Sweet Cheeks (20 page)

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Authors: J. Dorothy

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Sweet Cheeks
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“As long as you're okay.”

Not sure why she's so trusting, I don't really deserve it. But I'm glad she is.

“I'm good. And hey, thanks a bunch.”

“No worries. I'll talk to you soon.”

I press end and look up to see Tanning hurrying over, his arms laden with cups and bags of food. I thought he was getting a sandwich, looks like he's bought out the entire deli. I smile at him. God, he is just the most beautiful person, inside and out.

He bends down to place a sweet kiss on my cheek. “Hey, got you some lunch.”

I chuckle. “You sure about that?”

He frowns at me like I'm crazy. “Yeah.” He holds up the large white bag.

“Looks like a month of lunches and dinners.”

“Well, I thought you might be hungry.”

I am, but I'm hungry for more than lunch right now. I just want to take Tanning home and spend my afternoon in his strong arms, having my wicked way with him.

My thoughts must be written all over my face, because Tanning growls again, and after dropping the bags and drinks on the bench seat, he pulls me into his arms, and this time plants a rather unsweet, all consuming kiss on my lips. Yum, he tastes better than any stupid sandwich. His minty breath and scent of pine soap and cologne is potent, and I swear I could live off his smell alone. He has me hook, line and sinker.

It's right in this moment that my phone rings, and I'm all set to ignore it, as Tanning continues to devour my lips, and caress my body. Then in the back of my mind, I remember who it is, so I very reluctantly part from Tanning, which must be a first, and turn to reach for my phone.

I give Tanning a coy smile as he looks at me with an arched brow. I can’t make him suspicious. I need to play it cool. He must be wondering why I’m so easily distracted. Over our short history, I've never been able to focus on anything, but him, when I’m wrapped in his arms.

“Um, hello,” I answer while Tanning keeps watching me.

“Yeah, it’s me again,” Bailey answers, sounding unsure.

“Oh, hi Bailey.”

“Hi,” Bailey replies, and I give it a few seconds as if she’s telling me something.

“Really. Right now. I guess, I can.” I look at Tanning and shrug.

Bailey remains silent and I keep up the one sided conversation.

“Oh, alright. I’ll be there soon ... Yeah, it’s no problem ... bye.”

I hate being devious. It really grates against my every instinct with Tanning.

I end the call and Tanning keeps looking at me.

“Bailey, um... wants to talk to me.”

Tanning frowns. “Bailey?”

“Yeah, um she’s got some girl stuff, she wants to talk about. You know ... well um ... girl stuff.”

“Girl stuff?”

I give him my best smile and sidle up to him. “I don’t have to go. I can stay here with you. You know I’d rather be with you than anyone else on the planet.”

Tanning chuckles. “On the whole planet, huh?”

I nod. “Most definitely.”

“Not even, if you got to spend the afternoon with Chris Hemsworth.”

I twist my lips. I admitted to Tanning the other day he was my favorite actor and if I ever got the chance to meet him, I’d probably be like one of those psycho fans and attack him. He’s hot, but Tanning's hotter.

“Not even,” I whisper softly and snuggle into his chest, locking my arms around his neck.

I hear him sigh long and deep, as he strokes my hair.  “Nah, that’s okay, I’ll take you to Bailey. I'll see if Cam wants to go for a beer or something. I haven’t seen him in a while.”

Okay, think Jen.

“Cam’s not there. Bailey’s home alone, she kind of wants to talk without Cam around.”

God, where did that come from?

That’s the problem with lies, they just grow exponentially, until they become such whoppers, sometimes it’s hard to remember what the truth was in the first place.

Tanning stops stroking my hair. “Are those two still having problems?”

I shrug. “Not sure. I hope not.”

Tanning sighs again. “Alright. I guess I can find something to do. How long will you be?”

He's so cute, and I wish I could spend the afternoon with him. Sucks, that we’ve only just got together and I’m already being deceptive.

“Not long. Bailey said, Cam’s only out for a few hours, doing some extra work on some project of his.”

“Okay, well we better get going, we can eat on the way. You can’t miss eating.”

I smile and give him a chaste kiss, then we gather up the food and head for the car.

My head is spinning, and my nerves are on edge, wondering what the hell Jason wants and what I’m going to do about it.

His words still echoing in my head, giving me the chills

I intend to collect...

I swallow hard at what the repercussions of that might be.



The bloody red sign of Wicca Woods comes into view and for the first time I don’t admire it, or think about the peacefulness of this place. After today, it might live up to it’s creepy name, but not for its history, more for my own recent history.

I assume Jason wants to meet at the same spot we met those few weeks ago. So much has happened since that day, and I really hope I can convince him, he and I are not going to happen. Not now, not ever. I turn down the dirt track leading to Lover’s Lane and take a huge breath. My nerves are on edge. This place is so isolated, anything can happen out here. I was lucky last time, that car showed up when it did. Today, I don’t intend getting out of my car. If Jason wants to talk, he can talk, while I’m locked in my car.

There is no way I’m taking any chances with Treasure Pot.

I spy his black car, and pull up behind, making sure I can get away first, if need be.

I don’t bother to unbuckle my seatbelt, and I don’t turn off the ignition. With the car idling, I wait and watch as Jason opens his car door and gets out.

He’s dressed in black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, a black denim jacket and black converse sneakers. Doesn’t take much to guess his favorite color.

He smirks at me, and leans casually on the side of his car.

I don’t smile back. I just stare at him and wait. Two can play at this game. I refuse to be intimidated. I won’t let him get under my skin this time.

He continues to stare, then crooks his finger and gestures for me to get out of the car.

I give a slow shake of my head. No way am I doing that. I’m not an idiot.

He slowly unfolds his arms and turns to lean in the open window of his car, and pulls out a rather large white envelope.

What in god’s name is that?

My mind is in overdrive wondering what documentation he’s got his hands on, and how that involves me.

He taps the white envelope and gestures with his curled finger, for me to come to him.

Shit. What now?

My heart is racing, and my palms are all sweaty. I wipe them on my top and jiggle my legs. That envelope he keeps tapping, could contain nothing, it could just be a ruse. Though knowing Jason, that is highly unlikely. If I drive off, and somehow he has proof I’m messing with Travis, that could end in all kinds of disaster. Crap. Now Travis is into drugs and a customer of this scum bag, he could be a constant pain in my ass.

I wish I had a weapon of some kind. Even pepper spray would make me feel a whole lot more confident right now. Then I think of my cell. I can pretend to ring Tanning. Then pretend to keep him on the phone. Or I could actually call someone, and get them to listen in.


I know I’ve asked a lot of her today, but I need some security. I know she’ll help me, and if I don’t have some protection, I could end up in a really dangerous situation. I need to do this discreetly. I don’t want Jason to know. My bag is on the seat next to me, so I feel across and pull my cell out of my bag and put it on my lap, the whole time keeping my eyes set on Jason and his smug face.

I pretend to pick at my fingernails, like I’m getting bored with our stand-off, quickly casting my eyes down to find Bailey’s number, which isn’t hard, since it was the last call I had. Then I press her contact and set the phone to speaker.

“Hello,” I hear her say.

Trying my hardest not to move my lips, I whisper, “It’s me again. Don’t hang up, just keep on the line, and keep listening, okay.”

“Okay,” I hear her reply, with concern in her voice. I can tell she’d like to ask questions this time, but she’s being smart by doing what I tell her.

Still staring at Jason, I discreetly tuck my cell into the top of my shorts, I’m so glad I’m wearing this loose fitting top today, so you can’t notice. I just hope Bailey can hear through the material.

Jason looks like he’s ready to wait all day if need be. I’m going to have to make the first move. I just hope it’s the right one.

I take a huge breath, and switch off the ignition. Then turn my head to open the car door, whispering to the phone, “Can you still hear me?”

“Yes,” I hear a soft voice say.

“Good. Pay attention. But don’t say a word,” I instruct, as I open the door, and put my feet on the ground. My hands are shaking, and my legs are like jelly, but I manage to use the car door to pull myself to standing. I exaggerate my slow movement and my big belly, hoping it will be a huge turn off, or give me a small measure of sympathy. Though Jason is definitely no sucker.

Putting my hand on my hip, splaying out my fingers, so it covers the phone, I waddle closer to Jason. I purposefully left my car door open and the keys in the ignition. I don’t want any panicked moment, where I’m fumbling with car doors or keys, in a race to escape.

“Well, well, decided to get all brave and come and talk to me, little Jen, Jen.” The asshole smirks at me.

God, I could just punch that smirk right off his, butt ugly, face.

“What do you want, Jason?” I say in a loud voice, hoping Bailey is getting all this.

“You know exactly what I want. I shouldn’t need to explain myself again.”


“I’m with someone.”

“The geek from High School.”

How does he know about Tanning?

“It’s none of your business. Now, what did you want? I have places to be.”

“Oh, I’m sure you do. But you’ll like what I have for you. So show some patience and some respect.”

Like I’d ever respect him.

I bite down hard on the soft tissue inside my cheek to stop from a sarcastic retort. He’s being calm and I don’t think it’s a wise move to rile him up.

I purse my lips. “Okay. So what’s in the envelope?”

“Come closer, and I’ll show you.”

Oh God. I’m standing about five feet away, and even that’s too close for my comfort.

I take one small step forward, and he shakes his head and gives me an intense glare.


My insides are squirming, my stomach clenched so tight. It's like he’s asking me to step onto hot coals.

I take two more little steps, and I can smell the rancid odour of smoke and beer pouring off him. God, he’s hideous. How, I ever thought he was some kind of dream boat, I’ll never know. I’d love to go back in time and slap some sense into that stupid little girl.

I scrunch up my nose, and stand still, waiting to see if he makes a move. The suspense is killing me.

He licks his lips. “Mmmmm you smell like strawberries and cream, my favorite desert. Come here, so I can get a taste of you.”

Ugh! Yuk! I almost vomit on the spot, at the thought of his mouth anywhere near me.

But I recognize this game. The one where he’s in control. He always did love to play games, torment me and make me feel like I was worthless in his eyes. I remember him saying lots of sweet things to me, making me feel all gooey inside, before he humiliated me in some way or other. There were so many times I fell for it. I was such a weak idiot.

Those horrid memories surface like it was yesterday ...


“Come on Jen, Jen, you know I was just messing with you last time. You really do have the prettiest eyes, I’ve ever seen. I mean I could get lost in those beauties. Come closer so I can look into them ...”

So I do ... and he tells me to close my eyes, and ready myself for his kiss. I lean forward waiting, pursing my lips. My first kiss, and I want it to be him so badly. Then I don’t feel anything, and I open my eyes, to see all his friends surrounding me, laughing their heads off, making obscene gestures, taunting me about what I can kiss. Oh, god the humiliation. I ran home crying that day, and many other days ...


“No. That’s close enough. Now either, show me what’s in the envelope or I’m leaving,” I say, in as strong a voice as I can muster.  I’m not an idiot any more, and I’m tired of game playing.

Jason tilts his head, like he weighing up his options. “Well, I suppose I could give it to you, but we need to discuss payment.”

I scoff, “Payment. I think I’ve payed enough. Thanks to you.”

“Come on little Jen, Jen, you loved the attention. Admit, it. Otherwise you wouldn’t have kept coming back for more.”

He’s right there. I was so in love with him, or thought I was, that any attention, even the wrong kind, I lapped up, like some starving dog continually being presented with a bowl full of treats.

I cross my arms over my chest and sigh big. “Are you going to give it to me or not?”

He looks up to the blue sky, as if thinking about it, then extends his hand out and offers the envelope.

Well that was easy, maybe a little too easy.

Tentatively I reach my hand forward, my fingers are shaking, but I can’t stop them. Then Jason moves like lightening, and grabs me so fast, I don’t have time to respond. His arms snake around my waist and he pushes me tight against him. The only thought I have is that he doesn’t find my cell. The only life line I have right now.

His breath is even more toxic this close, and my stomach churns.

He breathes in my ear, his gravely voice, piercing every nerve in my body.  ”Much, better. I always want you close to me. You’re mine. Now, be a good girl and listen carefully.”

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