Sweet Burden (12 page)

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Authors: K L Ogden

BOOK: Sweet Burden
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“I’ll be back before lunch,” Hitomi spun around and started for the front door.


“Hitomi, don’t you walk out of here!” her mother called after her, but Hitomi wasn’t listening. She had given her mother almost 18 years. She was doing this one thing for herself. Tossing on her jacket and grabbing an umbrella, she slammed the door behind her. She looked over to the bench, but Obi still wasn’t there. She opened the umbrella and hurried out into the rain. She rushed across the street and over to the bench. A thick tree branch overhead shielded her a bit from the pouring water, but the bottoms of her pants were completely soaked. She held the umbrella tightly for fear it would blow right out of her hand.


Glancing up and down the street a chill swept through her again. Her body shivered and she found herself looking for a pair of eyes on her. There was no one on the street and only a few cars had driven past as she waited. She looked behind her, but no one was in the park. She wasn’t sure what direction Obi would be coming from, but she was praying that he would get there soon. She was starting to get creeped out and didn’t like being out in the open.


She watched her house to see if her mother would even come looking for her, but the door never opened. Hitomi had left the house without her cell phone so she wasn’t even sure how long she had been waiting. She started to feel ridiculous for thinking that he would come. She wasn’t anything special. On the other hand, he was gorgeous and older. Why would he want anything to do with her? He had obviously just been being nice by staying so long with her last night. He probably pitied her.


Her stomach began to clench as she figured she’d probably never see him again. She was just about to give up and head back to the house when she heard the sloshing of footsteps behind her. Her body shivered again and she slowly turned around.


Expecting to see Obi, she became nervous when she saw the tall blonde haired guy stalking right towards her. She withheld a gasp as he smiled at her and gave a little wave. He stuffed his hands back in his pockets and he stopped before her.


“Hitomi?” his voice practically purred. She didn’t say anything as she stared at him. And she was almost positive that her mouth was wide open. But the guy was beautiful and had the same red eyes as Obi. Wearing a pair of baggy dark jeans, a plaid button down shirt, and a tan leather jacket, he would make any girl do a double and triple take at him. He appeared to be at least 20 to 25 years old with curly blond hair that came down to his shoulders. He had a chiseled jaw and prominent chin reminding her of what people refer to as the quintessential ‘movie star’ look. He had high cheek bones and a full mouth. He looked like he had just walked out of one of those high fashion ads where the models are all tan and blond. Except he didn’t have the broody expression. He was smiling and showing off his perfectly white set of teeth.


“Are you okay?” he waved his hand in front of her face. She snapped out of her trance.


“Uh huh.”


“You’re Hitomi right?”


“Yah.” She peered behind him wondering if there was another incredibly hot guy wandering around with brown hair so that the two of them and Obi could complete a shampoo advertisement.


He looked behind him and then back at her. “I don’t think anyone else is out here in this dreadful weather.”


Dreadful? She raised an eyebrow. “Who are you?”


“I’m Rediisu.”


“Okay. And you are?”


“I apologize for coming up to you like this. Obi is not going to be able to make it.”


“Oh, you’re a friend of Obi’s. I mean, I kind of figured with the red eyes and all.”


Rediisu gave a nod. “Let me walk you home.”


“Wait. Is Obi okay?”


Rediisu’s smile faded. “Don’t worry. I’m sure he will get in touch with you soon. He just had something he had to do.”


“Why do I not believe you?” she narrowed her eyes as her arm fell. The umbrella hit the ground and the rain started soaking her hair. Her heart sank in her chest.


“He’s fine. Let me get you home.” He leaned down grabbing the umbrella and held it over her. “Please.”


Hitomi stared down at the concrete as he carefully grabbed her arm and started walking her across the road. She felt a jolt of cold travel through her as he took a hold of her, but she really didn’t care. She was worried about Obi and she knew that Rediisu was keeping something from her. They stepped up onto the front porch and Rediisu collapsed the umbrella and brushed some water off of him.


“Will you please tell me the truth?” Hitomi whispered.


“I wish I could Hitomi.” He took a hold of her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. “I’m sure I will see you again.” He slightly bowed in front of her and then jumped off the porch and ran across the street disappearing into the park. Rediisu was gone before she could even call out to him to wait.


Hitomi went into the house and ran upstairs. She heard her mother call out to her, but she didn’t answer and slammed her bedroom door. Throwing herself on the bed, she stuffed her face into the pillows. Her body was trembling with concern.






Obsidian sat at the desk in Guri’s room leafing through pages and pages of archives and books. He was trying to figure out just what Hitomi could be. He slammed a book shut and pushed himself away from the desk. He hadn’t found anything as Guri entered.


“Is Hitomi alright?” he spun around asking.


“She’s fine. Did you find anything?”


“No.” Obi turned back to the mess on the desk. “There are pages and excerpts missing from everything. But I have no idea what they could pertain to.”


“I’ll keep searching. How do you feel?”


“Like I’m being stabbed repeatedly from the inside of my body out.”


Guri let out a sigh. “Well, it’s time to go see the council. They just ordered you to their chambers.”


Obi’s shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes. Fluttering his eyes back open, he inhaled a deep breath and then straightened his shoulders out. He stood up turning around. “Please keep searching.”


Guri nodded and Obi started out of the room. He walked down the winding corridors to the very last cavern in the main hall. A few others had passed him and given him odd looks. Others were whispering. He stopped short of the tall bronze doors that towered above him.   Leaning against a side wall he clenched at his chest as a stabbing pain shot through him. He waited for the worst of it to pass and opened one of the doors. It creaked open and it easily slammed shut behind him. He walked into the oversized room. The ceilings were high and sloped creating a dome. There were torches lit around the circular room and Obi turned his attention to the east side.


The figures of the council, otherwise known as the Savetto sat perched up behind a large rock divider. Their seats were arranged in a half circle, with the head in the center. The seven figures were cloaked and Obi was unable to see their faces. Obi wasn’t even sure who the council members were since they were kept anonymous. But Obi had never even been in their chambers. He had never been in trouble and did not care to get into the politics of his world.


“Obsidian, please step closer,” one of them spoke. He had no idea which one.


Obi moved up closer and put his head down. He didn’t know what to expect, but he knew it would be nothing good. He wasn’t exactly sure what all they knew.


“You’ve been spending more time away Obsidian,” another one commented.


“There are only so many books you can read, my lord,” Obi replied.


“You have always done your duties well Obsidian. We were surprised to find one of your lists incomplete,” a female voice stated.


“Yes,” Obi nodded. “There is one proving to be difficult. I was hoping to get it handled before now. My apologies.”


“We’ve also found that you killed two innocents,” the first member added.


Obi gritted his teeth. “There was nothing innocent about them, my lord. But I apologize for not following the list.”


“Well, the question is, what do we do with you now Obsidian?” the female asked. “We can’t have you disobeying rules. Can you tell us the circumstances behind both?”


“I cannot. I have disobeyed,” Obi simply stated not willing to give them any information.


“Surely we can come up with something to suit his insubordination,” a fourth member said. “Obsidian has done everything we have ever asked him to.”


“Until now,” the female shot back.


Obi inhaled deeply. At least there was one that was somewhat on his side.


“It is obvious that we will need to discuss your punishment Obsidian. We will summon you later once decided. You are dismissed. But you are to stay in your cavern. Do not venture out.”


Obi hastily turned after a slight bow and rushed out of the room. Once in the hallway, he ran right into Guri.


“What happened?” Guri asked.


“They have to decide. They ordered me to my cavern, but I need to go see her.”


“Obi, you can’t,” Guri grabbed his arm. “They’ll just punish you more.”


“What does it matter now?”


“You don’t even know your punishment yet. Maybe it won’t be too bad. If you leave right now, they will find out. If you insist on seeing her, just wait a little while,” Guri practically pleaded.


“You swear to me she is fine?” his brow furrowed.


“I swear.”


Obi’s mouth tightened and his fist clenched. He swung his arm around landing his fist into the hard rock. He pulled his hand back and examined the blood sliding along his hand. He watched as the gashes in his knuckles instantly closed leaving no hint of injury. He had barely felt the impact. He huffed to himself and stomped off to his cavern.






The last thing that Hitomi had on her mind was shopping. Kerry showed up at the house around noon. Hitomi was still sulking in her room when Kerry walked in. She convinced Hitomi to get off the bed so they could leave. She tried to ask what was causing Hitomi’s horrid mood, but Hitomi wouldn’t give her any details.


Regina drove them to the mall and the three of them started at the department stores and then went to a few of the designer stores. Hitomi was not being very cooperative, instantly not liking every dress she tried on. Many of them were nice, but none of them were right. Kerry had found her perfect gown at the second store. It was a fitted teal floor length gown with spaghetti straps and jewels decorating the center of the chest.


They walked into the last store possible for Hitomi to find a dress and as soon as she walked in she saw the one she wanted. It was a simple strapless red satin dress with a little black belt around the waist. She could picture herself in the dress. She pictured herself on the arm of Obi. She had been trying not to think about him, but the dress reminded her of him.

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