Sweet Catherine Breezes By (16 page)

Read Sweet Catherine Breezes By Online

Authors: Matt Coolomon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Sweet Catherine Breezes By
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"Go on and you have your shower now and when you finish I'm going to do what I promised," she said to him.

"Okay!" he grinned, making Catherine blush a little. "I'm going to be fast."

She opened her cosmetics bag and started with her eyes, feeling naughty again at the thought of leaving her lips until afterwards. She hardly wore any make up at all though as she simply didn't need to.

"Anyone home?" a voice suddenly called from the deck.

It was an old guy in resort uniform. He looked like management.

"Hi," Catherine said, peering up from the top of the stairs.

"Oh – hello, miss. I was looking for Timmy."

"Yes - he's in the shower," Catherine informed, relaxing a little as he smiled warmly, but still hiding her body and just poking her head out the door.

"Jed Forsyth,” he announced, offering his hand. "Timmy does a bit of work for me and I thought I'd catch him for a quick word."

"Oh okay,” she returned politely accepting his hand shake. "I'm Catherine."

He had stepped aboard and his eyes flashed down to her breasts. Catherine had been initially concerned that they were going to be in trouble for trespassing or something. She was instantly relieved and in the same instant excited about standing there almost nude in front of a complete stranger.

"Would you like to come in and wait? He shouldn't be long," she offered sweetly. Her heart was pounding though and he was brazenly looking her over as he brushed past her and walked down the stairs.

Jed couldn't believe his luck as he turned to look back up at the girl and got a flash of her shaved little slit, then as she walked past him to the doorway of the bedroom he had another look at her firm young tits through the side of her shirt.

"Please sit," she offered sweetly, blushing and twisting at the hem of the thing she was barely wearing. Then she went into the bedroom and stood before a full length mirror that gave him a fine view as well. She was applying makeup for a few minutes then she started brushing her hair.

She lifted both arms to do that. She was holding her long blonde hair in a ponytail and brushing it with her other hand, and as she did that he could see her right tit almost completely, and as he looked down he could see her cute little butt and her bald pussy in the mirror.

Catherine was in a trance as she watched his face in the mirror. She knew she was showing him everything and had no idea why but it was very exciting and felt safe knowing Timmy was right there. It was like with the guy by the pool - she was waiting for him to look up and meet her eyes and she wasn't going to look away. But he didn't look up! He was staring with his mouth hanging open as Timmy came out of the bathroom.

"Oh - hi, mister Forsyth. I didn't know you were here!"

"Hi, Timmy. I just stopped by to ask if you could call in and mow the lawn for me tomorrow. Mrs Forsyth is onto me to do something about it and I can't get to it with the resort fully booked."

Catherine had lowered her arms but her singlet had remained gathered slightly and both of them were glancing in through the bedroom doorway. She was in a bit of a daze and she stepped over to the corner of the room where her dress was hanging. She fiddled with it and then turned back around to meet the eyes of their visitor.

Timmy was then obscured from view and it was just the older man watching her through the open door. And with he and Timmy still talking he glanced away for a moment and Catherine tugged her singlet up a bit further. She tugged it right up above her hips and went back to brushing her hair, this time facing the man fully.

His head then turned back towards her and she blushed deeply as his eyes widened and focused on her pussy. He looked directly at it and stared quite blatantly while Catherine continued brushing her hair and watching his face. And then Timmy looked around the corner and saw her, and she smiled at him and then met the eyes of the older man for a moment before closing the door.

She was shaking all over as she sat on the bed and then flopped back to lie there staring at the ceiling. Timmy was hurrying the guy along and he soon knocked on the door.


"Come in, Timmy."

He came in and his eyes immediately fixed upon her pussy. The singlet was still bunched above her waist and she was completely on display.

"Do you still want my mouth or would you like to have me properly?" she smiled as she lifted to her elbows.

She scooted back up the bed as he smiled.

He dropped his trousers and shrugged out of his shirt and Catherine opened her legs as she reached back above her head and hugged a pillow. She had her legs bent and her feet flat on the bed and she lifted her hips as he got between her legs with his stiff cock in his fist.

He poked the head into her and released his hold on it as he pushed forward into her. He pressed in some of his length and then withdrew with her juices glistening to about half way. Then he rocked forward and impaled her with it completely and she arched her whole body off the bed as he held her hips and fucked her like that.

She was lewdly spread open and he held her like a rag doll and pumped her. His cock was slopping into her and his balls were slapping her butt. Her juices were dripping from them, she was so wet. She had the presence of mind to pull her singlet the rest of the way up to her neck so he could see her breasts but that was all she had presence of mind to do. Her mind was in an absolute whirl of lust and desire as his powerful body thumped between her legs and his cock speared repeatedly into her, until it finally speared home and held firm throbbing and spurting cum.

Catherine hadn't reached her orgasm but the warm rush that swept over her as she felt him ejaculating was all at once exciting and satisfying in a way. It was as if this was but the beginning of her love making tonight and what she needed now was to dance.

She wriggled out from beneath him and hurried him along but when she zipped up her new dress she had a change of heart and decided it was actually a bit too revealing. She thought of Timmy's sister and the other girls she had met last night and it would be embarrassing to be showing as much as she was.

She could see her breasts in the mirror completely when she bent forward even slightly. And looking down when she was standing up straight her boobs were only half filling the fitted bust of the dress and her nipples were visible like that too.

"Timmy, can you buy me a bra please? I haven't got the one that I need and I can't wear my new dress like this."

Timmy was still smiling from his very pleasurable release and would have agreed to anything. Catherine pulled on her clothes from earlier and her cotton panties in case she dripped at all. She found a perfect little low cut push up bra in one of the first shops they checked. It was purple like her dress and had removable shoulder straps. It was only an A cup but she could squeeze into that, and when she did she had some boob bulging out of her dress and jiggling nicely as she walked around the bedroom testing it out.

She ducked into the bathroom to check her panties and found them to be dry and clean. She had retained all of his cum as well, and the warmth of satisfaction again swept over her. It seemed it was only his brother who made her so messy. Probably because he was so short in length, and she remembered how much semen was in the condom that first time and how thick it was. Although the thought of being all messy from him was nice too.

She had a final check in the full length mirror. Her dress was to mid-thigh with only a small split at the back and with her bra she was only offering what every other girl would be too. She decided she looked fine and the feel of being without panties and fully shaved just added a touch of excitement.

It turned out to be a good thing she was dressed appropriately too because not only was Timmy's sister at the club, his parents and stopped by as well. Although they only stayed a short time and left for their dinner reservation.

Catherine then danced and chatted with virtually the same crowd as the night before, who were all resort staff. They were having their usual get together after work though and didn't stay all that long either.

Timmy's sister took Catherine aside before she left. She was old enough for Catherine to think of her as an authority figure. She was a married woman and had a child so she was entitled to a level of respect and even a touch of fear as Catherine wondered what she wanted a private chat for.

"You know Timmy's a very nice, kind hearted boy don't you, Catherine," she started.

"I know. He's wonderful."

She nodded. "And he really likes you. Can you see that?"

"Yes. I really like him too."

"Yes - but I think he 'really' likes you," she pressed with concern in her voice. "I'm worried he's going to be hurt when you leave."

"But he knows I'm leaving. He's known all along that I'm only here for the week. I'm only here on vacation with my parents and I told him right from the start we're only having fun together."

"I know! That's what he said to me too. But I'm still worried," she went on, squeezing Catherine's hand as she got up to leave. "It's wonderful you kids are having a good time but just be careful with him, okay?"

"Okay - I will," Catherine promised.

And having been somewhat sobered from her naughty party plans by that she immediately found Timmy and took him outside.

"What?" he said defensively as she peered up at him.

"Is everything okay?" Catherine started. "Are we okay?"


"Are we friends? Just friends?"

"No - we're friends with benefits," he grinned.

Catherine giggled. "Okay, but we're not going to be silly when I have to go home are we?"

"No - we're not going to be silly," he said, toeing the ground and looking down at it. "I just want to have fun while you're here because I like you."

She kissed him. "Okay - just checking!" Then she took his hand and led him back inside and straight to the crowded dance floor where they danced and danced. Later at their table they were joined by a guy from behind the bar. It was the staff table they were still sitting at so naturally he would sit there but he was also buddies with Timmy.

"This is my friend, Dirk," Timmy announced. "Dirk, this is Catherine. She's really pretty isn't she?"

"Sure is," Dirk agreed, smiling in response to Catherine's blush.

He was tall, dark and intense looking and Catherine felt a surge of nervousness as his cool green eyes deliberately lowered to her breasts. He was sitting directly across the table from her with Timmy sitting on the end.

As they chatted Timmy noticed him looking at her breasts a lot. She was laughing at everything he said and the way she was sitting forward her breasts were easy to see and they were jiggling like pink jelly with raspberries on top. He could almost see her nipples sometimes and when she giggled that's what he thought of.

"I've been watching you dance," he said to her. "Can I try?"

"Okay!" she smiled and she got up with him. "Come on, Timmy," she said.

"No - I'm going to just watch this time."

Catherine felt a bit shy at first because he was older and very manly with his dark features and his full coverage of stubble that was probably only a two day growth. He was getting right into the music though and she began to relax and dance with him rather than across from him. He then
started touching her more, holding her hips from behind and even rubbing his hands down her thighs and touching the bottom of her dress - then hiking it up a little when she played up to that, wriggling her butt back against him. He also had a move where from behind he would continue working his hands up her body, rubbing over the sides of her breasts before sort of lifting her arms and making her squirm back against him. Then he'd keep dancing behind her and she'd have her hands behind his neck holding him close with her dress gaping and her nipples almost squeezing out the top of her bra.

Then between songs when the music briefly lowered he was holding her hips and he whispered - "And no panty lines," into her ear.

"Uh huh," Catherine whispered back to him, and the music continued with a slow number so he turned her and pulled her close.

His hand then rested on her lower back but his fingers were stroking and softly exploring lower. They were dancing quite close to Timmy and Catherine smiled over the guys shoulder at him. His hand had worked lower though and he felt her bottom quite blatantly.

"No panty lines at all," the guy whispered as she held Timmy's gaze.

"Uh huh,” Catherine responded softly, with the submission in her tone encouraging him further.

He had been holding her right hand close to their chests but he placed it on his shoulder and took her with both arms around her and his head lowered beside hers. He was then looking down her front, and Catherine glanced down and could see her nipples through the lace top of her bra. With her arms raised and her hands clasped behind his neck her shoulders were forward and her dress was gaping completely.

His face was beside hers but he was looking directly down at her breasts as they swayed to the music. She looked to Timmy and saw that he was watching what the guy was doing.

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