Sweet Burden (47 page)

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Authors: K L Ogden

BOOK: Sweet Burden
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He wondered if she was still awake when the bedroom door creaked open. Obi perked up expecting to see Hitomi’s head peek out, but instead saw her mother’s. He put his head back down and closed his eyes. He listened to her footsteps cross the room and she went out the front door.  He opened his eyes and hopped up careful not to wake everyone else. As he started over to the front door, he moved past the bedroom when Hitomi poked her head out. It wasn’t easy to catch Obi off-guard, but she managed to startle him.


She smiled as he jolted at her appearance. “What are you doing?” she whispered.


“What are
doing?” he shot back quietly.


“I was following my mom.”


“Why aren’t you asleep?” he asked.


“Why aren’t
asleep?” she smirked as she rested against the door frame.


With that sly smile on her face, Obi was having a hard time resisting the urge to grab her and kiss her. “You obviously know why or you wouldn’t be smirking at me. Go back to sleep. I’m going to go see where she went.”


“But I want to go.”


“No, you stay here. I’ll be right back.”




“Hitomi let me handle this. It’s late and incredibly dark in those woods. You’ll be safer here. I won’t be long.”


She gave a loud huff. “Fine.” She crossed her arms across her chest as he turned her back towards the bedroom and nudged her in. He shut the door and went out onto the porch.


He sniffed the air and started following Regina’s scent into the forest straight ahead. He kept a steady pace opting to follow her on the ground instead of the air and he was far enough behind her so he wouldn’t be easily heard or noticed. Obi had been following her for about ten minutes when her scent got a lot stronger. He realized she had stopped and he moved behind a tree scanning for her. He finally spotted the light from her flashlight and moved closer so that he could clearly see her.


Obi crouched down and watched her. Regina glanced around like she was waiting for something or someone. It was only a few minutes when suddenly gold light appeared to the right. He squint his eyes briefly until the light dimmed and an illuminated figure stepped into view. Obi felt his jaw drop.


He immediately realized that the illuminated figure was most likely the same man that had appeared to Hitomi. Regina sat down on a fallen tree and the man sat down next to her. Obi watched as the man took a hold of Regina’s hand. She turned and smiled at him.


“I wasn’t sure you would be coming out here,” the man said.


“Honestly, it wasn’t easy,” Regina replied.


“I’m glad you did,” the man commented.


Obi tried to shift himself to be able to hear better, but when he lifted his head he suddenly smelled Hitomi. He turned around looking for her immediately not concerned with her mother. He could tell that she was near, but he was unable to see her. He turned back around and watched them talking, but he was not hearing their words. His mind flooded with worry over Hitomi wandering in the woods alone.


He mashed his lips together and quietly stood up leaving Hitomi’s mother with the golden man. Obi set off in the direction of Hitomi’s scent careful not to alert them to his presence. Moving off to his left, he followed her scent further and further away from the cabin. He realized that she was completely off course. His worry mounted as he began rushing through the trees.


He knew he was nearing the edge of the barrier around the area and his heart started beating faster as he searched for her. If she crossed out of the barrier, she would be in danger. With that thought, Obi’s stomach turned into a tight knot and panic came over him. He moved faster his feet thundered against the ground.


Her scent became stronger as he neared the sound of running water. Obi prayed that she didn’t cross the water. As he neared the stream they had been to the day before, he finally saw her. She was standing at the edge of the water when he came up behind her and grabbed her arm. He pulled her backwards somewhat harshly.


“What are you doing?” he inquired angrily.


“Damn it Obi.” Hitomi spun around and yanked her arm from his grasp. “You scared me.”


“You’re lucky it’s me. I told you to stay at the cabin. You could have been hurt,” he spit out as his chest still pounded with worry.


“I’m completely fine.”


“Completely fine? You were in the
wrong direction. Are you trying to kill me?”


She pursed her lips and folded her arms across her chest. “How would my walking in the woods kill you?”


Grabbing her forearms, he gritted his teeth and his jaw tightened. “Do you not understand? I am trying to keep you safe and you’re running around in the woods alone. You have no idea where you’re at or how to get back. Damn it Hitomi, I am trying to protect you but I need your help. If I tell you to stay somewhere, you listen to me.”


Her eyes narrowed. “And what gives you the right to order me around?” She shrugged out of his grasp and his hands dropped to his sides.


Obi, still with his adrenaline pumping from worry, instantly became irritated. “It’s not about ordering you around. It’s about helping me out to keep you safe.”


“Whatever.” Hitomi rolled her eyes. “Where’s my mom?”


“It doesn’t matter. Let’s get back to the cabin.” Obi reached out for one of her wrists but she backed away from him.


“Yes it does matter. Where is she?”


“I lost her in the woods.”


She took another step away from him and his heart sank. “You’re lying. You can track anyone. Why are you lying to me?”


“Hitomi, let’s just go back to the cabin.” His request turned into a plea.


“No. You’re keeping something from me. What did you see? Where did she go?”


He peered around and stepped towards her. “We need to go. Stop acting like a child.”


“Stop treating me like one!” she yelled. “You’re just like everyone else. I’m so tired of everyone keeping things from me. Tell me now.”


Obi knew that telling her what he saw would just raise even more questions without anymore answers for her. How could he tell her that her mother was meeting the man she had been seeing? Even he wasn’t sure what to make of it. He moved closer to her. “I didn’t see anything.”


“Liar!” She unfolded her arms and pushed against his chest. “Get away from me!”


“Hitomi…” He grabbed her wrists firmly. “My priority is to keep you safe. You running around in the woods alone does not make me happy. Nothing can ever happen to you. Don’t you understand that? You were within inches of a barrier that keeps


She stared up at him, her eyes wide but still angry. Hitomi didn’t say anything.


“We’re going back to the cabin now.” Before she could protest, he scooped her up in his arms and spread his wings. He took off into the air holding her tightly. She kept her head turned away from him.


They were quickly at the cabin and he quietly carried her inside. He took her into the bedroom and plopped her down on the bed. She avoided any eye contact with him as he knelt down in front of her and slipped off her boots. He slid them across the floor to the foot of the bed and looked up at her. She turned her head away.




“I don’t want to hear it,” she interrupted.


“Please Hitomi, I don’t want to fight with you.”


“Then tell me what you saw.”


Obi let out a sigh and stood up. He moved over and sat down on the bed next to her. He took her hand and weaved his fingers in between hers. “It’s just going to bring up more questions that probably won’t get answered until tomorrow night. I think you should let your mother explain everything at the right time.”


He leaned over to kiss her, but she pulled away and took her hand from his. “I have to go to sleep. Please leave me alone,” she mumbled.


Obi let out a sigh and stood up. He didn’t bother to say anything else as he left the room and shut the door. He kicked off his shoes and went back over by the fireplace. He lay back down by the fire and waited to hear the front door, but all he could think about was Hitomi being angry with him. Maybe he should have just told her, but he didn’t know what good it would do.


It was a few hours before he heard the creaking of the front door. Hitomi’s mother crept inside and went into the bedroom. Obi lifted his head staring at the door. He let out a yawn as he thought about the golden man. Why was he appearing to Hitomi? And why was her mother meeting him?


“Maybe you should go to sleep now,” Liam mumbled. Obi turned and looked at him. “You’re going to kill yourself with worry.”


“Good thing I’m technically dead,” Obi replied.


Liam smirked and rested his head back. Obi let out a deep breath and put his head back down. He closed his eyes in an attempt to sleep, but what he saw disturbed and confused him.

Chapter 21















Hitomi heard her mother come in after a few hours. Her weight shifted the mattress and Hitomi rolled over away from her. She wanted so badly to ask where her mother had been, but she knew that she wouldn’t get any answers. Even though she wanted to know where her mother had been, thoughts of Obi were overloading her mind. She was so angry and hurt because of him lying to her. He was who she trusted the most and now he was betraying her. She let out a small sigh and stared across the room in the darkness. Hitomi wasn’t sure she was going to be able to get any sleep.


It was around noon when Hitomi climbed out of bed. Her mother had been up for a few hours but she couldn’t bring herself to face everyone. Finally she got up the courage and crawled out of bed. She grabbed some clothes and walked out of the room. When she stepped out, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. Obi, Liam, and Rediisu were sitting around the coffee table talking, while Guri and her mother sat eating at the dining table. The room became quiet as everyone’s eyes locked on her. She glanced at all of their faces as Obi got up.


“You’re finally up,” he commented as he started to move towards her.


Her eyes focused on his for a brief moment and then she quickly moved past him and went into the bathroom.


“Hitomi…” Obi started, but she cut his words off as she slammed the door. She piled her clothes on the counter and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. She stared at the door until there was a light knock. “Hitomi?” Obi said tentatively.

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