SWAT Team One and the Social Worker (31 page)

BOOK: SWAT Team One and the Social Worker
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She held the thoughts deep within her where her men couldn’t read

them. She was waiting for the perfect moment.

Placing her hands on her hips, she stared at them. Each was

sporting a long, thick cock, making her mouth drool and her pussy

weep with anticipation. The wolf inside of her wanted to devour her

men. She was ready for anything they could dish out.

She placed her hands on the silk material of her gown and slowly

began to pull it up and over her torso.

She licked her lips as she eyed Trey, Donny, and Kyle.

SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


“Hurry up and get over here, woman,” Trey demanded as he

jumped up to kneel on the bed. His cock tapped against the satin

sheets, and his eyes glowed dark brown with specks of green.

She pulled the material over her head, and an instant later Dustin

held her arms, using the material from her negligee to keep her


Her breasts pressed forward, her heart hammered with anticipation

against her chest. She felt Dustin’s cock against her lower back then

the crevice between her ass cheeks as he rubbed up and down behind


Sam parted her legs just as Adam appeared in front of her.

He placed his hands on her hips and fell to his knees.

“You’re so fucking hot.” He growled while he caressed her hip

bones and kissed her belly.

She felt the giddiness inside her and a feeling of anticipation as

the realization hit her that a baby was growing inside of her.

Dustin tightened his hold on her restraints then kissed the back of

her neck as he slid one hand along her ribs then to her breast. Cupping the firm, plump mound, he began to massage it.

Cream leaked from her folds as she moaned from their touch.

* * * *

Adam couldn’t take it any longer. Her scent was intoxicating, and

although they had decided that Trey, Donny, and Kyle would have her

first, Adam needed something to hold him off.

He pressed a finger to her folds, and Sam moaned her release. She

was so responsive. He lifted her thigh over his shoulder and plunged

in and out of her, making her wild with need.

He had to taste her. Her scent was somehow even more appealing

than ever as he licked her cream and sucked her clit.

Dustin pulled her nipples, causing Sam to wiggle beneath his hold

as they had their way with her.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Adam slurped and licked her from back to front, his tongue

elongating, and needed more.

“You taste so good,” he growled, lowering her leg and kissing her

mound. Something inside him stirred. He was suddenly feeling even

more possessive. As if that were even possible.

* * * *

Dustin removed the garment from her hands and turned her

toward him. He kissed her lips, and she wrapped her arms around his

neck best she could as she stood on tiptoes.

He bent down, lifting her leg over his shoulder, needing

something to hold him off until it was his turn to love her. He tasted her cream and sensed a difference there. He wasn’t sure what it was,

but she tasted amazing.

* * * *

Sam held on to Dustin’s shoulders as he ate her cream and twirled

his tongue inside her. She felt that incredible itch, yet it seemed less antagonizing. Was this part of the mating bond? Could they be fully

mated now that she was with child?

Sam felt Trey move in behind her. He kissed her neck, and she

reached behind her to caress his cheek. She twirled her fingers into his dark brown hair and yanked at him to suck harder against her neck.

She wanted more.

Dustin placed her feet on the ground, and Trey pulled her

backwards toward the bed. Now Donny moved around behind her.

She sensed him as Trey turned her around to straddle Donny on the


They locked gazes.

“Hi,” she whispered.

SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


“Hi,” he replied then closed his eyes as she grasped his cock and

began to slide her hand up and down the shaft.

She lifted her rear, needing them inside her to make love to her.

She was wet and ready as she aligned Donny’s cock with her pussy

and slowly took him inside of her.

Sam rocked her hips as Trey took position behind her, kissing her

shoulders, her back, and then her rear. She grabbed on to Donny’s

chest. She loved the feel of his muscles beneath her fingertips and the way his bright green eyes held her gaze.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, too,” she replied.

“I love you, as well,” Trey whispered as he placed his mouth

against her neck and shoulder then slowly pushed his cock through

the tight rings of her back entrance.

Sam moaned, closed her eyes, and rocked between her two lovers.

* * * *

“You feel incredible, mate. You’re so tight, so wet for us,” Trey

stated through clenched teeth as he pushed her forward against

Donny’s chest, getting deeper penetration.

Donny kissed her lips and held her to him. When he released her

lips, he turned her to the right, and she smiled when she saw Kyle. He held his cock in his hand and locked gazes with her. He was so

handsome. So incredibly sexy with his chiseled muscles and

authoritative expression. If he issued an order, she would do exactly as he said.

“In that case, I want that wet, sexy mouth wrapped around my

cock…now,” he demanded as he cupped her head and pulled her


She licked her lips then took him inside her, licking across his

shaft then devouring the pre-cum from the mushroom top.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Together the three of them developed and synched their strokes.

She relaxed between them, letting her men set the pace and bring her

to orgasm.

* * * *

“I can’t hold back. She’s so tight,” Trey roared as he pumped

faster into her then exploded inside her. She moaned around Kyle’s

cock then felt him tighten and release his essence as he roared. She

swallowed quickly, taking all of him as Donny thrust up into her. He

held her hips and rapidly thrust up and down until they both exploded


She released Kyle’s cock in order to breathe, and he collapsed

next to Donny on the bed. Slowly, Trey pulled from behind her then

moved around to cup her cheek and give her a kiss.

Sam hugged Donny, kissing his chest and loving the feel of her

men around her.

* * * *

A few moments passed when Trey, Donny, and Kyle moved off

the bed and Adam and Dustin took their place.

Dustin lay down on the bed and pulled her on top of him. He

grabbed her hair and gently yanked on it.

She giggled at his playful antics then lifted her rear and took his

thick cock between her legs. Slowly, while she held his gaze and

pulled on his nipples, she took him inside of her.

Dustin in return cupped her breasts and gave her nipples a similar

treatment, causing her to orgasm and pant.

“You have to be able to take what you dish out, wolf,” he teased

her, and the fact that he called her wolf made her giddy with


SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


Then she felt Adam behind her as his hands joined Dustin’s in

torturing her breasts.

Sam reached her arms back over her head to touch Adam and feel

his strong, firm cheeks beneath her palms. She didn’t have to look

directly at him to imagine his facial expression. She knew the look of desire in his deep brown eyes, along with the trembling vein against

his temple that always gave away his fight for control. She did that to him, and the thought empowered her.

Adam licked along her neck, then down her spine as his hands

caressed her curves. Dustin continued to thrust up into her.

When Adam’s lips met her crevice, Sam pressed forward against

Dustin and kissed him. They battled for control over the kiss as Adam

pressed his cock to her back entrance.

Dustin released her lips and held her face between his hands. He

locked gazes with her. “I love you.”

She smiled as she stilled her body with Dustin’s cock deep into


“I love you, too,” she replied softly, but panting with anticipation.

Adam was pushing deeper through the tight rings.

She lifted her rear and pressed her face closer to Dustin as he and

Adam filled her completely.

They were both deep inside her as she lay still between them.

The men began to rock against her, each penetrating more than

her body, but also her soul.

She lost focus for a moment as the thought sprung to mind that

they were all content and fully bonded.

They must have heard her thoughts as Dustin pulled out a little

and Adam pressed fully inside of her.

She lifted up and met her men thrust for thrust as they chanted her


Her breasts bounced up and down, her belly clenched and

tightened. She felt herself begin to experience tiny explosions of

relief, but she still wasn’t there yet.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

She joined them as they increased their pace. The bed bounced

and creaked from their combined thrusts. She felt sexy and wild. The

bed dipped as Trey, Donny, and Kyle joined them on the bed. She felt

out of control yet completely safe and protected with all her men

surrounding her. The tightness built up and up until finally Adam

exploded inside of her as he bit into her shoulder. Dustin followed

Adam, clenching his teeth and growling her name. He latched on to

her breast and sucked the nipple hard, causing her to explode along

with them. They held one another in the aftermath until finally Adam

pulled from behind her.

* * * *

“That was amazing,” Adam whispered as he pressed a kiss to

Sam’s shoulder.

“Sure was,” Dustin added as he caressed her backside.

“I don’t know what it is, but I feel so possessive right now. I just

want to hold you in bed all day,” Trey admitted, and the brothers

agreed to share his thoughts.

Sam smiled as she licked Dustin’s skin.

“Maybe it has something to do with finally being fully mated?”

Dustin added.

“Or maybe,” Sam began to say as she lifted her head and looked

at her men, “maybe it has something to do with the baby.”

They all stared at her, and she wasn’t sure if they were mad or

happy for a moment.

Dustin lifted her with little effort, so she straddled his waist and

had to stare at each of them.

His large hands expanded out across her midsection. He looked at

her tummy then back into her eyes.


She nodded her head.

SWAT Team One and the Social Worker


“I’m about ninety-five percent sure I am.” She smiled then


Dustin pulled her to him and hugged her. Soon the others did the

same, and once they passed her around, the coddling began.

“We weren’t too rough, were we?” Donny asked, full of concern.

She shook her head and smiled.

“Are you hungry? You must be starving,” Trey stated as he

jumped up off the bed and quickly got dressed. Kyle did as well.

“I’ll go with you. We’ll bring back a bunch of stuff.”

“Stop!” she yelled, and everyone froze.

“You two, get back over here,” she demanded with her hands on

her hips as she continued to straddle Dustin.

Trey and Kyle came closer to her, and she smiled.

“I’m fine, and I’m not hungry for food. I’m hungry for more of

my men. So get those clothes off of you and get back in this bed.

We’ll worry about food later. Right now I want to cuddle.”

Trey and Kyle stared at her as their brothers chuckled.

“As you wish, mate,” Kyle said and began to remove his clothes.

Trey did the same.

Dustin rolled her to her side as Adam took position on the other

side of her. The others joined them as Adam and Dustin caressed her

belly. They all remained together, and she fell asleep in their embrace.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Chapter 20

“I can’t believe this. We find out that Alexa is alive, and we are

unable to get into the fucking building she’s in due to protocol?” Al

yelled as they all gathered around the living room.

“I think we should go over there, tear down the damn door, and

get her out,” Ted added.

“Have you guys gotten anywhere with our government

connections?” Logan asked. They were all feeling frustrated and


“Hold on before you decide to go crazy, and see what Sam comes

up with,” Trey chimed in. They all looked at him.

“Where is she anyway? I haven’t seen her since this morning,” Al


“And why aren’t any of you with her?” Ted asked, obviously still

on edge after the events that took place since yesterday.

Dustin raised his eyebrow at Ted.

“Our mate is safe and secure, plus only in the other room, Ted.

Believe me, none of us will be letting her out of our sight for a long time. It’s unnerving that she’s not even in the same room right now.”

“Especially now,” Donny added as he glanced toward the

doorway for the tenth time in less than five minutes.

BOOK: SWAT Team One and the Social Worker
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