Swallow This (34 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blythman

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‘“For the food enzyme industry, all of nature is a chemistry set”’: Andrew Whitley,
Bread Matters
, Fourth Estate, 2009, p. 17

Capacities of up to 150,000 litres: EUFIC, Modern Biotechnology in Food, Applications of food biotechnology: enzymes, http://www.eufic.org/article/en/rid/modern-biotechnology-food-enzymes/

‘“Details of components used in industrial-scale fermentation broths for enzyme production are not readily obtained”’:

Likely ingredients include waste materials and by-products from the food and agricultural industries:

‘“Safety assurance has a short shelf life”’: Andrew Whitley,
Bread Matters
, Fourth Estate, 2009, p. 14

‘The research team made a point of noting’: European Commission, Collection of information on enzymes, 2.2 Terms of reference, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/archives/dansub/pdfs/enzymerepcomplete.pdf

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Chapter 13

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EUFIC functions as a food industry lobby group: http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/European_Food_Information_Council

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Oxidative warmed-over flavour:

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‘Prepared vegetable suppliers can add up to 8 days to the use-by date of salad leaves’: Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, http://modifiedatmospherepackaging.com/Applications/Modified-atmosphere-packaging-fruit-vegetables

‘A Jacuzzi-style wash tank’: Agricoat, NatureSeal FS product brochure

‘Fruit acids … are often also included in the mix’: Chilled Food Association, Produce washing, http://www.chilledfood.org/MEDIA/POSITION+STATEMENTS/produce-washing-

NatureSeal FS: Agricoat, NatureSeal FS product brochure

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Edible coating technologies for pre- and post-harvest protection: Agricoat, NatureSeal FS product brochure


‘Known in the food preservation business as “smart” or “intelligent’ films”: FDA, Food, Chapter VI. Microbiological Safety of Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce, Section 1.3 Films used in MAP, http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodScienceResearch/SafePracticesforFoodProcesses/ucm091368.htm

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The Conversation
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‘A new edible and cook-able meat coating’: MeatCoat, http://www.uecbv.eu/doc/MEATCOAT%20article%20-04.06.2013.pdf

MeatCoat cost: Edible ‘meat coat’ promises to extend shelf life by three days,
The Grocer
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Food Product Design
: Foodservice Focus – November 2000, http://www.foodproductdesign.com/articles/2000/11/food-product-design-foodservice-focus-november.aspx

XFresh: Zeelandia: Prolong shelf life and improve freshness with these enzyme-based fresheners for cakes, http://www.zeelandia.com/innovation/end-product-performance/freshness-and-shelf-life/xfresh

Verdad F41: Corbion Purac product brochure, http://www.purac.com/EN/Food/Markets/Meat_poultry_and_fish/Clean-label-solutions/Verdad-F.aspx

NaturFORT and Fortium: Kemin product brochure

BioVia™ YM 10: Danisco, The power of ‘natural’, http://cdn.danisco.com/fileadmin/user_upload/danisco/documents/biovia-brochure.pdf

Ecoprol 2002: Somerex product brochure

‘“A disaster waiting to happen”’: Marty Mitchell of the Refrigerated Foods Association, ‘Chilled foods minus synthetic preservatives: A “natural” disaster waiting to happen?’
Food Navigator
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J Food Qual
(1987); 10: 143–156

Chapter 14

Tweet to Asda: @Dastardly_Pants, 26 April 2014, pic.twitter.com/Bh1zcZk6Tc

Bubble pads: Sirane, Dri-Fresh® Soft-Hold™ absorbent cushion pads for fruit, http://www.sirane.com/food-packaging-products/dri-fresh/dri-fresh®-soft-hold™-absorbent-cushion-pads-for-soft-fruit.html

‘They provide an ‘anti-fog’ effect’: 21 CFR 178.3130 – ‘Antistatic and/or anti-fogging agents in food-packaging materials’, Legal Information Unit, Cornell University Law School, http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/21/178.3130

LiquiGlide: ‘LiquiGlide gives foods the slip to reduce waste’,
Packaging Digest
, 25 February 2013, http://www.packagingdigest.com/food-packaging/liquiglide-gives-foods-slip-reduce-waste

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Food Production Daily
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‘Composed of no fewer than seven microscopically thin plastic layers’: ‘New high oxygen and water barrier multilayer film patented’,
Food Packaging
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Concerns over non-stick: ‘Nervous about non-stick?’
Good Housekeeping
, http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/product-reviews/cooking-tools/cookware-reviews/nonstick-cookware-safety-facts

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