SWAT Team One and the Social Worker (25 page)

BOOK: SWAT Team One and the Social Worker
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and spending more and more time with him. She married him, and

that was it. I didn’t know Samantha was mine until one day I saw this

woman at the park in Wolf City watching this adorable little girl with red-brown hair in pigtails and these gorgeous green eyes.”

Al paused and stared up at the picture of Alexa.

“I knew immediately, but of course I tried to deny the possibility.

Then I spoke with the woman and found out she was the nanny taking

care of Samantha. The little girl was rambunctious and such a

handful. She was doing cartwheels and jumping from the top of the

jungle gym. The little girl fell and cut her knee, and she didn’t even cry. Instead she walked over to the nanny and asked for a drink. I

inhaled the moment she came close, and it felt like I was punched in

the gut. I smelled her scent. I knew she was mine.”

“Why didn’t you do something about it?” Ted asked.

“I couldn’t. Alexa never told me. She married Frederick, and then

she died before I could question her. It was torture knowing that Sam

was my child, but without my mate, I, too, began to die inside. I had

given up and was at rock bottom when I met your parents, Ted.”

Ted’s eyes widened in shock.

“They helped me get through the depression, and when you and

Alex began hanging out with Sam as she got older, I realized more

and more that I couldn’t leave her or forget about her. So I made a

promise to myself to stay in the shadows and check on her from time

to time. I was working my way up in the Dallas police department

when Sam moved to Dallas. I heard through the grapevine that she

was applying for a job in New York City, and I pulled in a few favors

and got the job in the forty-sixth precinct. It was coincidence that I wound up being her commander. It was the best gift I could have

asked for.”

Everyone was silent as they absorbed what Al just told them.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“What kind of wolf doesn’t go after what rightfully belongs to

him? She’s your daughter. How could you see her over the years and

not want her to know?” Donny asked, sounding disgusted with Al.

“I wanted her to know, Donny. I wanted to tell her, but what if she

didn’t believe me? She could have gone back to Frederick and

demanded an explanation, ultimately letting him know that she wasn’t

his. She was safer not knowing. She wound up leaving Dallas and

heading to New York. It’s where she met you, her mates, and

established herself. Frederick is a monster, and I wouldn’t have put it past him to hurt Samantha to get back at me and Alexa.”

“But that wasn’t your decision. It was mine.” Everyone turned

toward the doorway where Samantha stood with Dustin. He towered

over her from behind, giving an extra intimidating appearance to Sam.

* * * *

Sam couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It was as if everyone

had control over her life except for her. Al had known since she was a child that she was his child, and he did nothing. She had seen

hundreds of homeless or unclaimed children wish they knew who

their parents were or had parents that loved them instead of abused

them. They suffered in unsafe foster care and shelters. They were

helpless children. She had defied Frederick, fought with him, and

always wondered why their personalities clashed. She felt like there

was something wrong with her, so she bent over backwards to please

him. She took the martial arts lessons and aced the foreign languages, and then by twenty, he had changed. He stopped pushing her. He had

given up on her because she couldn’t shift. She felt worthless and as if she was a disappointment. If not for Alex and Ted, who knows what

she may have done or gotten herself into.

“Sam.” Al said her name, and his voice cracked. He honestly

looked sad and totally caught off guard. He would have continued

SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


living life without letting her know that she was his child. What did

she do to deserve such treatment? Did anyone really love her?

She felt Dustin squeeze her shoulder. He heard her thoughts.

“I…I’m not certain what to say to you, Al. I feel like everything

I’ve learned today is a blur of chaos and heresy. I don’t think any of it has really sunk in.”

“That’s understandable, Sam. You’ve been given a lot of

information in one day,” Lord Crespin added. Everyone stared at her.

She felt like a misfit. Crazy and stupid as that was for Sam as an adult to feel, she did. She wanted to be alone, yet her insides craved her mates. She needed them next to her, and even that was something she

was trying to get used to.

“I think the best thing for us to do is not talk anymore.”

“What?” Ted asked, and everyone looked shocked at her words.

Sam inhaled then took Dustin’s hand into her own.

“I’m tired, I’m emotionally and physically exhausted, and mostly,

I’m sad,” Sam stated, her voice cracking as the tears ran down her


She looked toward her grandparents.

“If you will please excuse me, I think I am going to turn in.” She

kissed Marie on the cheek and turned away from the others, clasping

on to Dustin’s hand to take him along with her.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Chapter 16

Dustin pulled off his T-shirt then pulled off Sam’s. He was silent.

Without a word, he gave Sam the peace and quiet she asked for and

the love she needed. Her arms remained by her side, but her eyes

stayed focused on his.

He softly caressed her arms from wrist to shoulder. He unclasped

her bra and slowly removed it from her body. He inhaled, loving how

beautiful his mate was. He envisioned taking a breast into his mouth

and tasting her skin. She closed her eyes and moaned, obviously, she

heard his thoughts.

Chuckling low, he cupped her breasts then leaned down to nibble

on the hardened, protruding flesh. She sighed in relief, her body

swaying as he wrapped his other arm around her waist.

Dustin heard the sound of the water running from inside the

shower. The steam was beginning to surround them. He undid his

pants, stepping out of them as he remained holding Sam. When he

was completely naked, he began to remove the remainder of Sam’s

clothing. He cupped her breast then caressed her body from breasts to


Before they entered the shower, he pulled Sam to him and kissed

her deeply.

They walked into the large shower, feeling the hot water spray

over their bodies while Dustin continued to explore Sam’s.

She grabbed the soap and lathered some in her hands as Dustin

nibbled on her breasts then pulled her hips hard against his hips.

She gasped, obviously just as aroused as he was.

SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


“I love your body, Sam,” he whispered as the water traveled over

her curves, dripping from her abundant breasts and nipples then over

her belly to her pussy. He kissed her again, hungry for more of her

warm, moist mouth as he pressed the palms of his hands against her

backside. His cock, hard and erect, pressed against her belly, and Sam took that second to touch his cock and stroke it with soapy hands.

Dustin closed his eyes and parted his legs to lower his body to

hers so she could touch him fully.

Unable to take much more of her ministrations, Dustin took the

soap and began to wash her breasts, being sure to thoroughly caress

each mound before rinsing her.

Sam turned in the water to rinse the soap, and Dustin couldn’t

resist the sight of her perfect ass. Reading his mind, she bent forward, reached behind to his shaft and lined his thick, hard cock up with her front entrance from behind.

A second later Dustin pressed forward, filling her and emitting a

moan of satisfaction from Sam. The connection between them was

strong as Dustin slowly thrust into her.

She was the sexiest fucking sight he had ever seen. With one palm

flat against the shower wall and the other reaching back to grab hold

of Dustin, he lost the slow pace and began to thrust faster. His balls slapped against her ass cheek as the sloshing sound of water tried to

detour between their bodies.

The more he absorbed her features, the harder his cock grew. Her

shapely thighs bent to accommodate his thrusts. He trailed a finger

along each thigh, loving the tight and toned feel of it beneath his

hands. He caressed her rear then her spine before reaching under to

catch her large breasts as they bounced from his thrusts.

They panted and moaned with every move until Sam had to use

both hands to hold on to the wall. Dustin wrapped one arm around her

waist as he continued to make love to her. He used his other hand to

reach over her thigh to the front of her entrance and press fingers to her cunt. Sam trembled beneath him and released her first orgasm.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“Mine, Sam. You’re all mine,” he growled against her ear then

nibbled on her shoulder, a bit rougher than he anticipated.

Sam growled for more. “Harder, Dustin, I need you,” she cried.

Dustin held her tight, felt his whole body tingle then his cock

throb as he plunged fast and deep into her. He covered her hands that

lay flat against the wall with his own. His other arm wrapped snuggly

around her waist as he rotated his hips deeper into her from behind.

The water sprayed over them, the steam added to their lovemaking

while he continued to make love to Sam. He cupped one breast,

pulled on her nipple as he thrust repeatedly into her. She rocked back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. His wolf dominated Sam’s

body as he held her in position. When he thrust hard while pinching

her nipple and cupping her breast, he lost control.

He exploded inside of her just as he bit into her shoulder. Sam

screamed her release as Dustin held her, relishing in the aftereffects of their lovemaking.

* * * *

Sam felt the tears leak from her eyes. While in the midst of

making love, she felt the bond and connection between her and

Dustin. She also felt his brothers, but then there was this aching inside her heart that made her feel almost inferior or unworthy.

Dustin slowly pulled from her and turned her toward him.

The fingers beneath her chin and his hand against her backside

were hardly felt. It was as if she was having an out-of-body

experience or was numb to the sensitivity of her lover’s touch. They

had been so connected only moments ago, but now she felt


“What is it, baby? What’s wrong?” he asked, and she felt the tears

burn against her cheeks as she looked at this handsome god in front of her. She was tired, and maybe some sleep would help her get through


SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


“I think I need to go to bed. I feel so weak,” she whispered, and

Dustin turned off the shower. When they emerged, Kyle and Adam

were there, holding towels out to both of them.

Sam took the one Adam held as he wrapped her in it then lifted

her. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled

into his shoulder as he carried her to bed.

* * * *

“I’m worried,” Kyle whispered as he watched Sam sleep. Dustin

made sure she was deeply sleeping before he moved away from her.

“We need to make some plans and discuss the information we

heard today. She’s our responsibility.”

They all looked at Dustin.

“Where the hell do we start?” Kyle asked in response to Dustin’s


“Let’s go talk in the other room so we don’t wake Sam,” Adam

added, and they were all hesitant to leave.

“We’ll hear her if she stirs,” Trey whispered, opening the

bedroom door. Everyone slowly exited the bedroom.

Donny paced the room while the others took positions in chairs or

on the couch.

“I don’t like what I’m feeling. She’s in emotional turmoil. I feel it

here.” Donny emphasized his heart by pounding a fist against his


Dustin agreed. “We all feel it, and I won’t be able to rest and feel

content again until this bullshit is behind her. She’s going to need our support with not only her grandparents and Al being her biological

father, but also with Frederick.”

“Fuck Frederick! He’s not allowed near her. Especially since we

don’t know what it is he wants from her,” Adam replied.

“We may not have a choice in the matter. Our contacts are trying

to figure out how deep Frederick is in with Fidelis. If they’re aware of

Dixie Lynn Dwyer

the microchip and Sam’s destiny as the leader of Crespin, then we are

in for a hell of a fight. Fidelis is powerful and selfish. He doesn’t

follow the rules and has been using his position as an elder of the

circle to influence others. Sam didn’t even know she was of wolf. She

was raised human, and explaining every detail, law, and protocol of

the wolf is going to be difficult,” Dustin added.

They all released annoyed and frustrated sighs.

“We are her mates. Our bond is significant and strong. She hears

our thoughts as we hear hers. So why can’t we help her without

BOOK: SWAT Team One and the Social Worker
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