Read Sweet Is Revenge Online

Authors: Victoria Rose

Sweet Is Revenge (16 page)

BOOK: Sweet Is Revenge
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"I think he's telling the truth," Delilah said. "Let's put him in the celhile we're gone. I'm sure we'll all want to talk to him when we get back," she said coldly. I saw the ice in her eyes. She was lethal looking, and I'm sure it wasn't a façade. With all of us together, and then some, we were definitely going to get my girl back.


We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love.

–Madame de Stael


It was cold and dark and I was chained up. There were five guards surrounding me, ogling me like I was candy,
not saying a word. It was like a cheap horror movie really. Sure, they weren't touching me. But they just had to look at me for me to know what they were thinking. I shivered involuntarily. I always knew there was something wrong with Isaiah. I was pretty sure that he hated me because I always made fun of his height, but I make fun of people who are in my family. It's just how I am. It's really not my fault that he's so touchy. He took everything too seriously but I never thought he'd go so far as to kidnap me. And then he stood there, laughing in my face telling me how easy it was.

Of course it was easy for him.
No one suspected him, I mean
Who betrays their family?
Him, obviously.
Not only that, he had to drug me. Stupid guy wouldn't have had a chance without drugging me. He knew I could kick his ass six ways to Sunday. I only hoped that he had gotten caught. Maybe I could kill him myself. God knows I wanted to.

I sat there forever. It could have been hours or days, who really knew? The guards never moved, never talked, just stared. It was really creeping me out. I had to pee, but definitely wasn't going to ask. They'd probably want to watch me, effing perverts.

I knew that Isaiah would squeal. Something would happen and he would admit what he had done. He wasn't a strong person. I just had to be patient and wait until my family came for me. I didn't know much about what they did, but I had no problem believing that they could defeat this group. While they all looked menacing I thought secretly that they were over compensating.

I've never been a patient person though, so waiting was indeed difficult. I became anxious after what I deemed was long enough. Where the hell were they? Would they not come for me? Would Isaiah not be found out? I started to panic. I never panic. I'm always cool and calm. But I started panicking and once I started I couldn't stop. My breathing became harsh and I began to sweat yet I was cold. I was in
full blown
panic mode and nothing was helping. The guards were just watching me. I felt their eyes burning into my skin. I felt their gazes as if they were branding me. I needed out, I could have screamed.

My vision became cloudy, blacking out on the outsides. I was shaking and didn't want to pass out. I was afraid of what they would do to me if I did, not that I was in any position to protect myself all tied up like a roast for Christmas dinner. At that moment, I saw one guard go down. And then another, swiftly followed by the third and fourth one, until there was only one left. He watched his friends go down and was ready for the attack on himself. He spun around as Uncle Brian reached him and stuck a knife in his side. I couldn't do anything as Uncle Brian's eyes met mine and they were wide with shock, starting to glaze over. I might have cried out, I'm not sure. I couldn't hear anything, couldn't feel anything, I could only see the surprise and eventually acceptance as I watched him die in front of me. The guard didn't live much
my dad killed him and caught Uncle Brian as he fell. I struggled.

"Get me out of these chains!" I screamed. "Get them off, get them off,
them off!" The panic was full blown. I felt the chains loosen, but I didn't stop to thank whoever had taken them off. I crawled over to my dying uncle, looking like an idiot on the way because I had lost all feeling in my legs from being in one position for too long. When I got to him I held his head in my lap, tears pouring down my face. He tried smiling at me through the pain and he lifted his hand up to stroke my face. He was my favorite person who was not in my immediate family. No one would take his place.

I vaguely registered that my dad was trying to stop the bleeding, but the guard had hit a fatal place. I wished he were alive just so I could kill him all over again. How dare he take this man away from me? We had grown apart as I got older, but he still held a special place in my heart. It was reserved only for him. Now, it would be empty.

"Don't cry pumpkin," he said hoarsely. "It was worth it. We rescued you right?" He asked. I nodded, not able to say anything. "I got to be your knight in shining armor one more time," he said with a small smile on his face. "Tell Aunty Adrian I love her for me, kay?" He asked. I nodded again. "And you train that Decklin right. He's already wrapped around your finger," it was hard to listen to him
he didn't have the same jolly tone in his voice as I was used to. I knew he was struggling for breath and I wanted to tell him to stop talking, but I didn't want to stop listening to his voice, knowing that this would be the last time I would hear him. "Now, tell me, who's your favorite uncle?" He asked with one of his old grins. I smiled shakily back at him.

"You of course Uncle Bri Bri," I said, finally finding my voice.

"Love you kid," he said.

"Love you too Unc," I said quietly as I watched him close his eyes. I knew he was gone. His life lost because of me, because of his own son as well. Grief overwhelmed me. I didn't think I could bear it. I had never had anyone close to me die, especially not murdered. And murdering that man who was going to harm Decklin, being the cause of someone's death didn't hit me as hard as having someone I loved die. I didn't know it would be so hard, because I had never really thought about it. Some part of me thought that everyone I loved, everyone close to me was invincible. That I had to learn differently hit me hard. When I wanted to give up completely I felt strong arms wrap around me, pulling me to a very familiar muscular body. I turned to him, burying my head in his shoulder and cried.

"Oh Lil, I thought I'd lost you," Decklin's soothing voice rang in my ears, easing the hurt a slight bit. "I woke up and you were gone. I didn't think much of it, but when no one could find you I panicked. I'm so sorry about your uncle Lil, so sorry," I could hear the sorrow in his voice. He was hurting for me. He didn't have to, he didn't know Uncle Brian, but he hurt because I hurt. I knew in that moment I had found my other half. And when we made it through the conflict we were in, I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.

Chapter Twenty-One:
Let Down


Relief swept through me when I saw that Lillian was okay. She wasn't damaged at
the only marks on her body were from where she pulled at the chains on her wrists to get to her uncle. I wish I could have taken the
heart break
from her. Her sorrow was my sorrow, but I couldn't lessen it anymore for her. I fell apart with her as she did so in my arms.

The crying was over as quickly as it started though. She looked up at me, determined. She kissed me hard on the mouth and pulled away, standing up on shaky legs. "We've got to get the rest of them, destroy everyone," she said in a cold tone that I'd never heard her use. I'd used it many times myself, my killer voice. I recognized the look of steel in her eyes as well. She was hell bent on revenge and nothing was going to stop her. I wouldn't even dare to try. Others were not so smart.

"Lillian, honey, I want you to go back to the house," her mother spoke. Lil's cold gaze went towards her mother.

"They just killed my uncle, and you want me to go hide like a sissy?" She asked in a deadly calm voice.

"We want you to be safe," Isaiah corrected.

"No. I'm not going back uncle Brian convinced you guys to let me go last night, and since h-he's not here to convince you again, I'll just have to," she stuttered a little in her speech, fully realizing what she was saying. But she wasn't backing down.

"She's right," I spoke up. Everyone looked at me. "You guys were fine with letting her go after Brian spoke up last night. Stick to what you said. I don't want her to go any more than any of you do, but we could need her. She's
I've seen her shoot.
I saw her murder a man and not flinch
she can do this
. I have faith in her, so should you," I said quietly. Everything inside of me was telling me to take her and run far away from any danger, but honestly there couldn't be that many more. We had killed over fifteen just in the woods surrounding the shed. Just the big guys were left, and they felt so secure in
locked up home that they would be easy enough to get rid of. Lillian sent a hint of a smile my way, a small gesture of a thank you for defending her. I nodded back to her.

"Alright. The main house isn't far from here. We can walk, be quiet, wait for my go ahead and we'll ambush the house. The rest of our team is waiting outside. Don is good with disabling alarm systems so we can sneak in without them knowing we're coming," Isaiah took control of the situation.

We met up with the rest of the team halfway through the woods. It was amazing having such a large group of people and not making any noise whatsoever. I felt invincible, even more so that I had Lillian by my side. The house we came to was not impressive. It was about half the size of Lillian's house but it was the headquarters of the gang we were going to demolish. I could see why they were at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak.

I watched as the man named Don checked the house for wires and disabled all of the alarm systems. When he gave the go ahead we all took our places. We snuck through many different windows in the house slaughtering everyone as we went. It was way too easy and I wondered why we hadn't gotten rid of them before. No one on our team had even a scratch on them. After all the pumping adrenalin it was a super letdown. I felt extremely on edge as I drove Lillian home with me. My fingers tapped anxiously on the steering wheel while my other hand held her, rubbing her knuckles with my thumb. She was tapping her foot to the beat of the music playing on the radio and couldn't sit still.

"I've decided," she started, capturing my attention, "that I am going to beat the shit out of Little Isaiah. It's the only way I can get all the excess energy out," she finished. She looked over at me and smirked. "I can let you have a few punches too if you want, I can feel your anxiety. Kind of a disappointing bust eh?" She asked. I gave her a small smile.

"Indeed, really disappointing. I can think of another way to get all your energy out too," I said, moving my hand from hers to caress her thigh. She smiled and leaned back into her seat, closing her eyes. My hand moved higher, going underneath her shirt, wanting to feel her skin.

"Really hot sex?" She asked, shivering under my touch. I was feeling great suddenly, knowing the effect I had on her, knowing I was the only one to ever make her feel this way.

"Loving you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week,"
I told her, moving my hand down her pants
glad she hadn't worn jeans
. She let out a soft sigh.

"I'm game," she said simply before reaching for my hand and forcing it lower. I felt my body react when I felt how ready she already was. I groaned
I could already see her house in the distance. I wouldn't be satisfied, but I would make sure that she was. I used every little trick I had learned over the years and she reached her orgasm as I pulled up into her driveway. I parked and turned the car off before quickly leaning over to kiss her long and hard on the mouth. She wrapped an arm around my neck, holding me to her. It was slightly uncomfortable with my awkward position, but she drove that all away with her mouth on mine. I pulled away from her.

"Can beating the shit out of Isaiah wait until tomorrow?" I asked breathlessly. No woman had ever made me breathless before Lillian came along. She smiled against my mouth.

"Nope," she said and quickly pulled away from me and got out of the car. I let out a sound of frustration.

"You have no mercy do you?" I asked as I stormed after her. She was already at the front door.

"Well, if you're going to say that I won't do what I was planning to later," she said over her shoulder. "I read about this neat little trick I can do with my mouth and I wanted to try it but," she shrugged, "I guess I'll have to wonder if it can really bring that much pleasure to a guy," she said and walked through the door. My mouth hung open, I was fully curious and completely aroused.

"You fight dirty," I said lowly and followed her to the basement.

I pulled my gun out as soon as Isaiah came into view. If he even thought about hurting one hair on Lillian's head he'd be a dead man. I watched her walk -more like swagger- over to Isaiah. He watched her with hate filled eyes. She kneeled down in front of where he was sitting on the floor. "You're not so smug now are you?" She asked quietly. I didn't see it coming, so Isaiah probably hadn't either, but she reached out and punched him in the jaw. After he got over his initial shock he glared up at her and spit to the side, showing he was bleeding.

BOOK: Sweet Is Revenge
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