Sweet Burden (45 page)

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Authors: K L Ogden

BOOK: Sweet Burden
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“Think I have time to get cleaned up before we eat?” she questioned. He nodded as he tried to dry himself off. She left her boots by the door and rushed into the bedroom. Grabbing a pile of clothes, she then went across the main room and into the bathroom. She stripped down trying to avoid looking at how hideous she probably appeared in the mirror. The hot water beat down on her skin loosening her muscles. If she hadn’t thought about Obi waiting for her, she could have stayed in the shower for hours or at least until the hot water ran out. She got out of the shower feeling refreshed. She started to dry off and was squeezing the water out of the ends of her hair when there was a knock on the door.


“How are you doing in there?” Obi asked.


“Um, fine.” Hitomi quickly pulled the towel around herself and cracked the door open. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”


“Take your time,” he replied as he stared at her. She gave him a smile and shut the door. She leaned back against it as butterflies stirred in her stomach. She wanted to peek back out and see if he was still there, but she knew he was. He was still standing there looking amazingly gorgeous with his now piercing green eyes and his dark hair hanging slightly in his face.


Hitomi’s heart sped up. “Obi?”




“You don’t have x-ray vision too, do you?”


“No, I don’t,” he replied with lightness in his voice. “I’ll let you finish getting dressed.”


She listened to his footsteps trail away and she was able to breathe normally again. After getting dressed, she brushed out her hair and stared at herself in the mirror. She still couldn’t get past the plainness she saw reflecting back. Hitomi let out a huff and left the bathroom eager to see Obi again. Glancing around the main room, also lit with candles and a roaring fire, she didn’t see him. She noticed the table set up with two place settings as she rounded the corner to the kitchen where Obi was stirring something on the stove.


He glanced up as she entered. “Dinner is just about ready. You can go sit down if you want.”


She gave him a grin and nodded, and then went over to the table. Everything looked so beautiful and thought out. Her flowers from the morning were moved to the side in between two candles. There were actual placemats with arranged silverware and napkins. Within minutes, Obi came in and set down a plate in front of her. He moved around the table and sat down across from her. Picking up her fork, she was suddenly famished.


“I hope everything tastes alright. I’m not much of a cook.”


“It looks amazing. And it’s not soup, so that’s a nice change.” Hitomi poked into ravioli and took a bite. “This is really good.” Obi let out a relieved breath and started eating. “So, you said you had some help with everything.”


“Yah. Rediisu gave me some ideas and Guri helped me pull it off. I’m just not good at this sort of thing, but I wanted you to have a nice day.”


“Obi, everything has been perfect.” She smiled at him as he looked up. “I guess this is kind of like our first date.”


“The greasy diner and TV movie didn’t count?”


Hitomi let out a laugh. “Did you just make another joke?”


“Possibly,” he shrugged. “I’m trying to get the hang of it.” She couldn’t seem to stop grinning. “Besides, I’d do anything to see that smile on your face.” She dropped her eyes feeling her cheeks warming with red. “Better eat before it gets cold.”


After finishing dinner, Obi cleared the plates. He came back in from the kitchen carrying a chocolate cupcake with a candle. He sat down in the seat next to her as the butterflies started fluttering again.


“I was reminded that birthdays involve cake,” Obi said holding it in his palm. “And a wish.”


Her smile widened and she knew exactly what she wanted to wish for. All that she wanted for the rest of her life was to be with Obi. She closed her eyes and repeated it over and over in her head before opening her eyes again and blowing out the candle. She took the cupcake from him and peeled off the wrapper. After splitting it in half, she held out a portion for him. “Share with me?”


Obi took the half as their eyes locked. “Happy Birthday Hitomi.”


The flutters in her stomach began creeping up into her throat. She wanted to toss the cupcake aside and completely throw herself at him. Resisting the urge took more effort than anything and she peeled her gaze away from him. She ate her half and when she looked back up his half was also gone.


“Would you come outside with me?” he asked quietly. Biting at her bottom lip, she moved her head up and down. They got up and walked outside. The air was starting to chill, but the rain had almost ceased. Hitomi walked over to the railing and looked up into the sky beyond the porch roof. It had become very dark extremely quickly. Clouds were parting and she could begin to see the light of the moon peeking out. Beyond the clouds, she was even able to view a few stars.


Obi walked up behind her. “Are you cold?” She shook her head even though she had goose bumps on her arms. He placed his hands on her shoulders and then ran them down the length of her arms as he moved closer to her. “Do you want to go back inside?”


“No. It’s turning into such a beautiful night.”


His hands moved over hers and he intertwined their fingers. She rested back against him with her head against his shoulder. Obi leaned down putting his head against hers. “Tell me what you wished for,” he whispered.


“I can’t or it won’t come true.” Hitomi could feel the thundering of his chest against her back.


“Do you want to know what I wish for every night?”


“If you want to tell me.”


Obi swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “Every night I wish that I will get to fall asleep with you again the following night.” She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Resting her arms over his, Obi continued. “I don’t know what the future holds or how we’re going to be a part of it. All I know, or all I feel is that no matter what I want to be with you. I want to be with you for whatever span of an existence I have.”


Hitomi’s breathing staggered as she was unsure of how to respond without sounding utterly cheesy or stupid.


“Does that scare you?” he asked.


Shaking her head, she managed to spit out, “No.” She moved around in his grip and faced him. Resting her hands on his chest, she moved her eyes up to his. “The only thing that scares me is us not being together. I mean, we are so different. Sometimes I wonder if it’s supposed to be.”


“We’ll make our own way, no matter what.”


“Do you believe that?” Hitomi questioned searching his eyes.


“Yes.” His jaw clenched and he moved his hands up to her face. “You have brought meaning to my existence. You are the only reason I open my eyes in the morning. Hitomi, you have become everything to me. That is why I have to believe it.” His hands trembled against her cheeks. “And also because, I have completely fallen in love with you.”


Hitomi stopped breathing. For a second she thought maybe she hadn’t heard him right, but she heard the words clearly. He loved her and the words came straight from his mouth. For a few seconds everything slowed down. She heard the thumping of her heart in her ears as her eyes widened. She scanned his face as he waited for a response. But how was she supposed to respond without sounding hokey or silly?


“Hitomi?” His mouth moved and his voice sounded far away.  “Hitomi?”


She shook her head and took in a deep breath. Moving her arms around his neck, she squeezed him tightly. He secured her around her waist as she came out of her trance. Moving her face to the side, she pressed her lips against his ear. “I love you,” she whispered.


Obi tightened his grip for a few seconds and then slightly pulled away. They looked at each other for a moment and then Obi leaned down crushing his lips against hers. He pressed her back against the railing as his hands moved down her waist to her hips. She tried to keep her mind focused on something else, but he was making it terribly difficult. In one swift motion, he grabbed her hips and lifted her up onto the railing. After being so careful all day, he was not being shy about anything now.


He gave her a chance to catch her breath as he trailed kisses from her mouth along her jaw and down to her neck. His hands moved back up her hips and moved under her sweater settling on the bare skin of her waist. She kept her hands clasped around his neck feeling her body heating up. Obi’s lips kissed a path from her collarbone back up to her mouth, where he started to slow down.


“I have something else I want to give you,” he mumbled during brief periods their lips were apart.


“You’ve already given me enough,” she replied.


“One last thing.” He kissed her one more time and then pulled away. She watched him as he dug in his pocket. He pulled out a little black velvet box and moved close to her again. Her heart raced as she stared at the box. “I had this made for you. And I want you to know that my life belongs to you.” He opened the box revealing a silver ring with what appeared to be a large ruby set in between two smaller rubies.


“Obi, it’s beautiful. I don’t even know what to say.”


“You can start by trying it on and making sure it fits.” He took the ring out and slid it onto her ring finger on her right hand. It fit perfectly and Obi leaned down kissing her hand. “I was nervous it wouldn’t fit.”


She smiled at him. “Is tonight the reason you have been a nervous wreck all day?”


“You picked up on that? I just wanted everything to be perfect for you.”


“Well, you succeeded. But all I really ever need is you.” She leaned forward resting her forehead against his and then kissed him.


They stayed outside for awhile, but it eventually got too chilly and they moved inside. Obi lay down on the couch on his side and she curled up with him. He secured her in his arms as they were warmed by the fire. She looked up at him as he let out a deep breath. Hitomi watched as his lips curved into a smile. It wasn’t a smirk, but a completely full smile. She reached up and ran her finger along his lips.


“You’re smiling.”


Obi tilted his head down. “You give me a reason to. You’re my only reason for anything.” He tightened his grip around her as she buried her head against his chest.

Chapter 20















Obi pushed his hand to the other side of the bed. It was cold and empty. His eyes shot open and he blinked at the light coming through the windows. Hitomi was not next to him and he was immediately out of the bed. He pulled on his jeans and hurried out of the room.


“Hitomi?” His eyes darted around the room. “Hitomi?”


“I’m right here,” she answered as she walked out of the kitchen. She was dressed in her pajama shorts and one of his t-shirts. He couldn’t help but think how adorable she looked.

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