Sweet Catherine Breezes By (17 page)

Read Sweet Catherine Breezes By Online

Authors: Matt Coolomon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Sweet Catherine Breezes By
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"Oh my god!" Catherine said to Timmy but she only mouthed the words and she glanced down at her breasts and then back over at Timmy, biting down on her smile and raising her eyebrows in mock horror.

There were two slow numbers then the band took a break so she and her new admirer returned to the table with him going for drinks. "Oh my god he could see everything with my arms up like that," she whispered to Timmy excitedly. Then she leant over to him and whispered right to his ear. "And I could feel his thingy against my belly."

"I think he really likes you," Timmy said in reply.

"Do you think?" Catherine asked as she looked over to see where he was. "Do you think I should let him have me?" she whispered excitedly. "How old is he?"

"He's twenty eight, I think. He's much older than us."

"Yeah, but that's not too old."

He returned with drinks all round. "There you go, Timster," he grinned as he placed a coke for Timmy. "And one for the lovely lady," he went on smiling as he placed a fruity cocktail in front of Catherine.

She had a sip and it was strong but delicious, so she had another sip and another, and another while they chatted and laughed. She also sat forward over her drink with her elbows on the table and her pushed-up boobs available for them both to look at.

That first fruity cocktail had made her feel light headed and when he went for another round she whispered to Timmy - "I still have to do something for you with my mouth later don't forget."

"When?" he grinned. "I'm ready now for that."

"No - not yet. Let's have one more drink with your friend and then he might want to have one more dance before we go."

He leant over close to her ear. "We can see everything down the front of your dress you know."

"I know - I'm letting you!" she giggled. "Don't you like it?"

"Yeah I like it," he said, poking at a drink coaster. "And so does Dirk. And so does some other guys who walked past looking. And so did mister Forsyth in the boat but he saw your pussy instead."

Catherine giggled some more. "I know! I just can't help it tonight. I feel so naughty"

Dirk the dark smouldering barman returned and fed Catherine more liqueur then he took her back to the dance floor to sway to a bit of background house music. He held her around the waist grinning down at her and watching her breasts. "That's a good dress," he whispered sensually into her hair making her swoon a little.

"Do you like it?" she uttered softly.

"Oh fuck!" he suddenly groaned though and he ducked his head trying to hide from someone.

"That's my girlfriend - I've got to go," he explained and he slunk from the dance floor into the toilets leaving her standing there. Then he appeared again and walked up to a girl standing at the bar looking around for someone.

Timmy appeared from nowhere, grinning. "That's Maria and she's pissed off," he chuckled. "She always comes looking for him when he stays after work."

Catherine's ego was crushed all of a sudden but the band fired up again and she had a giggle as she watched the guy getting strips torn off him. Also Timmy was there trying to get her to dance with him, and with the effect of those strong drinks swirling in her head she instantly forgot about tall dark and sleazy and turned to grind back against mister nice guy instead.

"Let's go," she yelled to him though. "I'm just going to the bathroom first," she added and she left with Timmy saying he'd wait at the door.

She went to the ladies and on the way back she bumped right into the guy from the pool with another guy leaning sensually on his shoulder.

"Oh, hi Catherine," he said, smiling in surprise. "This is my partner, Phillip."

"Oh my god you're gay!" Catherine giggled, covering her mouth in shock.

Phillip looked her up and down rubbing his chin. "Nice frock, sweetie," he said, sounding as queer as could be.

"He's gay, I'm bi," Charles corrected. "Where's cutie?"


"Yes, you're boyfriend?" he grinned. "Where is he?"

"Oh my god you wanted him today, and I thought-"

"No, sweetie, he likes to swing," Phillip pouted as he touched her wrist. "I think your boyfriend was for me."

Catherine laughed. "Well I don't think it would have worked out. Sorry!"

She left smiling back at them as she wriggled through the crowd around the dance floor again. Timmy was there waiting at the door and she cuddled up to him as they strolled along in the moonlight.

"This holiday would have been so boring without you, Timmy. It's very nice of you to bring me here and make it fun!"

"It's fun for me too," he said with a yawn. "Except I'm really tired now."

"Well you hardly had any sleep last night."

"I know but it's not as late tonight. If we go back now we will be at the island by ten."

They boarded the cruiser and sailed off into the calm sea and warm ocean breeze.

"You know that guy was such an asshole," Catherine declared. Her light-headedness was dissipating and she was thinking about the way he was dancing with her while his poor girlfriend must have been waiting for him to show up somewhere else - probably at their home.

"I know - he's always trying to get with other girls and Maria knows about him. She's pregnant too so she's even more angry nowadays."

"Oh my god - a pregnant girlfriend!" Catherine cried aghast.

Timmy was quite for a moment then said - "I'm glad he didn't have sex with you, Catherine."

"Me too! I hate guys who cheat."

Then after another thoughtful pause Timmy continued searchingly. "But it's really easy for guys to have sex with you isn't it?"

Catherine blushed a little in the moonlight. "Sort of. But this is the first time I've been single since I started having sex so it's different."

"Did you like having a boyfriend? I've never had a girlfriend."

"Yeah, I liked it - mostly. Except he was always getting jealous of any other guy who even talked to me and he was scared of my dad, which was a pain."

They cruised along in silence for a while longer then Catherine asked - "Why haven't you had a girlfriend, Timmy? You're a cute guy!"

"Because all the girls in town think I'm stupid," he said with a shrug. "I'm just not as smart as the guys they like because I was always the dummy at school."

Catherine felt a sudden pang of sympathy for him. "You look like the smart one to me," she enthused. "You're the one with ten jobs and lots of money! And I can't believe you've got a boat licence and a credit card!"

He grinned. "Plus there's no beautiful girls around here anyway. You're the only one who's beautiful and kind to me," he said with conviction. "You're kind to me and Tod and Paulo because you let us have sex with you. You're really kind about that."

Catherine giggled at the animation in his face as much as his simple minded logic. They were coasting along the pier and Timmy guided the cruiser into a vacant spot and tied it down for the night while she waited by the stairs. She then led him down and seated him on the bed.

"Are you still too tired?" she teased as she got down on her knees and tugged at his belt.

He shook his head. "I'm not tired anymore!"

She had his belt and zipper undone and he lifted his butt so she could tug his pants down. She pulled them down past his knees and left them around his ankles while she smiled back up at him. "Are you sure you're not too tired and maybe we should just forget about this?"

He shook his head some more. "No, we shouldn't just forget about it."

She lifted his cock and held it while she kissed his balls. She nibbled softly with her teeth and sucked on one then the other. She couldn't help remembering what Paulo said about his balls being full and she wondered if these ones were. She hoped they would be and she continued softly kissing and sucking on them while she stroked his erection.

She kissed her way up the underside of his shaft and then sucked the head into her mouth but only for a moment before she squeezed him in her hand again and kissed her way back down to his balls.

She wondered if she went slow and teased him a lot, whether his balls would fill even more. The thought of that excited her immensely, especially since she was going to be accepting his ejaculation in her mouth.

"Don't cum too fast, Timmy," she said peering up at him. "Tell me when you're getting close so I can make it last longer, okay?"

She sucked the head back in and started bobbing her head up and down to make it feel good for him. She did that until he started trying to thrust his hips then she smiled up at him again. "Is that nice?" she asked softly and she squeezed him and kissed the underside of the head but wouldn't take it back in her mouth until he stopped thrusting. Then she closed her eyes and sucked it in again. "Mmm," she moaned as she tasted him a little and she resumed bobbing her head letting him enjoy the feel of plunging into her mouth. She moaned and sucked and stroked him off with her mouth until she felt him start to lose control and then she squeezed his shaft and held it up as she kissed and sucked on his balls again.

She sucked on one softly and massaged it with her tongue. Then she sucked on the other one while he groaned and tried to thrust his cock through her hand. "Not yet," she smiled though and she kissed the underside of his dick again, sucking and nibbling her way slowly upward until she nibbled the swollen head and then sucked it back into her warm wet mouth.

"Uuhhhh," he cried and he grabbed her head and started fucking her mouth. He was grinding his hips and forcing his cock in deep and Catherine nearly gave in that time and let him but just as he was losing it she lifted from him and squeezed him hard. She gripped his throbbing shaft and kissed his groin and his thigh and then she nuzzled his balls again.

She kissed them and bit one softly and then she sucked it almost into her mouth and lashed it with her tongue, thinking of how much semen was being made inside there. She nuzzled them both some more, kissing them and sucking on them softly - hoping they were getting nice and full. Then she kissed her way back up his shaft and moaned as she took him back into her mouth. And as she did it that time his hand closed around the back of her head and held her there. And she peered up at his contorted face, red and dripping with sweat, and she decided she would allow him to cum this time. She gripped the base of his cock to stop him from forcing it into her throat and she cupped his balls with her other hand, and she started bobbing her head in time with his thrusts, moaning and sucking on the head of his cock - wanting him to cum, wanting to feel it and taste it, blushing deeply within herself at the thought of the swollen balls she was holding in her hand erupting into her mouth.

And then he bucked and forced his cock hard against her fist while he gripped firmly holding her head in place. And then his cock flexed and throbbed. And it throbbed again and a thick wad of sperm gushed into her mouth.

"Mmm," she moaned as it flooded into her throat and she swallowed it as another thick burst hit the roof of her mouth and then another and another gushed from him.

"Mmm," she moaned again as she held it and felt it with her tongue, enjoying the gooey texture and strange masculine taste, again blushing deeply within herself at the thought of a guy looking down at her knowing she had the contents of a his balls in her mouth.

She was still holding his balls, gently fondling and caressing them, squeezing them a little and wondering if they were now empty as she softy swallowed and continued to suck his cock - knowing right then that this is something she was going to do a lot more of - that she needed to find other guys who would let her suck them off like that.

"Mmm - that was so nice, Timmy. I really like tasting you," she smiled up at him.

He was just grinning down at her and she took his cock back into her mouth. "There's some of it on your face," he said.

She turned and looked in the mirror and saw a string of cum from the corner of her mouth across her cheek. She touched the end of it and it stuck to her finger, dangling from it as she lifted it from her skin. She wiped it on the sheet and took his cock back into her mouth, swallowing softly as his cock flexed and began to firm up again.

"I think that's enough for you today," she smiled up at him. Then she got up and fixed her dress while he pulled his pants up. "And anyway - what are we doing tomorrow? It's my last day you know."

"I have to work for my dad at the fish market tomorrow," he said. "We could go out at night again - maybe for dinner?"

"Okay - what time are you going to pick me up?"

"How about seven?" he grinned.

"Okay - seven it is," she smiled and she kissed his cheek.

He then walked her home and saw her to her door. She gave him a good night kiss then tried to sneak in but was confronted by her dad coming from the bathroom.

"Hi daddy," she giggled cheekily as he looked up from her pushed-up boobs with a disapproving frown. She then squeezed past him and smiled back at him as she closed the bathroom door.

She stripped off and got in the shower, still with the strong taste of cum in her mouth until she brushed her teeth. Then she pulled on a little negligee with no panties and crawled into bed to rub her clit and bring on an orgasm. It was only a small one, just enough to keep her going until tomorrow when she was planning to go and visit the guys again.

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