author from Laura Watt, 9 October 2013

‘Real Bread Campaign … described such in-store bakeries as “tanning salons”’:

Real Bread Campaign: ‘Great British Fake-Off’:

‘The latter additive is derived’: EFSA opinion on reevaluation of mixed carotenes (E 160a (i)) and beta-carotene (E 160a (ii)) as a food additive,

‘From wheat to eat’: Greggs customer leaflet, picked up in store 8 October 2013

‘Man snacks’: Emine Saner,
, 11 August 2010

I received this response from the senior manager handling the Greggs account: email from Paul Hadfield, Havas PR UK, 31 October 2013

Chapter 6

‘Sugar … is the new tobacco’:
Daily Mail
, 9 January 2014,

The Good Hearted Glasgow Diet Sheet: author copy, acquired 14 April 2014

Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It
, John Yudkin, 1972

Coca-Cola sponsorship of 2012 Olympic Games:

A.G. Barr sponsorship of 2014 Commonwealth Games: ‘AG Barr launches £12m marketing campaign in run-up to Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games’,
Talking Retail
, 16 January 2014,

‘Glasgow is the city with the lowest life expectancy in the UK’: Games host Glasgow shown to have worst life expectancy in UK,
, 16 April 2014

‘(Scotland) … has the worst health record in Europe’: Scottish mortality rate ‘among highest in Western Europe’, BBC News, 20 November 2012,

‘[The sugar lobby] effectively silenced critics’: How Big Sugar muzzles journalists [author blog],,

‘In the words of one
British Medical Journal
editorial’: How science is going sour on sugar,
2013; 346: f307,

Fat Chance
, Dr Robert Lustig, London: Fourth Estate, 2014

article: ‘Public health: The toxic truth about sugar’, Robert H. Lustig, Laura A. Schmidt, Claire D. Brindis, Nature 482, 27–29 (02 February 2012) doi:10.1038/482027a

WHO draft guidance on sugar: WHO: Daily sugar intake ‘should be halved’, BBC News, 5 March 2014,

‘Major refiner, AB Sugar, complained loudly’: Misleading to single out sugar as lead cause of obesity, says AB sugar,
Food Navigator
, 10 February 2014,

CAOBISCO response to WHO draft guidance: CAOBISCO pleads for further scientific substantiation, 7 April 2014,

‘The founder of one baby food company wrote passionately …’: Paul Lindley of Ella’s Kitchen: Sugar witch hunt is simplistic and infantile,
The Grocer
, 14 March 2014,

Terry Jones, the director of the Food and Drink Federation: There’s too much alarm over sugar and sweeteners,
The Grocer
, 12 April 2014

Waitrose and sugar reduction: Fruit juice the target in Waitrose war on sugar,
The Grocer
, 5 April 2014

‘A 100 gram, one-person can of cola contains up to nine teaspoons of sugar’: White Paper Proposed Sugar Tax, Leatherhead Food Research, January 2014,

‘Around ten teaspoons of sugar in a meal for one’: Shocking levels of sugar in UK ready meals, says
, Food and Drink Europe, 26 May 2014,

‘Sugar provides bulk, textural elements, browning, caramelisation and other necessary functional elements’: Navigating the Landscape of Sweetener Formulations, Food Tech Toolbox, February 2014,

‘Some scientists argue that its effect [fructose] is even worse’: ‘Controversy: Is high fructose corn syrup worse than sugar?’,
Family Doctor Magazine
, January 2009,

HFCS is cheaper than sugar: Sugar vs. corn syrup: Sweeteners at center of bitter food fight, Fox News, 6 September 2012,

‘Consumption of this sweetener [HFCS] has been linked to gout, hypertension, fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity’: ‘Fructose-containing sugars, blood pressure, and cardiometabolic risk: a critical review’,
NCBI Curr Hypertens Rep.
2013 Aug;15(4):281–97, doi: 10.1007/s11906-013-0364-1,

‘This [bad] publicity has led to a subsequent set of misperceptions’: ‘Worried about HFCS? The “problems” have more bark than bite’,
Corn Refiners Report
, 20 June 2011,

‘The US Food and Drug Administration rejected the name change’: Response to Petition from Corn Refiners Association to Authorize ‘Corn Sugar’ as an Alternate Common or Usual Name for High Fructose Corn Syrup,

‘Evaporated cane juice’: Draft Guidance for Industry on Ingredients Declared as Evaporated Cane Juice; Reopening of Comment Period; Request for Comments, Data, and Information; Federal Register Notice, 5 March 2014,

‘One such case, against leading yogurt manufacturer Chobani’: ‘Chobani (finally) prevails in evaporated cane juice lawsuit, but other firms still being targeted’,
Food Navigator
, 27 February 2014,

Sweetness levels of artificial sweeteners: ‘Navigating the Landscape of Sweetener Formulations’,
Food Tech Toolbox
, February 2014,

Advantame: New sweetener Advantame approved for use in EU, Food Manufacture, 4 June 2014,

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