Sweet Is Revenge (15 page)

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Authors: Victoria Rose

BOOK: Sweet Is Revenge
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"Just let her go," it was a new voice and I spun around to see my "uncle" Brian.
Him and my dad had been adopted by the same people
, but he had chosen to go out to see what else was available to him. Now I knew what he had really chosen to give up and I didn't blame him. He was short, my height with blonde hair and friendly eyes.

"Finally, someone is talking some sense around here!" I exclaimed.

"And what do you know of sense?" I looked past uncle Brian to see little Isaiah, Brian's son. I scowled at him.

"Right now is not a time for teasing cousin, I have some pent up frustration I would willingly take out on you," I warned. He smiled his one dimpled cocky smile.

"And who said I was teasing?" I growled and flung myself at him but was held back by two familiar strong arms.

"Let me go Decklin! Let me go! I won't kill
just rough him up a little bit. That will take him down a few notches, being beaten up by a girl," I said, kicking at Decklin.

"Lily," he breathed in my ear. I found myself melting back into his embrace and his grip loosened some. "Save your rage for the group we're about to take out. You know you always get your way and you're going to go. Save your energy," he said, kissing my ear and neck.

"Lily?" Little Isaiah asked with a raised brow. "You hate being called Lily," he said, sounding amused.

"It's different when he says it," I said stubbornly. "Fine, I won't hurt him now, but he can be ready for an ass kicking when this is all over," I said and quickly left the room. I went up to my own room and loaded my guns. I sat on my bed staring at the ceiling for
. When did everything get so out of control? I use to have such a normal life. Now it was filled with mobs and murderers, my family lying to me, falling in love with a man who meant to kill me. It was like a bad daytime TV show. I sighed.

There was a soft knock on my door and I told them to come in. It was my mom. I sighed and sat up. "I'm really sorry mom, I was really angry and didn't mean to take it out on you. You know I don't think of you as a common street whore," I said immediately. She sat down next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. I rested my head against hers.

"I know you didn't Lillian. Like I said, you got your sharp tongue from me," she told me, running her fingers through my hair, getting the knots out. It was soothing.

"What did you say to dad, you know, when he offered to take you away?" I asked quietly. She sighed.

"He asked me if I loved him, really loved him. I thought I was saving him by making sure he wouldn't come back for me. I told him he was nothing but a puzzle to solve and another paycheck in my pocket," she said softly. I felt a pang in my
heart ,
knowing how it must of hurt my dad to hear that.

"Wow, I really did get my sharp tongue from you," I murmured.

"Yeah, and I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to right now Lillian. Brian is the one you should be talking to. He's missed you while you were brooding over Decklin. He loves you and has always adored you. I think he misses the connection you two use to have. I also think he's jealous that you've found somebody to love. He thinks Decklin is going to take his place," she said. My eyes widened. Could my brother really think that? No one could take his place. He was my other half.

"I need to go talk to him," I told her, giving her a kiss on her cheek and standing up. She followed me out of my room.

"That's a good idea, he needs to know things are okay with you if he's going to be able to concentrate tomorrow," my mom said before walking away. Right, I couldn't be the cause of any distraction for anybody.

I made my way to the weight
I knew that Brian would be there, taking out his frustration on our punching bag. When I got close I heard the hard rhythmic pounding of fist hitting bag. I stopped and listened for
. The punches started coming closer together and I could hear his breathing become heavier. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel his frustration, his determination, and mostly his hurt. I knew I had hurt him, deliberately with my words, and non- deliberately with my actions the past month.

I walked into the room and Brian's eyes caught mine in the mirror. He quickly glanced away and hit the bag harder. I sat down, leaning against one of the mirrored walls until he was finished. Finally with a last few hard punches he stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm. He grabbed his water bottle and chugged it, wiping away some of the extra the fell down his chin.

"Here to tell me how much of a fuck up I am, sis?" He asked breathlessly, sitting down next to me. I
he knew that's not why I was there.

"No B-Bear. I came to apologize," I said quietly. He raised an eyebrow, not looking at me but staring straight ahead.

"Whatever for? I'm use to you cutting me to pieces when you're angry, you've never apologized before," he said sarcastically.

"I never felt like I had to before. And I'm not just apologizing for that either," I said. He furrowed his eyebrows, a sure sign of his confusion. "I've been really selfish this past month, or months I should say. We've always been close Bri, and I don't want that to change just because I found someone else. You should know
never take your place. You're my other half, the evil to my good," I said. He laughed.

"You mean the good to your evil," he corrected.

"Whatever you want to think B-Bear. But the thing is, I'm not complete without you and I've treated you like right crap lately and I'm really sorry," I said honestly. He put an arm around my shoulder.

"It's okay Lil. I just don't want to lose you, especially to a punk like Decklin. But I understand how it is to be in love," he said. I looked up at him, surprised.

"When have you ever been in love?" I asked. He stayed quiet, looking at nothing really. It hit me then: Beth. He loved Beth. Loudmouthed, loveable, not supermodel pretty Beth. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it sooner.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded.

"I really didn't peg her as your type. She may be my best friend, but you can do so much better B-Bear," I told him.

"Yeah well, I don't want better. But that's beside the point. Anyway, all apologies accepted, I still love you even if you are annoying and bitchy," he said kissing the top of my head. "Go find lover boy, get some good sleep and don't let Little Isaiah get to you. He's an annoying twit and isn't worth your time. I really don't see why he had to come. Too bad he's not more like his father," he said. I stood up and held out my hand. He shook his head. "Nah, I'm going to sit here for
more and ponder the meaning of life," meaning he was going to sit there and brood over Beth.

"Love you B-Bear," I said before walking away.

I found Decklin in my room, sprawled out on my bed. He looked good there, like he belonged in my bed always. I smiled at the thought. He had his eyes closed but I didn't think he was sleeping. I crawled up next to him and laid my head on his shoulder, kissing his neck, leaving my mark. He groaned and an arm went around my waist.

"I need sleep tonight Lillian, so don't start something that I don't feel like I could finish," he said, opening his blue eyes to look at me. Gosh but was he ever pretty.

"I'm pretty sure I could get you to finish," I said in a quick moment of boldness. I blushed afterwards. Despite what I had done when I was angry, it didn't come naturally to be this outgoing with things of a sexual matter. He laughed when he saw my blush and kissed me soundly on the mouth.

"You know, though I have high expectations and little to no worries, anything could happen tomorrow. I better make this night worth remembering," he said lowly.

And he did. It was so wonderful that afterwards, when he'd fallen asleep, still holding me tightly, I stayed awake thinking about it. How could I be so lucky to finally break Decklin of his womanizing ways? He was such an excellent lover, and I knew that he felt real emotion towards me. He wouldn't lie to me anymore. I felt like I could truly believe him now. It was scary in a way, trusting someone outside of my family and Beth. But
I loved it
I loved him

My brain wouldn't let me go to sleep, so I slipped out of Decklin's grip and threw on some pajamas. I needed to go for a walk, just around the block. I didn't feel like there was any harm in that. But I didn't even make it out the front door before
I was grabbed from behind by someone
and a cloth was put over my mouth, sending me into a black sleep.

Chapter Nineteen:


I was raging mad. Fury swept through my body, making me tremble. I thought I would explode from the anger coursing through me. But more than that, I was afraid. Terrified. Where had she gone? Who had taken her? Had she decided to take the gang down by herself? No- she wasn't that stupid. I didn't have an explanation and neither did anybody else, and that's what was terrifying me and pissing me off.

I woke up early, seeing the spot next to me on the bed
empty which
was odd because Lillian always slept in. I didn't think too much of it, maybe nature had called or she was having coffee with her mom or something. But when I went downstairs, nobody had seen her. We searched the entire house and there was no sign of her anywhere. It wouldn't make sense for her to run away, yet what other choice was there? Nobody could get through the alarm systems. I was freaking out.

"Decklin, calm down," I heard 'little' Isaiah say to me.

"Don't tell me to calm down. I'll fucking calm down when I see her again and she's not hurt," I said harshly. "How the hell could she have been taken? It's all so locked up and there are six of us here," I ran a hand through my hair.

"We have to leave, right now. Fred and a few more of our team are on the way. They won't expect so many of us," Isaiah said with false calm. I sighed but nodded. I trusted him.

"I'll be right back," the younger Isaiah said. "I have to go make a phone call," I raised my eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Who could you possibly have to call right now?" Brian asked his son. Isaiah hesitated for a second too long and I caught onto it.

"I have friends, maybe they can back us up," he said quickly. With that, he left the room. I made an excuse and followed behind him silently. He stopped in the living room, far enough away that no one else could hear him.

"Hey, they are coming quick," he said lowly. My eyes narrowed. It made sense. He didn't have to break
he was already in the house. He had snatched Lillian and had taken her to someone. "They have-" I attacked before he could tell them how many people were coming. I smashed his phone and punched him in the face. He tried pushing me away but I was too strong for him.

"What's going on here?" I heard Isaiah's booming voice ask as he came into the room.

"I figured out how someone could have taken Lillian without us knowing," I said breathlessly, trying to keep Brian's son pinned down. "They had someone on the inside. I followed him because he took just a minute too long to answer
he had to call. He was giving information to somebody over the phone. I stopped him before he could tell them how many people were coming," I said. I hoped they would believe me, even though I didn't have the cleanest record with them. Everyone was silent for a moment. Finally Brian spoke up.

"It makes sense, even if I don't want to believe it," there was disappointment and sadness in his tone. He's been asking a lot more questions lately, when before he wasn't even interested in the business. I didn't think anything of it because I was so excited he wanted to do something with me," he ended quietly.

"Where is she?" Isaiah asked. He didn't answer. I punched him in the face.

"Where the fuck is she?" I growled. He still wouldn't answer. I leaned in close to him. "I don't care if your whole family is in here, if you aren't going to tell us where Lillian is than you're of no use to us and I won't hesitate to slit your throat," I said in a low voice. He gulped.

"They wouldn't let you," he said stubbornly. I looked up at the group watching us.

"You've betrayed us Isaiah, you no longer have our protection," Brian's solemn voice was heard.

"But you're my dad!" He cried out.

"And you've not wanted anything to do with me until this situation came about. As far as I'm concerned I have no son," he replied. Little Isaiah was starting to look scared, and he damn well should have been. I was two seconds away from killing him, but I knew he was our only chance to find Lillian.

"Fine, I'll tell you," he said softly. As much as I hated cowards, at that point in time I was sincerely glad that he was one. "Two miles out of town there's an old barn. She's being kept there with five guards because she's a sneaky bi-"

"Say that last word and I'll cut your tongue out right now," I interrupted. He sighed.

"Anyway, five guards are watching her, he has people set up in the area surrounding the shed, watching for you. She isn't hurt-yet- I just knocked her out. She's probably still sleeping," he said. I looked over at the group.

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