SWAT Team One and the Social Worker (22 page)

BOOK: SWAT Team One and the Social Worker
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“Where’s Ted?” she asked Logan and the others who were

waiting outside.

“He’s on his way. Sounded upset that he wasn’t here with you,”

Jake replied.

Sam could tell that they all heard what took place inside the

house. She wondered why the hell she was even here. Her father

didn’t love her anymore, and now Samara owned him and his money.

It was a mass confusion, and she was beginning to feel as if she had

become the center of a huge joke.

In her mind she just wanted to leave. She didn’t want to stay

anywhere near her father or Samara.

As they got into the SUV, they bypassed the new building Samara

referred to as the guest suite and headed back out onto the main



Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“Where are we going?” Samantha asked, hearing the agitation in

her own voice. She stared at the window, feeling the spears practically shoot from her intense stare. She was pissed off.

Trey pulled her onto his lap, despite her attempt to remain stiff

and in one position in the seat, and hugged her.

“We’re going into Valdamar territory, sweetie. It’s where you

belong and where we can decipher what the hell is happening around


“But what about my father?”

“He’ll be fine,” was all Donny would say, but she felt his anger.

She was silent a few moments before she spoke.

“Hey, I’m sorry about that back there. I’m sure you all felt


Trey hugged her tighter.

“Nothing for you to be sorry about, Sam. You were great, and you

didn’t back down. I’m sure that was tough, considering that your

father had always been such a disciplinarian.”

“He’s changed,” Sam whispered as the tears filled her eyes. She

snuggled into Trey’s embrace and closed her eyes.

“There was a time when I believed he loved me,” she whispered,

and Trey caressed her hair then kissed her cheek.

SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


Chapter 13

“You made them leave. That was not the plan, Frederick,” Samara

scolded as her eyes turned, showing her wolf.

“Why couldn’t you have just killed her back on the side of the

road? The team could have destroyed all of the Valdamar in the

process,” he retorted.

“Because she has the damn information we need. You lost your


“The mere idea that she was intimate with Alex Preston and could

have become part of his pack infuriates me.”

“Well get over it, Frederick. Now you have Fidelis on your ass.

He’ll kill you right now because he doesn’t need you anymore.”

“Sure he does. He needs me to kill Lord Crespin and get Sammy.”

“And you think that Sammy is going to go with you anywhere

after the way you spoke to her and treated her?”

“I know Sammy. She has a huge heart. She’ll forgive me, and

she’ll trust me.”

Samara smirked. “I sure hope so, for your sake. Her men are

warriors of the Valdamar clan. They don’t mate often from that

family. The women are few and far between, and they are usually

strong wolves. I didn’t sense that Sammy had made the change yet.”

“She may never be able to shift, but she carries the blood of the

wolf. If she hasn’t gone through the change yet, then she may never.”

“I’ve heard that some of the weaker wolves can’t change until

their thirties.” Samara chuckled.

“Not likely that Sammy will be weak. On the contrary, her mother

was very strong. Alexa was gorgeous as well. I was taken aback by


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

the strong resemblance to her mother all these years. Now seeing her

like this and near her twenty-fifth birthday, I know that she has more Alexa and the Crespin blood in her than Gray.”

“Well, Sammy cannot become part of the Valdamar, and her

grandfather cannot live. We need to get her to Fidelis so he can mate

her and impregnate her. That way he will gain access to the circle, the government, and eventually, control of the circle of elders.”

* * * *

They had traveled for hours just trying to get further into

Valdamar territory. They talked through CB radio with their cousins

from Team Two and about what they all sensed and smelled around

Sam’s father’s place. It didn’t sit right with them. Dustin couldn’t

place his finger on what exactly he sensed about Samara aside from

her being a two-faced bitch. He was proud of Sam for sticking up for

herself and not backing down.

He looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Sam was sound

asleep in Trey’s arms. Trey continued to hug her close and scatter tiny kisses against her neck. Dustin and his brothers could feel just how

content and at peace Trey was with Sam in his arms. That made them

all feel better.

They hadn’t been in this part of eastern Texas in ages. Not since

they were small children visiting with their parents. It was way before their training and their entrance into the military. As soldiers they

were only privy to certain information. They knew and respected the

members of the circle of elders even though they met only a few of

them. They used their training, their instincts, and the spirit of the wolf to lead them and to help them to fight. Coming back here to the

native villages of Valdamar brought them peace and a new energy.

Added to that energy was their return here with their mate. But Dustin was certain that the locals and the relatives they hardly knew would

SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


take them in with celebration and loving arms and perhaps shine some

light on the mess.

Dustin pulled into the town and parked the SUV alongside his


Immediately they were surrounded and greeted.

Sam awoke, and gently, Trey helped her out of the SUV. As she

emerged, silence filled the air. The men all took position next to

Samantha. Dustin wasn’t certain what just happened, but his wolf was

not fearful. He protected his mate just as his brothers, but something else was going on here.

* * * *

Samantha took in her surroundings and the lovely little town.

There were so many people and wolves gathering around them, it was

as if they had been waiting for their arrival. But Sam didn’t recognize one person.

“Where are we?” she whispered to Trey.

“You are home, Sammy. You are where you are meant to be.”

They all turned toward the familiar voice, and Sam smiled as she saw


He stood near an older but attractive man with dark green eyes

and a kind smile. Sam was drawn to him immediately. He smiled at

her, and Trey clasped her hand tightly. She looked away from the

older man and to her mates for reassurance.

It was Dustin who moved forward toward the older man.

“It is an honor to meet you, Lord.” Dustin bowed, and the others

followed suit. Sam wasn’t certain what she was supposed to do. The

truth of the matter was that her head was throbbing and her heart

ached after the meeting with her father.

“Samantha. This is Lord Crespin.”

“Was this an elder that my father was protecting?”

A sudden scowl came across Lord Crespin’s face.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“It is time for her to learn the truth. Bring her along into my

house. I will meet with her alone,” Lord Crespin stated then pointed

toward Dustin.

“You are the leader of your brothers?”

“We are leaders together, Lord,” Dustin replied.

“Very good. I remember the five of you from when you were very

small pups. Your mother was strong and your father a true warrior.

They are here as well. Be sure to visit with them. They are eagerly

waiting to meet your mate.”

“Come with me, Sam.” Ted gestured to follow Lord Crespin as he

reached for her hand.

She hesitated a moment, and Kyle held her hand, stopping her.

Lord Crespin smiled.

“If you would like to join us, you may, wolves. But there will be a

time when you must leave me to discuss some matters with your


Dustin nodded, and they all followed suit.

* * * *

“I can’t believe that Crespin is here and Mom and Dad,”
Trey stated through their link.

“Yeah, that has me very concerned,”
Kyle added.

asked Adam.

“Because you know as well as I do that if Mom and Dad are here

in the village, and so is an elder of the circle, then there’s some heavy
stuff about to hit the fan,”
Kyle added.

“Just stay beside our mate no matter what,”
Dustin added to the conversation.

“You don’t have to ask me twice,”
Donny joined in.

“Who is this Crespin, and why is it that I feel so interested in

Sam asked, invading what they thought was a private


SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


“Hey, you heard us?”
Trey asked.

“I can hear you all the time. Just as I know that you can hear me

even when I forget to block you. Now tell me who he is. I want info

“She has become quite demanding, don’t you think, Dustin?”

“A true Alpha’s mate.”
Dustin took her hand, and they all

followed Ted and Lord Crespin to his home.

* * * *

The custom-built estate was two levels high and very wide,

containing over a dozen bedrooms and other facilities. It was

decorated very homey with spacious areas and large sofas

surrounding fireplaces and dining areas. It made Sam feel as if the

lord appreciated social gatherings of all kinds. She had a funny

feeling when she entered the house. It was strange, yet she felt as if she had been there before, but she would have remembered. Her

mother had died when Sam was very little. Just barely walking, from

what her father told her, and he didn’t like speaking about her at all.

Since Sam was an only child and her father’s family mostly lived

between Wolf City and Dallas, she never headed this far east. She

wondered why her mom even came to mind right now.

The aroma of meats and chicken filled the room as they entered a

living room. It was adjacent to a large dining area and kitchen.

“You must be starving. Why don’t we show you to your room so

you can freshen up and then meet down here in twenty minutes for

some dinner?” Ted suggested, and they were grateful. Sam hoped no

one had heard her stomach rumbling.

The lord excused himself then Ted showed them to their quarters.

It was way on the other side of the house and across a small

garden area and courtyard.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“This is gorgeous, Ted. I don’t remember ever hearing about this

place or this pack, but yet some things just stand out to me as if I have been here before.”

Sam absorbed the beauty of the gardens as her men walked inside

their small chalet.

Ted took Sam’s hand into his own and held her gaze.

“This is where you truly belong, Sammy. It’s where Alex had

intended you to be, and it is where I was willing to bring you if you

had given me the chance.”

Sam swallowed hard. She had a feeling that Ted was trying to say

that he had feelings for her.

“Ted, you have always been there for me. There’s a special place

in my heart for you, just as Alex will remain in my heart as well.”

He reached out to caress her cheek.

“You were always so humble and oblivious to your beauty and

appeal. You are meant to be in this position, Sam. Follow your gut

instincts and you will know what is right.”

Before she could respond, Ted leaned down and kissed her then

walked away.

“If I hadn’t heard the whole conversation, your friend would be

dead right now,” Adam stated, coming up behind her.

She shook her head and smiled as he put his arms around her

waist, lifted her, then carried her into the chalet.

SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


Chapter 14

The men had explained to Samantha that Lord Crespin was of

royalty in the circle of elders. But as she watched him joke around

with her mates as well as his own mate Marie, Sam thought he was

pretty cool. When Marie had entered the kitchen, she stared at Sam,

and tears filled the woman’s eyes. Samantha was taken aback by the

response, but she also again felt some kind of connection to the

woman just as she felt with Lord Crespin.

They all talked about their lives, how Sam had met her mates, and

about the current disturbances in the area packs. They were small-

talking their way to the big questions and what ultimately brought

Sam here. Yet, Sam still remained unsure and distracted by her

father’s attitude toward her.

She was silent for a few minutes as the Omegas came in and

cleared their plates.

“Let’s head into the living room. There is more room there and

much for us to discuss,” Lord Crespin stated then rose from his chair.

Everyone immediately followed.

As Sam was walking out along with Marie, the woman gently

touched Sam’s hair.

Sam turned to her and smiled, noticing the same green eyes that

BOOK: SWAT Team One and the Social Worker
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